
adam_gsmoser: fyi tested the same test case on a quantal image, didn't affect that c-i version00:48
smosermaas is the worst case for us here.00:50
smoserwe can block just about everything else out by not releasing an updated image.00:50
smoserutlemming, ^00:50
smoserplease do not release a cloud-image until bug 1100491 has worked its way through.00:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1100491 in cloud-init "[SRU] cloud-init 0.6.3-0ubuntu1.3  failing to process juju-generated userdata" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110049100:50
adam_groaksoax: comin atya https://code.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/charms/precise/hacluster/avoid-osras/+merge/14362600:56
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azbyinhi all..01:29
azbyinI'm trying to install nvidia cuda on an ubuntu server 12.10 installation01:30
azbyinfor some reason i am unable to blacklist the nouveau driver01:30
azbyinit seems to always be loaded01:30
escottazbyin, i think you have to update-initramfs for the blacklist to make it into the initrd01:31
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AtuMHello... is there a known howto page available for drbd+ocfs2+pacemaker installation in 12.04 ?08:29
ketan985hi everyone08:53
mochahi, i want to know is motherboard compatible with ubuntu server 12.04? Motherboard s1155 Intel H77 ATX DH77KC Intel BLKDH77KC09:05
mochacpu and ssd does not matter, correct?09:06
mochais Intel H77 ATX DH77KC Intel BLKDH77KC motherboard compatible with ubuntu server 12.04? any driver problems or other negative response about it?09:49
lifelessmocha: check the hardware database09:51
lifelessmocha: and https://friendly.ubuntu.com/09:54
mochalifeless: thank, and if i dont find anything... then what? is only way "plug and pray" or is something else i can do before buy hardware?09:59
lifelessyou could ask the vendor09:59
zuljamespage: ping can you have a look at the nova ftbfs for me im totally stumped (the testsuite failures)13:03
jamespagezul: in the lab?13:04
zuljamespage: yeah if you back out the fix-ubuntu-tests.patch you can see what im talking about13:05
jamespagezul, just disable that patch right?13:06
zuljamespage: yeah i rather not have to skip tests i would like to see why they are failing (was thinking about this last night)13:06
jamespagezul, +113:07
jamespagezul, on another matter who's uploading updated dependencies for the grizzly cloud archive?13:08
jamespagelooks sparse to me13:09
jamespagejust been debugging the build failure for alembic in the grizzly-trunk-testing PPA - needs new sqlalchemy13:09
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zuljamespage: ill take a look at the cinder failure as well today13:12
jamespagezul, actually leave that with me - I can fix the current build failure for precise easily13:13
jamespagezul, are you referring to the skipped tests?13:13
zuljamespage: ok yeah13:13
zulalso i have 2 mp for novaclient and quantumclient i think13:14
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jamespagezul, just review - both look OK but can you fixup the trailing , on the list of BD on one of them13:34
zuljamespage: sure13:40
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freeflyi1gjamespage: does openvswitch (1.9.0~git20130115.ca71f5b-0ubuntu1) works for you? I mean the dkms kernel module, here the module can't be loaded with kernel 3.8.0-0-generic in raring14:14
jamespagefreeflyi1g, it was working for me yesterday14:15
jamespageI can check again...14:15
jamespagefreeflyi1g, does it build OK?14:16
jamespagei.e. the dkms modules14:16
freeflyi1gjamespage: it was built successfully14:16
freeflyi1gERROR: could not insert 'brcompat': Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)14:16
jamespagefreeflyi1g, ah! I know what that is14:16
jamespagefreeflyi1g, that probably means you have the stock openvswitch module which ships with the kernel loaded14:17
freeflyi1gjamespage: lemme check14:17
jamespageOR the bridge module is already loaded14:17
freeflyi1gjamespage: yep, works by unloading stock openvswitch module14:19
freeflyi1gjamespage: thanks14:19
jamespagefreeflyi1g, np - I had a head scratching moment about that yesterday14:22
jamespagefreeflyi1g, you know the brcompat module is deprecated now and will be removed from openvswitch (probably this year)14:22
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zuljamespage: ping https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/openstack-ubuntu-testing/glance-grr-mad/+merge/14370214:53
jamespagezul, have you pinged upstream about the distruption that is going to cause14:55
