
pittiGood morning06:12
pittidesrt: the one commit we reverted that makes the "close last tab" crash go away is now causing the critical that we see in deja-dup's test06:14
pittidesrt: pythonpath> really? that seems to work for me, e. g. in jhbuild I get06:15
pitti$ PYTHON=python3 jhbuild run python3 -c 'import gi; print(gi._overridesdir)'06:15
pittidesrt: there is no "list", there's only one override dir per python version06:16
robrupitti, good morning! Thanks for merging my dbusmock stuff. we really needed that ;-)06:37
pittihey robru, good morning06:37
robrupitti, just curious, when do you think dbusmock 0.4.0 will be officially released?06:37
pittirobru: my pleasure!06:37
pittirobru: fun thing, another Canonicalizen pinged me yesterday about the daily packages, and said "they are great, but they would be perfect with logging over D-BUS" :-)06:38
robrupitti, haha, great06:38
pittirobru: if you just need packages, you can always use the debs from https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/+archive/daily-builds06:39
pittirobru: but if you need it as a build dep, I can release it this week still if it's urgent06:39
robrupitti, not urgent; I already backported the package for a PPA that we're using in quantal. just curious how long it will be before I can drop that backport and use an official package ;-)06:40
pittirobru: I want to work on some more g-s-d test cases this week, for that I'm probably going to need some more templates06:40
pittiso I think I'll release next week06:41
robrupitti, cool, no worries.06:41
robrupitti, take the time to make it great ;-)06:41
robrupitti, I mean, it's already great, but you know what I mean ;-)06:41
robrudon't rush it ;-)06:42
jibelgood morning07:27
robruhey pitti, since I'm now trying to write a vala wrapper around this dbusmock api you just merged... do you have any guesses as to what the vala method signature definition would look like for a method that returns 'a(tsav)'? I'm quite new to Vala so I really don't have a clue here.07:37
pittirobru: hm, I'm afraid my Vala exercises have been quite a while ago, and I didn't get beyond a 50 liner :(07:40
pittiso not off the top of my head07:40
robrupitti, hehe, ok. I'm also much more comfortable with python ;-)07:40
robrupitti, but I'm trying to learn and I can't seem to find much documentation here ;-)07:41
pittibut for C, a() maps to a normal array, t to guint64, s to a normal string in vala; for av I'm not sure, how Vala maps variants07:41
pittirobru: I had expected that you'd use GDBus and that this just gives you a single Variant?07:41
robrupitti, not sure...07:41
robrupitti, I'm expanding some existing code that was written by kenvandine, and it seems he's made a new object that inherits directly from GLib.Object, and somehow this is able to make dbus calls...07:42
robrupitti, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~super-friends/libfriends/trunk/view/head:/tests/vala/dbusmock.vala07:43
pittiwow, that is all? magic07:43
pittiseems Vala has GDBus built in then? nice07:44
robrupitti, so that I've already successfully expanded to cover ClearCalls, which is nice and easy with void return value, but yeah, I have no idea how to define the return value for this crazy a(tsav) thing07:44
pittirobru: I guess once you figured out how Vala represents multiple return values in general, it should be rather easy07:44
robrupitti, yes, vala is very magical, and it makes it somewhat difficult to learn :-(07:44
robrupitti, are you aware of any documentation for vala, specifically about return values? All I've been able to find is like 'string[]' or 'int[]' and those don't even begin to encompass this object...07:46
pittiI guess you can always start with directly calling the GDBus methods, like dbusmock.call_sync()07:46
robrupitti, I'm not familiar with call_sync07:46
pittirobru: standard glib API: http://developer.gnome.org/gio/2.26/GDBusProxy.html#g-dbus-proxy-call-sync07:47
pittibut that requires you to assemble and disassemble the GVariants yourself, so if vala provides some syntactic sugar around it it's certainly interesting to find out how that works07:47
robrupitti, I wonder if I could just say GVariant[]07:50
robrupitti, https://live.gnome.org/Vala/DBusServerSample comes close to giving a hint:  a(ii) maps to Foo[] where Foo might be defined as07:53
robrustruct Foo { public int a; public int b };07:53
pittioh, clever07:54
robrupitti, so it sounds like I need to make a struct of 'tsav'07:54
