
hamoWould you please give me a Ubuntu cloak?12:54
topylihamo: are you an ubuntu member? if so, please provide a link to your launchpad page and we can help12:57
hamotopyli: my launchpad username is hamo12:58
hamotopyli: https://launchpad.net/~hamo12:59
topylilooking, but you don't seem to be a member. let me look better :)13:01
hamotopyli: actually, I am an employer of Canonical13:02
hamotopyli: sorry, employee13:03
topylihamo: yeah, but that's different. see here: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers13:03
hamotopyli: So I could just apply for Canonical cloak?13:03
topylihamo: i suppose. does canonical have their own group here on freenode?13:04
topylihamo: it shouldn't be too hard for you to become an ubuntu member as well though, just apply13:05
hamotopyli: Ok..Thanks, will apply13:05
topylithe page is long, but the actual drill is simple: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership13:06
hamotopyli: Many thanks.13:06
topyliwelcome to the funny farm! :)13:07
AlanBellhamo: there is a canonical cloak available13:12
AlanBellhamo: talk to joey about that13:13
AlanBelland the canonical wiki13:13
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=== io is now known as IdleOne
skellatMay I receive an Ubuntu cloak?  My Launchpad profile is here: https://launchpad.net/~skellat19:45
Unit193Pici, AlanBell, topyli ^^ He's part of the members group.19:46
JoseeAntonioRUnit193: you can highlight the IRCC by saying IRCC20:02
Unit193JoseeAntonioR: I am aware, what about it?20:02
Unit193Pretty sure you said that last time too. :P20:03
JoseeAntonioRUnit193: just saying20:05
=== JoseAntonioR is now known as JoseeAntonioR

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