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zuljamespage: sent the info ttx but he hasnt responded yet14:55
ttxzul: hmm?15:00
ttxoh. pastebin. looking15:00
ttxzul: ok, continuing discussion in #openstack-infra. no idea where that comes from15:02
voxadamI have a little box running LTS that sits and does its thing without my thinking about it. While this is great it does cause one problem for me, I forget to check for security updates. This is especially problematic because the box faces the internet. What automatic or semiautomatic solutions are there for such a situation?15:03
ogra_voxadam, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates15:06
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zulyolanda: can you retarget the branch for lp:~openstack-ubuntu-testing/ceilometer/grizzly please, otherwise looks good16:10
yolandazul, done it16:16
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jamespagesmoser, getting this error from cloud-init on precise - http://paste.ubuntu.com/1541976/16:46
jamespageany ideas?16:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1100491 in cloud-init "[SRU] apt_sources broken in 0.6.3-0ubuntu1.3 [regression]" [Critical,Fix committed]16:47
jamespagesmoser, ta16:50
smoserjamespage, just begging in -devel now to get that into -updates sooner.16:51
jamespagesmoser, yes please - its breaking all of the automated deployment testing on precise16:51
jamespagejuju never makes it onto the server....16:51
anuaimidoes anyone know if the debian experimental 2.4 packages are usable on Ubuntu (12.04)?17:10
anuaimidoes anyone know if the debian experimental Apache 2.4 packages are usable on Ubuntu (12.04)?17:10
iklahow do I reinstall grub from a chroot?17:18
iklaI booted my another linux up and mounted the drive, I just need to chroot and install grub again17:18
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happyfacewhy is the default niceness for new processes 20 on my ubuntu server? isn't it usually 0?17:33
RoyKhm.. nice is usualy 517:36
RoyKseems it's 10 on precise17:36
happyfaceRoyK, yeah any ideas? limits.conf is empty too17:37
sarnoldhappyface: that's odd; do you have any /etc/security/limits.conf settings that would fiddle with your nice values? Or somewhere else in login path?17:37
RoyKhappyface: which ubuntu version?17:37
RoyKhappyface: 0 is normal priority, btw17:37
sarnoldhappyface: are you positive it's nice value and not priority that's 20? all my nice 0 tasks are running with priority 19 on my 12.04 LTS laptop...17:37
RoyKnice 0 == ''17:38
happyfacesarnold, ah I think you're right17:38
RoyKpriority is defined by the kernel dynamically17:38
sarnoldhappyface: ps -A -o pid,nice,pri17:39
RoyKor just run top :P17:39
happyfaceyup, silly mistake :p17:39
sarnoldah, so they are both in top :) hehe17:39
happyfaceI only got onto this because my other developer was freaking out17:39
happyfacethanks :P17:40
axisyshow can I tell if it is a LUN or physical disk?17:47
axisyslspci shows17:47
axisys07:00.0 RAID bus controller: Adaptec AAC-RAID (rev 09)17:47
axisysmdstat show17:47
axisysmd0 : active raid1 sdb1[1] sda1[0]17:47
axisyshow can I tell if sda is either JBOD disk or a LUN provisioned by the raid controller?17:48
RoyKaxisys: use a tool for the RAID controller - it's usually exposed as a SCSI device, and linux normally can't see what's underneath17:49
RoyKmost RAID controllers have tools for linux showing the underlying structure17:49
axisysI wonder if this is a pass through one.. would be easier to replace with bigger size disk then17:52
RoyKaxisys: what controller?17:53
axisys12:47:39 < axisys> 07:00.0 RAID bus controller: Adaptec AAC-RAID (rev 09)17:53
RoyKaxisys: http://hwraid.le-vert.net/wiki/Adaptec17:54
axisysRoyK: thanks17:54
RoyKiirc that raid controller is a 'true' raid controller, so if configured with RAID, it should show up as a single device in linux17:54
RoyKbut then, you can always configure it in JBOD mode, dunno17:55
axisysI usually only create single disk raid0 luns17:55
axisyseasier to manage at OS that way17:55
RoyKyeah, I prefer software RAID over hw raid too17:56
RoyKconfiguring each disk as raid0 is normally the same as JBOD17:56
axisysRoyK: yep.. I would prefer rip the controller out and talk to the disk directly if I could.. lol17:57
RoyKaxisys: perhaps better if you have SSDs, since most (or all?) RAID controllers don't support TRIM/UNMAP17:57
koolhead17hi all17:57
axisysthey have 300G SSDs relatively cheap?17:58
axisysRoyK: ^17:58
