
barrydkGoodmorning everyone05:27
mazalMorning everyone05:36
Kilosmorning all05:40
Kiloshi nlsthzn 05:40
Kilosnice to have you active again05:40
Kiloshi Squirm you yawning?05:53
Kilosdag mazal barrydk 05:53
Kilosyo Banlam bakuman 05:53
magespawngood morning06:07
Kiloshi magespawn 06:07
magespawntemp and humidity is up here, whats up there?06:08
Kilosstill nice and coolish but sun starting to bake06:08
Kilosyou over 30 today06:09
magespawnmakes it a bit hard to work on pc's when when you dripping on everything06:09
Kilosget fans06:09
Kilosfor that place big ones06:09
magespawngot fan and aircon06:09
magespawnit helps 06:10
magespawnespecially if you do not move06:11
magespawnkind of hard when you have to work lol06:13
Kilosi hope you saved all the ssh info that time06:13
Kiloslooks like i gonna need help maybe later06:14
Kilosserver can ssh here but not vice versa06:14
magespawnyou can ssh from the server to the desktop but not the reverse?06:15
Kilosssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host06:16
Kilosi still gotta try a few commands i think 06:16
Kilosthink ive sorted the conf thing06:16
magespawnthat not route to host means that your pc cannot connect to the server06:29
magespawncheck ip address, check firewalls06:29
magespawnsee if you can ping it06:30
Kilosisnt that because the server was sshed first so it thinks this is the host now06:30
mazalbrb , update reboot06:31
Kilosnope not either way today06:31
Kiloslast night it could06:31
Kiloslemme see wassup06:31
Kilosactually i need to as well06:32
Kiloslotsa network manager updates today06:32
superflyafternoon all06:37
barrydkThat time in the Cape superfly  Good morning06:38
Kiloshmm i moved the network card to make it easier to press the lock clip. maybe that pci socket not good06:44
magespawnthen it would not go either way06:54
Kilosit doesnt ping either way and last night pinged both ways06:54
Kilosand i gotta do a few commands before they can ping. iptables stuff06:55
magespawndid you check the ip address06:55
Kilosthey worked till i did a reinstall here when unity crashed member and have tried the server since06:56
Kiloshi Vince-0 06:57
Kilosmust that show something of the server too?06:59
magespawnno it show the ip addy of the machine that you are on07:01
Vince-0Hi Kilos !07:01
Vince-0and ubuntu-peeps07:01
magespawnso you need to check both07:01
magespawnhi Vince-007:01
inetprogood morning07:01
Kilosoh ya they show right07:02
Kiloshi inetpro 07:02
inetprosuperfly: it's morning, really07:02
Kilosohi superfly 07:02
magespawnhi inetpro07:02
superflyinetpro: really? I didn't notice... it's so hot and the sun is high in the sky07:02
Kilosone never knows in capetown with that weather what time of the day it is inetpro 07:03
Kiloswhew we got clouds and wind at least07:03
inetproKilos: was it you who took a shot at Squirm?07:03
inetprobecause it was not me07:03
Kilosoh ya but missed07:03
inetprostill haven't had rain here07:04
Kilosthey say saterday we should get07:04
inetproat least not so hot any more07:05
Kilosyeah lekker today07:05
Kiloseven got a shirt on07:05
Kilosyay can ping server from here so far07:06
Kilosyay both ways07:07
Kiloshi jrgns 07:07
jrgnsmorning Kilos, all07:07
Kilosshould one run ssh from the server first or from your desktop?07:07
inetproKilos: man ssh 07:09
inetproand then07:09
inetproman sshd07:09
inetproor the other way around07:10
Kilosinstant headache07:11
Kilos sshd [-46DdeiqTt] [-b bits] [-C connection_spec]07:11
Kilos          [-c host_certificate_file] [-f config_file] [-g login_grace_time]07:11
Kilos          [-h host_key_file] [-k key_gen_time] [-o option] [-p port] [-u len]07:11
inetproKilos: http://www.openssh.com/faq.html07:11
Kilosty that might be in english07:11
inetproKilos: don't stop reading on the first few lines of a a man page07:11
Kilosok i got to past first few07:12
inetprothose first few lines are what you typically need as a reminder once you know how to use things07:12
inetprothere's huge lot of detail07:12
Kilosyay i did sudo ssh from here and it did that fingerprint thing which it wouldnt do last night07:17
