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LarstiQlifeless: is there any web frontend for testrepository?13:03
jmlLarstiQ: I have vague recollections of lifeless making something along those lines.13:35
jelmeryou can convert to junitxml, and there is a thingy that can convert that to HTML13:38
LarstiQheh :)13:39
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mthaddonhi folks, is there a way for me to get all revisions since a certain date from bzr log ?14:27
elmomthaddon: yes14:28
elmomthaddon: bzr help revisionspec14:28
mthaddonah, thx14:28
mthaddonelmo: am I missing something? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1541688/14:36
elmomthaddon: I think that just means there were no commits in 201314:38
elmomthaddon: try e.g. 2012 ?14:38
jelmermthaddon: it's annoying, I think there has to be a revision that matches the date you specify14:38
mthaddonjelmer: still no output from "bzr log -r date:2013-01-03.." even though the latest revision has a timestamp of Thu 2013-01-03 10:32:11 -070014:39
jelmerah, hmm14:40
jelmernot sure then, sorry14:40
mthaddoninterestingly, "bzr log -r date:2012-01-01.." gives me the the entire log (oldest revno is 2012-03-26)14:40
jelmerVila: do you know perhaps?14:41
vilamthaddon, jelmer: out of the blue, I'd say -rdate:2013-01-03 evaluates to 2013-01-03 23:59:59 which is after the last rev ?14:43
mthaddonvila: I've tried it with 2013-01-01 and it's still empty - I think it's because the merged revision is from 2012-11-30, so it's using that rather than the date it was actually merged14:44
jelmerah, hmm14:45
mthaddonnope, not that either...14:45
mthaddon"bzr log -r date:2012-11-29.." also empty14:45
mthaddonhave to go back to "bzr log -r date:2012-10-04.." to get any output14:46
LarstiQmthaddon: before:date:2012-11-29?14:46
xnoxwhat is the date of the for last commit?14:48
xnoxalso did you add -n0 to the log command?14:48
* xnox thought date: resolves to the first commit after the specified date.14:49
mthaddonthe last commit is from "Thu 2013-01-03 10:32:11 -0700" - I'm not adding -n014:49
xnoxand the one before? (forelast)14:50
mthaddonThu 2012-10-04 13:14:32 +010014:51
mthaddonit's like it's ignoring the last one for some reason14:52
vilamthaddon: looks like a regression introduced in 2.5 :-( 2.4 gives the expected behavior, can you file a bug ?14:55
vilamthaddon: you're using 2.5 or 2.6 right ?14:55
mthaddonvila: will do, thanks14:56
mthaddon`vila: any ideas how long it'd take to fix? - wondering whether to work around it for my use case, or if it'll just be a few days or so15:09
LarstiQvila: are you still using dvc?15:13
* LarstiQ is annoyed by windows jumping around15:13
vilamthaddon`: no idea, get in touch with the lp team that is responsible for bzr maintenance :-/15:14
mthaddon`vila: ok, thx15:15
vilaLarstiQ: yes, still using dvc, no window jumping here though, which windows ?15:15
LarstiQvila: I have a dvc-status and a regular file side by side. Hitting c in dvc-status throws up a log-edit buffer in the non-dvc window. ^C^C and the windows swap, now with a dvc-commit buffer in the non-dvc-status window15:18
LarstiQHitting q there gets me back to my file15:18
vilaLarstiQ: wow, I never type anything in dvc-status, I'm always in dvc-diff instead15:23
LarstiQvila: maybe I need to learn that :)15:23
vilaLarstiQ: and I use 'bzr add RightPath' rather than adding from dvc-status (which I use only as a check)15:24
LarstiQvila: ah right, I forgot you can run a shell in emacs15:26
vilaLarstiQ: where else can you run a shell ? (Sorry couldn't resist)15:27
LarstiQvila: :)15:27
vilaLarstiQ: and by the way C-H m says that 'c' in dvc-status indeed calls dvc-log-edit, if you want to go to the file your cursor is on, just hit return15:29
LarstiQvila: ah but dvc-log-edit is what I want15:30
LarstiQor think I want :)15:31
vilaLarstiQ: what does dvc-log-edit ?15:32
LarstiQvila: prompt me for a commit message, and then commit15:32
vilaoh crap, yeah, that's what I use15:33
vilameh, then I C-c C-c and that commits...15:33
vilaLarstiQ: sorry, I thought you were seeing a different workflow15:34
vilaLarstiQ: ok, I understand your concern15:35
vilaLarstiQ: the thing is, it's wired for me: after a commit I get the *dvc-commit* buffer, check that all went well and hit one of my shortcuts to get back to my file, I didn't even realize I was doing that15:36
vilaLarstiQ: i.e. I don't hit 'q' in the *dvc-commit* window which is where I lost track of your experience15:36
LarstiQvila: aha!15:37
* LarstiQ tries that workflow15:37
LarstiQvila: hmja, at the point I commit with ^C^C the windows already swap.15:41
* LarstiQ tries looking at the dvc code again.15:41
vilaLarstiQ: yeah, they swap here too and that's not ideal, but dvc-diff (which is lost) is one the commands I use the most so it's also bound and wired ;)15:43
vilaLarstiQ: but you're right, that's worth fixing !15:43
LarstiQvila: next question, if I'm not bothering you too much, can dvc-diff show things in ediff mode (by default)?15:43
* LarstiQ finds the plain emacs diff mode unreadable15:44
vilaLarstiQ: but ediff requires two buffers for each file plus a control one.. How would that work for a whole tree ?15:47
LarstiQvila: hmm. Wonder what magit uses then15:47
* LarstiQ is still quite getting to grips with emacs15:48
vilaLarstiQ: I may be misunderstanding again, what difference are you talking about ? ediff shows diffs *inside* the lines two, is that what you're after ?15:49
vilas/two/too/ I hate that tyop more than the others ;)15:51
LarstiQvila: that, and highlighting of the hunks15:52
* LarstiQ has figured out how to make it stop wrapping lines15:52
LarstiQalthough that resets on refresh, hmm15:53
vilaLarstiQ: what kind of highlighting ? I have some tweaks locally, so old I had to check if they were where I thought15:55
vilaLarstiQ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1541850/15:56
vilaLarstiQ: not ediff, but readable enough for me15:56
LarstiQvila: cheers!15:56
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lifelessLarstiQ: I keep threatening to make one18:57
lifelessLarstiQ: but there isn't a canned one, no.18:58
lifelessLarstiQ: openstack uses subunit to write html directly, their converter is on hithub18:58
LarstiQlifeless: ah, I'll tell hpk about that (he was the one asking about it)18:59
LarstiQlifeless: I'm having some trouble locating that, https://github.com/openstack-infra/nose-html-output is not quite it19:19
lifelessLarstiQ: https://github.com/openstack-infra/config/blob/master/modules/jenkins/files/slave_scripts/subunit2html.py19:29
LarstiQlifeless: thanks!19:29
lifeless(I had to ask in #openstack-infra :P)19:29
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Noldorinhow do i configure the commit message editor??22:14
bob2what would you guess the answer to be?22:41
lifelessNoldorin: there is an environment variable you can set22:45
lifelessNoldorin: its in the docs22:45
Noldorinlifeless, the docs also say i can use "bzr config editor=vim" to set it22:45
Noldorinbut that doesn't work...22:45
lifelesshmm, thats since my time, I don't know anything about the new config stuff22:46
bob2export VISUAL=vim22:52

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