[00:00] Ikline; what error? [00:00] if it's of any help, it does it right after init-bottom [00:00] Help: I did a dist-upgrade and now Ubuntu is all screwy. One of my screens is cut in half and Ubuntu desktop doesn't fully load (have to manually restart as it won't respond). Xmonad desktop logs in. -- Booted up right one time after the Grub2 screen came up randomly, but I can't bring the Grub2 screen up again manually (shift makes the computer restart) [00:00] Ikline; is it a hardware error? [00:00] Ikline: smartct -a /dev/hd? |less or hdparm -i /dev/hd? [00:01] sylphie: More-than-likely [00:01] sylphie: not that I can tell, I've run a memtest, and all peripherals seem to work fine under the live cd [00:01] anybody who knows how the iptables work? [00:01] CLUSTERfoo, sounds like X might be misbehaving ... try ALT+F2 to bring up a terminal window, kill X, and then restart it [00:01] Ikline: hdsentinel: http://www.hdsentinel.com/hdslin.php [00:01] not hardware: screen looks normal on during boot. also, entire gnome desktop seems to not function properly when it boots up screwy, while xmonad desktop does. randomly it'll boot up fine sometimes. [00:02] CLUSTERfoo, never said it was hardware ... X is the display client/server [00:02] shadej -- a little ... what're you trying to do? [00:02] usr13: botting up live cd, will check it out as soon as I can [00:02] Ikline; then most like one of the installed drivers got corrupted when the power failed [00:03] Ikline: Okeydokey. Good luck [00:03] dpurgert sorry i read different message [00:03] sylphie: my assumption has been that there was a file being written to when it happened and that's the source of the problem, now I could be completely full of it [00:03] Ikline: Sometimes you have to run fsck a couple times. [00:03] CLUSTERfoo, no worries mate, there's about five different things happening. [00:03] Ikline; ssds write really fast ... [00:04] usr13: will fsck tell me if it has done something? [00:04] Ikline: Yes [00:04] If there are errors, it will say so, it will say that it has done something, (changed something). [00:04] Ikline; if some device driver or part of the kernel got corrupted, fsck won't fix it [00:05] sylphie: I know that, but if it's a filesystem error, it will [00:05] I am just trying everything I can because this error seems to havve a billion reasons for showing up [00:05] Hello, I wanted to ask if I can run the latest version of Gnome on 12.04= [00:05] yeah, but with init choking ... [00:06] Ikline; if it was a filesystem error, it hould already be fixed [00:06] DarkSim_, yes... though you may need to do some "convincing" with gnome [00:06] !latest | DarkSim_ [00:06] DarkSim_: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. === dankest is now known as dankest|away [00:07] dpurgert, what exactly is in need of "convincing" === slank is now known as slank_away [00:08] Hello [00:08] what happened with ubuntu-restricted-modules ? [00:09] brb, reboot [00:09] can't find pid of x. looked in system monitor and ps ax | grepped for "x". [00:09] DarkSim_, who knows ... you may need to compile binaries, or something [00:09] it's 'X', CLUSTERfoo (i.e. capital) [00:09] or ubuntu-restricted-* ? [00:10] CLUSTERfoo, "ps -ef | grep X" -- it should return an entry with to the effect of /usr/bin/X [00:10] usr13: ok, downloaded hdsentinel, ran it, it gave me my hard drive info, now what? === dankest|away is now known as dankest [00:11] Ikline; btw, what filesystem are you using? [00:11] Ikline: hdsentinel: http://www.hdsentinel.com/hdslin.php [00:11] sylphie: ext4 === craig881 is now known as craig_h [00:13] usr13:yes, i went to that site, i downloded it, and ran it, it just gives info [00:13] Ikline: Health: ___________? [00:13] usr13:99% [00:13] Ikline: Well, that's good. [00:14] It means it's probably not a hardware issue. [00:14] usr13: so do you think reinstalling init is a viable option for correcting this? [00:14] I have 12.04 running on a dell poweredge eight core machine, but it seems like core 1 is doing all the work. Its temp is twice that of the rest. Why would this be? [00:14] Ikline; is this one of those server-level ssd'd that uses battery backup insted of flash? [00:15] sylphie: it is an OCZ-VERTEX4 [00:16] dpurgert: didn't fix it. it logged me out, but the problem already exists at login screen. (my ipad doesn't seem to be connecting to chatroom so I have to do do this on the same computer I'm trying to fix :/ what a day) [00:18] dpurgert: is there another way to bring up grub? pressing shift during boot instantly restarts my computer. -- Is there a way to undo last night's dist upgrade? [00:18] Ikline; according to the OCZ website, it's flash-ram based. which means it has a write limit. You might have exceeded that limit === kellan is now known as |Kellan| [00:19] sylphie: please read a bbook, there's no way in hell I've exceded the write cycling on this hard drive since it has over a million cycles and I won';t even live that long, I guess i should just go back to windows [00:19] goodbye linux people, good luck dtaking eight times as long fixing issues thatn in windows [00:20] I'm insulted [00:20] Ikline: WHat? [00:20] usr13: Ikline quit [00:20] and he is using Ubuntu too [00:20] hmmph [00:20] Ubuntu is the reason I can use Linux at all [00:21] phy1729: Yea I see he did. He is really lost. Sorry about that but he's just lost and frustrated. I feel sorry for him. [00:26] Oh my god! Why doesn't everyone use Gnome, this is amazing [00:26] So clean, so beautiful === jezy is now known as maxjezy [00:30] CLUSTERfoo, not sure what you mean? after you killed X, did you restart it? [00:30] where do kernel headers normally install to? [00:31] Coded1 typically /usr/src === dankest is now known as dankest|away [00:32] I did "sudo kill X", I was instantly logged out (the log-in menu showed up). I then logged back in. [00:32] CLUSTERfoo, oh, sweet, it auto-restarted :) ... no dice on things working though? [00:33] hi all, could someone help me with some tablet troubles? about to pull my hair out here... [00:33] jrwagner, what's the trouble? [00:33] nope. only time it booted up proper was after Grub menu randomly showed up (I just chose "Ubuntu" option). I tried to repeat the process, but holding SHIFT instasntly restarts my computer instead of bringing up Grub menu. [00:33] so i've got a new monoprice tablet [00:33] trying to use it with GIMP [00:34] set up the wizardpen drivers, but can't for the fucking life of me calibrate it [00:34] it wants me to edit an etc/xorg.conf file but that file does not exist [00:34] and evidently has not existed since 9.04 [00:34] i'm out of ideas and just really frustrated [00:34] I really don't want to re-install everything. But this is my work computer and I've already lost all day to this problem. And what happens if it just happens again after I upgrade the fresh install :/ [00:35] CLUSTERfoo, did you happen to get a new kernel maybe? if you did that ... it could be causing the trouble [00:35] jrwagner https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config might help you out. It talks about how to create the X.Org.conf file, if you need it. [00:35] CLUSTERfoo, what do you get from uname -a [00:35] ? [00:36] okay, patrickdickey, that's really helpful. i'm a bit new at this, so how do I go about taking those instructions and turning them into what i need? just paste into wordpad, or...? [00:37] I think I did (I know, dumb not to check, but it was late and I did it without thinking). I get "Linux computer-dev 3.5.0-22-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 8 21:47:00 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux" [00:38] CLUSTERfoo, no worries :) -- check /boot and see if there are older kernels in there [00:38] (ls /boot) [00:38] Hey I'm having a problem installing Ubuntu on my laptop. I installed it with the Windows installer and after rebooting it sits at a blank black screen with a blinking cursor and doesn't do anything. Can anyone help? [00:38] jrwagner from a command line (terminal) type gksudo gedit /etc/xorg.conf and enter your password. That's if you need to create the file. If you can get by using the daemon (the one that ends in .d) then you'll use sudo /etc/xorg.conf.d and enter your password. [00:38] yes, a few. is there a way to choose one without Grub menu? [00:39] CLUSTERfoo, OK, do this now -- "ls -l /boot" [00:39] is one of them dated yesterday? [00:39] PatrickDickey, I could fucking kiss you right now [00:39] Sorry jrwagner I misread that. /etc/xorg.conf.d is the directory that the xorg.conf file will be located in. So I'd check there for the file, and create it, if it doesn't exist. [00:40] it didn't exist, so i just created it === dankest|away is now known as dankest [00:40] "15238739 Jan 17 23:55 initrd.img-3.5.0-22-generic" [00:40] !wubi | rdp1408 The information here might help you to troubleshoot your installation. [00:40] rdp1408 The information here might help you to troubleshoot your installation.: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe [00:41] CLUSTERfoo, well, that might be the culprit. this is "slightly" dangerous (i.e. you could break things if you don't kill it all) [00:41] CLUSTERfoo, but you should be able to remove all *3.5.0-22-generic files [00:44] dpurgert have you ever used Bleachbit or something similar to clean out older kernels? I'm not sure if that would help in CLUSTERfoo's situation or not, as I came in a bit late. [00:44] do I just rm the file? [00:44] PatrickDickey, nope, I do it manually -- figure that way if (when) I break it, I'll have broken it good :) [00:45] * PatrickDickey is good at breaking it good... [00:45] how can i solve this errorrshttp://pastebin.com/n3zvK0tp [00:45] CLUSTERfoo, there will be 3-4 files that you'll have to get rid of -- vmlinuz, initrd, config, and maybe something else [00:46] you'll need to use sudo though [00:46] and then after you've deleted the files, run sudo update-grub [00:46] alami, what are you trying to do that's creating those errors? And was there anything above what you paste-binned? [00:46] PatrickDickey: i want to install matlab [00:47] alami can you pastebin everything from when you started the installation to the end please? [00:47] hey... so i noticed that with some youtube videos, i can take the url from the address bar of my browser, and copy it, and if i open that with vlc media player or the default media player, it plays the video... but with other videos, this doesnt work... [00:47] why is this? [00:47] though, tbh, you have an OLD kernel ... I'm sitting on 3.2.0-34 (and only because I don't have the space to build the new one) [00:47] i dont understand why it even works some of the time [00:47] chaotix, depends on the video stream ... not sure if youtube is fully HTML5 yet... [00:48] not all youtube videos are html5 [00:48] it's old? now I'm confused. I'm on 12.10... maybe I should try to upgrade to a newer kernel? no clue how to do that TBH. pretty new to linux so I don't know a whole lot about the upgrade process. [00:48] i just dont get why i can put the url of the page in my video player, and it plays the video [00:48] PatrickDickey: how can i make all that in a file like ./install echo -> log.txt? [00:48] Best thing i find for youtube are the various video-downloader extensions. they can normally download the video in differnt formats that are easy to play [00:49] CLUSTERfoo, Ubuntu is built for "stability" moreso than "new stuffs" ... so they don't always have the newest release of things [00:49] its cool... jsut wondering why it works... i do use video download helper, it is an awesome tool [00:49] alami ./install > log.txt should do it [00:49] Personally, I went and hunted down the newer headers ... so, yeah [00:49] CLUSTERfoo: That is NOT an old kernel. [00:49] chaotix, chances are VideoLAN purposely made that a feature. [00:50] kernels have very little to do with video anyway - and why are you removing it manually instead of using apt? [00:50] oh ok, if it's safer I'd rather go back a version and when they release a new kernel update I'll do that and skip this version. how do I find those other files to remove? [00:50] PatrickDickey: -bash: log.txt: Read-only file system :( [00:50] theres flash-replacer plugins for firefox that play flash videos in an embeded vlc or totem window. or can play them in a external vlc window [00:51] should all be in /boot [00:51] alami, there's your problem then. Are you in Recovery Mode by chance? [00:51] does anyone know the name of the system-settings application/gui which can be launched via the "gear symbol" in the upper right corner? [00:51] my ubuntu is out of date [00:51] jhutchins, um ... because ... [00:51] kk... thanks [00:51] PatrickDickey:http://pastebin.com/ZbeChcCV [00:51] how to fix? [00:51] Hi. I just tried to update my computer and got this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1547343/ [00:51] PatrickDickey: no i'm not [00:51] shadej: clarify whata you mean [00:52] CLUSTERfoo: If you installed it with the package manager, remove it with that. [00:52] when i login it says "ur ubuntu is not supported any more" [00:52] CLUSTERfoo: If you just delete files from /boot you won't get all the libraries and drivers. [00:52] alami you could try sudo ./install and see if that works. But, if it's saying your on a read-only file system, it means that something caused your / partition to mount in read-only mode (meaning it won't let you make changes). [00:52] shadej: and what release is it? [00:52] you can give us details ya know. ;) [00:52] shadej: You can download the latest Ubuntu and reinstall. [00:53] jhutchins, he's not really sure what he did ... just kinda killed his system after updates/upgrades ... so trying to step back one kernel if he can ... I'm probably going about it the "difficult" way though :| [00:53] and thers no need to msg people. [00:53] !eol | shadej [00:53] shadej: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [00:53] PatrickDickey: yes the install files is on iso so i mount it on /mnt s it's read only [00:54] and also with sudo the same errors [00:54] alami are you trying to install this on the operating system you're actually on, or on one you