robrubut what does 'av' map to?07:54
robruVariant[] I guess07:54
pittiso a struct Call { gint64, string, Variant[] }, and then let it return Call[] ?07:55
robruso: struct CallSignature { public int a; public string b; public Variant[] c } or something07:55
robrupitti, ok, I'll play with this, and if I can get it to work I'll let you know (and also update that wiki...07:55
pittiok, tuples mapping to structs makes perfect sense (that's what they are really)07:55
robrupitti, any thoughts on where that struct definition goes in the vala file? should it be in the class level, namespace level, or toplevel?07:56
pittirobru: I'd put it right above the d-bus interface definition, i. e. where you define GetCalls()07:56
pittibut it shouldn't matter much07:56
robrupitti, ok, thanks07:56
pittirobru: NB that it's really a guint64, not just int08:02
pitti't', not 'i'08:02
robrupitti, valac tells me 'guint64' type name could not be found. maybe vala calls it something different?08:06
pittirobru: uint6408:06
robrupitti, ah, thanks08:06
robrupitti, ok, I seem to be getting somewhere... it almost compiles ;-)08:07
robrupitti, ok, so let's say I got this to compile and I'm able to get this Call struct from dbus... now how do I create a new instance of the struct with the expected values in order to compare it against the returned struct?08:19
robrupitti, basically, "how do I instantiate a struct"?08:19
pittirobru: the vala tutorial shows that, too08:20
robrupitti, thanks. Dunno why this isn't showing up on the googles.08:20
Sweetsha1kmorning all!08:50
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
SweetsharkLibreOffice 4.0 beta1/raring build succeeded on armel \o/08:51
pittihey Sweetshark08:52
pittiSweetshark: niice! after only a week or so? :-)08:52
Sweetsharkpitti: two days08:53
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:55
Sweetsharkone lib is 64MB alone.08:56
Laneymvo: Hey ;-) I was looking at errors.u.c yesterday and it seems that two popular s-c bugs are fixed in the 5.2 branch but it's not released to precise yet08:57
Laneyare you waiting on some more changes there? I'd be happy to upload it otherwise ...08:57
mvoLaney: not waiting for anything else, go ahead with the upload if you want09:01
Laneymvo: university life treating you well?09:01
chrisccoulsonhi Laney, Sweetshark, pitti09:02
chrisccoulsonmvo! Hi :)09:02
* pitti waves to chrisccoulson and mvo09:02
Laneyahoy there09:02
pittihey Laney09:02
* Laney sees snow is forecast all tomorrow and over the weekend09:03
robrupitti, ok, so this seems to be working, not just compiling but actually tests passing: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~robru/libfriends/dbusmock/revision/5309:03
mvoLaney: takes a bit to get used to it (again) but its a interessting change09:03
mvohey chrisccoulson09:03
mvoand hey pitti09:03
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: good morning. Now we only need qengho to complete the fat apps crew.09:03
pittirobru: that looks beautiful!09:04
pittirobru: err, comparing raw hash values?09:04
robrupitti, well, it's littered with FIXME's, but other than that it's pretty slick I guess ;-)09:04
pittirobru: why not comparing strings?09:04
robrupitti, yeah, I dunno why, but if I compared the string value it would just fail. wouldn't say why, but the assertion would just fail09:05
pittior variant types and values?09:05
pittirobru: well, it's a Variant, so you need to call .get_string() or .get_int() or whatever the argument type is09:05
robrupitti, I tried comparing variants to strings, I tried constructing string variants and comparing those, I tried extracting the string from the variant and comparing strings, just could *not* get it to compare equally. the hash value was all that would work09:06
pittirobru: what's the result of myvariant.get_string()? does that assert?09:06
pittiabout wrong data type or so?09:06
* Laney sees "use gstreamer1.009:07
Laney" in LO \o/09:07
robrupitti, test-service.vala:137.21-137.51: error: The name `to_string' does not exist in the context of `GLib.Variant'09:08
robru            assert (calls[0].call_args[0].to_string() == "twitter");09:08
pittirobru: get_string, not to_string :)09:08
pittidevhelp FTW09:08
robrupitti, ah, better. other objects in vala use to_string, so I was confused ;-)09:09
pittirobru: well, to_string is the Vala API; g_variant_get_string() is GLib09:09
pittiVala is by and large just syntactic sugar around C and GLib09:09