axisysI already have the drivers ofcourse.. cuz I am using the disks.. but trying to find out if that url has a link for the arcconf binary.. using ubuntu 10.04 64bit18:00
RoyKaxisys: what sort of machine is this?18:01
RoyKaac-raid on motherboard?18:01
axisyshttp://hwraid.le-vert.net/wiki/DebianPackages got it!18:01
axisys[   19.006845] Adaptec aacraid driver 1.1-5[2461]-ms18:01
axisys[   19.006891] aacraid 0000:07:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 1718:01
axisys[   19.006897] aacraid 0000:07:00.0: setting latency timer to 6418:01
axisys[   19.460000] IRQ 17/aacraid: IRQF_DISABLED is not guaranteed on shared IRQs18:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:02
axisys[   22.599531] scsi2 : aacraid18:02
axisysRoyK: my bad18:02
RoyKlooks like JBOD to me18:08
axisysplease explain (learning)18:09
RoyKI guess you'll have to reconfigure new devices in the controller's BIOS if replacing drives, though, but that may be different with other BIOSes than the ones I've tried18:09
axisysI am thrown off by logical device with raid level simple_volume18:09
RoyKJBOD == just a bunch of disks18:09
RoyKaka no RAID config on the RAID controller18:10
axisysi thought each disk is configurd as raid0 lun18:10
RoyKyes, which means no redunancy on the controller18:10
axisysRoyK: correct..18:11
axisysi do the raid1 using the software raid18:11
RoyKyes, so did also mdstat show18:11
axisysso if I want to replace with larger disk.. I will have to take it offline in md first and then offline in the raid controller while system is live..18:12
RoyKin your raid-1, yes18:13
RoyKdo you plan something raid-[56] for the other drives?18:13
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axisysno .. i only use raid1 and raid10 in OS18:13
axisysdisks are cheap18:14
RoyKjust thinking if you were using raid-5 or raid-6 (which may be slower, but in the case if raid-6, safer), it would be easier to use a disk as a spare, so you could replace that and mdadm --replace to that before removing a device18:15
RoyKraid-10 will allow for a single drive failure per mirror, raid-6 will allow for any two drives failing without data loss18:18
RoyKso unless you're placing a high-traffic database or something like that needing high iops, better use raid-6 (IMO)18:19
axisysso if I want to replace it bigger size disk I need to take the system down?18:24
RoyKthat depends on the controller firmware18:24
axisysI was hoping arcconf can offline it and allow to put a new disks and online it back18:24
RoyKlast I worked with that controller, it needed the new device to be defined in its BIOS18:25
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RoyKiirc it's designed to handle hotplug, but only if it's controlling its own RAID18:26
axisysfirmware version18:26
RoyKno idea18:26
RoyKbetter try it18:26
axisysi am looking for how to offline a disk18:26
RoyKaxisys: if you have another drive that will fit in there, just try it18:26
RoyKaxisys: I guess this system isn't in production yet?18:27
axisysRoyK: it is in production18:27
axisys DELETE                  | deletes one or more logical devices18:27
axisysthat might do it18:27
axisysonce i remove it from md raid118:27
RoyKjust make sure to run a scrub before you remove a disk18:28
RoyKsomething like echo check > /sys/block/md0/md/sync_action18:28
axisysI thought this should be enough18:29
axisysmdadm /dev/md0 --fail /dev/sdb1 --remove /dev/sdb118:29
RoyKthat works well18:30
RoyKbut then, if there are errors on the other side of the mirror, you're in trouble18:30
RoyKso better run a check first18:30
RoyKwhat is the application for this server?18:32
adam_gjamespage: zul http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/g2_deps/ are these okay to upload to grizzly-staging CA pocket? they'll get rid of all/most the red in staging @ http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/cloud-archive/grizzly_versions.html18:35
zuldamn it i havent looked at it18:36
zulgimme a couple of minutes18:36
zulshouldnt ceph be precise-grizzly?18:37
zuladam_g: ^^^18:37
RoyKaxisys: ?18:37
zuladam_g: alembic looks ok18:38
zuladam_g: why is leveldb needed?18:39
adam_gzul: actually, yeah, exclude the ceph stuff18:39
zuladam_g: k18:40
zuladam_g: they look good although you will need a newer testrepository (ubuntu6 runs the testsuite during the build)18:45
zuland we already talked about ceph18:45
axisysRoyK: oops.. sorry went to pick up something for lunch..18:46
zuladam_g: i think we might need the openvswitch snapshot from raring in there as well18:46
axisysRoyK: it is for splunk18:46
RoyKso I guess no big needs for high iops :P18:46