mounted? [00:54] Just out of curiosity, anyone here on PPC? [00:55] just apt-get remove it? [00:55] PatrickDickey: my ubuntu is normal installed on hard drive [00:55] shadej: thers no need to be msging me.. and we asked what Version of ubuntu are you using exactly. [00:55] alami do you have a GUI desktop, or just a command line? [00:55] also gui [00:55] normal ubuntu [00:55] CLUSTERfoo: Yes, that's the right way to do it. It will run update-grub and remove it from the boot menu as well. [00:55] ubuntu10.10 === dankest is now known as dankest|away [00:56] alami if you open your file manager, does the iso show up as a drive on the left side (showing the name of the iso with the little eject symbol next to it)? [00:56] apt-get autoremove linux-headers-3.2.0-##-generic should do it ... sorry CLUSTERfoo ... I'm used to the difficult way :/ [00:56] PatrickDickey: no [00:56] Hi. I just tried to update my computer and got this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1547343/ [00:56] i think that's the Problem? [00:57] SnapSnap try sudo apt-get -f install and see if that works. If not, try sudo dpkg --configure -a [00:57] shadej: you can upgrade to newer releases.. see the urls the bot gave. or backup your imporntant stuff and do a clean install to the latest [00:57] !eol > shadej [00:57] shadej, please see my private message [00:57] alami yes. I don't think it's mounted like a CD. [00:57] but i use mount -o loop file.iso /mnt disk [00:58] but i use mount -o loop file.iso /mnt/disk [00:58] what's wrog here? [00:58] !iso [00:58] To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [00:58] looks right to me alami [00:58] so with autoremove (that gets dependencies too right?) -- the package is called linux-image-3.5... [00:59] shadej: in either case - i would backup imporntant data first. [00:59] my ubuntu is 64bits so it's alot buggy :D [00:59] bwa? 3.5? [00:59] alami: my ubuntu is 64bits - and i cant recall any bugs that are due to the 64bit-ness [01:00] sory 3.5.0-22-generic [01:00] PatrickDickey, I tried both. See here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1547391/ [01:00] dr_willis: +1 [01:00] alami and dr_willis (since you replied also), about the only thing I can think is that you need to be in a different directory when you run it. Right now, you're in /mnt/disk. Try going to your home, and then running ./mnt/disk/install from there. [01:01] mine is called linux image, not headers. [01:01] ah, yeah, that's the full image [01:01] a file on a cd may not be 'executable' so cant be ran PatrickDickey that way [01:02] k, I'll see what happens. Thanks so much for the help! I hope when I sign in again the problem is fixed. [01:02] CLUSTERfoo, hopefully will be ... jumping kernels causes weird errors sometimes [01:02] PatrickDickey:sudo: ./mnt/disk/install: command not found [01:03] SnapSnap try sudo apt-get autoremove After it's done, then try sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [01:03] alami, what're you trying to install [01:03] matlab [01:03] alami: its not ./mnt its /mnt/ [01:03] oh, right ... [01:03] alami try removing the . at the beginning then. That's my mistake. [01:03] alami: unless mnt is in your current directory. ;) [01:04] the same errors [01:04] i get the same errors === mrenouf is now known as mrenouf|away [01:04] alami: and ls -l /mnt/disk/install shows ? [01:04] h [01:04] alami type ls /mnt/disk and tell us if it's install or install.sh [01:04] oops [01:05] install [01:05] alami: and ls -l /mnt/disk/install* shows ? [01:05] i thing that's a java problem [01:05] * PatrickDickey will step back from alami's problem as dr_willis has a good handle on it and is quicker than me. [01:05] -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 23526 Dec 29 2011 /mnt/disk/install [01:05] -r--r--r-- 1 root root 9305 Dec 29 2011 /mnt/disk/installer_input.txt [01:05] -r--r--r-- 1 root root 3684419 Jan 4 2012 /mnt/disk/install_guide.pdf [01:06] thanks PatrickDickey [01:06] i dont even know what we are insgtalling.. seems theres an insgtall guide for reading.. [01:06] you _might_ need sudo /mnt/disk/install [01:06] dr_willis: matlab [01:06] He's trying to install it as root right now. [01:06] alami: and file /mnt/disk/install* shows ? [01:06] dpurgert: don't work [01:06] then again, you may ... wait, is there a makefile? [01:07] actually no * for that one [01:07] alami: and file /mnt/disk/install shows ? [01:07] you might need to do more stuff ( configure, make, etc) [01:07] dr_willis: /mnt/disk/install: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable [01:07] alami try just /mnt/disk/install no sudo [01:07] PatrickDickey, It's telling me that linux-headers-3.5.0-21 needs to be autoremoved but that "Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should [01:07] reinstall it before attempting a removal." update and dist-upgrade won't work because of linux-headers03.5.0-21 [01:07] alami: so try sudo sh /mnt/disk/install [01:07] PatrickDickey:same errors [01:08] its not an executable file..... [01:08] same errors [01:08] or its confused.. [01:08] dr_willis alami is at a root prompt, not a normal user prompt. [01:08] what 'same error' [01:08] this one i have pasted [01:08] i thing it's java Problem [01:09] file says the install scripot is a shell script. [01:09] http://pastebin.com/ZbeChcCV [01:09] but all errors have jre [01:09] sweet! I just broke something \o/ [01:09] err... 'input/output' errors - point to the disk image being bad... [01:10] or some other filesystrem issue [01:10] SnapSnap sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-headers-3.5.0-21 linux-headers-3.5.0-21-generic [01:11] alami: id make some directory in your home. and copy all the files from /mnt/disk/ TO that directory. ie: /home/yoruusername/myinstalldir [01:11] i will try to download it again [01:11] dr_willis: can i see the capacity of a file with df -h? [01:12] df shows disk free space [01:12] du = shows disk ussage [01:12] also -- eww, wonder why apt choked on the 3.5 kernel ... hmmm [01:12] oh, that's why [01:12] no space :) [01:12] alami, which version of ubuntu and matlab are you working with? [01:12] dpurgert: it works! thanks for the help, you saved me hours of frustration! [01:13] what kind of disk is it alami? a cd image you downloaded and burned? [01:13] CLUSTERfoo, thank jhutchins more than me :) he had you use apt [01:13] PatrickDickey, looks like no more problems. Thanks! [01:13] SnapSnap that's great to hear. :) [01:13] dr_willis: df shows disk space usage du gives estimate file space usage [01:14] i mean file size [01:14] alami dr_willis https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB Depending on which version of Matlab and Ubuntu, this may be a lost cause. [01:14] dpurgert: right, thank you as well jhutchins! [01:14] PatrickDickey: ubuntu 12.10 matlab 2012a [01:15] well, this is annoying ... totally out of space on this hdd :( [01:16] dpurgert; how dig was it? [01:16] dpurgert: Well, just another project; Free up some space [01:16] dpurgert; how big was it? [01:16] sylphie, 10G virtual box :) [01:16] dpurgert; not hard to use 10gb [01:16] dpurgert: sudo fdisk -l #Send resulting URL [01:17] dpurgert: sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit #Send resulting URL [01:17] hello all. i am trying to install a copy of xubuntu-12.04-amd-64.iso via Unetbootin onto a new machine. i am getting an error after installation starts saying that installation failed due to the cd being dirty, or the hardware being too hot. i have ran an md5sum check and all is good. just wondering if anyone else has had this or knows what it could be. this is not the first time it has happened and i have used different usb stick on [01:17] different machines with different isos. [01:18] after error message installer crashes. [01:18] usr, working on killing off some old kernels ... [01:18] duhamel: Desktop or laptop? [01:18] its happened on both, but this time its desktop. [01:19] can you said this was the net install cd? [01:19] duhamel: "hardware being too hot">? [01:19] is it a bug with linuxs unetbootin? i dont think ive had the problem with windows version but not completely sure? [01:19] usr13, it's just a virtual host anyway that normally is connected to network shares ... just ran out of space for updates :) [01:20] problem solved by killing off 3 old kernels :) [01:20] duhamel: Even though you have a good ISO, could be that the media is bad or somehow data on it is corrupt. [01:21] dpurgert: Okeydokey. Good. === Guest91643 is now known as McPeter [01:21] duhamel, is the install getting as far as trying to access the net before it fails? [01:21] yeah? it does seem to happen with xubuntu the most, now that i think of it. [01:21] alami are you logged in as root in the terminal? Through su or any other way? [01:22] usr13 -- haha, yep. I should really build a 20-30G VM so I can mess around with building my own kernel ... back in a bit [01:22] yeah. its allready found my timezone and everything. [01:22] dpurgert: IMHO: You are upside down. Linux should be host. [01:23] duhamel, any chance the error message is incorrect and the failure is in not finding things online? [01:23] * PatrickDickey uses slackware to build kernels.... [01:23] does anyone have any experience "tweaking" pulseaudio? I am trying to set it up so that I can use my TV and Receiver, and when the receiver is on, the sound goes there, and when not on, the sound goes to the TV instead? [01:23] PatrickDickey: i have try with su and sudo -i and normal user so i have try everythings :D [01:23] receiver is set up via optical cable [01:23] yes. that might be possible. [01:23] TV via HDMI [01:24] duhamel, like going after the actual files to install and not being able to access them [01:24] alami you don't want to use su at all. you should be able to do it from your normal user as sudo /mnt/disk/install [01:24] usr13, linux is the host -- VM boxes are for breaking things so I don't hose my install [01:24] phunyguy: why don't you have everything go through receiver [01:24] Ben64, because that is too loud sometimes [01:24] dpurgert: Oh, sorry. I missunderstood your situation. [01:24] I'm not the only one that uses this, and my house is small. [01:24] PatrickDickey: i have tryed [01:25] phunyguy: fair enough. how about having it go through hdmi to the tv, and then the tv can send it to the receiver if you want? [01:25] alami could you try again, and pastebin the results? [01:25] the problem is , i have found a sum file to check if the iso is damaged [01:25] Ben64, because the TV won't passthrough things like AC3 and DTS [01:25] oh :( [01:25] only passes as PCM 2 channel [01:25] im not sure that its even getting that far actually. [01:25] alami, and was the file damaged? [01:25] usr13, lol, no worries ... I just hope I didn't offload the ISOs to the NFS box which is still disconnected and in a box somewhere (just moved ... ) [01:25] PatrickDickey: trust me i get the same errors by alll trys [01:25] I thought pulseaudio was made to do things like this? [01:25] is it still too young? :( [01:25] maybe i should try again and watch a little closer. [01:26] phunyguy: optical i don't think is two way [01:26] PatrickDickey: i don't how to check it without sum5 [01:26] what do you mean 2 way? [01:26] full duplex? [01:26] Ben64 ^^ [01:26] phunyguy: how is your computer supposed to know if the receiver is on? [01:26] !md5sum | alami [01:26] alami: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [01:26] Ben64, I can tell it knows because the device appears in pulse when I turn the receiver on [01:26] ooh [01:26] :) [01:27] but it's not just this iso image. its a few different ones and it seems random, but once the machine has refused that iso it wont change. [01:27] well i'm sure there is a way then [01:27] i just don't know much about pulseaudio, i don't use it [01:27] Ben64, the onboard video/sound goes through HDMI, and I have a separate Creative Sound Blaster USB soundcard [01:27] (with Optical) [01:27] ahh... [01:27] maybe someone else can help? [01:27] alami: "Input/output error" usually means bad media or corrupted data. [01:28] duhamel; but are those isos going after the same things online? [01:28] phunyguy: probably. theres 1681 other people [01:28] usr13: how to check if the file is corrupted? [01:28] I'm trying to boot Ubuntu from a disc on my laptop and I'm having problems. Anyone up for helping? [01:28] alami: I dono [01:28] wait, I have a better idea ... just add a second hdd to this install for storage of crap [01:28] alami read the link that I'll have ubottu post for you again. [01:28] !md5sum | alami [01:29] phunyguyl why not have the sound come out the receiver all the time? [01:29] phunyguy; why not have the sound come out the receiver all the time? [01:29] PatrickDickey: What will he run the checksum against? [01:30] I'm trying to boot Ubuntu from a disc on my laptop and I'm having problems. Anyone up for helping? [01:30] probably, theyre all variants of ubuntu. usually 64 bit. [01:30] rdp1408: Sure [01:30] usr13 he downloaded an iso file from the matlab site. [01:30] rdp1408: better to give some details. then just repeating ;) [01:30] actually its done it to me with fedora too. [01:30] and has the md5sum file, if I understood him correctly. [01:30] sylphie, what do you mean? [01:31] sylphie, you mean JUST use the receiver? Ben64 JUST asked me the same thing and I answered him [01:31] PatrickDickey: alami Ok. md5sum image.iso and google it. #Have you done that yet? [01:31] Ha, sorry. So I changed the boot order to boot from disc. It begins to read from the disc, I see a purple screen for a few seconds with some sort of icon at the bottom center and then after that screen it goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor but doesn't respond to anything [01:31] phunyguy; like run the sound output of the tv into the receiver? [01:32] I answered that question as well. It only supports 2 channel as a passthrough option [01:32] !nomodeset | rdp1408 [01:32] rdp1408: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [01:32] sylphie, meaning the TV will only put 2 channels back out to the receiver [01:33] hello [01:33] rdp1408: ( just guessing... ) [01:33] JakeR5555: Jello [01:33] phunyguy; stereo mixers are easy to come by [01:34] phunyguy; so something like computer and tv both go into a stereo mixer and then into your stereo [01:34] usr13 is there a possible way to make my ubuntu check unoffical updates? [01:35] comunity updates [01:35] JakeR5555: If you have the ppa's yea [01:35] phunyguy so you don't want to go through the receive all of the time, is because sometimes it's too loud, right? [01:35] ok do you know a site with a good one ? [01:35] JakeR5555: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [01:35] i don't want an upgrade [01:36] and the update is not doing alot [01:36] i want to add unoffical updates [01:36] JakeR5555: The "upgrade" just pushes all the packages to their current versions [01:36] JakeR5555: What do you mean by unofficial updates"? [01:36] i had to manually patch metocity i tink because it was leaking too much memory [01:36] it went form 3MB to over 200MB [01:36] so is there a site that will do this for me ? [01:36] JakeR5555 sudo apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't "upgrade" your system. It resolves the dependencies needed to do the updates (along with what SonikkuAmerica said) [01:36] me ubuntu is natty [01:37] phunyguy; with a stereo mixer, you could set the levels so the tv would never be too loud when played through the receiver [01:37] don't tell me what is right for me.. give me options and i will choose what suit me [01:37] JakeR5555: Well... Natty is not supported anymore. [01:37] JakeR5555: Then you take it up with the package maintainers. (If you go outside the package management system, you are on your own.) [01:37] god have mercy on our souls [01:37] o god [01:38] JakeR5555: EOL was October 28, 2012 [01:38] JakeR5555 the short answer is this: You find the packages that you want, and see if they offer a ppa for natty (which they might not anymore). Then you use sudo apt-add-repository to add their ppa to your system. [01:39] JakeR5555: Why don't you want to do-release-upgrade ? [01:39] JakeR5555 the better answer is that you upgrade to Oneric or Precise and see if the packages are in the official repositories. Plus you're more likely going to get support in the channels. I realize you don't like that option, but it's like saying "I'm using Windows 98, and don't want to upgrade to anything newer." [01:39] PatrickDickey thank you.. but is there a general PPA that will check for all updates? [01:40] not going to happen.. not upgrading [01:40] i like the old gnome interface [01:40] 100% used to it.. feels like XP interface. best [01:40] JakeR5555: Umm... the old GNOME interface is still in 11.10 Oneiric at least [01:40] JakeR5555 no there isn't. PPA's are basically individual developers repositories (I know that's not the accurate definition, but for this it works). [01:40] i don't want high blood pressure from uing the 3D interface [01:40] already losing my sight [01:41] JakeR5555: So what. Try xfce or lxde (There are other DEs) [01:41] maybe i will go blind in few yrs [01:41] JakeR5555: Besides Unity 2D is still even in 12.04 Precise [01:41] JakeR5555; xfce isn't hard on the eyes [01:41] JakeR5555: Make everything bigger so you can see it. [01:41] i meant BLOOD PRESSURE DESOTRYS YOUR EYES!! [01:41] go learn about it [01:41] JakeR5555 have you looked at Gnome 3? or Cinnamon (Linux Mint's version)? [01:42] usr13: Not to be detrimental but LXDE gives a rather ... bluing... effect. :) [01:42] linux mint is wonderful [01:42] usr13: Or at least Lubuntu [01:42] JakeR5555: I'm usin' it right now [01:42] SonikkuAmerica: Well, I dono, I use xfce [01:42] colors schemes can be changed [01:42] but i don't want to change from natty cuz i just want to see if i can update it for more few yrs [01:42] JakeR5555 then why don't you upgrade to their latest version? [01:42] Hi, how to kill a hanged-application in Ubuntu 12.04? [01:42] JakeR5555: You can't [01:42] update.. not upgrade PatrickDickey [01:42] dakochan kill -9 processid [01:43] nothing is broken in it and there is no security ricks at all [01:43] dakochan: Yep. [01:43] dakochan: That. (I was typing it while Patrick was answering. [01:43] Ok... now how do I know the processid? [01:43] I use top but cannot see the application. [01:44] dakochan; unless it's hung due to hw probs, "top" will give you a list of processes and it's "k" command for killing them [01:44] JakeR5555: See my PM [01:44] dakochan ps aux | grep processname where processname is the name of the application [01:44] JakeR5555: What is so special about what you have now? [01:44] JakeR5555: You realize apt-get update just gets you the newest list of program updates, while apt-get upgrade installs them, right? If not, you can use the update manager to manually check what you want updated... [01:44] dakochan if you have a desktop, you can open System Monitor and kill it from there (or at least get the processname and processID [01:45] dakochan: To do it the manual way (using the [ ps aux | grep whatever ] method), the process ID is the number after your username, and the application is listed at the END of the line. [01:45] dakochan: htop > top [01:45] DaemonicApathy yes i know [01:45] but the latest openssl is 9.8.o still and i updated it manually to 1.0.1c [01:45] i compiled it [01:45] ah ! System Monitor ! [01:45] JakeR5555: Ok, just checking - your response to the prior suggestion for apt-get upgrade made me curious. [01:46] JakeR5555 out of curiosity, why will using unity 3D give you high blood pressure? [01:46] that's what i'm looking for. [01:46] thanks. [01:46] PatrickDickey i like windows interfaces old GUI not windows 8 [01:46] i will never touch win8 [01:46] and the "aux ps | grep app_name" also working [01:46] even for free [01:46] thank you :) [01:46] dakochan no problem. [01:46] JakeR5555 you and I share a similar "hate" for that then. [01:46] I got Win8 Pro for free. I'm still debating whether to sell it. [01:47] DaemonicApathy don't throw it into the hand of a poor soul.. you will break him [01:47] DaemonicApathy: Well, that's a new can of worms, ain't it. [01:47] dakochan; xfce has a task bar at the bottom and icons [01:47] JakeR5555: Unfortunately I <3 Win 8 [01:47] JakeR5555 So, you like the old interfaces, is that why you won't upgrade to a newer version of Ubuntu? Because at least right now (on 12.10) you do have "Gnome Classic" available... [01:48] Patrick ok. because i like you i will download it now [01:48] JakeR5555: [ sudo apt-get -y install gnome-panel ] [01:48] JakeR5555 I'd go with 12.04 myself. [01:48] what's the difference between the two? [01:49] PatrickDickey: O really? I would go back to 10.04 if it were still supported. [01:49] you're liable to cut yourself on the bleeding egde [01:49] JakeR5555 honestly minor things. But, if you have an older graphics card, you'll want to go to 12.04 not 12.10. [01:49] i always stick with LTS [01:49] sylphie, i'm using unity [01:49] I always stick to the latest [01:49] ;) [01:49] dr_willis: 13.04? [01:49] I'm trying to setup an automatic Deploy for a webserver via Git. I've got a python script listening on port 8001, however it doesn't receive a post [01:50] so the server ubuntu kernel timer is faster? [01:50] * PatrickDickey stuck with the latest until my ATI card wouldn't show me any panels.... [01:50] i dident say betaish.. but that may be getting put on my pc this weekend so i can help test it. [01:50] dakochan; that's strange you said you were using gnome and refused to use unity [01:50] looks like ati is trying to be nicer with linux [01:50] * SonikkuAmerica stuck with the latest until his Gateway2000 couldn't take it and went to Lubuntu on that computer instead [01:50] Wh1tebird you might get more help in #python or somewhere like that. [01:51] Ati and Nvidia bboth come out with 'we are going to support linux better' press releases every so often... then they n ever seem to follow up [01:51] nvidia has very recently [01:51] sylphie: ??? Maybe you refer to another dakochan. :) [01:51] SonikkuAmerica: 10.04 IS still supported. [01:51] ati just released a new driver too [01:51] Well, I didn't write the script myself and it seems to work for most people, so i think maybe the firewall? But i turned it off [01:51] Ben64 I hope so. My card was an ATI Radeon HD 2430, and it's not supported in 12.10. I had to use hacked drivers. [01:51] and the program is listening on port 8001 [01:51] 2430? that sounds ancient [01:51] Running Ubuntu 12.04 x64, I just ran some updates, including kernel 3.2.0-36-generic. Now i have no sound. When I type 'alsamixer' it says ALSA lib conf.c:3408:(config_file_open) cannot access file /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf.d//pulse.conf .. it looks like the extra slash in the path is messing it up. Where would I change that at? Thank you. === vivid1 is now known as vivid [01:53] Ben64 it was supported fully up until 12.10. I upgraded to a HD 5450. [01:53] Jkessler: What error do you get? play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/* === |_ocke2 is now known as |_ocke [01:54] usr13: play FAIL formats: can't determine type of file `/usr/share/sounds/alsa' [01:54] err [01:54] no error, no sound === resistivecorpse3 is now known as resistivecorpse [01:55] Jkessler: No error? What does it do? Does it attempt to play the files? [01:55] If you have some time check out this video of a 18 year old planning to run to be on His local School District Board to change how it is run: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OEYYt0JQyc [SFW] [01:55] Sage Naumann for Carlsbad School Board [01:55] usr13: i'm assuming so, no audio output, but no error, back to shell prompt === Noskcaj is now known as Noskcaj_afk [01:55] Jkessler: May be bug #661095 [01:55] bug 661095 in unity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu button should be much more distinctive, perhaps on the circle itself" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/661095 [01:55] Hey [01:56] usr13: I'll check it out, thanks. [01:56] There's a file that shows up in a directory, but it can't be removed because "it doesn't exist" [01:56] Any ideas? [01:56] Jkessler: uh... you need a /* at the end of that command [01:56] Jkessler: sevenforall If the file doesn't exist, we can't help you. === ident is now known as Guest91242 [01:56] usr13: Well that's just great... Thanks? [01:56] Jkessler: "play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/*" not "play /usr/share/sounds/alsa" [01:56] Ben64: got that [01:57] precise pagolin /usr/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service error crashing Xsession [01:57] because i get the same error if i leave off the asterisk, play FAIL formats: can't determine type of file `/usr/share/sounds/alsa/' [01:57] usr13: I've been looking at similar posts. This one just looks like a bad path in a config somewhere [01:57] x64 [01:57] sevenforall if you type ls in the directory, the file is there right? [01:57] sevenforall: Well, I'm just being truthful. If you can pastebin some of what you are seeing, maybe we can help. [01:57] Ben64: yeah, i missed the * the first time, retried with no output [01:57] PatrickDickey: Positive. [01:58] sevenforall and then if you copy the name and type rm and paste it in, you get file doesn't exist? [01:58] it probably has some strange unicode name or something [01:58] Jkessler: I'm not sure what you were saying about the output of play... play /usr/share/sounds/alsa/* === DaemonicApathy is now known as Demosthenes [01:58] Thanks, nomodeset was the problem. Another question. When installing alongside Windows 7 via a DVD. How does this GUI partition maker work? How do I know which partition it will install Ubuntu on? [01:58] PatrickDickey: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25683105/Pictures/Screenshots/2013011902%3A58%3A36%28niels%40niels-main-ub%3A-mnt-stor1-Pictures%29.png [01:58] PatrickDickey: Yes [01:58] Jkessler: Did it give an error that you can show us? [01:59] hi === Demosthenes is now known as DaemonicApathy [01:59] hi matrix56 [01:59] !paste | PatrickDickey [01:59] PatrickDickey: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [01:59] rdp1408 if you only have one drive, it will shrink the Windows 7 partition, and then create the one it needs. [01:59] Ben64: usr13: I was typing the command wrong again. Output: ALSA lib conf.c:3408:(config_file_open) cannot access file /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf.d//pulse.conf [01:59] Jkessler: That was for you, (not PatrickDickey ) [02:00] sevenforall try ls -l in the directory please. [02:00] PatrickDickey: Sorry, I don't quite understand that. It has a slider and tells you to allocate drive space by dragging the divider below. So will it install Ubuntu on the left part or the right part? [02:01] usr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1547600/ [02:01] rdp1408 did you choose the option to "install alongside Windows 7"? [02:01] Yes [02:02] Anybody, take a look at this question please. http://askubuntu.com/q/244637/124187 [02:02] Jkessler: do you need pulseaudio [02:02] Jkessler: Just a sec.. [02:02] rdp1408 You slide the slider over until you have as much space as you want for Ubuntu, and it will handle the rest. I want to say the right part, but I'm not entirely sure. The point is that it will shrink the WIndows 7 partition and install in the space you want. [02:03] PatrickDickey: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/25683105/Pictures/Screenshots/2013011903%3A02%3A11%28niels%40niels-main-ub%3A-mnt-stor1-Pictures%29.png [02:03] sevenforall: use a pastebin [02:03] Ben64: I had audio problems before, not sure what I did to get it working.. alsa and pulseaudio are a source of frustration for me. i unded up losing the volume control in the top right corner of gnome3. has worked fine for 6 months up until now. I'm not sure if i need pulseaudio. i tried to purge it and it said a lot of packages i have installed are dependent on it [02:03] Ben64: This is quicker for me [02:03] usr13: no problem, appreciate the effort [02:04] sevenforall: can't be quicker than " | pastebinit" and we like text, not pictures [02:04] sevenforall sudo rm Collected [02:04] sevenforall don't put a ./ before