Kilosonly did it from server last night07:18
Kilosand it shows miles@slowP4:~$ 07:18
Kilosso i can command that one now07:18
Kiloswhich machine is the client? the server?07:21
magespawnthe client is the machine you ssh from so that depends07:23
Kilosso this be the client now then07:24
Kilosthanks guys07:26
Kiloswas rattled there for a while07:27
Kilosi go sort sheep07:28
magespawnthat statement, if taken out of context of Kilos, whould have most ppl asking for an explanation07:30
magespawnespecially following on the heals of the last conversation about ssh07:30
Kiloswhat now?07:35
magespawnthe whole 'i go sort sheep'07:35
magespawnnew comers be going "What?"07:37
magespawntodays task is get ie to tun in wine07:42
Kiloseek ie sucks07:49
magespawnyup but need it for this online course i am doing and wife has the other machine07:56
magespawnone of those things07:57
Kiloshi drussell all good?08:03
Kiloshi henkj 08:21
henkjhi Kilos 08:22
inetproKilos: don't do sudo ssh!08:37
inetprothat is so wrong!08:38
Kilosuh oh08:38
Kiloshow do they then get to fingerprint each other08:38
inetprowhy would you even want to do that?08:38
Kilosi dunno?08:39
Kilosthought it was part os recognising each other08:39
Kilosbut i can go out again not so?08:39
Kilosand come back with ssh plain08:39
inetproand where does sudo fit in there?08:40
Kilosor is it too late08:40
Kiloswhen i did ssh i saw no change in $08:40
magespawnjust ssh username@ipaddress08:40
Kilosok will do in future08:41
Kiloswhat damage have i now caused?08:41
magespawnprobably nothing, but using sudo runs a command as root which if compromised could cause all sorts of hassels08:42
magespawnif i am not mistaken08:43
Kilosactually last time i did sudo as well first time then just ssh after08:43
inetproKilos: you need to understand what sudo does08:44
magespawnin your case you only ssh to your server but you can ssh to any machine in the world going through the internet which you do not want to sudo08:44
inetproman sudo08:44
Kilosso the fingerprint is not necessary08:44
inetproKilos: has nothing to do with sudo08:45
Kilosoh ya when i went to your server i didnt use sudo08:45
Kilosoh would the fingerprint have come anyway or arent they needed08:46
inetproKilos: man ssh 08:46
magespawnthe two of you with your 'ai'08:47
magespawnlong time since i have used wine = learning curve (again)08:49
Kilosai every time i try install stuff on wine i make my pc sicker08:56
Kilosai twice power went off for a bit and ups disconnected for repairs and investigtion09:20
Kilosim sure they switch it off and on to see if their circuit breakers still work09:20
mazalinvestigation , now that is a nice way of putting it :)09:21
barrydkDon't worry electricity prise are going to double in the next 3 years and then the disruptions will also double up09:23
Kilosfor a third world country these peeps steal like first world pros09:24
magespawnbrb reboot09:25
magespawnnot working here either09:31
SquirmKilos: it's been hectic09:42
SquirmI hit the off button on 4 alarms this morning and fell asleep right after each one09:42
Squirmyes, I set 5 alarms in the morning to get me up09:43
Kilosyou need a wife to kick you outa bed09:44
Kilospower gone there magespawn 09:45
barrydkJulle stadsjapies kan slaap ne. Is that because the nightlife?09:48
Kiloshy leer tot laat09:48
barrydkok might explain 09:49
Kilosyay ssh worked without the sudo this time10:23
magespawnno power was fine just mine laptop was unplugged10:54
magespawni unplug the power to use the battery10:56
magespawnsupposed to be better for the battery10:56
henkjmagespawn: that's only true for older batteries10:58
magespawnyeah the lappy is about 6 years old10:58
henkjsurprised the battery still holds much of a charge then10:58
magespawnabout 2 hours10:59
magespawnbut does not give any warning really when it goes off10:59
magespawnwhen you here the beeps you have to be plugging it in or it is gone10:59
magespawnbut i was gifted this machine so i do not mind11:00
mazalI wonder how long mine would last , it's almost 7 years old now11:22
mazalThe battery I mean , when plugging out the power11:22
