
smspillazduflu: I think you have a really old version of xorg-gtest installed. See the bug report00:26
duflusmspillaz: It's raring's00:26
dufluHow much newer can I get?00:26
smspillazduflu: git00:26
dufluNot realistic00:26
smspillazyes, realistic00:26
dufluI just won't flag it when building00:26
dufluBut how did it work before ?00:27
dufluDid you only ever use git?00:27
smspillazI probably updated the client code for the git version when it stopped working some time ago :)00:27
smspillazyeah, it wasn't even packaged until very recently00:27
smspillazgotta run00:27
duflusmspillaz: Ok well I don't need to block it if it's not built, and unbuildable for most00:28
smspillazits a good thing to keep around in any case00:28
smspillazdunno what the opposition is to just building it -.-00:28
smspillazduflu: the reason why I use the git version is because most of the older versions have a bug that causes tests to fail randomly00:29
smspillazbecause there was a race condition between the client going away and the server process being terminated or something00:29
smspillazanyways, gotta run have a class00:29
smspillazyeah, the version in raring is like 7 months old :P00:41
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duflubschaefer: I will try to make a video of the bug. But rebuilding first01:42
dufluAlso, it seems I can only stay connected to freenode reliably when sleeping/resuming01:42
bschaeferduflu, alright, im messing around with moving all the opacity changes into the animation class01:42
bschaeferthat sounds about right for me as well01:42
duflubschaefer: Not fading out properly might be solved by removing the curve01:43
bschaeferduflu, so the animation would have an inverse opactiy and normal opacity, so when they disable the window stretching atm the glow is still inverse the curve01:43
duflubschaefer: Yes, 1.0 - progress01:44
bschaeferduflu, hmm well it gets down to about 0.028 before it stops drawing the window01:44
bschaeferwhich is pretty low, but I can still notice a pop when the window goes away01:44
duflubschaefer: Hmm sounds like we're just missing the final step. So not really a bug that needs fixing in reality at normal speed01:45
bschaeferduflu, well the step at the end (atm) is when the timer reaches 0.0f stop drawing the window01:45
bschaeferwhich the curve is at about 0.028f, so it doesn't keep going down to zero01:46
duflubschaefer: Yeah ignore the fadeout cos it's invisible at normal speed. But the second texture indicates something worth fixing. Trying to build and video now01:46
bschaeferduflu, it actually looks pretty cool if you keep drawing the window like that01:46
bschaeferduflu, that would be awesome, as I only see 1 texture, unless I hit another edge but that should happen01:46
bschaeferas the fade out is still going on, on the first animation01:47
bschaeferduflu, o and removing the alpha * color[0..2] and the box turns into an ugly box01:48
duflubschaefer: Yeah the calculation is wrong but would change the appearance now :P01:49
bschaeferhaha yeah, I can go in and fix it later, as it would nice to remove some of the magic number in there atm01:49
duflubschaefer: Nah, you'd have to choose the default colour as the dark inside and brighten for the border. Requires config changes so we can't do it01:49
bschaeferi see, well I want to remove the 65535.0f and use OPAQUE01:50
duflubschaefer: What we have is configuration of the border colour and darken for the inside01:50
bschaeferwell the OPAQUE is a double but ... if it needs to be casted to a float so be it, we shouldn't use the hard coded number01:51
duflubschaefer: Or better yet calculate alpha once and reuse01:51
bschaeferduflu, o yes, that would be better01:51
duflubschaefer: But don't now. we want a small diff01:52
bschaeferduflu, also something is add with if (!animating)01:52
bschaeferthat statement is never true01:52
bschaeferduflu, yeah, ill save it for later01:52
bschaeferon line ~52301:52
bschaeferthe only time it ever gets set to false is after the glPaintOutputSetEnabled gets set to false...so it will never be false while it is drawing01:54