it. [02:04] PatrickDickey: I already did that, it's in the screen [02:04] I didn't [02:05] Jkessler: did you actually purge pulseaudio? cause that can cause problems [02:05] Ben64: I cancelled [02:06] Jkessler: well i'd try "sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio" and see if alsa will work by itself [02:06] Can anyone tell me which partition Ubuntu will install on here: http://i.imgur.com/5jZ4wLy.jpg [02:07] Ben64: ytmnd [02:07] it works [02:07] Jkessler: what? [02:07] Jkessler: You are 12.10? [02:07] Ben64: You're the man :P it works just removing pulseaudio [02:07] usr13: 12.04 [02:07] Jkessler: oh, cool [02:08] i always remove pulseaudio on my systems, causes me nothing but problems :) [02:08] but just remember, don't purge it [02:08] noted [02:08] Ben64, usr13 thanks for the help! [02:10] rdp1408: well what to you have in each partition? [02:10] that makes no sense to me [02:11] I'm supposed to drag the slider to allocate space. I want to know if Ubuntu is going to use the left part or the right part for it's partition [02:11] Ben64: I guess you fixed Jkessler? [02:12] Ben64: Looks like he's gone. Yea, just uninstalling pulseaudio will prolly fix it... [02:12] usr13: yep [02:12] rdp1408: i get you. i don't it doesn't seem to show which side. maybe you could try the advanced option [02:12] Ben64: Thanks. [02:12] seems to fix most audio problems [02:12] Ben64: I know.... [02:13] Ben64: And you can always re-install it later if you want.... [02:13] yep [02:15] hello, how can i check if i have all drivers for my hardware and make also a better screen resolution [02:20] alami: jockey-gtk [02:21] You can make your screen have a better resolution without updating hardware? [02:22] in classic ubuntu gnome i can't access the gnome panel when i right click on it [02:22] you know.. add panel, new panel or options [02:22] usr13:jockey-gtk: is only for nvidea and graphic things [02:23] alami Display (System Settings) [02:23] might be in the wrong channel for this, but is there a fix for gnome shell being broke with catalyst 11 beta? [02:23] alami: xrandr [02:25] hi all! [02:25] who is not sleep & [02:25] so im trying to set up a virtual host. Did a couple walk though videos but for some reason it wont go the right directory. i have to type www.mydomain.com/mydomain when i go to www.mydomain.com I still get apache It works" [02:25] ? [02:25] im in webmin btw [02:25] hello guys i need some help [02:26] hello all [02:26] please anyone [02:26] help me [02:26] arun ? [02:26] yup [02:26] just post the question [02:26] Hi guys....I am having a problem with Ubuntu 10.04. Performed minimal install with no internet connection. As a result I need to download the drivers from Intel and compile it from source.. [02:26] !webmin | XMLnewbi_ [02:26] XMLnewbi_: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. [02:27] give me your question [02:27] i just installed ubuntu 12.10 [02:27] well shit [02:27] ncsquid22, drivers for what [02:27] i liked webmin [02:27] XMLnewbi_, no cursing here [02:27] i used linux mint and ubuntu 11.05 before [02:28] Arun_, whats the actual question, on ONE line please [02:28] i cannot install any software packages now [02:28] !EHCP [02:28] !paste | Arun_ [02:28] Arun_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [02:28] !EHCP | [02:28] !ebox > XMLnewbi_ [02:28] XMLnewbi_, please see my private message [02:29] XMLnewbi_, if you dont know the command, /msg ubottu usage [02:29] bye, i go to high school [02:29] should i have to install any update to install any softwares (like alien ,blablabla) [02:29] fair enough [02:29] 8.30am [02:30] ncsquid22, its hardly necessary to compile intel drivers for the kernel [02:30] Arun_, whats the exact problem, pastebin the actual command and errors === g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away] [02:31] hello, can anybody help me. [02:31] apg, ask a question of the channel [02:31] How do I get an nvidia driver via apt-get? [02:32] rdp1408, sudo apt-get install nvidia-current [02:32] hey my question is that after i finish installing my OS should i have to update ? [02:32] bazhang, can you help me with this: http://askubuntu.com/q/244637/124187 [02:32] Arun_: If you did not select to download updates right away, of course. [02:32] apg, please give us an overview HERE in the channel [02:32] Arun_, are you using MINT? [02:33] no i am using Ubuntu 12.10 [02:33] . [02:33] Arun_, so what is the exact problem. pastebin the errors [02:34] bazhang, I get this error: umount2: Device or resource busy, umount:/dev/sda2 busy - remounted read-only, Will now halt. Upon shutting down. [02:35] apg, and what were you trying to achieve there, as an end goal [02:35] does pulseaudio control whether or not ac3/dts are passed through SPDIF, or is that controlled by the application playing the video? [02:35] Arun_: Yes. [02:35] bazhang: The problem is that gcc is not installed and installing it requires gcc and build-essentials [02:35] bazhang, this error came after I updated my kernel to Linux linux-kernel-3.2.0-36-generic yesterday. [02:35] ncsquid22, the package is build-essential [02:35] Arun_: If you wanna do it from CLI, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [02:36] bazhang: and each package has a lot of dependencies.. [02:36] bazhang: correct, sorry for the typo [02:36] ncsquid22, are/were you using a manually installed version of some software, or a PPA? to cause this conflict? [02:37] bazhang: do you think that mounting the ISO to /cdrom and un-commenting the CD-ROM from /etc/apt/sources is going to do it? [02:37] bazhang, and there was an orphan inode recovery when booting. [02:37] no bazhang [02:37] ncsquid22, to use the cd as a repo? as in aptoncd? [02:37] just the ethernet driver [02:37] /msg nickserv identify okhaldhun9a [02:38] ncsquid22, whats the driver [02:38] bazhang, my goal is to know whether it was a bug or something that would affect my harddrive. [02:38] nabn, time to change passwords [02:38] fuck [02:38] no cursing here please nabn [02:38] And in the largest channel too, bravo [02:38] sorry [02:38] bazhang: the driver is igb-4.1.2 after untar and gunzip [02:39] ncsquid22, for which device [02:39] Intel Ethernet Controller [02:40] ncsquid22, YES< but which exact make and model. [02:40] sorry bazhang the server is not currently in front of me.... [02:40] ncsquid22, pretty hard to troubleshoot without the exact make and model [02:41] thanks bazhang...as soon as I can get the info i will get back to the IRC [02:41] ncsquid22: You need drivers for an Intel Ethernet Controller? [02:41] ok [02:42] hi guys, need some help compiling the latest tomboy notes 1.11.4. getting gtk-2.0 error [02:43] lcabreza1: Why don't you just sudo apt-get install tomboy ? [02:43] thanks it worked [02:44] usr13: yes, but I already have the drivers....just having a problem when using "make" dor some reason it can't find gcc [02:44] usr13:i need the latest one ..the one available on precise is 1.10 which has lot of issues on ubuntu one sync [02:45] ncsquid22: Are you sure it's not working already? ifconfig -a [02:45] phew! [02:46] lcabreza1: And you are 12.10? Fully updated? === security is now known as megha [02:46] lcabreza1: Have you tried version 1.10? Or are you just taking someone's word for it? [02:48] usr13:im using 1.10 ..i just want to upgrade it to the latest one .. [02:48] lcabreza1: ubuntu one no longer syncs tomboy notes if that is the issue you are refering to [02:49] !compiling | lcabreza1 [02:49] lcabreza1: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [02:49] usr13:thats sad ... [02:49] usr13:what would be its replacement or alternative ? any idea ? [02:50] lcabreza1: Did you do sudo apt-get install build-essential ? [02:50] lcabreza1 http://projects.gnome.org/tomboy/ They should have the required dependencies listed in their wiki. [02:50] usr13: i already have the latest version .. [02:50] lcabreza1: Oh, I just now saw what xangua said. [02:51] user13: here is the error : configure: error: Package requirements (gdk-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.14.0 [02:51] atk >= 1.2.4) were not met: [02:51] lcabreza1: Oh well. [02:51] is it possible to install 2 softwares at a time in different terminals ? [02:51] no [02:52] Arun_: No, but you can install them at the same time in the same terminal. sudo apt-get install pkg1 pkg2 etc. [02:52] lcabreza1 dpkg --list | grep gdk then dpkg --list | grep gtk+ finally dpkg --list | grep atk and see which versions you have installed. [02:52] Arun_: As many as you want actually [02:53] lcabreza1: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ? [02:53] does anyone get an error if you put this in the shell ? "xinput create-master main" === dankest is now known as dankest|away [02:54] libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0, gtk2-engines-aurora,gir1.2-atk-1.0,libatk1.0-0 these are the ones i have [02:54] user13: i've done already .. [02:54] Tecan: Yes [02:55] Tecan: See: man xinput [02:55] :) [02:55] lcabreza1 they should list the version numbers also. something like 2.60-ubuntu0 [02:55] how can I start a service when ubuntu start ? [02:56] Tecan: Well, I take that back. No [02:56] lol [02:56] pretty neat eh [02:56] i've got 2 independant cursors now [02:57] http://blog.ankurs.com/2010/10/multiple-mouse-keyboard-in-linux/ === mrenouf|away is now known as mrenouf [02:59] Tecan: That's interesting. Dono how useful it is but interesting.... [03:00] hey guys which is the best c,c++ complier? [03:00] PatrickDickey:http://pastebin.com/Sgs56aLy [03:02] Arun_: gcc [03:02] whats the download link for terminal [03:02] so an LTS will be supported for 5 years only? [03:02] Arun_: how would you measure bestness ;) [03:02] !lts [03:02] LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) [03:02] hwo do i find out if my distro is LTS ? [03:03] !version [03:03] To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » [03:03] by its capacity of header files and includes === evan_ is now known as okt [03:03] usr13 its goot for making wacom tablets more stable [03:03] JakeR5555 if it is an even number and ends in .04, then it's an LTS. 10.04, 12.04, 8.04, 14.04 [03:04] Tecan: I C [03:04] Greetings. I'm trying to kill rhythmbox as it is frozen and won't do anything when I try to launch it. It turns out it's already running, but I can't seem to kill the process. [03:04] JakeL you can do " cat /etc/lsb-release" [03:04] fishscene@crane:~$ ps -e | grep rhythmbox [03:04] 3287 ? 00:02:55 rhythmbox [03:04] or 2 handed drawing :) [03:04] yes mine is an LTS [03:04] thanks [03:04] How do I kill rhythmbox? "sudo killall -9 rhythmbox" does not have any effect [03:04] when did they remove the sync on ubuntu one ? [03:05] how to install gcc [03:05] lcabreza1 I'm not sure what to tell you. You could do apt-cache search and see if there are -dev files for those (gdb-dev gtk+-dev, atk-dev) [03:05] sudo apt-get install gcc [03:05] lcabreza1, try asking in #ubuntuone [03:05] Arun...I think its "apt-get install build-essential" [03:06] not its already installed [03:06] what is for C++ compiler ...? [03:07] Arun_ are using google translate? [03:07] Arun_ gcc does c/c++. You can check to see if it's installed by using dpkg --list | grep gcc [03:07] So I installed Zentyle ; it said it installed alright but im getting a not found when I go to my ip address [03:08] xmlnewbi is it running on port 80? And are you sure it's running at all? [03:08] hwo to run it ? [03:09] does it also edits? [03:09] !compile [03:09] Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall [03:09] Arun_ no. You'll use an editor to make the program, and gcc to compile it. [03:09] yes it is on 80 ill have to check the processes to see it runniing [03:10] ok [03:10] PatrickDickey & user13: found a way to synchronize it ..i created a folder under my ubuntu one sync directory and create a new one and point it the sync directory there.. [03:10] XMLnewbi_ did you configure it [03:10] Does anyone know how to kill rhythmbox? Lately I'll boot my computer, a few hours later I want to listen to some music, so I launch it and... nothing. Turns out it is already running, but not doing anything. My only recourse right now is to reboot, but if I'm in the middle of something, that's hardly optimal. I can settle for killing the process, but I can't seem to kill it with "killall -9 rhythmbox" Any ideas? [03:10] there is any other like boldshed cpp? [03:10] or devcpp [03:11] fishscene ps aux | grep rhy to find out what the Process ID is, and then kill -9 that ID. [03:11] in which fiiles are the power on and power off logs in ubuntu ? [03:11] there is any other like boldshed cpp? [03:12] Patrick: The process ID is the 2nd number, right? [03:12] Arun_: most linux people use gcc [03:12] ok [03:13] fishscene yes. It should be under the PID column. [03:13] I don't have any columns. :\ [03:14] 1000 3287 0.1 0.0 0 0 ? Zl Jan17 2:55 [rhythmbox] [03:14] 1000 17589 0.0 0.0 13584 936 pts/1 S+ 19:11 0:00 grep --color=auto rhy [03:14] That's exactly what it spits out (sorry for the spam guys) [03:14] fishscene 3287 [03:14] fishscene the second number is the PID. [03:14] kill -9 3287 [enter] then nothing [03:14] It's as if I didn't enter that command at all [03:14] how to edit the device name ? [03:15] fishscene do the ps aux | grep rhy again and see if it's still there. [03:15] Suppose I open 4 windows, 1 terminal, 1IDE, 1Browser, and 1 musicChat or sth. Is there a way to automatically distribute each of them in different workspace ? :D [03:15] Yup. It's still there. [03:15] yes ebox 1388 process is running, still cant start my zentyal dashboard [03:15] Same process ID, although that 2nd line that is returned has a new process ID. Although I'm not sure what the "rhy" process would be. O_o? [03:16] reinstall? [03:16] Shoot. I remember this now. LOL It's something to do with the fact that it's in your notifier. [03:16] Does anybody know how to disable startup services in Ubuntu 12.04? I have tried "sudo chkconfig off" but that doesn't work [03:16] fishscene grep rhy will show you anything that has those three letters in the name. [03:17] True. I'm just not sure what that is. I'll ignore it for now I guess. [03:17] Does anybody know how to disable startup services in Ubuntu 12.04? I have tried "sudo chkconfig off" but that doesn't work [03:17] ncsquid22: check the upstart cookbook website. it details the ways to disable a service [03:17] xmlnewbi: So you're saying the process is running, but you can't get your dashboard to start? Sounds similar to what I have. Rhythmbox is running, but it won't start. No GUI, no way to kill it (so far).. [03:17] how to change device name? [03:17] dr_willis: thank you. [03:18] Arun_: what device [03:18] fishscene if you can actually open the rhythmbox window and go into the preferences, uncheck the option to show it in the notifier. [03:18] fishscene also pause anything that's playing, and you should be able to quit it then. [03:18] PatrickDickey: That's the issue though. Rhythmbox won't show a GUI at all. I haven't even run it since I last restarted. [03:18] im going to reinstall [03:19] I've literally played no media (aside from youtube videos) since I last restarted. So why Rhythmbox is running and more importantly, why it is frozen and is ignoring root commands to kill it, I have yet to figure out. [03:20] "sudo kill -9 3287" ---> No effect. No error messages (I haven't checked logs though, I don't know where they are buried) [03:22] http://i.imgur.com/JBkXXc1.jpg === fishbait is now known as fishbaitXXX [03:24] fishscene it's playing because it's in your sound menu (the speaker icon). You have to figure out how to get rid of it there, so it won't start automatically. [03:24] I have to run, but if you google that, you should find the answer. Or, you can uninstall rhythmbox altogether. [03:25] Naw. Rhythmbox is pretty cool. But it seems I updated and now the only way to get it to run is to reboot my computer and launch it immediately [03:25] Anyway, thanks for the help, Patrick. I appreciate it. [03:26] so I reinstalled zentyal and im still getting a 404 error when I go to my IP address. [03:26] watchout for the nerderer [03:26] i can't get gnome to work consistently it runs over to gnome-fallback i just upgraded kernel and i ran command dmesg | grep fail | pastebinit paste.ubuntu.com/1547915/ help me sort out these fails [03:27] im going back to webmin skrew this [03:27] HELLO! [03:27] hey [03:27] Is there a good channel for wine support? [03:27] are you a winer ? [03:27] Anyway, here's a picture of what I'm seeing, again, the orange dots are static: http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/Fishscene/noaudio_zpsaad66e9e.png [03:28] Not really. [03:28] if ya aint first your last [03:28] I want to use a program that's only compatible with Windows XP called Tactical RPG Editor. [03:28] please help me sort out these fails? [03:28] It's similar to RPG Maker VX but very old. [03:28] virtualize with VMware [03:29] Wouldn't that require that I have a copy of Windows XP? [03:29] Yes it would. [03:29] I currently own 7 and 8. [03:30] pinkpelican: Have you tried running it in Windows 7 in compatibility mode? [03:30] pretty easy to get with the internet... [03:30] there are always ways to get things especially old things O.- [03:30] Yes, it says comdlg.ocx isn't correctly registered. [03:30] Several forums mention it's not compatible with Vista, etc. [03:30] oy. Alrighty. What happens when you run this program in Wine? [03:31] I don't know I haven't tried yet. [03:31] I don't know how wine works. [03:32] i heard if you load a program infected with a virus in wine, some viruses can leak into the host linux os [03:32] hmm no help here ... [03:32] its not necessarily a sandbox type of thing [03:32] I heard that if you say Bloody Mary in the mirror 3 times she'll appear to take your head. [03:33] haha [03:33] ah. WINE is a way of executing Windows programs on Linux. It's not perfect and it is FAR from feature complete. But basically, you install WINE on say, Ubuntu, go into the configuration and tell it to simulate a Windows XP environment, and then try to run it and see what happens. [03:33] *certain viruses/rootkits/etc [03:33] I'm trying that now. [03:34] pinkpelican: I tried to look up your program on the WINE database to see how well it worked with WINE... I think their search is broken at the moment as it's still loading results... [03:34] hello guys [03:34] Hi! [03:35] i have been looking for the past 2 hours for the info to configure for the first time my wireless card, and failed [03:35] i cannot figure out what to look for [03:35] Wine is currently installing [03:35] Excellent [03:35] comadrin: what type of wireless card/ [03:35] if i type lspci i get the list of network cntrolers [03:36] and my wireless card is there [03:36] hi [03:36] Broadcom Corporation BCM4321 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 01) [03:36] it is a linksys [03:36] !broadcom | comadrin [03:36] comadrin: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [03:36] Has anyone had problems with todays updates? My video has gone and now I cant login? [03:37] What is PlayOnLinux? [03:37] thank you for the pointer - i am going to read the link [03:37] thanks again [03:37] comadrin, in the network settings for wireless, enter the ssid and mac address for your wireless router. [03:37] oops only one cursor showed in the screenie [03:37] well that is the trick [03:37] while i do fork(), and it returns 0 for child process, and pid for parent. I write that in "if" statement to separate the processes in both. But why is it always that "if-clause" for the parent goes true first ?? === histo1 is now known as histo [03:37] I installed playonlinux but can't find the menu entry (using lxde) [03:37] iw does not have the wireless adapters at al [03:37] front end for wine [03:38] i think that link might provide the answer [03:38] anyone use document viewer to view pdf that has embeded links? i am getting permission denied so i can't access the link? how do I fix that? [03:38] i a going to rad through it [03:38] pinkpelican: I'm not 100% sure... I know there's a couple of stuff out there that tries to make working with WINE easier. [03:38] it says Failed to execute child process "exo-open" (Permission denied) [03:38] while i do fork(), and it returns 0 for child process, and pid for parent. I write that in "if" statement to separate the processes in both. But why is it always that "if-clause" for the parent goes true first ?? [03:38] I just bought a Dell Inspiron 13z, which is certified hardware according to http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201105-8053/ [03:38] user94202: have you tried locate or which playonlinux ??? in terminal [03:38] There's something called CrossOver as well. [03:38] Suppose I open 4 windows, 1 terminal, 1IDE, 1Browser, and 1 musicChat or sth. Is there a way to automatically distribute each of them in different workspace ? :D [03:38] What type of SD card do I want to get to put the ubuntu image on? [03:39] histo...Yes it's located in /usr/bin, but i want the .desktop icon so i can drag it to the lxde desktop. [03:39] user94202: okay locate playonlinux.desktop [03:39] Suppose I open 4 windows, 1 terminal, 1IDE, 1Browser, and 1 musicChat or sth. Is there a way to automatically distribute each of them in different workspace ? :D [03:39] Anyone know the purple color #XXYYZZ? [03:39] pinkpelicanL there is, also cedega [03:39] histo. did that won't show up. I'm guessing it hides under a different name. [03:39] The default grub wallpaper color [03:40] what for u need those ? [03:40] pranav, there's always libx11... [03:40] bigboomba: I don't know much about SD card technology, but I imagine the larger the better. [03:40] just kidding ;)=p [03:40] Hoyt: E6E6FA [03:41] BIGBOOMBA: you want me to customize a script for it. [03:41] i didn't think it would be an issue, but there appear to be dozens of different types of sd card [03:41] pranav: you sure? That's not purple here... [03:41] pranav, i was just kidding. [03:41] user94202: http://chakra-linux.org/ccr/packages/pl/playonlinux/playonlinux/PlayOnLinux.desktop [03:41] user94202: perhaps it has caps like that one. [03:42] guys i'm just installing expert-command-line ubuntu on virtualbox and... I think which kernel should I choose generic as usually or maybe linux-virtual ? [03:42] Hoyt: yes, I am sure. But use it with cation. purple has very less combinations [03:42] Marcin_: generic [03:42] thanks histo [03:43] user94202: if lxde has a debian based menu it's probably apps > system > something [03:44] histo: Thanks, i found it. It's PlayOnLinux.desktop. (not playonlinux.desktop) [03:44] this laptop came with windows 8 and i can't say i'm impressed [03:44] Hello, everyone. I very rarely ask for help and trust me I've been researching for days. Maybe you can help me? I am trying to use a Macbook 2,1 with Ubuntu 12.04 but it just won't boot from such burnt CD. For some reason I am clueless about, I can only boot Raring Ringtail Development Branch. I tried plenty others, i386, Mac, 12.04, 12.10... none boots. Macbook simply ejects the CD. Now, I am writing you from inside the LiveCD of Rarin [03:44] g Ringtail Dev. Tomorrow I will have a new hard drive, and intend to setup Lubuntu or Ubuntu--can be either, really--on the hard drive as the only OS. I suppose I will be successful in installing from this Lubuntu 13 CD, but then, I fear that I will not be able to install a lot of things like Everpad and plenty of other stuff simply because Ubuntu 13 is not yet actually released. So, will I be able to downgrade after installing and will [03:44] I manage to do it in a couple days, or is there a way to install a 12.04 or 12.10 from within this 13 Live CD, or... Any other ideas? Big thanks. [03:44] user94202: yes locate -i playonlinux.desktop would have found it [03:44] user94202: -i will ignore case [03:45] evince won't allow me access external links [03:45] i have tried the solution here but it's still not working? [03:45] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1656183 [03:45] lubuntu13: just out of curiosity why would you buy a macbook to run ubuntu? [03:45] lubuntu13: I manage a lab of 35 macbooks which last summer, we converted over to Ubuntu Linux. We had 2 machines that REFUSED to boot off of any linux CD. The solution? Install Ubuntu from a USB stick. Worked perfectly :) [03:46] lubuntu13: also you may want ot verify your downloaded iso and your cd [03:46] !md5 | lubuntu13 [03:46] lubuntu13: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [03:46] please help with evince and external links [03:46] ...We eventually discovered that those 2 machines didn't have a model/serial(?) number that was from the same production line as the rest. ...we ordered them at the same time, so not sure why that was. [03:47] Okay, I now have Wine and the install exe [03:48] pinkpelican: good luck :) [03:48] histo: I have had this Macbook for many years with OS X but the hard drive broke and instead of reinstalling and restoring the backup I decided to give Linux the green light. So, I didn't really buy it for Linux. [03:48] pinkpelican, click on the top-button on the side-bar. (dash) and type in "wine". You should see a wine config option [03:48] I already configured it. [03:48] perfect! [03:48] fishscene: I have also been trying USB, but no luck! [03:48] I have the terminal open, no idea how to start the program. [03:48] hello [03:49] lubuntu13: Just to confirm, are you pressing and holding the [alt] key on your keyboard while booting? [03:49] pinkelican: did u installed exe ? [03:49] anyone knows how is that now ubuntu makes nvidia and ati drivers work ? [03:49] they are not in ubuntu-restricted-* anymore [03:49] this is absurd, i can't even open an external link in evince? [03:50] histo: I could try, but I have downloaded so many different ones and wasted so many CDs, and I never really have corrupted downloads for any other purpose, so, I think it's really unlikely that's the issue. [03:50] pinkpelican: Is it a dos program? You should be able to execute the .exe by now. You *might* need to right-click the .exe and enable the execute bit. [03:50] It's .msi [03:50] I clicked the installer and it ended prematurely from a fatal error. [03:50] fishscene: I tried that, too. In my case it's not really essential, because I have no internal drive ATM [03:50] lubuntu13: worth a check of your iso. If not continue to troubleshoot by guessing [03:50] hi [03:50] ?????????? [03:51] lubuntu13: maybe you could throw darts at a dart board and decide what to do next [03:51] pinkpelican: what app u want to install? [03:51] Tactical RPG Editor 2 [03:51] histo: okay, worth taking it out of the way. brb [03:52] lubuntu13: if it's good perhaps try writing it to usb and installing that way as others have suggested. [03:52] how does one go about turning on power management for their wifi from terminal? [03:52] mine is currently set to off but i wonder if my wifi overheats or something and then loses connection because of it. [03:52] pinkpelican: how large is file? if it's not much give me a link on PM i will dwl and look at it [03:53] histo: i've tried to USB it.. will give it yet another try. [03:53] lubuntu13: I dunno mate. Mac's can be VERY quirky if they aren't running Apple stuff *exactly* the way Apple dictates it. You might have to get *super* creative at this point (try to boot off another distro CD) or something, but that might be a bit of a stretch [03:53] lubuntu13: the other option is a net install. [03:53] lubuntu13: you can install from inside of rarin [03:54] can anyone help with evince accessing external links please? [03:54] The file is 15.8 MB [03:54] pinkpelican: This might be a shot in the dark, but what if you copied the installed files from your Windows 7 computer and tried to run them under WINE? [03:54] fishscene trying now. [03:54] fishscene: do you happen to know the exact model of the Macbooks you installed via USB? [03:55] what version of ubuntu should I build on for maximum compatibility across versions? 