=== chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun [17:23] bobweaver, ping [17:24] pong [17:24] bobweaver, you going to be around for the meeting today? [17:24] sure [17:24] ok [17:24] it is in 30 min ? [17:25] yea [17:25] k [18:08] tgm4883: meeting? [18:09] mhall119, arg, thanks [18:38] mhall119, links ? [18:38] to your mockup, do you have screenshots? [18:38] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SktXV_E-XHU [18:39] that is all qml2 and uses the sdk kit [18:40] I figure (guessing ) that I will be able to tie in alot faster now that most of that i done [18:40] update on qtdee, there is a merge proposal to the package to get it building for Qt5, so in theory it's done, just needs to be approved, built and published [18:40] soon all things will come together :) [18:41] mhall119, bobweaver So for guide data schema, this should cover it I think [18:41] ChanId, StartTime, EndTime, ChanIcon (Optional), Title, Subtitle, Show Boxart(Optional) [18:41] Then for previews, we could add more [18:41] Once I know how the phone reads the lens and applications and giodefault ect things will come together real fast [18:41] if it even does yet that is [18:42] bobweaver - that looks excellent!! One question though... does it need to be in 15 minute blocks? [18:42] bobweaver: as far as I know the phone does it the same way Unity/Unity2d do it [18:42] like I said things will come together soon enough [18:42] 15 min blocks ? [18:42] bobweaver: so it that a stand-alone Unity2d TV instance, or just a stand-alone mockup that looks like it? [18:43] no there is no backend to that it is just raw qml 2 and Ubuntu sdk [18:43] the time at the top shows 15 minute 'blocks' [18:43] oh that is mythweb and that is not going to stay [18:43] ok :D my bad [18:43] tgm4883, I like what yu are thinking about with the meta stuff [18:43] CrestedNewt, final product would be prob 30 minute blocks, 4 hour span [18:44] tgm4883 - that would be much better [18:44] bobweaver: nice, can I get a copy of that to play with? [18:44] CrestedNewt, that is pretty much the defacto standard [18:44] mhall119, it is just a mockup [18:44] sure [18:44] thanks [18:45] but like I said I just made it last night and there is no c++ or qt yet [18:45] that's actually better for me :) [18:45] QML I can understand, C++ not so much [18:46] CrestedNewt, that is just the top guide though, the shows should ideally snap to the correct minute [18:46] minimally, the closest 5 minutes [18:46] mhall119, lp:~josephjamesmills/+junk/mockaroo [18:47] it is still pushing [18:47] tgm4883 - or how about a 'yellow' vertical timeline? [18:47] CrestedNewt, you mean for current time? [18:47] tgm4883, yes [18:47] CrestedNewt, that isn't exactly what I'm talking about [18:48] what I mean is, with really good guide data (like we have in the US), you'll notice that shows aren't scheduled to come on at say 8:00 [18:48] they are sometimes scheduled for 8:02 [18:48] so we should show the start time accurately [18:48] rather than just the nearest half hour [18:48] tgm4883 - ok. in the UK sometimes the shows start early or late and you can miss the start or end [18:49] 5 minute accuracy should be the minimum we shoot for [18:49] with 1 minute accuracy being ideal [18:49] CrestedNewt, yea that is unfortunate [18:49] CrestedNewt, at least you aren't australia [18:49] mhall119, again that is just about 4 hours of coding most was for mucking around like how to make a fake launcher that is not dependent on dash and so forth so that I can change real fast later on [18:49] especialy if you use a PVR for an overrun of the Bronco's match last weekend [18:50] in australia, I've heard that frequently shows will start +-20 minutes from their scheduled start time [18:50] tgm4883 - lol - that's the Aussies drinking too much :D [18:50] in austrialia, apparently tv stations have a guy that manually puts in the disk to play a show ;) [18:50] mhall119, I had it put together a lot better launcher.items and dash.items but I took it all out so that it would stay raw [18:50] s/man/kangaroo/ [18:51] lol!! [18:51] I am going to drink j/k lol [18:51] well I have my beer with me now but the 'sun is past the yardard' in the UK [18:52] *yardarm [18:54] tgm4883 - so what you are saying is that the TV guide data that is pulled down MUST have the correct timings. If that data is only pulled down every 12 hrs, and the guy is 2 mins late for each program, how would the program start time be reflected in the software? [18:56] The weakest link is always the one that has not been thought of! [18:56] :) [19:02] OK, I'm off to make some dinner.... laters all [22:07] How's it going?