duflubschaefer: Can't reproduce dual textures after rebuilding/restarting01:54
bschaeferduflu, i even turned my nivida card on to test :)01:55
dufluAt least it will keep you warm01:56
bschaeferhaha yeah, its been a bit cold around here lately01:56
bschaeferduflu, hows SF weather?01:56
duflubschaefer: No idea. Doesn't change inside01:56
bschaeferwell thats nice01:57
bobweaverhello to all hope all are good !  Is there anyone here that use to work on Unity 2d that would like to talk to me about easing.type:  and why canonical or Ubuntu made the choice to use a certain easingtype. I am making a phone app and starting to tie in animations and easing so I want it to be like Ubuntu but I would also like to know the reasons behind why they where using things like Easing.OutQuint or Quad thanks10:41
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ryemandel: that will do too13:09
ryeHi all, unity-team/staging ppa has all packages built but compiz does not seem to be loading unityshell for me - the only thing it prints is compiz (core) - Info: Unity is fully supported by your hardware. - twice and then nothing. ccsm does not list unityshell either, am I missing something big?13:11
ryeunity, unity-common are installed (and I am on Raring)13:11
sil2100rye: ok, do you have the latest unity and compiz installed from staging?13:12
sil2100Since there might have been an inside ABI break between unity and compiz, so you need to have both as the newest versions13:12
ryesil2100: yes, yes and yes - everything is fresh from staging ppa13:12
ryethe second yes is for unity-common13:12
ryesil2100: ^ for package versions13:13
ryecompiz (core) - Info: Unity is fully supported by your hardware.13:15
ryecompiz (core) - Info: Unity is not supported by your hardware. Enabling software rendering instead (slow).13:15
ryemandel: is this what you are getting ^'13:15
mandelrye, yep13:16
* rye tries to relogin after resetting /org/compiz13:16
ryeok, now i have these two lines in a different order13:17
ryesil2100: I know these packages haven't passed acceptance tests, should I file a bug?13:19
sil2100rye: you can, but I'll try looking into this in a moment - looks like another ABI break again13:20
sil2100rye: can you pastebin me your whole .xsession-errors ?13:20
ryesil2100:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1541543/13:21
sil2100rye: is this the whole file?13:29
sil2100Since from the looks of it, it doesn't even *attempt* to load unityshell13:30
ryesil2100: yup13:30
sil2100So it looks as if it's not in compizconfig loading configuration13:30
mandelsil2100, I can confirm i have the same issue as rye13:30
sil2100Could you open up ccsm and check if it's enabled?13:30
sil2100Unity, that is13:30
ryesil2100: it is not there, there is no Unity module in ccsm13:30
sil2100Could you check `echo $COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE` ?13:31
ryesil2100: wait, something is wrong locally13:31
sil2100It's strange that it's not there, this would mean unity is not installed - could you check dpkg -L unity to see if it installed unityshell.so into /usr/lib/compiz ?13:31
ryesil2100: ok, I can't understand why, but all the plugins were disabled13:32
sil2100rye: check what $COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE you have on your system13:32
sil2100It should be 'ubuntu'13:32
ryesil2100: it is ubuntu, I re-enabled unity (by going to the config panel, there is no checkbox outside and i got unity shell13:33
sil2100rye: ok, so hm, so it's a configuration corruption13:33
sil2100mandel: is it the same for you?13:34
sil2100I wonder if the packages do the corruption, or something else is modifying/overriding/messing with compiz config13:34
mandelsil2100, yes, exact same problem13:35
mandelsil2100, AFAIK we both had it working and then after the update boom!13:35
ryesil2100: I guess this was caused by unity not being present at some time after compiz was already present in the PPA. I wonder whether this could have disabled unityshell plugin. Then unity got rebuilt but we still kept running w/o unityshell enabled13:36
ryemandel: just re-logged into unity and it works13:36
ryesil2100: ok, so sorry about the hassle, compiz (core) - Info: Unity is not supported by your hardware. Enabling software rendering instead (slow). is still being printed but it does not seem to affect anythin13:39
sil2100Yes, I noticed it being a bit misinforming - the 'Unity is not supported' thing13:41
mterryHello all!  I notice that unity.tests.test_hud.HudBehaviorTests.test_closes_then_focuses_window_on_mouse_down is failing13:43
sil2100mterry: yes, I saw that - but the test seems fine, it looks more like a bug in unity13:55
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sil2100mterry: since from the movie I clearly saw that autopilot is clicking on the fullscreen charmap, but calculator gets the focus (huh?)13:55
sil2100mterry: although I can't reproduce it here on my system13:56
mterrysil2100, maybe a timing thing, where the autopkgtest goes faster than a human?13:58
sil2100mterry: maybe, I noticed that strangely the mouse moves faster on that movie than on my system when using autopilot, hmm14:09
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sil2100mterry: new indicator autopilot build - 2 failures, again new ones15:38
* sil2100 sighs15:38
sil2100Again random failures15:38
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didrockshey hey16:11
didrockssil2100: trying to catch up before your EOD, how is it going? :)16:11
sil2100didrocks: heya!16:14
didrockshow is the weather in Europe? SFO is quite cold surprinsingly :)16:15
sil2100didrocks: we retried the indicators and again completely different failures, 2 this time - still trying to find out what the heck is going on16:15
sil2100Since sometimes the failures look more like regressions than AP problems16:15
sil2100For instance, with the 78'th build, undo failed again16:15
sil2100(only on ati)16:15
didrockssil2100: are there anything new in Unity?16:15
didrockssil2100: because there are two kinds of runs16:16
didrockssil2100: one, having unity-stack raring (not the ppa)16:16
didrockssil2100: and we can retry "with the whole ppa"16:16
didrocksso unity ppa + indicators ppa16:16
didrocksinstead of just indicators ppa16:16
didrockssil2100: do you think mterry can be of help (hey mterry!)16:17
* mterry reads16:17
didrocksmterry: to sum up, we have intermittant failure on autopilot for the indicator integration tests16:18
didrocksmterry: this is blocking daily release since Monday16:18
mterryYeah, sil2100 mentioned he was looking at them16:18
didrocksyeah, but as we didn't get any progress since Monday16:18
mterryBut looks like we can't reproduce16:18
didrocksI think we can help him16:18
* mterry puts on his reproducing gloves16:19
didrocksmterry: sil2100: I'll be online back in 40 minutes16:19
didrocksmterry: sil2100: I can help you on the jenkins side, running the tests you want16:19
didrocksmterry: sil2100: do you want that I retrigger the tests with the whole ppa content?16:20
didrocksso indicator stack + unity stack?16:20
sil2100didrocks: please do, it's always good to have the latest one even now16:20
didrockssil2100: mterry: run 79 on ps-indicators-autopilot-release-testing16:21
didrocksok, back in 40 minutes ;)16:22
sil2100The other failure, well, this one looks more like a failure, trying to help with that one too16:22
sil2100didrocks: thanks!16:22
didrockssil2100: I'm sure mterry always can retrigger issues16:22
didrocksseems he has some good karma!16:22
didrocksthanks sil2100, mterry ;)16:22
sil2100mterry: what worries me the most is ;p Why are only HUD tests failing?16:23
sil2100hm, I see something strange16:31
mterrysil2100, I can get the gedit test to fail16:36
mterrysil2100, but the dash emblem one passes locally16:36
mterryThough...  the gedit test fails differently16:38
sil2100mterry: oh! How?16:39
mterrysil2100, the gedit window isn't focused at the end16:39
mterrysil2100, dash doesn't give it back focus16:39
sil2100Ah, hm, I remember a failure like that in the past16:40
mterry(no window has visible focus)16:40
sil2100But still good to know you can make it fail! Not sure how you're doing this magic ;)16:41
mterrysil2100, the one failing test in 77 (different from 2 failing tests in 78) has my error16:44
mterrylet me see if I can repro that too16:44
mterryNo, that passes for me16:45
mterryBut at least it's similar error around hud behavior16:45
sil2100This is strange indeed, looks like some strange race condition with focus16:47
sil2100Since many random failures are caused by wrong application focus16:47
sil2100Let me check if there's anything suspicious16:47
mterrysil2100, these feel like more uninitialized variables (hard to reproduce)16:58
sil2100Indeed, that's what I'm looking for now again ;)16:58
didrockssil2100: mterry: so, again a random failure on one arch17:01
sil2100didrocks: mterry was able to more-or-less reproduce one issue - as mterry mentioned, 'somehow' it might be an uninitialized variable related to focusing applications again17:02
mterrydidrocks, not completely random.  That's the same single failure from 7717:04
mterrysil2100, doesn't gcc spit out warnings about uninitalized vars like that?17:06
didrockssorry, connexion is quite flacky here17:52
didrockssil2100: mterry: any help needed?17:52
mterryAs far as I can tell, we have a set of focus-related hard-to-reproduce failures.  sil2100 is investigating for possible uninitialized variables17:53
didrocksok, keep me posted, daily release doesn't happen since Monday because of that one, not sure if we should just raise the trigger to 1 temporarly17:54
bschaefersil2100, mterry hello, there is another focus issue? Is it with unity?17:55
mterrybschaefer, seems like it.  See https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/PS/job/ps-indicators-autopilot-release-testing/78/ for example17:56
mterrybschaefer, I can reproduce the gedit test failure locally, but not the other17:56
bschaefermterry, and gcc will try to spit out warnings about uninitialized vars, but being able to detect 100% accuracy you would need a solution to the halting problem17:56
bschaefermterry, hmm the hud one17:57
* bschaefer start up the vpn17:57
* mterry files bug for PS to solve halting problem17:57
didrocksmterry: assign it to bschaefer, with priority critical :p17:57
didrocks(and next close milestone ;))17:57
bschaefermterry, sil2100 oo hmm, I think I was able to reproduce losing focus from the hud at one point17:58
bschaeferdidrocks, haha, if only, I've tried before17:58
* bschaefer was a naive CS student 17:58
bschaefermterry, sil2100 so i've noticed with the hud, it loses focus when you have to windows on workspace 1, and start in workspace 0 (which has a window)17:59
bschaeferthen move to workspace 117:59
bschaeferand open the hud17:59
bschaefersorry, I missed an alt+tab after the switching of workspaces17:59
mterrybschaefer, when I reproduce locally, I only have one workspace.  so maybe those are two separate bugs17:59
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bschaefermterry, could possibly be a different issue18:00
bschaefermterry, how are you reproducing it locally?18:00
mterrybschaefer, with autopilot running in a shell18:00
bschaefero nice18:01
* bschaefer goes to run the test18:01
bschaefermterry, actually if you have 1 workspace...there was this old bug18:01
bschaefermterry, where the gtk-window decor was being counted as window18:01
bschaeferHmm never mind, I just reproduced it on more then one workspace18:03
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sil2100didrocks: bschaefer and me (with a less specialised eye) are trying to find the root cause of the problem, since it seems compiz is the problem here, as Brandon noticed it seems not to focus sometimes when asked to19:39
didrockssil2100: great to see it can trigger real issues \o/19:40
bschaeferyeaah, it seems when you mix workspace switching/alt+tab/hud I can get it to not focus often, but still figuring out if its a different problem or the same :)19:40
didrocksgood luck bschaefer ;)19:41
bschaeferdidrocks, thanks!19:41
sil2100huh, I think I reproduced the issue you mentioned bschaefer19:42
sil2100Strange things are happening in compiz/unity ;p19:42
bschaefersil2100, yeeah19:42
bschaefersil2100, im hoping its the same problem :)19:43
sil2100bschaefer: when I look at it, hm, if it can be *somehow* triggered without switching workspaces, it might be actually the problem that for instance made the test_closes_then_focuses_window_on_mouse_down test to fail19:44
* didrocks crosses fingers19:44
bschaefersil2100, well I was kind of wonder if we could link the test that happened before and after each test19:44
sil2100Still, the undo failure is different ;p Damn you undo!19:44
bschaeferthat way we can see what test was ran before which could have possibly done something to the state of the system19:45
sil2100I wonder how are the tests ran in jenkins exactly19:45
bschaeferas maybe a test before we doing heavy alt+tabing + workspace switching which caused a problem with the undo test19:45
bschaefersooo it can still possibly be the same problem19:45
bschaefersil2100, im not 100%, I know there is no order...19:46
bschaeferit would be nice if each test had an ID that was based on the order it went19:46
sil2100To me it looks as if each test is ran on a clean session, at least that was my understanding in the past19:47
didrockssil2100: apparently, it's not totally true19:48
didrockssil2100: check with mmrazik, but the tests are ran by batch19:48
sil2100didrocks: ok, that makes more sense now then19:49
bschaefersil2100, each arch is run on a clean session19:49
bschaeferso intel, amd, etc19:49
bschaeferati, nividia19:50
sil2100Ok, but we still need to fix that ;p19:50
bschaeferyes we do :p19:50
didrocksyeah, I just published with that19:51
didrocksironically, I put the trigger to 2% of failure19:51
sil2100didrocks: look look! It's all ok ;p19:51
didrocksand for the first time, after 15 runs… all pass19:51
didrockssil2100: no no no no no ;)19:51
sil2100didrocks: we fixed it by not fixing anything! :D19:51
didrockssil2100: well, thanks my retrial :p19:51
didrocksbut yeah, those kinds of $random is ackward19:52
sil2100I know, that's why it's still bothersome19:52
sil2100Maybe in the meantime bschaefer tries to find the focus issue, he has more experience so he'll be able to find it faster - I'll concentrate on the sometimes-failing gedit undo, which might be an HUD issue19:53
bschaefersounds good19:53
bschaefersil2100, one thing you should check (if you can reproduce that hud/gedit problem) is to figure out what window has focus20:12
bschaeferwhen the panel is empty, as I just checked with the focus problem im looking into, and it is actually focusing the window behind the one it should...20:12
bschaeferie. a window does have focus20:12
sil2100bschaefer: but with the gedit problem, hm, actually gedit has the focus, so I think that it *might* be unrelated20:13
sil2100But of course, it might not have focus when doing the HUD command20:14
bschaefersil2100, o gedit still has focus after hitting undo?20:14
bschaeferand the panel has an empty title?20:14
bschaeferi've also noticed that it sometimes focuses a window on a different workspace...20:14
sil2100bschaefer: yes, but the panel has the title 'Text Editor' and the gedit command flies into nothingness20:14
bschaefersil2100, o I though the last time I saw the video, after the undo command was enter the panel title became empty20:15
* bschaefer watches the new one20:15
sil2100So the right window seems focused, just the command ignored20:15
sil2100bschaefer: the new one has focus after the hud is dissolved20:15
sil2100bschaefer: since in the past I think the reason was the switcher stealing focus ;p20:15
sil2100Check build 7820:15
bschaefersil2100, oo, that is why I was thinking it was the same problem haha20:15
bschaeferyeah I believe that was a bug I did :)20:16
bschaeferor introduced20:16
bschaefersil2100, hmm im getting a 404 error on the video :(20:17
sil2100bschaefer: you using apview?20:19
sil2100bschaefer: there is a thing that changed... use my version of apview20:20
bschaeferoo cool20:20
* bschaefer is using thomis' old one20:20
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sil2100Since I had the same thing, and I fixed it temporarily today20:20