10.04? [03:55] histo: I like the sound of net install. So you say I can do it from inside the Raring LiveCD session? [03:55] I don't at the moment, but I can tell you they were not the A1181 series, but they were purchased back in 2007 [03:56] Botanic: 12.04LTS [03:56] i use it at work, and work perfect! [03:56] lubuntu13: yeah you could use debootstrap to install a ubuntu system. [03:56] Marcin_, will those binaries work on older versions tho? [03:56] 99% yes [03:56] ...maybe 2006 at the earliest [03:57] lubuntu13: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/01/debootstrap-minimal-debian-ubuntu-installation/ and I made a video a short while back you can watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiM9GOKvTI4 === captain_ is now known as captainfixerpc14 [03:58] fishscene: can I know the series of mine from the terminal? [03:58] The latest upgrade has caused my video resolution to change and I cant login to the computer? any ideas! [03:58] dogears, boot into single user mode [03:59] histo: thanks. i will go through the links. [03:59] lubuntu13: For me, My model # is printed on the underside of the Mac on the small print. [03:59] I'm right clicking the .exe and opening with Wine Program Loader. Nothing is happening. [03:59] lubuntu13: there's also a mini.iso around that is about 7mb that is a text based net installer [03:59] Botanic: Where do I find that? [03:59] lubuntu13: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [04:00] lubuntu13: minimal iso may be easier if you are really unfamiliar with linux. [04:00] fish: I didn't even remember I had things on the bottom of mine. Yeah I got the A1181 series.. [04:00] dogears, http://askubuntu.com/questions/132965/how-do-i-boot-into-single-user-mode-from-grub [04:00] pinkpelican: do this in that way... open terminal chmod +x TacticalRPGeditor2.msi, then open this file with right klick (open with Wine Windows Program) [04:00] works good, and installing. no errors [04:01] Botanic: Thanks [04:01] dogears, can also try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode [04:01] tryied open with terminal but i got error bad exe format [04:01] Do I need to navigate to path? [04:01] no, just open folder where u downloaded file [04:01] lubuntu13: It's around that time-frame then. Sounds like you have the same issue as me. I almost forgot, the Mac was picky about the particular USB drive I was using too. One of them NONE of the 35 would boot off of. The other, they had no problems [04:01] and klick on it with right mouse button [04:01] click* [04:02] Drive Mac's wouldn't boot from: Kingston DataTraveler 8GB (Completely erased, no e3 garbage). Drive Mac's would boot from: SanDisk Cruzer 8GB (Completely erased, no e3 garbage). [04:03] histo: not quite unfamiliar... my first installed linux was a Redhat some 14 years ago... then I didn't spend much more time with Linux though. And I've managed a dedicated server, once upon a time. While I'm far from being a pro, I'm not unfamiliar. [04:04] Where would I find information about when third party drivers updates ie. Nvidia make it into ubuntu? [04:04] how do i stop apparmor from protecting evince? [04:04] BWMerlin: I've found a good resource is phoronix.com. But it's hardly as "NVIDIA releases update on 15th!" type thing. [04:05] as = a [04:05] lubuntu13: Well watch my video see if it's something you want to do. If not you can always try the minimal iso [04:05] i can't even open an external link within a pdf??????? [04:05] ubuntuaddicted: do you ahve a default browser setup? [04:05] nvidia has released newer drivers than what I am using I just want to know where I can find the process that the ubuntu devs know about it and are looking into it [04:05] I need to reboot, BRB [04:05] histo, yes [04:06] histo, apparmor is blocking external links, permission denied [04:06] histo, i've added a disable symlink like the web has told me but it still doesn't work [04:07] hey i have a q, im using kde 4, with ambience window decoration, and it works for the most part except xchat,s title bar is super bright and u cant see the title text because the font and background are the same color [04:07] a few other programs behave the same way, what could be the cause [04:08] this is just silly! i can't even open an external link within a pdf because of apparmor? [04:10] Well, I have to go, lubuntu13, I hope you get that boot problem solved. :) Just a note, Linux runs hot on our machines and If you slap the alt-key a bunch of times, a keyboard shortcut hint screen sometimes gets stuck, but otherwise, not too bad. [04:11] What do you mean it runs hot? Thanks for everything man. [04:12] We also have a bunch of kids on our machines, and ALL kids are natural hackers. So this might be part of my issue :P But 0 Security issues! Hot = temperature. The power-state management on Linux isn't as refined on the native Mac OS, so the machines are generally a bit warmer and thus, the fan gets used more. [04:12] I'm still receiving a fatal error for install. [04:12] o/ [04:13] pinkpelican: u ran this installer through terminal or mouse clicking? [04:13] I typed in chmod +x through terminal then mouse clicked [04:14] strange, did u ran before winecfg for configuring ? [04:14] wine [04:14] Yes but I didn't really change anything. [04:14] Just pushed OK. [04:15] so the default system there is windows xp or other ? please check [04:15] XP [04:15] Botanic: No luck. All I get is a black screen with the purple background. Recovery mode doesnt work either. It showed an error during the update due to NX server update problem but I cant access to find if I have it in a log file [04:15] I got wine through package manager, not terminal [04:15] its only says fatal error? without any more output ? [04:16] I'm sorry, software center. [04:16] Hold on let me try again. [04:16] Botanic: That should say blank [04:16] pinkpelican: in terminal type wine --version and paste output what version do you have [04:17] Fatal Error: Installation ended prematurely because of error [04:17] One moment [04:18] 1.4 [04:18] apparmor is keeping me from opening a legit external link within a pdf, please help [04:18] hmm maybe its a wine version error i got wine-1.5.21 [04:19] How do I upgrade? [04:19] well in terminal: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa [04:19] sudo apt-get update [04:19] sudo apt-get upgrade [04:19] check if wine is upgraded [04:19] hey, are there any good fixes for poor graphics performance with instal HD 3000 graphics? [04:20] i instaled Xorg Edgers and it helped but it caused ghosting when draggin gwindows around. [04:20] It says I can't access ppa [04:21] Oh typo [04:21] Hold on [04:22] MrGizmo757: I got Atom D525MW with some shi*** intel and all I work out its only 2D acceleration with weak 3D [04:22] apparmor is keeping me from opening a legit external link within a pdf, please help [04:23] where is the theme location in 12.04? [04:23] i just found a PPA ppa:glasen/intel-driver PPA im going to give that a shot and see what happens. nothing else has worked so why not [04:23] My version still says 1.4 [04:23] older atom is trash [04:24] i have doubts though [04:24] intel keep releasing trash into the market [04:24] their IGP is trash their low power cpus are trash [04:24] yea [04:25] I'm just going to purge and install wine again. [04:25] THis is what agrivates me most about linux. a new vertion comes out. things break. it takes a millions years to get fixed. :( [04:25] i have two atom netbooks and both won't run games without a problem. even old games have missing textures and colors [04:25] this is on windows not linux [04:25] hd4000 is much better imo, haven't had issues with any version of any driver. [04:25] so good luck with your atom and linux [04:25] pinkpelican: ok remember to delete .wine folder from home dir [04:26] their performance CPUs with IGPs are okay.. [04:26] apparmor is keeping me from opening a legit external link within a pdf, please help [04:26] What is the name of the wine package? [04:26] wine-1.4 or wine-1.5 or wine [04:26] depending on what you want [04:26] and what ppa you may or may not have enabled [04:27] hit apt-get install wine [04:27] check what version will be installed [04:27] apparmor is keeping me from opening a legit external link within a pdf, please help [04:27] or simply use synaptic for this :) [04:27] Marcin_, the other way of doing that would be `apt-cache policy wine` [04:27] magn3ts: true [04:28] !patience | ubuntuaddicted [04:28] ubuntuaddicted: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [04:29] join #xubuntu [04:31] I get "waiting for network..." at boot time, if my DHCP WAN connection messes up. Is there a way to turn the unavailability of this connection into a mere "meh, whatever" level problem while still keeping the DHCP client running at boot time? [04:32] right now /etc/init/failsafe.conf is run, taking ~2.5 minutes of my life at every boot my connection is down [04:32] aib: simply disable dhcp in network settings and set them to static IP [04:32] ofc if u can set it [04:33] Marcin_: my connection is "unmanaged" on KDE's network settings. I like how it's set up at boot time [04:34] i see [04:35] I like having DHCP running before logging on to X. I just don't like the fact that the system thinks it's a major problem when it's down [04:35] description "Failsafe Boot Delay" [04:35] hmm maybe I should just delete/disable this completely [04:35] So do web apps work for Chrome once the web-apps preview has been installed? I haven't had any luck. [04:36] it would be the best way if u want to fast boot [04:36] hello everyone. my facebook keeps getting hacked on ubuntu even after deleting all apps and change the password 4 times [04:36] pinkpelican: hows wine installation going? [04:36] 9 mins [04:37] djono, that likely has nothing to do with ubuntu [04:37] lol [04:37] make it a harder password to guess. [04:37] what's the Ubuntu way to disable /etc/init/failsafe.conf ? O [04:37] sry rogue enter [04:37] 1234 isnt good one :P [04:38] i have a windows partition. could that be a reason [04:38] djono: no [04:38] nope. [04:38] keylogger? [04:38] Stop getting phished. [04:38] Could be [04:38] lol [04:38] Shred your hard disk [04:38] also, your email is probably compromised. [04:38] Start again [04:38] what's the Ubuntu way to disable /etc/init/failsafe.conf ? I'm not very familiar with this new Upstart thing - renaming it to .conf.bak would presumably work - but is there a GUI tool or a conventional name I should rename to? [04:38] Like a whole new world. [04:39] how can i get phised if im using ununtu? [04:39] I had that happen to my Gmail and someone was getting into my account. Change the password on everything from email to your Facebook. [04:39] Ubuntu isn't immune. [04:39] ive created a new account and instantly fish again [04:39] aib: simply rename it to conf_bak (i name bak files like this) [04:39] ive ran clamtk and found 16 threats [04:40] djono: make sure the URL is facebook.com and not some other odd domain. That's usually the first sign something is up. [04:40] djono, have you clicked on any "you were tagged in photos at blahblah.com, click here" links? [04:40] djono: check hosts files if anyone did not mess them up [04:40] facebook uses SSL for login, are you bypassing SSL warnings? [04:41] nope i im logging in securely [04:41] I'm ultraparanoid. [04:41] if not, you're either being phished, your email is compromised or you have a keylogger. I highly doubt that you have a keylogger on your system. [04:41] djono: what browser are you using? [04:41] im using chromium [04:41] chromium is outdated btw [04:41] so sorry i changed computer and lost the names of the people who were helping me, can you see me? i'm booting the mini.iso [04:41] How long should fsck take to run on a 200Gb hdd. the cursor is blinking for the past 30 minutes? [04:42] dogears, no output at all? there should be some output... [04:42] . [04:42] chromium is outdated? wat [04:42] chromium chrome samething right chromium is the linux version? [04:42] i finally managed to install the windows drivers using ndisrapper. Now I can see the wireless card and the available networks [04:42] djono update to Google Chrome. You can find it in the Ubuntu Software Center I believe. [04:42] djono: Chromium is the open source version. [04:42] however, when i select my network and put in the passwords [04:42] magn3ts: Nothing just a blinking cursur which moves down when I press enter [04:43] i keep getting requests to re-enter passwords [04:43] so, i cannot log in [04:43] ive created a new email along with a new facebook and spam instantly [04:43] dogears, that doesn't sound correct, fsck should probably be outputting something [04:43] i know that the password is right - copy / paste [04:43] djono, what do you mean spam instantly? [04:44] i am at a loss where else to look [04:44] djono: spam where? in your email? [04:44] djono: i hope u dont use facebook mail ;) [04:44] my facebook [04:44] i dont use facebook mail [04:44] Hi all [04:44] Hi thomasd_ [04:44] djono spam messages in facebook? [04:44] my new account just instanlty post the same things as my old one [04:44] would anyone be willing to help me out [04:44] yes spam messages in facebook [04:44] chromium-browser in the ubuntu repos is at version 23, it's perfectly up to date, there's no need for djono to switch to Chrome unless he/she wants to [04:44] djono, sent by you or.. ? [04:45] magn3ts: I can ctr/atl/del and it will reboot. [04:45] like actually coming as messages or are you getting post on your wall with spam? [04:45] sent by me [04:45] ooh [04:45] djono, if it's a new account, who is it spamming to? [04:45] dogears, Ctrl+C and try to start it again [04:45] dose Wubi work ok with Windows 8 Pro? has anybody tried it? [04:45] dogears, run it with `-v` to run in verbose to make sure it will work [04:45] my wall. the new account is spamming on my wall with name repeated as the recipient [04:45] I'm trying to start transmission-daemon as a service at startup, but I can't use another user for transmission. I would like to start it as my regular user, but it doesn't work. [04:45] Any idea ? [04:45] MrGizmo757 it worked for me. [04:45] MrGizmo757, do you *really* want wubi? ask yourself that first. [04:46] djono, send me a link or show us a screenshot, I'm still a bit confused. [04:46] MrGizmo757 are you thinking of buying Win 8? [04:46] I wouldn't recommend Wubi either. If you burn the ISO it'll let you install it next to Windows 8. [04:46] * magn3ts