pittia lot of tasty sugar admittedly, but still09:10
LaneyI think you can also cast to the appropriate type to dereference GVariants in vala too :-)09:15
robrupitti, yeah, the trick is that I have no background in C, so Vala is basically indecipherable magic to me. Too many layers of misdirection going on, totally inscrutable ;-)09:15
robruI'm sure for C programmers it's like the slickest thing.09:15
pittiLaney: oh, so you can do "(string) my_variant" ?09:15
pittirobru: oh my, yes09:15
pittimore sugar then :)09:15
robrupitti, ok, here's the overall diff here, cleaned up, with both GetCalls and ClearCalls in play: https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/libfriends/dbusmock/+merge/14364909:19
pittiLaney: desrt's patch in https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=690118 works very well09:56
ubot2`Gnome bug 690118 in general "Crash when closing last tab of a window using Ctrl-w" [Normal,New]09:56
pittiLaney: I guess I'll drop the revert in svn and add that patch instead, and reupload?09:56
pittithat ought to fix déja-dup09:56
Laneyrevert the revert and apply that sounds good to me09:57
pittihaving to wait for all the autopkgtest to succeed makes the update take very long, but IMHO it's so worth it10:00
Laneyyeah I look forward to the day when all the automation works seamlessly10:02
pittiit's also a nice system to prevent the temptation of "yeah, we'll fix it later"10:02
pittiLaney: pushed to svn, and glib2.0_2.35.4-0ubuntu3 uploaded; crossing fingers10:04
* Laney wonders how cdimage.u.c manages to be consistently so fast10:04
Laney13009 kBps10:05
pittino release nor milestone these days?10:05
Laneyzsyncing a precise daily10:05
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
pittiglib/i386 built and succeeded all tests10:43
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Laneypitti: deja-dup blue again \o/13:40
pittiLaney: and all built now: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/2.35.4-0ubuntu313:45
Laneygood to unblock you think?13:45
pittilooks like all the reverse dependency tests succeede13:45
pittiLaney: rumble!13:45
* Laney fired ze missiles13:48
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
desrtLaney: hey.  did you see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=690118#c21 ?13:57
ubot2`Gnome bug 690118 in general "Crash when closing last tab of a window using Ctrl-w" [Normal,New]13:57
desrtLaney: would be fun to give that a run through the autopkgtests before i commit it.  is that possible?13:57
Laneydesrt: pitti uploaded that this morning and confirmed that the tests pass immediately before your question :-)13:58
pittidesrt: many thanks for that fix!13:58
desrtgreat :)13:58
desrti'll commit it then.  thanks, guys :)13:58
Laneythank you for the fix!13:59
desrti introduced the problem.  i owed it :p13:59
pittidesrt: we just gave it green light to make it into raring13:59
pittiyay for glib 2.35!13:59
* Laney → lunchwards14:01
Laneyneed to go out to the shop to get some food... freezing cold...14:01
* Laney dreads14:01
pittiit has snowed non-stop since yesterday evening here14:02
pittibiking to Taekwondo was "fun"14:02
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
Laneyonly one dubious sliding incident :-)15:11
Laneyhey cyphermox15:12
cyphermoxHey Laney15:12
achiangkenvandine: what are the chances of getting this guy SRU'16:59
achianged into 12.04 - https://bugs.launchpad.net/xchat-indicator/+bug/58790216:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 587902 in XChat Indicator "PM alert remains in indicator if sender changes his nickname" [Undecided,Fix released]16:59
kenvandineachiang, i can give it a shot17:01
kenvandineachiang, can you test it on precise?17:01
achiangkenvandine: i am in fact, tortured daily by that bug since i run precise. :)17:02
achiangkenvandine: i will be the first to test it for you!17:02
kenvandineachiang, cool17:02
kenvandinei'll give it a shot then17:02
kenvandineachiang, i can't run anything in virtualbox atm, which is killing me!17:02
achiangkenvandine: i'll run it on my "actualbox" ;)17:03
desrtseb128: will is complaining that you tried to make him do packaging :p17:12
kenvandinedesrt, packaging is good for the soul17:13
desrtlike flagellation?17:15
attentehey cyphermox17:38
attentei'm not really sure how one would go about writing an automated test for this17:39
attentemaybe pitti can advise17:44
alesageattente, possibly I can help :)17:54
