[01:27] Hi, I"m having weird apt-get issues regarding a missing kernel image. It's a kernel from a while ago though - the issue happened as a result of having to move /boot (initial partition too small) coupled with updates that failed due to power failure. Pastebin of error after an apt-get upgrade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1543233/ [01:29] Error message is "Internal Error: Could not find image (/boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-31-generic)". I've tried apt-get clean/remove/update etc Anyone know where I might find that boot image online? [01:45] I am running 12.04 [02:15] nothing? No one can tell me where the kernel image or deb for vmlinuz-3.2.0-31-generic is? I've tried google, this was a last resort [02:17] internal error from what? [02:18] internal error from an apt-get upgrade/dist-upgrade [02:19] apt is upgrading everything except the kernel atm, because of this unresolved config on an image that is AWOL [02:19] lifeless: sorry, I should have made that clear to start with [02:20] have you tried update-grub ? [02:21] lifeless: yes, updating grub works fine - but apt still fails on the missing vmlinuz file [02:21] the file isn't on my box at all - I' [02:21] ve done a updatedb/locate [02:21] well apt itself doesn't care about vmlinuz [02:22] update-initramfs may [02:22] and update-grub [02:22] which are shell scripts used to setup your boot environment [02:22] its likely one of those is the actual thing failing [02:22] lifeless: it seems to be a dpkg error [02:22] it may look like that [02:23] as per pastebin above [02:23] but dpkg, like apt, has no direct involvement with the kernel or those files. [02:23] it's true - but the problem isn't with the kernel per se, it's with dpkg --configure isn't it? [02:24] try dpkg -P linux-image-3.2.0-31-generic linux-image-3.2.0-31-generic-pae [02:27] datakid23: you're looking for http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/linux-image-3.2.0-31-generic ? [02:28] lifeless: weird. It didn't create anything new, but it has changed the errors in and apt dist-up [02:28] jwi: I believe I am, thanks! [02:29] lifeless: now it's complaining htat "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-image-generic: linux-image-generic depends on linux-image-3.2.0-31-generic; however: Package linux-image-3.2.0-31-generic is not installed." [02:30] of course, apt install and apt -f install on linux-image-3.2.0-31-generic fail [02:30] datakid23: does it fail the same way ? [02:31] yes [02:32] lifeless: for clarification, if you mean does the apt -f install fail in the same way as the dist-up fails, after having done dpkg -P... yes [02:34] datakid23: did it unpack linux-image-3.2.0-31-generic to disk again ? if so the file should have been written now... [02:35] lifeless: I'm still downloading the deb - I'm on the wrong side of a satellite connection (Tarawa, Kiribati) [02:36] We just upgraded our network and the students are off for the summer, so there's finally enough bandwidth to look into this :| [03:00] lifeless: the deb puts the ubuntu software centre into a infinite loop of fail [03:00] will need to unpack/install via cli I think [03:07] lifeless: ok, done, and I repeated your dpkg -P line from above, and I now have a vmlinuz-generic and initrd.img-generic but no generic-pae for this kernel [03:08] the number of errors has significantly reduced [03:08] which is nice [03:08] but it still fails [03:08] datakid23: -pae is a separate package [03:08] datakid23: you may need to repeat with that [03:09] lifeless: I know I was just coming here to facepalm [03:09] :) [03:09] apols :) [03:26] lifeless: and jwi: thanks! All sorted [03:26] apt get upgrade runs without error [03:26] wahoozi [03:26] ok, reboot time - out === Traxer|on is now known as Traxer === bambee is now known as rperier === henrix_` is now known as henrix [10:18] apw: infinity: I was testing linux-lowlatency precise-proposed. Accelerated graphics failed during first boot. Works now, after installing linux-generic (was going to see if it had the same problem). [10:18] I'm not much help tracking down errors. Any tips? [10:19] zequence: I'm assuming that was because you didn't have headers installed and thus didn't get a dkms module build for your nvidia/fglrx drivers? [10:20] zequence: How were you testing? Just by installing "linux-image-$foo"? [10:20] infinity: Intel graphics [10:20] Oh. [10:20] I just did a dist-upgrade to get the newer version (from proposed) [10:20] Define failed... [10:21] X went into crazy safe mode antics? [10:21] Seemed ok, but gnome-shell went into fallback mode [10:21] hmm, I accidentally went through recovery boot before I resumed normal boot though [10:22] When you say "Works now, after installing linux-generic", do you mean that linux-lowlatency now works after installing linux-generic, or that you're currently running generic? [10:22] linux-lowlatency works now, after installing -generic [10:22] And -generic worked also [10:22] Kay, then installing generic probably didn't fix/change anything. [10:27] infinity: I just retried booting into recovery mode first, then resume normal boot [10:27] That's what did it [10:27] no accelerated graphics === smb` is now known as smb [10:30] zequence: Okay, so totally unrelated to the kernel update. Good to know. [10:31] zequence: Possibly still a bug, mind