wonders if anyone targeted Linux with those Java zero-days after all..... [04:46] That's how I did my dual boot. [04:46] anyone is willing to point me in the right direction? [04:46] magn3ts: nope :) only windows friends got it [04:47] i got win too but never had a problem with it [04:47] I dumbed Java regardless if it was Windows or Linux. Just in case. ;) [04:47] Just use Click-to-Enable in Firefox and Chrome and never worry about it again I say. [04:47] Flash and Java run when I allow them and never any other time, the little pieces of ... software. [04:47] cant do it anymore my new account has just been temporarily blocked. its wierd cause i have no friends on the new account [04:47] i alredy have windows 8. i had driver issues with this current vertion of ubuntu and i found a PPA that might fix it. i just wanted to do it with Wubi incase it didnt work. if this postential fix dose work then ill go for the full install. thats what my plan is anyways. [04:48] Is that possible in CHrome magn3ts? [04:48] tylerwoodward, yes, it's built into the Chrome UI and there's an about:config flag for firefox [04:48] Ah I might have to look into that. [04:49] i noticed it happening after i used jdownloader [04:49] tylerwoodward, though the option in Chrome is a bit buried, if you can't find a quikc Google will get you through the screens to find the checkbox. It only takes 20 seconds and its well worth it, I promise [04:49] Okay configuring wine [04:49] I was thinking, maybe it's a SELinux magic, but I don't understand how it works [04:49] Wubi just seemed like a better option for testing since it can easily be removed if it fails. thats what im thinking anyways [04:49] magn3ts: Thanks for the heads up on that. I didn't know if Chrome had it because I hadn't seen it. [04:49] whats the name of that ndiswrapper front end/gui ? [04:49] djono, where did you download jdownloader from? I had a windows friend that had an issue after using jdownloader... Ironically I JUST installed it about 20 minutes ago but I haven't had any issues.... but then again, I don't type my passwords ever. [04:50] MrGizmo757, for that case, it makes sense [04:50] i downloaded it from terminal [04:50] Wubi is for Newbi.s :P [04:50] djono, can you be more explicit, what does that mean exactly? [04:51] I'm still getting a fatal error, but it lets me type in my name now. [04:51] i downloaded jdownloader through termnial sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader [04:52] djono, good, that's what I did too. [04:52] pinkpelican: wine --version what tells u ./ [04:52] djono, that should be safe, assuming launchpad is doing its job and jdownloader isn't nefearious, but I don't think it is === dankest is now known as dankest|away [04:52] djono, unfortunately I don't have a lot of other ideas for you. You can always format and start over with ubuntu. If you have /home on a separate partition that should be fairly painless even. [04:52] wine-1.5.22 [04:53] magn3ts, found it in chrome://settings under Privacy. Its all within Content Settings. [04:53] so its ok [04:53] ive reinstalled 2 distros over eachother and i get the same issue with my fb getting hacked [04:53] when you click RMB on the file it want to open with wine? [04:55] djono, uhm, then you got something else going on man. someone either installed a hardware keylogger or is watching you type or something. [04:55] try also in this way, right click on file chose properties, 3rd tab and there choose wine [04:56] i just dont see how that is possible [04:56] and try to run again [04:56] djono, I don't either. What messages are being sent exactly? [04:56] when did ubuntu change to using /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ ? [04:56] some turkish message i think with links [04:56] <_towny> Hey could I get some help of someone? [04:57] _towny: with what? [04:57] djono, if you can copy/paste one of them in a PM I'll look and see if I can find anything out about it [04:57] !ask | _towny [04:57] _towny: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience === atrius is now known as atrius_away [04:58] <_towny> Today, I just installed ubuntu on a dual boot over my windows 7, and everything went fine. How do i uninstall windows now? === tylerwoodward is now known as hitmantyler [04:58] use gparted and partition the windows partition [04:58] hmm [04:58] where are applications supposed to look for shared object files (.so) in ubuntu? [04:59] _towny: simply delete from GRUB list and format windows partition ;) [04:59] <_towny> Thanks [04:59] _towny: hope u used linux partitions for ubuntu? [05:00] _towny: and last thing it best to install ubuntu with separated partition :) [05:00] What am I doing? [05:00] I went to properties ... [05:00] <_towny> Wait, i've got to restart my compuiter,, its screwing up [05:00] _towny, you don't really uninstall it, you can delete the windows partition and expand the ubuntu partition over the old windows space if you want [05:01] What is the default editor in text mode? [05:01] pinkpelican: do you see there a wine app to choose ? [05:01] dogears, I think it's nano IIRC [05:01] I just changed my install up a bit. I did an install and let it install next to Windows 8 and then went back with the Live CD and created a /home partition and dumbed Windows 8. [05:01] oh man, I have a screen tearing problem that is driving me bonkers? I'm running mint, mate edition, if that's relevant-- no proprietary gpu drivers. could anyone help me out with this? [05:01] its simply like on windows u choosing default app to open a file [05:01] if im getting fished does it have to do with software or hardware [05:01] Yes, I see "a wine app" [05:01] so mark it, and set as default [05:01] djono, "phishing" occurs when you give a website that is NOT facebook, your Facebook password [05:01] djono, who is your ISP? [05:02] djono, also, where do you live? [05:02] im an expat working in Indonesia they use an isp called speedy here [05:02] magn3ts: No just the standard editor. I usually use gedit but I have no video at the moment and there is no vim === hitmantyler is now known as tyler [05:03] dogears: nano ? [05:03] does any one knows if there is a tor room or ubuntu and tor chat room? [05:03] When I go to open it with "a wine application" nothing happens. === tyler is now known as Guest43077 [05:03] magn3ts: yes nano is it!! Thanks [05:03] dogears, no problem [05:03] i wrote that :P [05:03] but nvm :) [05:03] Marcin_, I wrote it before you [05:03] lol [05:03] djono, I'm only seeing a handful of results and I'm guessing one of them might be you? Do you have mean friends? [05:04] didnt noticed lol [05:04] hehe [05:04] :) [05:04] nope my fb is pretty closed even amongst friends [05:04] is there any chance that despite ubuntu saying my bluetooth is on and working it is in fact not functioning properly? [05:04] but i preffer nano than vi but use them both when managing servers [05:04] pinkpelican: its really strange [05:04] i dont know how to help u more :/ [05:04] Oh [05:04] Well good! [05:04] djono, I ended up deleting my fb after I went to google+ [05:04] maybe mono is needed [05:05] What's mono? [05:05] I only ever seemed to use fb to leave comments on other sites [05:05] pinkpelican, the disease or the type? [05:05] i use to keep to with friends n family back home [05:05] http://wiki.winehq.org/Mono [05:05] I have no idea [05:06] oh wow, wine [05:06] pinkpelican what are u trying to open with mono? [05:06] has that improved at all in the past 4 years? [05:06] pinkpelican try to install mono too [05:06] djono, you don't seem to be alone: https://www.google.com/search?q=YUHH+BEE+SONUNDA+BUNUDA+YAPTILAR could be related to your ISP though like I said, do you live in a... well... hostile nation that might be inspecting your traffic or something? [05:06] pinkpelican: re-what's mono. mono is MS's .net for gnu/linux... :( [05:06] What does "fatal server error- cannot establish any listening sockets - make sure an x server isnt running " mean [05:06] This program runs on visual basic 6 [05:07] djono, :) Open Chrome, Goto Settings -> Extensions [05:07] djono, check and make sure nothing is there you don't recognize. [05:07] pinkpelican: do you have winetricks? [05:07] Alright, I rephrase my question : is there something (configuration, SELinux, ...) that can prevent start-stop-daemon from starting a process as a specific user ? [05:07] Let me look [05:08] Hey does anyone know of a good way to change the Ubuntu loading screen when starting up the PC? [05:08] thomasd_: i didn't see your origional question. but if it's a network service - and it's using a low port, that can require root i believe. [05:08] only have one extension add new tab button [05:08] thomasd_, you might take even one more step back and tell us what you're trying to accomplish. [05:09] djono, hm, okay. [05:09] I have winetricks but when I select install an app a list comes up. [05:09] * islan playing earthbound ... just followed a creepy guy down into his basement ... which turns out to be a cave [05:09] The program isn't on the list. [05:09] no, you should choose use the default wineprefix [05:09] then next [05:09] and u see another window [05:10] choose first install windows lib dll etc [05:10] choose it and look for some .net [05:10] pinkpelican i use mono for 1 program instead of sudo u use mono to open the program [05:10] it will download for you and install [05:10] djono, I'm kinda out of ideas man. :( I'm sorry. [05:11] djono, are you turkish by chance? everything I'm finding related is turkish in nature [05:11] hello, and good evening [05:11] nope im american [05:11] narutolinux: hi === dankest|away is now known as dankest [05:11] zykotick9, magn3ts: I'm trying to start transmission-daemon as a service at startup, but I can't use another user for transmission. I would like to start it as my regular user, but it doesn't work. [05:11] djono, I wish I could help you more :( [05:11] No there's just a list [05:11] Marcin_, nothing much. [05:11] No low port issues here [05:11] The lists lead to other lists [05:11] it should lead to you [05:11] ie install a game leads to a list of games [05:11] no no [05:12] pinkpelican whar are u trying to open up [05:12] .. [05:12] its all good magn3ts [05:12] u should check use default wineprefix> click OK> next window check install windows lib DLL [05:12] click OK [05:12] u see next window with windows app to install [05:12] my email seems to be fine n everything. and my bank accounts intact just facebook. if its just fb i don't care that much anymore [05:12] like dot nets, netframe, visual etc [05:13] Oh hold on I'm not used to Unity. [05:13] :) [05:13] djono are you installing any apps on facebook like games and invites to stuff from others on there? [05:14] 2h left and end of shift yay! [05:14] nope. i have a really closed profile. i just logged on and boom people blowin me up about spam [05:15] djono thats really odd. the only other thing i could think of was maybe some of the apps on facebook can access information about you and your profile and send messages or post on your behalf. [05:15] Erm... I just realized... data going to my br0 device is going from localhost to router and back to the target... how do I fix that? [05:16] it started after i used jdownloader on windows then i installed it on linux [05:16] djono, did you try getting rid of that? [05:16] h1,can Ubuntu run on my Asus Eee Pad TF300T? [05:16] ofc [05:16] yes same ol thing. should i get rid of my win partition? [05:17] i used clamtk and found 16 threats [05:17] djono did you run anything to get rid of it? [05:17] s1nka: if it couldnt it would be odd :) [05:17] not yet didnt want to mess the system up before asking some folks [05:18] djono run a virus scanner. could be malware or spyware on there that is getting your information such as your username and passwords. [05:18] parinder === ericab is now known as ericab_away === Jono is now known as Guest79862 === ubuntu is now known as Guest44038 [05:19] exit [05:19] i ran clamtk and checked the files on total virus nothing [05:19] Marcin_,i know that ArchLinux is running here but i want clean Ubuntu [05:20] I'm not seeing what Marcin_ is talking about in the packages list. [05:21] pinkpelican: u mean mono ? [05:21] Is that what I'm looking for? [05:21] look for mono complete [05:21] I thought you said .net lib or something. [05:21] 1st try to install additionall apps from winetricks like i said, as far i remember i installed some from there to run apps [05:21] so maybe thats why i can run it [05:22] yea yea net lips [05:22] libs [05:22] but there are in winetricks not package list ;) [05:22] djono clamtk is for linux only right? maybe its coming from when your in Windows. [05:23] well give me a sec i will make a screen (watch out it not will be in engglish so u must look similar steps in winetricks ;) [05:23] something on windows is affecting me on linux === Jono_ is now known as jonolumb [05:23] djono, is it a dual boot or are you running Windows in a VM? [05:23] dual boot [05:24] djono, if its not on your linux install then run a scan when on Windows. [05:24] can i scan windows within linux? [05:24] djono, i'm not sure. [05:24] pinkpelican: http://postimage.org/gallery/3ufs4u98/ [05:24] check those screens [05:25] There's a mon210 is that what you mean? [05:25] yes also this [05:25] but first look at link i paste [05:25] djono, it might be possible if your Windows partition is mounted when on your linux install. But i'm not positive [05:26] Okay, I'm in the list at the last photo. [05:26] its not mounted it requries a password to mount it [05:26] I have been able to move files from Windows while mounting the partition in Ubuntu [05:26] so look there u said before this app needs what visual ? === dankest is now known as dankest|away [05:27] djono, can you mount it and then scan again? [05:27] I believe visual basic 6 [05:27] scanning now [05:27] so for sure dot net is needed also [05:27] install for ex 3.0 [05:27] or 3.5 [05:28] djono, maybe that will do the trick if its malware or spyware on the Windows side causing you issues. I don't know how it would if your not actually running it while your logged into linux. [05:28] visual