
jambeedrumdoes anyone think i should buy cubase?01:17
len-1304jambeedrum, wrong forum to ask that in02:20
chiahi from china03:16
chiathe newly installed 12.10 amd64 ver of ubst did not enable intel driver for my i7 core graphics03:17
chiabut that never happened on the same computer with ubuntu 1204 or 121003:18
holsteinintel is usually well supported chia03:18
holsteinchia: shouldnt have to be "enabled:03:18
holsteinchia: what is the issue?03:18
chiawith ubuntu this is true; but with ubuntustudio not03:19
holsteinchia: ubuntustudio *is* ubuntu03:19
chiai know03:19
holsteinchia: whats the issue?03:19
chiaintel is supported out of the box with ubuntu 1204 and 1210, as i can run glmark2 to make sure opengl is available03:20
holsteinchia: do you need opengl??03:20
chiabut after a fresh installation of ubuntustudio, no opengl03:20
holsteinchia: if you'd like, since i literally will not be able to help/convince you, go ahead and install the 64bit xubuntu or main ubuntu.. test for opengl03:21
chiaa proper driver is not only about opengl03:21
holsteinchia: other than that, i will be back soon...03:21
chiawhen dragging the windows there is no double buffering03:22
chiaeverything is software composited03:22
chiaso my question is, if the driver is not loaded, what should i do to load it?03:23
chiaubuntu 1204 1210 amd64 worked just fine, with intel supported, so i wonder why ubst didnt03:25
chiais there a way to manually configure drivers, or should i try install it again?03:26
chiaback to ubst 1204 this is not a problem, so i guess i have to install 1204 again.03:27
chiawithout the support of opengl, BLENDER CRASHES ON STARTUP. what can someone do if he want 3d but cant get opengl?03:28
holsteinchia: you dont need to "load" the intel driver03:29
holsteinchia: then just come with the kernel03:29
chiabut what should i do when it doesnt work03:29
holsteinthe kernel that is 64bit may not03:30
holsteinchia: you should check for and apply all upgrades03:30
holsteinchia: thats the first easy thing03:30
chiaif this rarely happens, i guess i may just install 1204 and save both of us some time.03:32
holsteinchia: then consider using what was working.. otherwise, it'll be about checking bug reports03:32
chiathank you for all the advice.03:32
holsteinchia: sure.. wish i could help03:32
holsteinchia: i think the best thing for you to do, is to take the *studio out of the equation03:33
holsteininstall vanilla.. or xubuntu, and enjoy the larger community of support there... then you can apply that to ubuntustudio, or just install the applications you need03:34
holsteinchia: if you are not doing proaudio, you dont need ubuntustudio (in my opinion)03:34
chiafine. ubuntu and ubuntustudio, they should be the same but with different desktop env and software.03:34
chiaanyway it's very good advice to try other distros.03:35
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computerHi. QjackCtl Just stoped working with this message: Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory. ????15:44
computerTried remove and install....But still the same message. ???15:46
holsteincomputer_: sometimes the devices can jump16:05
holsteincomputer_: what device are you using with JACK? how many sound cards do you have?16:06
computer_Hi. Just logged back in.16:39
computer_Intergrated sound card. Was ok untill started using a mixer....Then.....BANG......Well actually it just stopped working.16:41
computer_D-BUS: JACK server could not be started16:41
holsteincomputer_: i disable dbus16:42
computer_Also tried re-install of Pulse Audio. Tried that but I'm not getting any sound from guitar (through mic input)16:43
holsteincomputer_: turn off dbus and remove pulse audio from the chain for troubleshooting16:44
holsteincomputer_: have realistic jack settings for your internal sound card16:44
computer_Went in to windows and mic input is working ok there. Yes was working fine until used a mixer that comes with studio???16:45
holsteincomputer_: sure.. that could crash jack16:46
holsteincomputer_: you dont use that mixer anymore16:46
holsteinthats the pulse audio mixer16:46
holsteincomputer_: you can use JACK for that16:46
holsteincomputer_: i need to run,, but check #opensourcemusicians if its slow here16:47
bobweaverHello there I have been playing around with Ubuntu studio for the last couple of days and was wondering how to change the notify osd back to Ubuntu Default ?16:54
wipso VST under ubuntu-studio 64bit possible?17:02
wiplike this VSTi (free) http://www.megavst.com/synth/icecream/17:04