attentealesage, recommendations welcome :)17:54
seb128desrt, heh, packaging is a desktop team skill ;-)17:55
alesageattente, I think we can write an autopilot test for this, just trying to grok the MP17:56
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
desrtseb128: what happened to "we have more than enough packagers!"? :)18:13
seb128desrt, doing a package once is different from being a full time packager...18:21
desrtseb128: i know.  i tease.18:22
desrti'm just jealous... i still haven't learnt packaging yet :p18:22
seb128I can give you some packaging work!18:22
desrtuh... brb18:22
chrisccoulsondesrt, you want some packaging work?18:40
desrtuh... brb18:41
chrisccoulsondesrt, i've got this browser here....18:41
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, i thought you said virtualbox didn't work?18:43
kenvandinechrisccoulson, i can't boot anything in virtualbox on any of my raring machines18:43
kenvandineit just hangs18:43
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, hmmm, it works fine here18:43
chrisccoulsonit booted the first time i tried it ;)18:43
* kenvandine cries18:43
kenvandinechrisccoulson, do you have an SSD?18:44
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, yeah18:44
desrtyou guys need to get with libvirt18:44
desrtthat's some _seriously_ awesome stuff18:44
kenvandinedesrt, will it do unity 3d?18:44
desrtoh.  maybe not :)18:45
kenvandinenot so awesome :)18:45
desrtwell, it does unity 3d18:45
desrtbut i think it's llvmpiped18:45
* desrt has a fedora, win32 and ubuntu-unity box in there18:46
desrtthe best part is that they just run in the background and i can ssh in18:46
desrtyou can even set them to boot up when your machine boots up18:46
chrisccoulsonheh, i wouldn't want that. my machine boots slow enough already ;)18:46
sarnoldI once discovered that I had five kvm VMs running for a while that I'd forgotten about. I was impressed :)18:46
kenvandinevirtualbox can run them headless18:47
chrisccoulsoni don't use vm's that much at all, what with only having a 120GB SSD ;)18:47
chrisccoulsonspace is scarce18:47
chrisccoulsonlike, <100MB scarce most of the time ;)18:47
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, oh, it hung on shutdown18:49
kenvandinenothing will boot for me18:49
kenvandineeven a new VM18:49
* desrt has a 120GB SSD, 4 vms and more space than he knows what to do with18:51
desrtthis is my working laptop, though -- lots of code but no movies, music, etc.18:51
jbicha_seb128: do we still need to keep the pcsc-lite diff? http://bugs.debian.org/531592 has been marked fixed for a while19:44
ubot2Debian bug 531592 in libpcsclite1 "libpcsclite1: move to /lib" [Normal,Fixed]19:45
seb128jbicha_, I don't know, I did the merge because it was an easy one but I'm not familiar with the source, better to ask cjwatson19:46
bcurtiswxis anyone doing a PPA build of empathy 3.7.X for raring ?20:18
bcurtiswxmaybe it's in the GNOME3 PPA i didn't look20:18
bcurtiswxI guess that would be where it would go if there was one, sry for the noise :)20:22
ricotzbcurtiswx, i was looking into it, not ready though20:22
bcurtiswxricotz, great. I suspect lots of dep issues :) thx!20:23
ricotzbcurtiswx, actually not ;)20:24
ricotzno dep issues that is20:24
bcurtiswxricotz, sweet20:25
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
kenvandineachiang, lp:~ken-vandine/xchat-indicator/lp_58790221:16
kenvandineachiang, can you build that package locally and test it?21:16
achiangkenvandine: building21:20
kenvandineachiang, thx21:20
=== bschaefer_ is now known as bschaefer
achiangkenvandine: do you want to try torturing me? :)21:30
achiangkenvandine: send me a private /msg21:30
achiangkenvandine: then change your /nick21:30
kenvandinei would love to :)21:30
=== kenvandine is now known as ken[torture]
achiangkenvandine: the old behavior was that if you changed your /nick before i could respond to the old /nick, the indicator got stuck blue21:31
achiangken[torture]: but it's all good now. i am torture free!21:31
ken[torture]achiang, ok, uploaded21:34
ken[torture]now it is up to the SRU team :)21:34
* cyphermox goes to get dinner21:39
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
achiangken[torture]: even if they dont' accept it, i've already installed it on my system and will happily run this until 14.04 is released. :)21:41
=== ken[torture] is now known as kenvandine
tkamppeterjasoncwarner, hi23:12

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