
snap-lOn the one hand, I think this is a newat dea00:05
greg-glame no line wrapping00:05
snap-lon the other hand, I just thousands of dryer-fucking-with-bad-ground electonic musicicians giggle with glee.00:06
snap-lOh, I just visted the site.00:08
snap-lEssentially, it's a list of videos and speeches featuring rms.00:08
snap-lWill be interesting seeing both dryer-fucking-with-bad-groud electronic music mingling with rms speeches00:10
snap-lmaybe we could mash them together, or is that too Lessig00:11
greg-gsnap-l: oh, cool, they're talking about MediaGoblin!00:31
snap-lHello from the bouncy ball chair and clicky keyboard. :)04:05
snap-lPretty soon it's tiling windowmanagers all the way down, isn't it? ;)04:06
snap-lPixel is liking my regular desk chair is free, though.04:06
snap-lFunny enough, the ball expanded in the car because I had the heat on04:10
snap-lso what was initially a little push into the car became a little more interesting. :)04:11
rick_h_air, gotta love it04:11
rick_h_just a little bit in there04:11
snap-lI can see why people like this. It's actually pretty comfortable.04:12
snap-lWill be interesting to see how Friday plays out.04:12
rick_h_yea, do it for a full work day and you'll find your stomach aching04:12
rick_h_it takes muscles to keep yourself centered/upright04:12
snap-lThat's fine. Seems to be my weakest point04:12
rick_h_the other thing is that you lose height adjustment04:12
rick_h_so your desk needs to be about right04:12
snap-lI can't do a sit-up without feeling it vibrate under the strain04:12
rick_h_I had to bring the adjustable desk pretty low to get a good arm position for typing04:12
snap-lIt's actually right around where my seat is04:12
snap-lI have short legs, so this is fine04:13
snap-lJoDee says I'm laying an egg.04:13
snap-lMan, it's going to be hard to wait until Februaryy.04:35
Blazeixrick_h_: btw, http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Awesome_3.4_to_3.504:49
snap-lSo pary of it is Lua is also changing.05:31
snap-lGood morning11:54
=== ColonelPanic002_ is now known as ColonelPanic001
greg-gwhy I never trusted Mendeley: http://techcrunch.com/2013/01/17/elsevier-mendeley-education/16:51
n0psorry if this is a repeat, but anyone going to Stallman today? /cc jcastro18:00
n0p*to see18:01
greg-gI would love to, I have no idea what he's talkinb about according to the anstract18:01
greg-gwow, cold hands make weird typos :)18:02
jcastron0p: are you joking?18:02
n0pno, was serious18:03
n0pas odd as he is, he is kinda a big deal, no?18:03
jcastronot to me he isn't. :p18:04
greg-gwould be an interesting talk, regardless of the size of his deal18:04
jcastroI've seen one of his talks18:04
jcastrothey're all the same18:05
greg-gthat doesn't follow, but ok ;)18:05
jcastroI mean, if you have never seen one and want to go, then sure18:05
rick_h_meh, I respect the guy but no desire to get into the same room18:05
jcastrobut I don't know why you'd want to go to that on purpose, but that's just me18:05
rick_h_jcastro: woodworking tonight18:05
jcastrorick_h_: I've got no time tonight unfortunately18:06
rick_h_all good18:06
jcastrorick_h_: I want to show you a pine breadbox I found at an antique place for like 20 bucks18:06
jcastroit's epic18:06
jcastrorick_h_: on the plus side, you'll be learning and collaborating with others. n0p will just be wasting his time.18:07
rick_h_how do you really feel?18:07
n0p:-) not sure if i'm going yet, was looking for more of a reason18:07
jcastroif you want to hang out and have a beer18:07
jcastrothat would be way more fun18:07
jrwrenjcastro: did you know AWS meeting was Tuesday night?18:08
jcastrojrwren: ! no18:08
jcastrodang, I need to get a car18:08
jcastroI am missing all these tech things in AA18:08
jrwrenno car?18:08
jrwrenyou live right on bus line, don't you?18:08
jcastroI have not yet gotten over the cold, I know, I know.18:09
jrwrenany excuse is good by me. I never go anywhere.18:09
jrwrenhttp://www.awsmichigan.org/  it still says meets in dexter, but it actually meets at Arbor Networks now18:10
rick_h_OMG I want one http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/01/lenovos-new-thinkpad-x131e-chromebook-can-take-licking-keep-ticking/18:40
rick_h_a chromebook with a nipple!18:40
rick_h_damn schools18:40
rick_h_doh, wtf18:52
jcastrothat one is for you rick19:01
rick_h_as someone that's done both it's not quite the same...but makse for a good joke19:12
rick_h_bwuahaha, love it when software fixes crap. seehttp://www.suntimes.com/sports/17633646-419/bears-coach-marc-trestman-feels-urgency-to-win.html vs http://r.bmark.us/u/205e0c34f284c519:28
n0pi'm having weird magic mime type issues on 12.10, anyone running this care to test for me? https://gist.github.com/455900419:43
n0pit's telling me it's a C++ file however other (older) boxes tell me php script19:44
rick_h_same here19:44
n0p:-/ ok, thanks19:44
rick_h_lol https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=52605619:46
n0pyeah, found someone report a php bug for it to, heh (not a php bug)19:46
rick_h_right, seems like upstream file'd made some choices19:47
rick_h_of course this link is from 2010 so :/19:47
rick_h_talk about hard things to google for though19:48
rick_h_file, mime, type19:48
rick_h_]% mimetype /tmp/delme.php                                                                                    (rharding@toraken:~)19:48
rick_h_/tmp/delme.php: application/x-php19:49
n0phmm, me too on that19:49
n0pannoying thing is, trying to fix something else, just that this is breaking a test for me to run local19:50
n0pno time for tangents19:50
snap-lfile made some chages in later releases20:00
snap-lI remember file having some more useful "magic" in later releases20:01
jrwrengoogle for coreutils file20:26
jrwrennope, even that doesn't work20:26
n0pi've moved on for now.. just commented the text so i could do my real issue. will have to look into the magic stuff later in my free time, ha!20:32
n0pnot a php bug20:32
snap-lTried to print out the Wired Larry Page article as a PDF21:47
snap-lapparently Wired is all about making paper look like shit.21:47
snap-lI'm pretty sure it's their mission statement.21:48
snap-l"make paper look like shit"21:48
rick_h_did you try to r.bmark.us it first?21:48
snap-lrick_h_: OK, r.bmark.us is FUCKING AWESOME21:57
_stink_pip install rick_h22:05
_stink_now i have my very own!22:05
snap-l_stink_: I don't think you have all of the dependencies installed22:06
_stink_pip install... woodworking?22:07
snap-lpip install subaru-outback. pip install clicky-keyboard22:07
snap-lpip install standing-desk22:07
brouschpip install live-in-doctor22:09
rick_h_you guys are evil22:26
rick_h_http://uploads.mitechie.com/larry_page.pdf so fail on the initial image thing22:27
rick_h_but seems like the rest is there/readable22:27
rick_h_so yea, missing the issue snap-l :P22:29
rick_h_http://r.bmark.us/u/6fd32dfd2d3def for the record there22:29
rick_h_ok, my work her is done. Off to woodworking.22:30
greg-ghehe, someone I know at the RMS talk at UMich: "Listening to Stallman has the trappings of a sermon. A holy man tells us how to live. We nod our heads, but continue to sin."22:36
brouschI can officially make an app that runs on Linux and Android with Kivy22:41
snap-liYours looks much better.23:14
snap-lAlso, my chrome save to PDF looked awful by comparison23:14

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