axisysRoyK: yep18:47
RoyKthen my suggestion is, get a couple of 1-2TB drives and create a raid-5 on those, copy the data over to them (or perhaps you have another server somewhere), and start from scratch with two drives in raid-5, add more drives as needed, extend to raid-6 if you're paranoid18:49
axisyslooks like only disks (raid0 luns) under raid10 will be replaced with bigger disk18:49
axisysRoyK: ^18:49
RoyKyou can do all that dynamically18:49
RoyK(mdadm raid, I mean)18:49
SpamapSsmoser: hey, are you aware of any bugs in cloud-init's handling of the legacy 'user:' cloud-config option?18:49
stemidanyone had success with user --groups staff in kickstarting ubuntu Precise? whenever I add --groups staff to the user line in my kickstart file the install stops at the user creation bit, as if the whole line is made invalid by this.18:49
SpamapSsmoser: having some trouble with it in 12.10 images18:49
RoyKaxisys: I'm quite sure that's not right - I think replacing drives with bigger ones in a raid-[56] should work well18:50
smoserSpamapS, it would not surprise me if there were a bug, but i thought we'd got it working right.18:50
smoserSpamapS, example ?18:50
axisysraid10 gives best performance18:51
RoyKaxisys: yes, it does, but do you need that performance?18:51
axisysI guess I will trun off splunk and then run check and offline and fail on each disk.. at a time18:51
RoyKaxisys: if you don't, better spend time on safety18:51
RoyKaxisys: install sysstat and enable it and you'll see over time what the i/o load is18:52
RoyKprobably very low18:52
SpamapSsmoser: trying to use heat w/ stock 12.10 images18:52
SpamapSsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1542277/18:52
SpamapSsmoser: ec2-user is created, but never gets ssh keys18:53
axisyswe have all splunk servers on raid10.. wont have enough time to redo all18:53
SpamapSsmoser: root does actually end up getting the specific ssh key though18:54
jamespageadam_g, yes - leveldb, ceph (in that order - otherwise it won't pickup the new version)18:54
jamespagethats the bobtail release18:54
jamespageand python-hp3parclient as well18:54
jamespagefor cinder18:54
adam_gjamespage: okay, adding hp3parclient. what are we doing with ceph? 0.56.1 into precise-grizzly?18:57
SpamapSsmoser: also in root's authorized_keys file, the user is not 'ec2-user', it is 'NONE'18:58
RoyKaxisys: well, raid-10 should do as well, but I don't know it too well in terms of replacing drives18:59
SpamapSsmoser: hrm, you know what? This was with 0.7.0-ubuntu2 ... let me try again w/ the latest cloud image.18:59
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adam_gzul: this guy, too http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/g2_deps/python-hp3parclient/19:07
RoyKaxisys: just make sure you scrub the pool before replacing anything19:10
smoserSpamapS, it is a bug.19:11
RoyKaxisys: try at off hours first, after a scrub, to remove a drive and reinsert another, perhaps the raid tool can do a rescan and recreate a raid-0 on that drive, after that you should be able to mdadm --add that drive19:11
jamespageadam_g, yes please re ceph19:15
jamespagebut please make sure the leveldb package is updated first; there are some improvements worth having :-)19:15
jamespage0.56.1 is the next lts release19:16
adam_gjamespage: ok19:16
axisysecho check > /sys/block/md10/md/sync_action should do for md10 or something else?19:20
axisysRoyK: ^19:20
SpamapSsmoser: good to know. Is there a good workaround?19:20
smoseryou can just declare it in the new form19:21
SpamapSsmoser: heat wants to work with 10.0419:21
smoserthat would be ignored then.19:21
smoser(the new form would be ignored on 10.04).19:21
smoserso just declare both.19:21
smoseri think19:21
RoyKaxisys: it works for all raid levels19:21
SpamapSsmoser: I'll try that19:21
smoserbut please opne a bug.19:21
SpamapSsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1542348/19:26
SpamapSsmoser: so, like that?19:26
smoserditc line 6, SpamapS19:28
SpamapSsmoser: the example sucks then :)19:28
smoserthat refers to the OS's "default" user19:28
smoserie, you'd get 'ubuntu' created.19:28
smoserthe example is right, it just didnt' fit what you wanted19:28
SpamapSsmoser: perhaps.. comments? :)19:29
* SpamapS admits, he did not read the comments19:29
SpamapSor the docs19:29
SpamapSso.. yeah.. perhaps SpamapS sucks19:29
smoseri think you might want to add 'default: true' to your user's definition19:29
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smoserSpamapS, please open a bug.19:36
SpamapSsmoser: \o/19:37
