
=== Bazinga is now known as Guest16102
SheldorIsBackOnl sdfasdfasdf04:46
bkerensatgm4883: have people been flooding?05:49
bkerensaidk seeing weird stuff in my scrollback05:49
tgm4883bkerensa, IDK, I do have op though06:44
tgm4883what are you seeing in scrollback?06:44
bkerensa<SheldorIsBackOnl> [04:45:02] fgdxfghdfgh06:45
bkerensa<SheldorIsBackOnl> [04:45:26] lj06:45
bkerensa<SheldorIsBackOnl> [04:45:45]  sdfasdfasdf06:45
bkerensatgm4883: ^06:45
bkerensaand the same thing from 7 other nicks yesterday06:46
tgm4883bkerensa, weird06:46
tgm4883I'll keep an eye out06:46
bkerensatgm4883: I think might be wou students06:47
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=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== blkperl_ is now known as blkperl
bkerensablkperl: any news on colo?20:43
blkperlbkerensa: I have no idea what I was suppose to do on that20:43
blkperlill add it to the team agenda20:43
bkerensablkperl: I know what you were :) invite nathwill down to drop the box on rack ? :P20:44
bkerensa nathwill: So I guess Cloudflare has officially surpassed the amount of traffic that Yahoo gets21:06
nathwilldoes that include ddos traffic? :P21:07
nathwillit's also not especially surprising that a CDN would have more 'requests' than a website21:39
nathwilli'm sure akamai has more 'traffic' as measured by hits than anyone21:39
=== solvb is now known as dustu

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