
rvbajam: mgz Hey guys, would you mind having a look at bug #1100091 ?10:55
ubot5bug 1100091 in MAAS 1.2 "Kernel opts tagging feature missing completely" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110009110:55
mgzrvba: indeed, we were putting it on 1.2 but you guys were trying to do a release from that so we took it off11:19
mgzif it's now wanted in a 1.2 release, it will need backporting11:20
rvbamgz: Thanks for having a look.  What's weird is that the support is partially implemented (the db migration to add the new field is there for instance).11:22
rvbamgz: I guess we need to clarify if it's a 1.2 or not.11:23
mgzthe db migration stuff is there because migrations only work in a linear fashion11:24
mgzso, you can't backport one db change, but not the parts previous to it, without messing stuff up11:24
jammgz, rvba: last word I heard was that bigjools didn't want it to land in 1.2 at all.11:39
rvbajam: well, Julian is the one who asked me to have a look at that bug.  I added a comment on it; I guess we will see what he has to say about it.11:41
rvbamgz, jam thanks for your input guys.11:41
rvbaroaksoax: Hi Andres, do you manage to get nodes enlisted in your environment?  Because we're having trouble doing this in the lab and we're wondering if there isn't a problem with the ephemeral images…15:05
roaksoaxrvba: howdy!! yeah im enlisting just fine. is this precise you are using?15:07
rvbaroaksoax: yes15:08
rvbaroaksoax: the nodes end up with an empty /etc/resolve.conf and the cannot do much.15:08
roaksoaxrvba: is there a screenshot of the failure?15:09
rvbaroaksoax: not really, but I can send you a log file if you want.15:10
roaksoaxrvba: adam_g reported yesterday a failure after a cloud-init update15:10
roaksoaxso might be related15:10
roaksoaxsmoser: ^^15:10
smoserephemeral images have not changed.15:12
smoserand should not be affected  by cloud-init in -updates15:12
roaksoaxsmoser: whats the bug thst adam_g reported yesterday?15:14
roaksoaxrvba: logs would be helpful15:14
rvbaroaksoax: the failure itself is simple: in the logs, I see lots of "unable to resolve archive.ubuntu.com" and then the node gets enlisted with a stupid name because of bug #1081660.15:18
ubot5bug 1081660 in maas-enlist (Ubuntu) "If maas-enlist fails to reach a DNS server, the node will be named ";; connection timed out; no servers could be reached"" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108166015:18
roaksoaxrvba: check squid-deb-proxy maybe?15:21
rvbaLogs looks fine…15:21
rvbaWe're trying with an old ephemeral image…15:21
rvbaJust to be sure smoser ;)15:21
smoserrvba, ephemeral images have not been updated to my konwledge15:22
smoserif you're using dailies, something could be wrong15:23
rvbaDamnit, it worked15:24
smoserrvba, were you using dailies ?15:27
rvbaWe're using the daily images in the lab indeed.15:27
smoseryeah. ok. so there is work to fix there then. i'm not sure what :-(15:28
rvbaThe symptom was: the image was dhcp booting ok but ended up with an empty /etc/resolve.conf15:29
smoserrvba, are you easily able to test quantal daily ?15:32
smoserwait. not woth it.15:32
rvbaall right15:33
rvba(but the answer would have been 'yes')15:34
roaksoaxrvba: the kernel opts stuff was removed from 1.2?16:46
roaksoaxrvba: as in the stuff that allows us to specify extra kernel opts?16:46
roaksoaxwith tags16:46
roaksoaxjam: ^^16:46
rvbaroaksoax: it was removed from 1.2 because Julian told jam the 1.2 was supposed to contain only bugfixes and no new features. Apparently…16:47
rvbaroaksoax: maybe we will revise that but we're waiting for Julian to decide :)16:48
roaksoaxthanks for the info16:49
bitwizdoes this error have anything to do with the error WARNING **: mirror does not support the specified release (precise)? I am also getting that error when a node pxe boots the inital install16:52
bitwizthe console log also show INFO: mirror does not have any suite symlinks. When i run the wget command on a virtual console one the node, i get a line for both Suite and Codename16:55
roaksoaxsmoser: so simply said, the fastpath installer is different kernel opts with different user-data right?17:04
smoserare there different kernel opts ?17:04
smoserok. so what it is ...17:05
smoserroaksoax, it is possible that i could have changed that else on line 51 btter17:07
smoserroaksoax, yea... so really the only additional prameter to the ephemeral environment is 'ds=nocloud-net17:09
roaksoaxsmoser: ack17:09
smoserwhich convinces cloud-init it should just use the stuff from cloud-config-url= and not expect a datasource.17:09
roaksoaxsmoser: so in this case cloud-config-url is the contents of the /etc/maas/FAST-PATH-INSTALLER file17:10
smoserthat is an empty file. that just indicates if it should be taken or not17:10
smoserthe payload is in 'preseed_fastpath' (see first hunk)17:11
smoserhtat file is wrtten by the command listed in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smoser/+junk/xinstall.maas/view/head:/README.maas17:11
smoserwe might be able to get rid of the different kernel param17:12
smoserand that is probably the correct fix.17:13
smoseras it maas's life much simpler.17:13
roaksoaxyeah i'm just trying to visualize how to do this17:14
roaksoaxrvba: so we have an issue, maas doesn't support raring17:15
roaksoaxrvba: and it doesn't really makes sense to hardcode stuff17:17
smoser"maas doesn't support raring"17:24
smosera.) that needs to be fixed17:24
smoserb.) why does that matter here17:24
smoserc.) what does that mean (doesnt support installing?)17:24
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah17:24
roaksoaxsmoser: raring is not a 'supported' release within MAAS17:24
roaksoaxsmoser: since it is being hardcoded17:25
roaksoaxit was automatically detected before but was decided to not use that and hardcode it for the time being17:25
roaksoaxsmoser: we will not be using this right? # this line just says to use a different url (with -root.tar.gz)17:39
smoserroaksoax, well, the end goal is that we'll be using a -root.tar.gz to install from.17:43
smoserbut we only have available on maas.ubuntu.com/images partition images.17:43
smoserelsehwere in that doc README.maas it explains it (see line 55)17:44
roaksoaxsmoser: ok, so we need 1. create the -root images (i'm guessing with maas-import-pxe-files)17:47
roaksoax2. create /usr/share/maas/preseeds/preseed_fastpath on the fly17:47
roaksoax3. have a tag that tells a system to fastpath17:47
roaksoax4. have a tag that tells a system extra user-data17:48
roaksoaxto be integrated with 217:48
smoser1 should happen on the server side. tthe client should not need to create those. although it is sufficiently easy, so maybe that makes sense. it does require root though :-(, so maybe not.17:50
smoseranyway. .. .one way or another we need to have -root.tar.gz files availble for the installer to get at.17:50
smoseri might generalize 3 and 4 into one thing from maas perspective.17:51
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah i already have the tags stuff17:52
roaksoax(r partially)17:52
smoser if a node has a tag (through inheritance or directly) named 'install_preseed', then use that preseed.17:52
roaksoaxsmoser: the -root needs to be created on server side once maas-import-pxe-files is invoked though17:52
smoserthis can probably be done in the existing preseed manner.17:52
smoserideally, maas's knowledge of "fast path" should come down to17:53
roaksoaxsmoser: i'f the tag is fastpath=True, then I tell that the purpose is fastpath (which could be 'commissioning', or 'install')17:53
smosera.) allow tag data to affect preseed data17:53
smoserb.) boot ephemeral image as the installer17:53
smoserc.) (if we have to) allow tag data "fastpath_install_kernel_opts='ds=nocloud'" to affect kernel options to 'b'17:54
smoserthat make sense ?17:54
smoserthen maas really is completely unaware of "fastpath"17:54
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah17:55
roaksoaxsmoser: this is what I was thinking: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1542176/18:04
smoserdone use the string fast path18:06
smoserand decouple "preseed_input" from "should_install_use_ephemeral_environment"18:07
roaksoaxsmoser: so tag would be ephemeral_install18:08
roaksoaxor similar18:08
smoserand then... the preseed templates18:09
smoserwhen theyu're rendered, do they have access to the node ? and its tags ?18:09
smosercarp. i thought tags had values. that sucks.18:10
smosera tag as "kernel_opts"18:10