SpamapSsmoser: new style works19:37
SpamapSactualy no19:39
SpamapSI mis-read the ci-info19:39
SpamapSstill only the root user gets the key19:40
SpamapSsmoser: ah, default: true so that it gets the ssh key..19:45
smoserwell, adding 'default' turns it into the "default" user.19:46
smoserwhich the ssh-import uses19:46
smosercan you show me what you have now ?19:46
SpamapSsmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1542389/19:47
SpamapSsmoser: trying with default: true19:48
smoserSpamapS, just fyi, apparently (through documentation i just read) you can snpecify ssh authorized keys for each user.19:51
smoserand even per-user ssh-import-ids19:51
smoserbut it still "should work" what you want19:51
SpamapSsmoser: in this case I just want the instance keypair for the user. :)19:51
smoseranyone else having issues with ec2 today?19:52
smosereuca-describe-instances is blocking19:52
SpamapSsmoser: still no ssh keys for ec2-user with 'default: true'19:52
SpamapSsmoser: I am thinking this might be something else in the stack causing issues19:59
SpamapSsmoser: booting a quantal instance with just that userdata produces a key just fine19:59
SpamapSsmoser: as in, just 'user: ec2-user'20:00
* SpamapS decides to consider it over lunch20:01
smoserwell, SpamapS please open abug if its not working right.20:03
smoserbut i thought i had reproduced20:03
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jkyleI have a file that's been modified after installation. when dpkg prompts for how you want to handle it20:25
jkylehow can I force apt to accept the maintainer's version? I tried -y & --force-yes20:25
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adam_gjamespage: thoughts on retargetting the nova live migration charm work under review as merges into the respective branches of ~openstack-charmers, to condense the # of in-flight changesets?20:46
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jamespageadam_g, sounds like a good idea - I've been having trouble keeping track20:58
adam_gjamespage: yah, same here. ill see about resolving conflicts and proposing some merges to the ~openstack-charmers branches for nova-compute, nova-c-c, keystone, glance. also gonna stick a rabbitmq-server charm with hacluster support and propose changes to the amqp hooks of the other charms21:01
ubottucapauciell: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:13
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hallynsay (looking at an untriaged bug) is tomcat7 explicitly not meant to run with oracle java?22:03
TLoTis it possible to restrict only certain SSH logins to have key-auth only?23:02
TLoTthereby prevent password auth for a user?23:02
sarnoldmost admins prefer disabling password auth for everyone23:03
TLoTtrue, however i can't do that globally because of one user.23:04
TLoTwho is already on ther eceiving end of hell for using insecure passcodes23:04
adam_groaksoax: ping23:08
sarnoldTLoT: the only thing I can think of -- and it's a bit ugly, but I'm saying it in the hopes that someone else will have a good idea :) -- is to run a second sshd, with a different set of PAM modules (pam_succeed_if?), on a different port for your special user.23:09
TLoTeww that does sound ugly :p23:09
TLoTi'd rather just kick the one user who needs password-only auth to /dev/null :P23:09
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Guest88403anybody here?23:12
sarnoldTLoT: oh! pam_succeed_if could probably do it just for the one user23:12
sarnoldTLoT: .. without a second daemon.23:13
TLoTsarnold, still ugly23:14
TLoTGuest88403, sup23:14
sarnoldTLoT: sure, but much less ugly.23:15
Guest88403can you show me how to put my ip on the map23:16
roaksoaxadam_g: pong23:24
irvhow do i make a directory writable by my user23:26
adam_groaksoax: are you doing work on DRBD /w the hacluster stuff?23:27
roaksoax adam_g yes23:27
adam_groaksoax: where at? and hows it going? thinking maybe need that for this rabbit stuff23:28
roaksoaxadam_g: most of the stuff is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/charms/quantal/mysql/hacluster-support23:28
roaksoaxall of the stuff for now23:28
roaksoaxso it is up to mysql to set its own DRBD stuff and then passes resources,constraints, etc to hacluster to be configured23:29
adam_groaksoax: hmm. wondering if theres anyway to make the drbd stuff more consumable from other charms.23:36
roaksoaxadam_g: we can have some of it in an external lib or something. I wanted to make it in the hacluster charm at first but in reality it didn't fit there23:39
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