[01:11] o.O [01:14] hm? [01:14] ChristopherNg [01:15] seems to like me a bit, sorry for that, but I have no clue who he is [01:16] ah, noted [01:17] actually the only query I can find with him is 7 months old, and I was helping him ... odd. Sorry for the noise. === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [04:32] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1664 users, 8 overflows, 1672 limit)) [04:32] FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1672 users, 11 overflows, 1683 limit)) [06:03] FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from cub) === k1l_ is now known as k1l [17:28] #xubuntu norbert79 [21:37] talking to christopherng from -ot. he's an "old member" and "its weekend ffs" and so on. let's see how it goes when the mute is over [21:53] Hi there. [21:54] Ive noticed a few things -- I am banned in #ubuntu for one thing. When is that going to be lifted and could I get an explanation on that? [21:54] Also I was in #ubuntu-offtopic about a week ago, for several days and suddenly was banned there. Can I get an explanation on that? [21:56] I would like to get a statement about how long I have been banned in #ubuntu [21:56] As well as a detailed justification for it. Thank you :) [22:55] hi em, thanks for coming back again, I will look up the details [22:57] em: so the recent ban in -offtopic was because there was already a ban there from some time ago and the ban mask was adjusted to make it work correctly, so this wasn't a new ban and we need to go back and discuss the original reasons for that one [22:59] I think you have been banned since Feb 04 2012 17:31:28 in #ubuntu [23:02] it appears your ban in #ubuntu-offtopic dates back to some point prior to Jan 30 2010 [23:06] http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/08/24/%23ubuntu-ops.html#t16:38 is the logs from the last time we discussed your ban in #ubuntu, please re-read that because I wouldn't want to waste any of your time by having a repetition of that conversation with the same outcome. [23:08] all the way to 18:19 would be good