magespawnbrb going to get fish11:34
Kilosso mr superfly hows the family and you?11:51
superflyKilos: fine thanks11:58
KilosMaaz, list plugins12:08
MaazKilos: Plugins: admin, calc, conversions, core, eval, factoid, feeds, film, fun, games, geography, google, help, icecast, identity, karma, languages, log, lotto, meetings, memo, memory, network, oeis, quotes, rfc, seen, social, sources, strings, sysadmin, test, urlgrab and urlinfo12:08
barrydkSee you guys tommorow Lekke slaap12:20
magespawnhey all12:26
magespawnman is it baking out there today12:26
inetprobig clouds over Pretoria12:29
Kilosya but biggish wind too12:29
Kilosnever trust the wind to leave the clouds where they can do best12:30
magespawnyou wannah back win use brains show them a full screen video on one desktop and another on the 2nd and so on 12:30
magespawnlook like rain?12:38
Kilosnot yet sun out here by me again12:43
mazalBye all12:48
mazalEnjoy the evening12:48
drussellKilos: yes! all good here, how's the weather with you now?12:59
Kilosstill very dry here drussell weeds are even wilted13:00
Kiloswe need lotsa rain here in the tvl13:00
inetproand the other weed is still tumbling along as well13:01
inetprodrussell: wb13:01
drussellinetpro: thx13:01
drussellKilos: heh when the weeds are dying, that's when you know things are bad13:01
Kilosyip drussell its been a bad few years13:02
inetproKilos: no 13:02
inetprowe had good rains this season already13:02
inetprowas just lately that it became a bit dry13:02
Kiloswhen you have good rains everything grows inetpro and keeps groing13:03
Kilosgood rains  are no good with droughts in between13:03
Kilosnatal has good rains13:03
Kilospeeps gotta swim now and again13:04
Kiloshi rorr13:10
Kilosoh my13:10
Kilosroryy, 13:10
roryyhey Kilos13:10
roryyhow goes?13:10
Kilosgood ty roryy and you?13:11
roryynot bad - on leave today and tomorrow13:11
Kiloshi bebras 14:39
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za14:39
Kiloshow did you end up here with us14:40
Kilosare you an ubuntu user?14:40
Kilosyou are our first lithuania visitor14:41
bebrashad experience with ubuntu14:42
bebrasi am playing with raspberry pi but have different dist on that :)14:43
Kilossome of the guys here have them as well14:44
bebraspretty things14:44
bebrasi am searching for areas where people have difficulties with internet connection14:48
Kiloshave you got a cure for it?14:49
Kiloswe have some problems here especially with mobile broadband and slow internet in general14:50
bebrasto be more specific, I want to solve problem: help people  to check email, but have no/limited/slow internet 14:51
bebrasmine solution: send sms text message as soon as important email comes to the inbox14:53
Kilosah 14:53
magespawnnice idea14:54
Kilossmses are expensive in south africa unless one gets sms bundles from the service providers14:54
magespawnyou could use something google sms to do it14:55
magespawnthen it could come straight from the person own inbox14:55
Kilosoh ya but it doesnt work all over magespawn 14:55
bebrasyes, i read that google provide this service in limited list of countries14:56
magespawntrue if you could work a way to get selected emails delivered vis sms/mms that would be awesome14:56
bebrasi haven't tried it14:56
bebrasif you are interested: http://bebrapp.appspot.com/14:57
bebrasit is free beta14:58
jrgnstrello sends smses in SA, at almost decent prices14:58
jrgnsit should be trivial to setup a ifttt.com recipe to sms certain mails to yourself14:59
bebrastrello itself sends sms? or 3rd part solution?14:59
jrgnstrello is an api to send smses and make voice calls14:59
jrgnssoz, not trello. wtf. brainfart15:00
Kilosi go get sheep15:02
bebraslost connection :/15:02
jrgnsi've got to hit the road.. cheers guys15:03
bebrasjrgns: yes, also zapier.com works in a very similar way as ifttt.com and provides free functionality i think15:04
magespawnbebras what language are you using to write the program?15:05
bebrasand for web platform it is google app engine15:06
magespawncool there are some python programmers here i am busy learning that myself15:06
bebrasthats nice :)15:07
