
cjohnstonIs bug #813511 worth patching? It was fixed upstream >1 year ago, I guess there is a disconnect somewhere between upstream and making it into Ubuntu.00:41
ubottubug 813511 in gstreamer0.10-editing-services (Ubuntu) "typo on --help output of ges-launch-0.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81351100:41
cjohnstonOr, what is the correct way to go abour the bug?00:42
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gilberthey everybody :)04:03
* micahg thinks he's going to try to get rid of vala-0.14...04:07
micahgjdstrand: do you have any interest in merging hamster-applet?04:34
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dholbachgood morning07:26
bkerensais requestsync depracated?08:13
geserno, why?08:23
geserbut there is no need to use requestsync if you have upload rights and can sync the package yourself08:24
xnoxbkerensa: there is requestsync (when one doesn't have upload rights) and syncpackage (for sponsoring or when one does have upload rights)09:13
bkerensaxnox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1540656/ <-- I get that error with requestsync09:15
bkerensaoutput even09:15
xnoxbkerensa: please upgrade devscripts package to the one that fixed that.09:16
xnox2.12.6ubuntu1 is bad, 2.12.6ubuntu2 or 2.12.6 are good09:17
Laneyyeah that is a good fix09:18
Laneythanks for doing that09:18
bkerensaxnox ok09:19
xnoxLaney: np.09:19
Laneyboth of them aren't forwarded to debian #680313 yet though ;-)09:23
ubottuDebian bug 680313 in devscripts "devscripts: support python 3 (hopefully dropping strict python2.7 dependancy)" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/68031309:23
bkerensaLaney: well ya know submittodebian acts funky with changes ;)09:26
bkerensacjohnston:  bug #813511 the reason the fix has not landed in Ubuntu is because we appear to sync the package unchanged from debian and debian has not updated the package from upstream09:28
ubottubug 813511 in gstreamer0.10-editing-services (Ubuntu) "typo on --help output of ges-launch-0.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81351109:28
bkerensaLaney: Bug #102191709:29
ubottubug 1021917 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "[submittodebian]'s update-maintainer reversal isn't always the right thing to do" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102191709:29
Laneyhow's that related to the devscripts patches?09:30
bkerensaLaney: well whoever fixed it could have used submittodebian but it sometimes reverses the maintainer info09:31
Laneysounds annoying but not really something that would block patch forwarding09:32
Laneyanyway, you sound like you plan on fixing it ;-)09:32
tumbleweedbkerensa: that bug was caused by an attempt to fix that bug09:32
tumbleweedI made it reverse the maintainer info, when it used to not reverse it, and vice-versa09:32
* Laney doesn't really use submittodebian so can't comment09:32
Laneyit's about the only time I remember to set those usertags though09:32
tumbleweedmost of the time I want to set other usertags too, but you can only set one usertag on submission09:33
Laneyeven with the fancy Control: headers?09:33
Laneyhaven't used those so much either09:34
tumbleweedhrm, can one use those at submission?09:34
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jdstrandmicahg: re hamster-applet> if you want to merge it, go ahead. I would likely get around to it sometime (not this week)13:11
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aboudreaultany java expert? Trying to build something that uses maven... but when building in pbuilder... we have an error related to  the fact that maven tries to find /root/.m2/settings.xml15:38
aboudreaultwhat's the proper way to  build something with maven?15:39
Laneycan I update the timestamp but keep the name/email when doing dch --release?16:29
micahgLaney: dch -r -m17:24
Laneyah, interesting17:25
LaneyI only knew about -t17:25
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micahgLaney: are there any plans to migrate to ghc 7.6?18:11
Laneythey all start with "Laney needs to find some time to figure out how complete it is in Debian"18:11
micahgI was thinking we should set up a copy of the tracker pointed at proposed so that we can see how installable both sets are18:12
Laneythey all already point at proposed18:12
micahgah, ok18:13
Laneyi'll set one up pointing at /experimental/ soon hopefully18:13
micahgI think we need a copy pointing at the release pocket as well then18:13
micahgunless britney properly understands haskell reverse deps18:14
Laneypretty sure it does18:14
Laneyprobably will require some hinting, but that's fine18:14
psusiso if I want to test a program's output in german, isn't it sufficient to install languagepack-german, then export LANG=de?19:16
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blkperlCan I get some feedback on this http://goo.gl/eUqY6 Thanks!23:17
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