bschaefercool, yeah it also said the video was unsupported, so I went to the direct link20:21
bschaeferand the link was a 404 not found error20:21
bschaefero wow, thats a different failure...odd!20:24
bschaeferalso that is a lot better video support20:24
bschaefersil2100, haha...im thinking the focus bug im running into is a unity bug20:43
bschaefercompiz does focus the correct window its told20:43
bschaeferthe problem is the switcher saves the current focused window before going into the switcher and if you don't cancel the switcher it will focus a new window20:44
bschaeferbut the problem is the _last_focus_window is set to the incorrect window...20:44
bschaeferso when you open then close the hud, it thinks the _last_focused_window is the window you used before the alt+tab20:44
bschaeferyay, that seems to be the problem...now for a correct fix....20:49
sil2100That's unexpected!20:57
sil2100But hm, so maybe indeed it's caused by previous switcher usage?20:57
bschaeferyeeah, I think it could actually be because the Hud isn't saving the current focused window before it becomes the active window20:58
bschaeferso it could be a UBUS race condition, but when I saved the input of the window after switcher didn't restore the window everything worked correctly20:58
bschaefersooo ill check to see if its a race condition20:58
didrocksfginther: btw, you probably saw all the latestsnapshot MP, some are failing due to g_type_init21:02
didrocksfginther: if you want to test the "rapid merge" of those, please do…21:02
fgintherdidrocks, thanks, I will21:03
bschaefersil2100, yup, the Hud does not save input before going into the hud, but it attempts to restore the last focused window (oddly...))21:07
bschaeferso no race condition...21:07
bschaefer_sil2100, soo the fix is just to have the Hud save input focus before it opens the hud :)21:23
bschaefer_(which I thought it was...)21:24
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bschaefersil2100, was this causing AP test failures?21:24
bschaeferor do I need to write one haha21:24
bschaeferthough the test should just be...open 2 programs, alt tab, open hud, assert w2 has focus21:26
sil2100heh ;) It was *probably* causing some failures, but it would be nice to have an explicit test written21:26
sil2100Is there a bug for this? Or should I fill one?21:26
sil2100Thanks for finding the cause!21:26
bschaefersil2100, no problem :), if you feel like filing one21:27
bschaefersil2100, I can also make a bug21:27
sil2100bschaefer: I don't think we had an explicit test like this, no - I'll fill  the bug then in the meantime!21:27
bschaefersil2100, alright, ill go prepare the branch!21:27
bschaeferand make the test, thanks!21:27
sil2100That's the least I can do to help ;)21:27
bschaeferhaha, well we still need to fix that hud gedit problem as well :)21:28
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sil2100bschaefer: this fix might be even good for backporting to quantal and precise! Since probably those stacks also suffer from the same problem ;)21:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1100962 in Unity "HUD does not save the current input focus correctly" [Low,In progress]21:31
bschaefersil2100, awesome, yeah, its a one liner as well :)21:32
bschaeferwell that AP tests makes it a little longer21:32
sil2100You can edit the title if you think it's not correct ;)21:32
bschaefernope sounds perfect21:32
bschaefersil2100, https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/unity/lp.1100962-fix-hud-focus-problem/+merge/14378021:45
bschaefersil2100, also how would I also add 6.0 on that bug report? I seem to not have the correct permission to edit bugs...21:46
sil2100bschaefer: ok, will add! And review the branch ;)21:47
bschaefersil2100, alright :), Ill make a 6.0 branch21:47
sil2100bschaefer: strange, I thought you have all the power ;p21:47
bschaefersil2100, so did I! I guess im still not apart of the Ubuntu-BugSquad21:47
bschaeferim just waiting to be approved...21:47