magespawnsome of the guys have a lot of experience15:07
magespawngotta go home time here, later all\15:07
bebrasok, latter15:08
inetproI would be very hesitant to provide my cellnumber to third parties 16:02
inetprobut that's just me16:02
Kilosyeah airtime disappears sometimes16:03
Kilosyo Cantide stiff from can cycle?17:18
Cantidenah :p17:18
Cantidei just did 11 km17:18
Cantideso i am fine :)17:18
Cantidedidn't go to gym t his morning though haha17:18
Cantidehow are you?17:19
Kilosgood ty17:19
Vince-0Good eve! I mean it is a good eve17:51
Vince-0or simply that I must be good this eve17:51
CantideRead the Hobbit lately?17:52
Kiloslo Vince-0 17:52
Vince-0watched 3d HFR version last night with new dolby cinema17:55
Vince-0got a G+ hangout on air here that needs testing - waiting for the LUG guys18:01
Vince-0no gals :-(18:01
magespawnEvening all18:41
Kiloshi magespawn 18:41
magespawnHey Kilos18:44
magespawnHey Vince-O hows the hang out?18:45
magespawnMust be good.18:49
Kiloswhew magespawn tracepath www.google.com is getting lotsa no replies tonight18:55
Kiloshi theblazehen 18:55
Kilosnormally i get lotsa ip addies18:56
Kilosonly 3 tonight and many no reply18:56
Kilosnslookup gets them all18:58
Kilosi been battling since yesterday with sharing 3g from the server and just found its ufw that was blocking it19:01
Kilosand it was disabled too19:01
Kiloshi nlsthzn  you on the g+ hangout thing too19:03
magespawnTracepath? Not traceroute?19:03
Kilosleme check19:04
Kilosnope i got the tracepath command saved here19:05
Kilosgot lotsa saved commands from the fly and Kerbero 19:05
Kiloshi Kerbero wen jy19:05
Kilosi spose the pro and fly on the hangout too19:06
magespawnFo not know tracepath, wonder if there is a difference19:07
Kiloslol it lives19:07
magespawnGot a uh? Not an ai19:07
Kilosthats one from kerby when first did the iptables stuff19:07
Kiloslol ya19:07
Kiloshe must be half asleep19:07
magespawnKerbero ping19:08
inetproKilos: sup?19:09
Kilosserver can ping www.google.com at last19:09
magespawnCool Kilos19:09
Kilosufw was blocking it19:09
inetproat last?19:09
Kilos2 days19:10
inetproso why you be so ... to block it?19:10
Kilosit was disabled19:10
Kilosi purged it19:11
Kilosaptitude purge19:11
Kilosnow server can go online19:11
Kilosand now no firewall19:12
Kilosand i sukkel to setup that one of the fly19:12
inetproman ufw19:12
inetproman iptables19:12
Kilosi hate man19:13
Kiloscan never understand it19:13
inetproyou must get to know the firewall if you want to use it19:13
Kilosno man19:13
inetproif you want to play with fire you must be prepared to get burnt19:13
Kilosif i get the right help i save what to do and it works next time19:14
inetproyou can't have your cake and eat it19:14
Kilosthat arno looks good but i dunno where to put what in19:14
Kilosi will bake another cake19:15
inetprolearning the hard way is the right way19:15
Kilosnow if i install a firewall while server connected online will the fw configure itself correctly?19:16
Kilosanswer that at least19:16
Kilosyou forget i forget19:16
* inetpro never forgets19:17
* inetpro has selective memory19:17
Kilosals goed boet?19:17
inetprogoed en daar oom?19:17
Kiloslekker dankie19:17
Kiloswaar is die water uit die lug19:18
inetprobut more seriously I have not done this strange arno thingy19:18
Kilosmoet baie val van more tot maandag19:18
inetproKilos: jy't als weggewaai19:18
Kilosyou should look at it sometime, it seems a good one19:19
Kilosnee man nie ek nie, die wind19:19
* Kilos gee terug sy epos addy vir inetpro 19:19
inetproKilos: where's the docs?19:20
Kilosinetpro, what docs?19:20
inetprothe docs about all your problemos19:21
Kilosgood thing you dont drink19:22
inetprojou vuurwalletjie man19:22
Kilosthen noone would understand you19:22
Kilosoh wait i show19:22
inetproman iptables19:27
Kilosai! too19:27
Kilosyou kinda deaf tonight19:27
inetproKilos: dis 'n verskriklikke ding daai19:28
Kilosya man is vreeslik19:29
Kilosman dit en man dat19:29
inetprowat was die rede daarvoor?19:29
inetproom daai in te sit man19:29
Kilosdaai wat?19:30
inetprooja en daai is nie dokumentasie nie, dit is konfigurasie19:30