you, but not an issue with the SRU. :P [10:32] infinity: Yeah :). So, I'm looking at the kernel-sru-workflow at the wiki, but if I'd try a shortcut and ask you directly. I've booted the kernel for precise. Anything else I should try? And, should I change a status in the bug for the kernel? [10:33] zequence: Andy and I are going to have a talk with bjf about how best we should be mangling the verification tasks for those bugs. [10:34] zequence: For now, just dumping your comments in the tracking bug "smoketested lowlatency/i386, lowlatency-pae/i386, lowlatency/amd64 and it worked fine" (pick whatever kernel(s) you actually tested), we'll figure out proper process for next time. [10:34] infinity: All right === henrix_ is now known as henrix === henrix_ is now known as henrix === henrix is now known as henrix_ === henrix_ is now known as henrix [11:11] brb [11:15] infinity, ok i've boot tested all 5 and put testing results in the bugs [11:19] apw: Shiny. [11:27] apw / zequence: Okay, so. I think I've come up with something sane here without needing to talk to bjf, just from looking at how other derivatives are handled. [11:28] The "Verification-testing" task should have someone quickly check and see if -lowlatency fixes any bug other than the ones fixed by master. If not, set it to Fix Released. If yes, verify them first, then Fix Released. [11:29] And we should use Regression-testing to indicate that the install/reboot smoketesting has been done. [11:29] apw / zequence: ^-- Seem reasonable? [11:31] infinity, seems a valid semantic to me, so mostly verification == noop as there are no patches, but if there are there is something to use [11:32] and r-t tells us it has been tested by someone to boot, ack [11:32] Right. [11:32] Also, the bot has a hissy fit if you don't set "qa-testing-passed" as a tag when setting Regression-testing to Fix Released. [11:33] (I'm going to do all of this right now on the two current bugs) [11:35] So, in an hour or two, while I slumber, the bot should update all of this and set my SRU releasy tasks appropriately. [11:35] sounds good [11:35] we need to get the thing to add that tag when missing :) [11:36] Well, it's looking for qa-testing-passed or qa-testing-failed and assuming the QA engineer is a doofus if it finds neither. [11:36] Which is probably a sane safeguard for Canonical-maintained kernels. [11:36] Maybe overkill for others. I dunno. [11:39] Oh, depending on when Shankbot's "Friday" starts, it might not update the release tasks. [11:39] I guess we'll see. [11:39] It'll get around to it by Monday, at any rate. :P [11:40] heh === yofel_ is now known as yofel [12:08] Oh, look at that, Shankbot doesn't think it's Friday yet. [12:08] apw / zequence: Releasing those kernels now. [12:21] rtg: Any idea what the verification status of your linux-firmware/precise SRU is? [12:21] rtg: (Or if you can hunt people down and find out?) [12:21] infinity, bug # ? it has perhaps been so long that I've forgotten. [12:22] rtg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1024884 [12:22] Launchpad bug 1024884 in linux (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth with AR9462 WLAN/BT-Combo don't work" [Medium,In progress] [12:23] rtg: The bug log is pretty messy. I get the impression the firmware update is mostly a no-op without a matching driver update... [12:23] infinity, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1024884/comments/68 indicates that it might work... [12:23] Launchpad bug 1024884 in linux (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth with AR9462 WLAN/BT-Combo don't work" [Medium,In progress] [12:24] infinity, they are new files, so it would be hard to regress methinks [12:25] you'd think the cert dudes would notice since the added a blocks-hwcert tag [12:25] Yeah, that's what I was thinking. [12:25] hell, they added that tag yesterday [12:25] I'll leave it over the weekend and ping them next week for some definitive "yeah, it's working for us" before I release it. [12:25] wfm [12:26] I just want the kernel SRU report to be empty. :P [12:27] * rtg pushes rebase to v3.8-rc4. apw, ogasawara [12:35] rtg cool [12:35] apw, build testing... [12:59] * henrix -> lunch [14:58] herton, ~/kteam-tools/stable/create-release-tracker: Exception: linux-3.8.0-1.5: can't figure out the distro series for it. [14:59] rtg, looking [15:03] rtg, please pull kteam-tools and try again, not tested but I think I fixed it [15:04] herton, looks like its working [15:04] ok cool, let me know if it something else breaks [15:09] * herton -> lunch [15:25] the directory structure under /lib/modules// changed between quantal and raring seems to have changed, is this intentional? [15:25] * ogasawara back in 20 [15:27] ah wait [15:29] * diwic just forgot to install linux-headers. [15:32] * apw whines at sforshee [15:32] herton, so that tracking bug will puke out an upload message as soon as 3.8.0-1.5 is done building, or when it is accepted ? [15:32] sforshee, i am seeing all sorts of badness with 3.8-rc3 raring on brcmsmac, locking up and generally going bad [15:33] apw, any errors in dmesg to share? [15:33] apw, this one has never worked well with brcmsmac, right? [15:34] sforshee, a couple i have seen transmit failures and not recovered, others i have seen upsetness [15:35] apw, do the errors say something about MI_TFS and then reset the