[00:02] Seriously? celeryd log rotation interrupts any branches being scanned at the time? [00:03] Oh, no, there it goes [00:03] It wouldn't surprise me. [00:03] Just exceptionally confusing log output [00:04] (It starts up another poolworker of the same name, I think) === slank is now known as slank_away [00:13] Aha, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/i386/man-db et al is what I'm looking for [00:13] I always find that tremendously difficult to locate [00:16] cjwatson: Yeah, I've never been sure how to get there without URL hacking [00:16] I believe there is a way [00:17] But like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+package/man-db it is rather difficult to find [00:17] That's what I always go for first and it's much less useful (to me anyway) [00:18] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/i386 has a search box that times out a lot [00:18] Maybe it would return something useful if it ever succeeded [00:18] Hm, no, takes me to the DASBPR [00:19] The package relationship links on DASBPR:+index go to DASBP:+index, though [00:19] So that's one way, albeit convoluted [00:26] Yeah [00:26] By DASBP you mean DSBP? [00:26] Ah, no [00:26] Nevermind [00:27] I don't think so [03:11] StevenK: How's the rewrite? [03:12] Painful [03:13] Think of all the code you can delete [03:13] Not sure I'm at all happy with it [03:13] % bzr di | diffstat -s [03:13] 10 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 423 deletions(-) [03:13] And that's just the start :) [03:14] StevenK: whatcha doin'? [03:14] * wgrant breaks the build farm [03:14] cody-somerville: Rewriting specification search [03:18] As well as questioning my sanity as of 4:30pm yesterday. [03:19] What did you do? [03:21] 4:30pm is approximately when I talked myself into starting specificationsearch. [03:21] Heh [03:21] wgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1543444/ [03:27] :) [03:31] Oh, so you don't wildly object? [03:31] % subunit-stats < lp.log | grep Failed [03:31] Failed tests: 93 [03:31] Hmmm [03:32] It's a good start [03:32] Even better once the tests pass! [03:33] Removing this duplication can only be a good thing [03:33] I've not done {Distro,Product}Series either [03:38] StevenK: What about ProjectGroup? [03:39] I didn't really look at the deletion bits of the diff hard enough to notice [03:39] ProjectGroup has been subsumed [03:39] Ah [03:58] % testr failing --list | wc -l [03:58] 46 [03:59] What sort of failurs? [04:03] Most of them have been thinko/things I missed while shifting tons of code around [04:07] Right :) [04:08] % testr failing --list | wc -l [04:08] 26 [04:22] Progress! [04:22] % testr failing --list | wc -l [04:22] 11 [04:23] * StevenK sighs at the specification code using 'filter' everywhere, which neatly masks an internal function [04:30] Huh [04:30] I didn't break buildbot [04:30] Incredible === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away === jtv1 is now known as jtv === yofel_ is now known as yofel === slank_away is now known as slank === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch === matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara [17:56] Hi, I sort of forgot how I can change the number of e.g. blueprints there are displayed on a project's blueprintspage per page, anyone know this by hard cause I couldn't find it using grep [18:01] s/hard/heart/ [18:01] woops [18:03] ?batch=50 [18:04] (etc.) but if you raise it too high it will probably time out [18:04] ah, or tell you that the maximum is 300 [18:04] cjwatson: and where do I set that? [18:06] at the end of the URL [18:06] cjwatson: but that's not a permanent solution now is it [18:06] I was able to raise it from 10 to 20 before [18:06] but I don't remember how the hell I did that xD [18:07] wait, is this your own LP instance? [18:07] cjwatson: yeah [18:07] it would be helpful to say that rather than making us guess :P [18:07] yeah sorry, I guessed you'd expect that based on the fact this is the dev chanel, sorry man [18:08] it's default_batch_size in launchpad-lazr.conf [18:10] cjwatson: awesome, thx :D [18:10] so silly I couldn't remember [18:10] thought it was in some template, so I went looking there === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === james_w` is now known as james_w === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk