
Greylockscan anyone help me with SASL authentacation for Quassel IRC client?00:50
beatsonlineUnit193: How do I open the 'software center' from the command line again ??01:16
Greylockswb AmberJ01:17
Greylocksdoes no one knows about SASL for Quassel?01:38
AmberJ_Hello Greylocks01:39
AmberJ_No idea. I don't use Quassel!01:40
Greylockshello Amber thank you for answering01:40
beatsonlineAmberJ_: Is that amber graner ?01:40
Unit193beatsonline: Nope.  And try the command lubuntu-software-center01:47
AmberJ_nope beatsonline01:47
Unit193Greylocks: It's in account preferences, or "identity"01:48
GreylocksI see use SSL Key and SSL Certificate ? both want me to load a file...any idea where I can get it?01:56
Unit193http://freenode.net/sasl/ has setup for several clients.01:59
Greylocksthank you02:17
beatsonlineUnit193: Thank-you.04:28
Unit193beatsonline: You got it?04:28
beatsonlineI tried Vavoom too ... it works ..04:29
JDudeI'm having weird compatibility issues between my LibreOffice Writer program and actual MS Word. Does anyone have any alternatives to LibreOffice Writer, that still function almost identically to MS Word?04:35
Unit193LO is going to get as close as you can, though you can try other formats.  MS Office doesn't follow it's own doc spec, so trying to get something that is compatible isn't easy.04:37
JDudeYeah. It's actual quite strange. My documents open from my original MS Word install, but they say "The file is corrupted" and that I have to restore them. Which means I have to resave the document in my dropbox. And what makes it weirder is that it only happens on my mac installation, not windows..04:39
JDudeI couldn't operate abiword very well because it is quite different and I couldn't find any of the buttons I'm used to.. Also it has a graphical glitch on my machine when scrolling it flashes grey.. kinda odd.04:40
JDudeUnit193: What do you mean I can "try other formats" ? For a .docx file or only for a Excel file?04:41
mysteriousdarrenJDude: I use word through wine, works fine for me.04:41
JDudeThat may be an option, but I kinda running on very poor hardware here, is that RAM/cpu intensive?04:42
mysteriousdarrenJDude: I run it on one of these http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=249604:44
mysteriousdarrenjust something I have sitting around04:45
JDudenice! Yeah, I'm trying to revive the netbook with a cheap nc110 I had laying around: http://www.pcworld.com/product/868118/nc110-a01-10-1-black-netbook.html04:47
mysteriousdarrenJDude: Make sure its the newest wine though04:48
JDudemysteriousdarren: was it particularly hard to get MS word? Do you have a license or did you find it for free?04:48
mysteriousdarrenJDude: PM me04:49
mysteriousdarrenJDude: Word and Excel 2007 work perfect all the time ive used them04:51
JDudeokay I'll look into that. Thanks.04:52
mysteriousdarrenJDude: NP, let me know if you need anything else04:54
mysteriousdarrenJDude: I have wine 1.804:57
JDudeOne more question: So my brightness isn't working on my screen. What should I do to try and troubleshoot this? I was trying to remap some keys to XF86BrightnessUp/Down but that didn't work. Could I need additional drivers for it?04:58
mysteriousdarrenon that laptop you showed?04:59
mysteriousdarrenits no fn+up or down? or sometimes one of the f keys05:00
JDudeI remapped them so I'm actually getting a little HUD that has a scroll bar and a sun (brightness bar) that I can adjust, but it doesn't actually do anything to the screen.05:01
JDudeeven when I lock the screen, the screen goes black, but the backlight is still on. I'm thinking it may be drivers..05:02
mysteriousdarrenJdude: I think so as well. do you have the right drivers?05:04
JDudemysteriousdarren: you know what, nevermind. I should be googling before asking. Disregard my last question because I haven't tried this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/92809/brightness-problem-nc110-samsung yet05:05
mysteriousdarrenactually I read that a while back, wow forgetful05:05
JDudemysteriousdarren: haha well thanks for your help anyway :P05:06
mysteriousdarrenyup anytime05:06
AscavasaionWhat application doe I need to install to control audio properties please?08:58
jiridoHi i just installed lubuntu 12.04 and gona terrorize you with Q's for a while :) First of.. i can't make bookmarks in pcmanfm by drag and dropp like usual.. Why can that be?13:25
jiridosecond.. is there any guide to theming in lubuntu..13:27
jiridowhat sort of themes is there getting set in LXAppearance13:47