hardware? [15:35] I was working with broadcom on that one, but last I heard they suspected a ucode problem [15:36] Jan 18 15:05:01 localhost kernel: [ 7538.086453] brcmsmac bcma0:0: queue 7 >= NFIFO [15:36] Jan 18 15:05:01 localhost kernel: [ 7538.086478] brcmsmac bcma0:0: MI_TFS: fatal [15:36] Jan 18 15:05:01 localhost kernel: [ 7538.086494] brcmsmac bcma0:0: wl0: fatal error, reinitializing [15:36] sforshee, so yes ... :/ [15:36] but i have been using brcmsmac for the last 3-4 releases ok, and its only in 3.8 i have this poppage [15:37] oh has tim given me new shiney microcode [15:37] I don't think so [15:37] it's more that something changed in the driver to expose the bug [15:37] apw, no changes for brcmsmac in -rc4 [15:37] at least that's the theory [15:38] sigh [15:38] there's corrupt data in the tx status we're being handed from the ucode [15:38] qualtiy [15:38] it's show up in various manifestatins [15:38] *manifestations [15:38] well it is cirtanly utter broke for me [15:38] I'll ping broadcom about it [15:38] thanks [15:39] * rtg notices that a Lenovo x120e now beeps just before S3 [15:39] apw if they haven't made progress I'll start a bisect, as I can reproduce one minor instance of that problem in a contrived scenario [15:39] sforshee, ok thanks [15:40] apw, what's your wireless card? [15:54] rtg, when it enters proposed in the archive, I believe it'll be when it's accepted [15:57] apw, you did try brcmsmac in 3.7 and didn't see those problems? [15:59] herton, ack [16:00] rtg, I assigned the tasks there to in progress, otherwise the bot will not act, I have yet to fix this so the bot automates more of it === henrix is now known as henrix_ === henrix_ is now known as henrix === chiluk is now known as chiluk_away === chiluk_away is now known as chiluk === henrix_ is now known as henrix === henrix is now known as henrix_ === henrix_ is now known as henrix [17:13] jsalisbury: hi [17:13] arges, hey [17:13] jsalisbury: so bug 1097396 i bisected down to the bad commit, reverted it and things works fine now [17:13] Launchpad bug 1097396 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "Unplugging USB Headset causes Kernel Panic" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1097396 [17:14] jsalisbury: however i'm still looking for a solution that isn't a revert [17:14] arges, ack [17:15] arges, maybe see how it was fixed in 3.3 and see if that can be backported? [17:15] jsalisbury: yea trying to do that... git blame on yields patches that seem to alrleady be in stable [17:16] arges, hmm [17:18] arges, maybe the fix is already queued for 3.2 and just hasn't made it yet. [17:19] jsalisbury: you mean in master-next ubuntu-precise [17:20] arges, maybe here: git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/stable-queue.git [17:20] arges, did you find a specific commit that fixes the bug? [17:21] jsalisbury: ok i'll test that [17:21] jsalisbury: yea i did its on the bug [17:23] arges, commit 10e44239f67d0b6fb74006e61a7e883b8075247a had a CC to stable, so if that is the fix, it should make it into 3.2 [17:23] jsalisbury: yea that doesn't fix the issue [17:24] jsalisbury: so that's already in 3.2.0-36 [17:24] arges, ahh, ok [17:24] jsalisbury: anyway i'll keep poking at this [17:24] arges, cool [17:37] arges, jsalisbury: this is looking like a buggy backport of the patch you reverted. The commit causing the problem was a backport sent to the stable mailing list for 3.2, it differs in some parts to the mainline commit [17:37] herton: ahh. this might be the issue then [17:38] herton: should I try to re-backport it? [17:39] herton: or send a mail to the stable list explaining that the stable patch is buggy [17:40] arges, this was the thread with the set of backports: http://www.mail-archive.com/stable@vger.kernel.org/msg22850.html [17:40] arges, better send an email I think [17:40] herton: ok i can do that. for the time being should we revert in ubuntu? [17:41] arges, perhaps, if we don't get a solution until next SRU time frame we could do it [17:41] herton: ok i'll start with an email [18:02] herton, arges, ack === chiluk is now known as chiluk_away [18:03] ok sent [18:09] * ppisati -> EOW [18:18] * rtg -> lunch [18:31] * cking -> EOW [18:32] * henrix -> EOW too! === henrix is now known as henrix_ [19:13] hi, i've found a bug on 3.5.0-22-generic (which wasn't present on 3.5.0-21-generic), is this the correct place to report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-team ? [19:15] I didn't check if it is upstream (I only tested Ubuntu kernels, not vanilla kernels) [19:21] thotypous, use this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/linux/+filebug [19:22] thotypous, actually like said in the link, use ubuntu-bug linux on a terminal on the affected machine [19:23] herton: thank you === chiluk_away is now known as chiluk === chiluk is now known as chiluk_away === chiluk_away is now known as chiluk [20:35] * rtg -> EOW === chiluk is now known as chiluk_away === cmagina is now known as cmagina_away === cmagina_away is now known as cmagina === cmagina is now known as cmagina_away === cmagina_away is now known as cmagina === chiluk_away is now known as chiluk === cmagina is now known as cmagina_away === cmagina_away is now known as cmagina === cmagina is now known as cmagina_away === cmagina_away is now known as cmagina === cmagina is now known as cmagina_away