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mptHi snwh!!!14:59
mptOh dear, what did I do15:03
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snwhmpt, what did you do?15:41
mptsnwh, you complained how quiet #ubuntu-design was, so I said "Hi snwh!!!" and "LOUD NOISES" and you dropped off IRC immediately16:09
snwhmpt, oh. I wasn't complaining, it was just an observation. :) -and skype had crashed by computer :/16:12
mptYou make a valid point, though, we should do more here16:13
snwh"Topic for #ubuntu-design set by wendar at Fri Dec 16 12:02:30 2011"16:13
snwh2011 lol16:13
mptRight now I'm designing the fix for bug 103322616:14
ubot5bug 1033226 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "No close option, only restart" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103322616:14
snwhI've been getting feedback from gnome designer regarding an icon I did for dconf-editor (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7027392/dconf-editor.svg)16:15
mptA consummate V16:16
snwh /me googled16:17
snwhi was thinking  consummate as in marriage night16:18
snwhI'm still confused.16:21
mpt"And then, using consummate Vs, give him teeth, spinities, and angry eyebrows."16:22
mptAnyway, the point is that that checkmark looks a bit more like a V than a checkmark. :-)16:22
mptMoving it to the left would fix that.16:23
snwhthere's an "unmagnified" that's outside the glass too that is unseen on white16:25
snwhand I did have a smaller 'v' in an older version: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7027392/dconf-editor-alt.svg16:25
snwhmpt, since you're working on it :P - I've just noticed that the tabs are bit close to the "Techinical Description" https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7027392/updater.png16:37
mptsnwh, true, I want to merge those tabs into a single field16:38
mptbut I'd better discuss that with mterry16:38
snwhI also thought that it doesn't expand very much either -the treeview especially for a long list16:39
mptugh, yeah, expanders are busted in GTK generally16:39
mptBy default it's supposed to be "tall enough to show six items in the list, with a minimum height of three items"16:40
mptBut then it doesn't resize properly when you collapse it, so you resize it manually, then when you expand it it tries to obey that manual sizing, etc16:40
snwhOh GTK16:41
snwhspeaking of GTK, do you know (or know of someone who can tell me) how the breadcrumbs a la GCC are done? we want to emulate them in unity tweak tool.16:42
mptGCC has breadcrumbs?16:43
mptoh I see16:43
snwhthe All Settings > Whatever16:43
mptsnwh, <https://code.launchpad.net/~software-store-developers/software-center/4.0> has better ones, with interlocking buttons16:44
mpt(we dropped them altogether in 5.0)16:44
snwhcool, cause right now we have duplication with the toolbar and overview layout https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7027392/utt.png16:46
mptIf you have just that many panels, you don't need those toolbar buttons at all17:00
mptAnd if you have only two levels of hierarchy -- the table of contents + the individual panels -- you don't need breadcrumbs either17:01
mptsnwh, you could have something like the navigation mocked up in <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareAndUpdatesSettings?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=drivers-settings.mockup.png> instead.17:02
snwhmpt, the All Settings button, just being a button to the front page?17:05
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