
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
=== jackson is now known as Guest26220
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
=== jackson is now known as Guest84270
teddy-dbearMorning peoples13:12
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
=== jackson is now known as Guest21542
=== rmg511 is now known as rng51
=== teddy-dbear1 is now known as teddy-dbear
* ChinnoDog yawns15:18
=== io is now known as IdleOne
waltmanSo there was some hot soldering action going on in my lab today. Everything was in flux.21:10
teddy-dbearon that note21:13
waltman$labmate was lusting after the wxd2 at http://www.apexhandtools.com/weller/index.cfm21:14
waltmanit's the one in the first image up top21:20
waltmanat least someone got it!21:23
waltmanI'll be here all night.21:25
waltmanThey were fixing a prof's tv set.21:26
ChinnoDogI would have gotten it in high school. Etching circuit boards in school is fun.21:27
waltmanTurned out to a design flaw in one of the circuit boards. They'd used under-rated capacitors. They pulled them and replaced them with bigger ones. Now it's working again!21:27
waltmanI confess I've never soldered anything21:27
ChinnoDogIt is pretty easy with the right tools21:28
waltmandebugging it was the fun part, of course21:30
* ChinnoDog wonders if Ubuntu Mobile will be better than http://linuxonandroid.org/23:19
jedijftime to say goodbye to my Treo BT headset - served me well23:20
ChinnoDogJabra 250?23:21
jedijfthat was old one - new one is just cheapest they had at target - bt15 or something - seems to work well23:23

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