sil2100bschaefer: hah! Excellent, I just was able to reproduce the problem with your autopilot test ;) (without unity with your fix of course) Awesome!21:53
bschaefersil2100, :)21:53
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bschaeferyeah I was surprised how easy it was to reproduce once you understood what was going on21:54
bschaeferits a nice small AP test as well21:54
bschaefersil2100, https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/unity/lp.1100962-fix-hud-focus-problem-6.021:59
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didrockssil2100: bschaefer: rocking!22:07
bschaeferdidrocks, :), though the gedit/undo problem still exist as far as I know22:08
* bschaefer can't reproduce that22:08
didrocksyep, but sil2100 is on it, right?22:08
bschaefersil2100, isn't it getting late for you?22:10
didrocksI think it is late :)22:11
sil2100zZzzZ ;)22:12
* bschaefer needs to eat some food22:13
didrocksfginther: any luck on the latestsnapshot branches not merged into trunk?22:21
didrocksbregma: bschaefer: I think you saw that the nux branch failed to biuld (the one fixing the g_type_init())22:23
didrocksbecause of an unused variable22:23
didrocksandyrock shouldn't be around, maybe it worth taking over the branch?22:23
andyrockdidrocks, failed to build?22:26
didrocksandyrock: yep, https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/nux/deprecated-glib-fun/+merge/14375522:26
andyrockdidrocks, it works here22:27
didrockssee the FAILURE in jenkins22:27
andyrocklet me see22:27
fgintherdidrocks, no real progress, fighting with jenkins at the moment22:27
didrocksfginther: ok, some branches are stuck, can you push them manually if no solution in the nex 30 minutes?22:28
didrocksfginther: are stuck or seems to :)22:28
didrocksfginther: because this will prevent next daily release, those components will be "stuck"22:28
andyrockdidrocks, oh "make" does not build tests?22:28
didrocks(ignored/put on shelf)22:28
didrocksandyrock: can it be a regression of the precompiled header?22:29
fgintherdidrocks, yes, I will try plan B and give you an update22:29
didrocksfginther: thanks!22:29
andyrockdidrocks, does nux use precompiled header?22:29
didrocksandyrock: I'm unsure, I think not in fact22:29
didrocksgtest-nuxcore-logger.cpp:336:14: warning: unused variable 'the_func' [-Wunused-variable]22:35
didrocksandyrock: is that the case? I didn't look at the code22:35
andyrockdidrocks, copy-paste + typo issue :( #else is not #endif22:37
didrocksandyrock: they should be equivalent! :-)22:37
bregmaandyrock, tests should only be built by 'make check'22:37
didrocksandyrock: ok, at least easy fix, can you push and I'll approve :)22:37
didrocksor bregma22:37
didrockseven better ;)22:37
bregmanot me, I have to head out for a few hours22:37
didrocksandyrock: btw, thanks for this fix!22:37
didrocksok, will do then22:37
didrocksbschaefer: btw, I think the "make check" for building tests will interests you ^22:38
andyrockdidrocks, np :)22:39
andyrockbregma, yeah nux just builds test on 'make check'22:40
andyrockdidrocks, pushed22:46
andyrockbut i get: "Fatal error: Features.h: No such file or directory22:46
andyrockcompilation terminated."22:46
andyrockwith or without my branch22:46
andyrockso it should be fine22:47
* bschaefer as arrived back22:52
bschaeferdidrocks, I compiled that nux branch and it worked for me22:52
andyrockbschaefer, yeah but nux does not build test with 'make'22:54
andyrockunity does22:54
bschaeferandyrock, opps, yeah I just compiled and ran it22:54
andyrockbschaefer, me too ;)22:54
bschaeferandyrock, :), do you have a fix for it?/22:54
andyrockstupid typo :)22:55
bschaeferhaha, well I missed it as well22:55
bschaeferit looked correct, if/else haha22:55
andyrockyeah my fault :)22:56
bschaeferhaha, well yay for jenkins catching it22:56
didrocksbschaefer: andyrock: nice work!23:07
bschaeferdidrocks, it was all andyrock :)23:08
fgintherdidrocks, I manually merged nux, compiz merged on it's own and indicator-power is in the build queue23:11
didrocksfginther: sweetness! Thanks :)23:11

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