roaksoaxsmoser: they should yes18:10
smoserno. i'm saying tags do not have values. its not key-value.18:11
smoserits just key.18:11
smoserwhich sucks.18:11
smoserand its limited to 256 chars18:11
smoserwhich also sucks18:11
smoseryou'll have to ask the maas devs about this. i dont udnerstand it really.18:12
smoseroh.. ok. re-using the kenelopts stuff. we can just override that. here..18:13
smoserwe add maas awareness of one tag:18:13
smoser installer_ephemeral_kernel_opts18:13
smoserif that is set, then it uses the 'kernel_opts' for that and uses the ephemeral environment for install18:14
smosererr... i guess you can cut the 'kernel_opts' part off the name18:14
smoserhten, to allow the user to atually put useful *DATA* into the preseed path, we will need to put another field in.18:14
smoserinto the tags, but lets just call it "value" or something.18:14
smoserthat make sense?18:15
smoserwhy oh why does a tag not have a value *and* be limited to 256 chars18:15
roaksoaxsmoser: right, that's similar to what I;m doing18:16
smoserheh. i guess we could just use tag names like:18:16
smoser installer_opts=http://place.where.my.opts.are18:16
smoseri dont know.18:16
smoserha. funny.18:18
smoserwe just overload 'comment' with data18:18
smoserbase64 encoded data.18:18
smoserthen, if the preseed templates have access the currently executing node's tags, we can base64 decode there.18:19
roaksoaxthat too18:19
smoserjtv, anyone here able to explain to me why a tag would be so limited value ?18:20
smoserroaksoax, the more long term fi for this would be to have maas know about some "installer_input" and actually handle that specifically18:20
roaksoaxi guess i'll have to discuss this with the MAAS team18:21
smoserdo you know if we can get at node's tags in the preseed?18:21
roaksoaxsmoser: if we add them to the context we can18:21
smoserthey shoudl definitely be part of the context18:22
roaksoaxso I'll first work on getting the boot stuff, kernel params, image, etc, working as expected18:23
roaksoaxthen will deal with the preseed that18:23
roaksoaxpreseed data18:23
roaksoaxsmoser: Hold on18:33
roaksoaxsmoser: so we can do this: maas-cli tag create --name=00-default-console --definition=true \ --kernel_opts=console=ttyS018:34
roaksoaxmaas-cli tag create --name=ephemeral_install --definition=true  --ephemeral_install_data=XYZXYZXYZXYZ18:34
roaksoaxmgz: ping18:37
smoserroaksoax, ephemeral_install_data ?18:43
smoseryou're saying we'd have to add that.18:44
roaksoaxsmoser: so if I do this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1542262/, that means that we can define a tag with *any* name18:47
smoserdefinition is not that though. defnition describes the nodes that it applies to18:47
roaksoaxsmoser: right, forget about definition :)18:47
roaksoaxso we owuld be adding another attribubte to the tag18:48
smoseroverload comment18:48
roaksoaxso the tag would have a name, definition, and ephemeral_install_data attribute18:48
roaksoaxand comment18:48
smoseroh wait. that might not work because tag is probably unique18:48
smosermaybe it is id ont now.18:48
roaksoaxright so we can create a tag  name=ephemeral, comment='ephemeral install', definition='whatever', ephemeral_install_data='data to use at install time'18:49
smoserright. i get what you're saing. we could do that. but i'd say that it shouldn t be "ephemeral_install_data"18:49
smoserit should just be "value"18:49
roaksoaxsmoser: you mean this?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1542272/18:51
roaksoaxsmoser: so the 'name' would *always* have to be say 'ephemeral_install' and we would have to check for that18:51
smosertags dont work here i dont think.18:52
smoser'name' is unique18:52
roaksoaxsmoser: so if someone defines: name='ephemeral_installer' value='blob' it wouldn't work18:52
smosernot unique per-node, but unique.18:52
roaksoaxso we would have to check for the name of the tag18:52
roaksoaxsmoser: now the problem is how to pass the user data18:56
roaksoaxsay we create a tag with --value=/path/to/filename we would need to modify the cli18:56
roaksoaxto open the file, convert it in a base64 blob18:56
roaksoaxetc etc18:56
smoser--value wont work19:00
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