Kiloso op slexy19:30
inetpronou waarvan dink oom praat ek dan?19:31
Kilosdis wat my laat ufw purge19:31
Kilosek het nie geweet nie manm19:31
Kilosman ook19:31
inetproNo manual entry for ook19:31
Kilosi must install a distro that hasnt got man in19:32
Kilosthen when you say man i can just ?? every time19:32
inetpronee man19:32
inetproKilos: ek moet eerlik sê ek was nog nooit 'n vriend van iptables nie... vir my te deurmekaar19:34
Kilosi wonder if crashbang has man in19:34
* inetpro prefers ipfw 19:34
inetproon freebsd19:34
Kiloswhats freebsd19:35
KilosMaaz, define freebsd19:35
MaazKilos: I don't have a definition for that. Is it even a word?19:35
inetproFreeBSD® is an advanced operating system for modern server, desktop, and embedded computer platforms. 19:35
Kilosyou dont use  ubuntu server?19:36
inetpromaar shh... moet vir niemand vertel nie19:36
* inetpro gebruik albei19:37
inetproen nog meer19:37
inetproslowlaris ook19:38
Kiloshoekom so baie19:38
Kilosmeer as een is baie19:38
inetproKilos: seen this? http://distrowatch.com/stats.php?section=popularity19:38
Kiloswait i go see19:39
Kilosaw ubuntu going down19:40
Kilosblame unity19:40
Kilosnow i dont wanna go sleep in case server dont work again in the morning19:41
Kiloslol maybe i should get solaris19:42
inetproKilos: haha19:42
inetproKilos: het jy gesien hoeveel is op die lys?19:43
Kilosi will master this iptables 3g sharing thing yet19:43
inetprogaan kry Rebellin19:44
inetproof Sabily19:44
Kilosai! 8719:44
Kilosnee man ek sal trou bly19:45
inetproof BOSS19:45
Kilosno im slowly getting used to ubuntu19:45
Kiloseveryday i save more commands to sort this or that out19:46
inetproof IPFire19:46
Kilosis parted magic and gparted distros?19:48
Kiloshow can they be in that list19:48
Kilosdont make sense19:48
Kilosoh i saw i got a thingie saved too called gadmin-samba19:49
inetproyep, you can get it as a distro as well19:49
Kilosputs a gui on the server is that right?19:49
Kilosit says the gadmin tools allows you to setup samba with a well thought out graphics interface19:52
Kiloscant copy paste from that document19:52
Kilosdunno why19:52
Kilosi dunno where i got it from or i would give you the link19:53
Kilosgadmin-samba.ps document19:54
inetproyou can run samba on your desktop19:54
inetproI just don't see why you would want to 19:54
inetprobut you can19:54
Kilosi dont want to i found that whiole looking for info on iptables and masquerading and all19:55
Kilosserious business this sharing 3g with direct cable connecting 2 pcs19:56
Kilosnuvolari, said dhcp was easy19:56
inetproKilos: excatly19:57
inetprojust get a decent router/switch and forget about this nonsense19:59
inetprothen again19:59
inetproyou won't learn anything abot networking19:59
inetproeverything will just work19:59
inetprovery boring19:59
Kilosthey are expensive. im trying to save up for a mb that can take an i5 cpu and ddr3 ram20:00
Kilosand as you say im learning20:00
Kilosdifficult as it might be20:00
Kilosim learning to save commands all over20:01
Kilosjust battling to find where they are saved20:02
* Kilos needs a geek secretary20:04
inetproKilos: and you are even forgetting20:12
inetproMonday is meeting day20:12
Kilosi already emailed nuvolari 20:12
Kilosjust didnt tweet20:13
inetproand? He be ready?20:13
Kiloshe hasnt answered20:13
inetpronuvolari: kom, kom, waar kruip jy weg?20:13
Kilosso get ready to chair20:14
KilosMaaz, tell nuvolari meeting monday night hey!!!!20:15
MaazKilos: Okay, I'll tell nuvolari on freenode20:15
Kilossjoe inetpro ek moet slaap nou20:17
Kiloslekker slaap20:17
Kilossal jou laat weet of server werk more20:17
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:17
inetprogoeienag oom20:18
* inetpro just started the google+ ubuntu-za community20:29
inetproanyone welcome to join at https://plus.google.com/communities/11732224777991027599220:34
inetprosuperfly: I'm amazed how quickly people are joining on there20:42
inetpro8 members confirmed in a few minutes20:42
superflythey're all geeks with no lives :-P20:43
Vince-0yoh its late - I'm out21:16
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