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KalidarnI like lubuntu, but these regressions are starting to give me the shits.16:21
Kalidarnfor example, in 12.04, often PCManFM would crash16:22
Kalidarnand now it would seem in 12.10 if you have a directory with a # symbol in it, you can't open the files.16:22
Kalidarnie "mkdir -p ~/directory_level1/#directory_level2/ && cp some.jpg ~/directory_level1/#directory_level2/ and then try to open it with say Image Viewer16:23
Kalidarnyou'll get "contains no data", purely because it's trying open the root directory in the image viewer.16:23
Kalidarnwith other applications like say gnome-mplayer, it will load every video file into the playlist.16:23
Kalidarnnot sure if it's related to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207424216:24
Kalidarnoh yeah and in 12.04 i don't think you could open video files on smb shares.16:24
KalidarnPCManFM is a notoriously buggy file manager :(16:24
Kalidarnand if these bugs are fixed upstream, we don't see them in Lubuntu until the "next version", which in my opinion is unacceptable :P16:25
holsteinKalidarn: watch the language..16:26
holsteinKalidarn: you are working on fixing bugs for pcmanfm?16:26
Kalidarni might file one for this, im not sure how it didn't get detected.16:27
Kalidarnstrangely seems to be only the # symbol, no other symbols or numbers in directory filenames cause issues16:27
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 877794 in pcmanfm "pcmanfm can't open files with hash (#) in their filename" [Medium,Closed: errata]16:29
Kalidarnlooks like it has been found already16:29
Kalidarnyeah fixed in 1.1.0, we have 1.0.1 in lubunut.16:29
Kalidarnso a backport would be in order16:29
Kalidarni guess i can open a bug on launchpad and hopefully have it fixed.16:33
holsteinKalidarn: you can file backport bugs16:34
holsteinKalidarn: its already fixed, correct?16:34
holsteinKalidarn: i would get someone to confirm it.. then file a backport bug, and go from there16:34
Kalidarnyeah that redhat bug is closed, as fixed in that version16:38
holsteinKalidarn: then, i would test in ubuntu, get someone to confirm (which i can help with) and then go for the backport16:39
Kalidarnyeah i might try the lubuntu daily ppa:?16:40
Kalidarnppa:lubuntu-dev/lubuntu-daily ?16:40
Kalidarnand yes I can confirm, that it is fixed in pcmanfm (1.1.0+bzr871+201211250303~quantal1)16:44
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lesshastein lubuntu how can i set up a vpn?22:00
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN22:01
holsteinlesshaste: should be similar to any buntu... might need to add packages22:01
Newkhttp://vimeo.com/25473955  << here's why you should drink tap water instead of bottled water22:04
beatsonlineIn Lubuntu QUESTION:: How do disable the screensaver as it only goes up to 720 minutes for me and I hate keep on going over to the blank screen to see if it is actually on or not ( and no I don't just wanna change the screen saver - I want it on all the time).. ????22:21
holsteinbeatsonline: i would change the screensaver.. meaning switch to another one22:56
holsteinbeatsonline: not sure why yours is cutting off after 720 minutes, but maybe another program will work for you22:56
holsteinNewk: you should drop that in the offtopic channel22:58
beatsonlineholstein: I don't want a screen saver operating at all ( thought I made that clear) ..23:01
beatsonlinebut i will do it oin offtopic23:01
holsteinbeatsonline: nope.. but im sure me or one of the other volunteer can help if you elaborate23:01
beatsonlineI dont want a screensaver to operate ...23:02
holsteinbeatsonline: the offtopic suggestion was not for you.. it was for the user with th nick " Newk "23:02
holsteinbeatsonline: i just disable the screensaver23:02
holsteinbeatsonline: you can also remove it23:02
beatsonlinehow ?23:02
holsteinbeatsonline: i click "disable screensaver" in the screensaver options23:02
beatsonlinethere isn't one.23:02
holsteinbeatsonline: where you are selecting screensavers, you can choose "none"23:03
holsteinthen, set the poweroptions to not blank the screen23:03
holsteinbeatsonline: i find these settings more "fiddly" with lxde23:03
beatsonlinegot it , thank-you.. silly me again :)23:04
jiridoHi how do i change theme in lxdm and where can i find themes?23:26
beatsonlinejirido: Goodquestion .. anyone else know ?23:29
holsteinjirido: you mean, the greeter?23:56

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