holsteinbobweaver: i just install the other notifications17:08
holsteinbobweaver: i also sometimes use the compositing.. or xcompmgr17:08
bobweaverholstein,  no I am saying that it is installed already I just want to role it back17:08
holsteinbobweaver: keep in mind, the normal notifications dont look good without compositing17:08
holsteinbobweaver: role it back?17:08
bobweaverI am running unity 2d with opengl  atm17:09
holsteinwip: you can fire it up and test17:09
holsteinbobweaver: i just installed the normal notifications and ran them at startup17:09
wipholstein: will eventually do... but just to test i need to install libs32bit and wine...17:10
holsteinwip: i was told, they work in 32bit.. i dont use anything non-native17:10
holsteinwip: there are tons of ways to implement what you are linking in FOSS17:11
wipholstein: so your studio is 32bit?17:11
holsteinwip: nope17:11
holsteinwip: i dont use non native windows applications in wine for audio production17:11
wipholstein: what is lacking in ubuntu-studio / linux is nice soft-synth17:12
wipholstein: VSTi have tons of them...17:12
holsteinwip: well, "nice" is a matter of opinion17:12
holsteinwip: i can get those 8bit sounds with xsynth or why synthc17:12
wipholstein: i could spend a month trying to make one in puredata, but...17:12
holsteinwip: or, a few hours auditioning the current ones17:12
holsteinOR a few minuts in #opensourcemusicians with my friend [lsd]17:13
holsteinOR try the application that is "all in one" that you linked and obvisoulsy like17:13
holsteinwip: also, there is nothing preventing megavst from writing and releasing that app for linux/ubuntu17:13
holsteinwip: sometimes developers are quite approchable if you offer to help17:14
bobweaverholstein,  do you know what the package is called or where it lives in dbus ?17:14
bobweaverthe notify osd stuff is real ugly17:14
holsteinbobweaver: "ugly is a matter of opinion"17:14
holsteinbobweaver: i literally opened synaptic and searched "notify" and tried them17:15
holsteini settled on the ones that are in main ubuntu17:15
bobweaveryeah That is the one that I like to use also but I can not for the life of me figure out how to change it back to that17:16
holsteinbobweaver: well, it never was that, so you wont change it back17:16
bobweaverIt is like the whole thing got re-wrote I am guessing here that it is the schema file but I looked at dconf-editor and it is not in there17:16
holsteinbobweaver: i just start it.. and i set it as autostart in my custom openbox config17:17
holsteinbobweaver: in xfce, i just installed the one i wanted, and ran id17:17
holsteinbobweaver: try just installing notify-osd, and running it via the terminal17:17
bobweaverIt is installed17:18
bobweaverI am removing xfcenotify-whatever17:18
holsteinbobweaver: sure... i forget what i did exactly when setting that up in xfce.. last time i did it, i didnt have notifications17:19
bobweaveryeah it has made them all grey and the sound part I can not even tell that it is the sound by the icon because it is clured17:20
bobweaverblured *17:20
bobweaverI am going to reboot to test thanks holstein  :)17:20
holsteinwip: http://wootangent.net/category/linux/17:22
holsteinhttp://wootangent.net/2012/05/ruis-new-synths-synthv1-and-samplv1/ specifically17:23
bobweaverholstein,  worked like a dandy17:23
holsteinbobweaver: cheers!.. i prefer them too, as long as im ok with a little composite17:24
papyhi anyone ! I got an asus n56vz, the Fn keys does'nt work on 12.10. problem is that it got a backlighted keyboard, and i can't use it. Has someone an idea to help me ??17:47
holsteinwell, you can use it without the backlight... but i would probably just try the main ubuntu live, and see if it "just works" and see what they are doing there17:48
papyok do you know the command to backlight the keyboard ??17:49
papyi like the backlight, i would like to use it...17:49
holsteinpapy: there likely wont be a "command"17:50
holsteinpapy: there could be a package that is helping it work.. could be a package from the manufacturer for linux that would work17:50
holsteinpapy: i usually test with main ubuntu, as a troubleshooting step.. if it works there, then you should be able to see how to implement it in xfce17:51
holsteinpapy: you are welcome to hang here for help from the volunteers, but this is not an ubuntustudio specific issue, and you would likely get more help in an xfce channel/forum17:51
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