basic 6 is present also so it would be a problem [05:29] islan: yes u will be able [05:30] besides Ubuntu automount your partitions ofc not old releases [05:30] Marcin_, yeah, I was thinking might help about the whole "scanning Windows from linux" thing [05:30] I've just setup all my video podcasts in Rhythmbox and now I find out it can't display video? [05:30] islan: u want scan for what purpouse? [05:30] virus scan ? [05:30] or what :P [05:31] no no, I was responding to: can i scan windows within linux? [05:31] sure its possible [05:32] * islan sighs [05:32] islan, djono, is it possible if you mount the partition ? [05:32] yes [05:32] it's treated like any other directory when it's mounted [05:32] islan, thats what I thought. [05:33] islan, djono was having problems that sounded like malware or spyware was installed and my only guess is it might be on his Windows side of things and mount it and scan. [05:33] Guest43077, sounds like a plan, I used to just completely reinstall Windows when that happened [05:33] Guest i removed few weeks ago wiruses like that === albert is now known as Guest20302 === dankest|away is now known as dankest [05:34] I finally just did away with WIndows. Although I keep XP in a VM so my wife can use Office. lol. [05:34] hehe [05:35] I still have too much gaming purposes to abandon Windows [05:35] Guest: good that she do not play :P [05:35] and Windows 7 seems pretty decent enough [05:35] Guest43077: a mate just installed office 2007 via wine and says it runs like a charm [05:35] if its secure enough :) [05:35] becker_11, oh yeah? === Guest43077 is now known as tylerw === tylerw is now known as tylerwoodward [05:36] becker_11: if only gimp could be a little bit easyer :D but its not :/\ [05:36] for me :( [05:36] Sorry didn't realize I was showing up as Guest. Fixed that. [05:36] Marcin_ what about Gimpshop? [05:36] ive only used gimp.. so i dont find it hard [05:37] yeah he did it the other night no messing around just installed wine then office on top [05:37] i use now gimp 2.8 but still i cant work so easly like in ps [05:37] :/ [05:37] becker_11, we have 2010 I wonder if it works. I'll have to check the wine site [05:37] some basics ofc [05:38] How hard is it to move my HOME directory to a new partition so I can reinstall 12.04? [05:38] tylerwoodward: I'd look into it for sure. We use 2010 at the office but I rarely need it at home so libreoffice works fine for me [05:38] dogears: not too hard if you know sime linux fundamentals [05:38] dogears: as easy as running an rsync command [05:39] :D [05:39] Is mon210 the .net repository? [05:39] u need netframework or also mono ? [05:39] does anyone know how to get the Linux framebuffer to use any mode other than the maximum resolution? the text is way too small, and I've been trying things for hours, nothing has any effect. [05:39] becker_11, yeah libreoffice works for me but she has school stuff she has to get done with office. [05:39] mono you will find in ubuntu repository [05:39] not there [05:40] tylerwoodward: fair enough [05:40] Samus_Aran: try the fbset command. or perhaps fbterm [05:40] I've updated GRUB2 to use 800x600x8bit mode, to turn off the framebuffer and use text console, etc. but they have no effect [05:40] dr_willis: fbset alters the viewport only, it doesn't change resolution [05:40] There is no entry that begins with an n. [05:40] pinkpelican: sudo apt-get install mono-complete [05:40] becker_11: I am running from the terminal and not all that good from this end [05:41] dr_willis: I'm not sure what fbterm is, I'll check. [05:41] hmm ive changed res with it i recall. ages ago [05:41] in winetricks 3rd window [05:41] you will find dotnet [05:41] this is net framework [05:41] fbterm lets yiu have a fancier console terminal [05:41] dogears: is this regarding making a copy of /home? [05:42] dogears: I'll take a look hang on [05:43] dogears: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving [05:43] it should help u [05:43] becker_11: Yes I have lost my graphics and I cant login anymore since the update this morning. [05:43] Marcin_: Thanks [05:44] Marcin_: except he's lost his graphics [05:44] for lost files there is a app in ubuntu [05:44] recovery app [05:44] dr_willis: fbterm doesn't solve the problem, but it works around it, and that's good enough for me. thank you so much! it has amazing font quality, I love it, fully antialiased and fast. [05:44] Marcin_: he wants to backup his home directory so he can wipe and reinstall [05:46] Scalpel is app for recovery deleted files. hmm backup... guys 2013... we god flash drives pendrives [05:46] come on [05:46] is the home directory its own partition? [05:46] I always get this when empathy starts up: http://i.imgur.com/thGIgIG.png Even when I check those boxes for "don't ask next time" they still appear every time.. [05:46] dogears: you want the command rsync -avz /home/dogears /media/backup/ assuming the other partition is on /media/backup [05:47] "Remember this choice for future connections.."** [05:48] bhavesh: I'm a designer of efficient GUIs, and it blows my mind how many programs have options to not show a message again, but still do so every time. it's pathetically amateur programming. [05:48] Firefox does this with downloaded files [05:48] apologies :) [05:48] Server admin question: I've installed Citadel (http://www.citadel.org/) and wish to connect to it over POP3 from Gmail... First off, is this even possible? [05:48] troy_mccormick: GMail can download messages from any POP3 server, if that's what you mean [05:49] becker_11: Thanks will give it a go! [05:49] Samus_Aran: I can't seem to get it to connect...am I just missing a config option somewhere? [05:49] dogears: let me know how you get on [05:49] dogears: partiton with this method its fit the best /boot / /home swap [05:50] to bed! [05:50] islan: im at work ;p [05:50] Samus_Aran: I was once able to get the Gmail message that it cannot connect due to a self signed certificate...which is annoying, but I should be able to connect over non-secure still, right? [05:50] I just created a home partition the other day. It didn't have its own that way if something goes wrong I should hopefully have my files still. [05:51] tylerwoodward: sure u will :) [05:51] I have / /home /swap now. [05:51] good too [05:51] how many GB on / [05:51] 20GB [05:52] troy_mccormick: it would work over insecure POP3 [05:52] tell windows friend my system partiton have only 20gb :P [05:52] lol [05:52] troy_mccormick: connect on telnet and see what your POP3 server says [05:52] "Server returned error: "Connection closed by remote host: The other server terminated our connection. Please contact your other email provider for more information."" [05:52] Ok..hang on [05:52] I think my Windows 8 install without anything was 34GB at least lol [05:52] troy_mccormick: most likely just check the logs for your POP3 server [05:52] lol [05:52] troy_mccormick: /var/log/* [05:53] I'm using only 6.3GB on my / [05:53] Thank you sir...doing that now [05:53] But for /home I have 450GB and using 23GB :) [05:53] heehe [05:54] Marcin_: Can you explain what you mean? /boot / /home swap [05:54] dogears: partitions should look like this [05:55] if something goes bad with boot === zeeshoem is now known as mnathani [05:55] I ran sudo apt-get install mono-complete and I'm still getting an error. === dankest is now known as dankest|away [05:55] Marcin_ is it possible to create a /boot after having only / /home and /swap? [05:55] sure [05:55] Is it a good idea to do that? [05:55] but you must then reinstall grub [05:55] yea [05:56] i install that on whole servers managed [05:56] I don't personally recommend a separate /boot partition. there was a time it was quite useful, but with modern hard drives it just isn't likely to help anything [05:56] ppl are happy me too [05:56] Marcin_: 4 partitions? I also have Windows as duel boot and the original image on serparate partitions. Any problems with this? [05:56] How hard would it be to to create a /boot and redo GRUB [05:56] maybe but /boot u gave only 300mb [05:56] not more [05:57] you can run out of 300MB on /boot [05:57] these days a /boot/ is nor normally needed [05:57] if you have many kernels installed [05:57] each one is rather large [05:57] thats i wroted i isntall this way on servers :) [05:57] plus the initial ramdisk, etc. [05:57] but on my desktop i have same tables [05:58] many ppl say swap is not need lot of space [05:58] troy_mccormick: I don't recommend adding a /boot partition. much more likely you will cause problems doing that, then solve any potential problem. [05:58] Samus_Aran: Nothing is going into mail.log (tail'd it, nothing came through) [05:58] troy_mccormick: if you want to, dynamically resize one of your partitions, shrink it a few hundred MB, so you have free space at the end. then format it and your /boot files there [05:58] *and copy [05:58] Is there a channel specifically for wine? [05:59] tylerwoodward: its not hard but you need doing that on livecd running [05:59] Totally the wrong person on that one, Samus_Aran :) [05:59] pinkpelican: #WineHQ [05:59] I imagine [05:59] Marcin_ I was told double the amount of RAM for swaps. [05:59] they banned me a couple years ago, I forget the channel now [05:59] !wine [05:59] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [05:59] troy_mccormick: double RAM for swap is not useful [05:59] Were you trolling? [05:59] i updated openssl to the latest version but ubuntu is using the older version.. how to force it to use the latest version ? [05:59] tylerwoodward: only if you want to hibernate [05:59] pinkpelican: no, I was being logical [05:59] becker_11 I usually don't. [05:59] Sounds like trolling to me. [06:00] pinkpelican: I was pointing out a Wine issue, someone took offense [06:00] my video card/monitor is so screwed up right now, i could cry [06:00] tylerwoodward: how GB ram u got ? [06:00] as far as I remember, it was years ago, haven't thought of it in a long time === dankest|away is now known as dankest [06:00] tylerwoodward: than equal to ram would b fine tbh I only have 2GB but 4GB ram on this machine [06:00] Marcin_ 3GB [06:00] Samus_Aran: did you managed servers ? [06:00] Marcin_: hm? have I ever managed servers? [06:00] tylerwoodward give 4GB it will be good enough [06:01] yup [06:01] Marcin_ ah okay cool. [06:01] troy_mccormick: the amount of swap should be based on the expected usage of swap. this has nothing to do with hardware, it has to do with what programs will be run... [06:01] Samus_Aran: believe me swap is needed [06:01] Marcin_: I didn't say swap was not needed. I said doubling the amount of RAM is wrong. [06:01] i dont havce any swap on my 8gb Ubuntu box. ;) [06:02] dr_willis: then you are risking sudden system crashes [06:02] guess what on server with 64GB ram how large should be swap [06:02] Samus_Aran: none in the last 8mo. [06:02] dr_willis: I didn't say it was often, but it is a real risk. if a process runs away and eats all your RAM, the Linux kernel will start randomly killing processes [06:02] * dr_willis adds a 1mb of swap file... [06:02] Sometimes swap is not needed I'm running irssi on an amazon ec2 micro instance only using 80MG of ram currently so no need for swap [06:02] I plau to disable swap when I install ubuntu on a flashdrive actually, don't want it to wear down the flash [06:03] dr_willis: that wouldn't help, either [06:03] plan* [06:03] Cyber_Akuma: ive ran from a 32gb flash for months.. and nevver wore it down.. but flash drives are cheap these days anyway [06:03] its got 32 gigs of ram, it should be fine shoulden't it? [06:04] Marcin_: with 64GB RAM, the swap should be based on expected usage... of course. same as all systems. [06:04] Cyber_Akuma: you could monitor its ram ussaage then add a swap file later if you wanted [06:04] Cyber_Akuma: for web browsing sure but for stiching together 150 images in photoshop I'd add some swap [06:04] I didn't know there was photoshop for linux [06:05] cs2 works fine ;) [06:05] Cyber_Akuma: yeah yeah you get my point [06:05] No one in #winehq is saying anything. [06:05] This is terrible. [06:05] No, I was being serious [06:05] swap is not a negative thing, and most people are clueless about how it benefits a Linux session. having swap means parts of RAM that haven't been used in a long time can be removed while there is still available RAM. [06:05] I don't know waht commercial software has a linux version [06:05] it balances out disk cache nicely for high performance [06:05] pinkpelican: maybe there is a wine forum and u will get better support there [06:06] Cyber_Akuma: okay it was a slip of the fingers [06:06] I hate forums. [06:06] Samus_Aran: I don't want to use swap because it woudl be both slow and wear down the flash of a 2.0 flashdrive, not because I think its something negative [06:06] I hate computers. [06:06] hehe [06:06] I hate earthquakes [06:06] throw thorugh window :) [06:06] Cyber_Akuma: with a large amount of ram you may never touch swap. [06:06] pinkpelican: may I recommend the door to your house, the world awaits! [06:06] Samus_Aran: Thanks for getting me pointed in the right direction. Was able to track down the issue and resolve. You're my (current) internet hero! :P [06:06] pc ofc not earthquake :P [06:07] Marcin_: depends how crazy your rig is [06:07] XD [06:07] Cyber_Akuma: unlike how windows seems to want to use swap from the moment it powers up [06:07] troy_mccormick: sounds good, glad you got it working. :) [06:07] Yep, he got banned for trolling surely. [06:07] :D [06:07] yeah I know [06:07] dr_willis: and thanks again for the fbterm recommendation, it's high quality software. [06:07] My windows install created a 33gb swap file [06:07] considering its on SSD... that didn't make me happy [06:07] 32gb hibernation file too [06:07] Samus_Aran: its a little weird in how it works.. sort of like a combo of screen and xterm ;) on the console [06:07] Cyber_Akuma: that's crazy! Win7 or 8? [06:07] dr_willis: assuming it doesn't break TERM compatibility... I'm doing console GUI programming, need the terminal capabilities to be properly working [06:08] When I disabled auto swap size and set it to a min of 1gb and max of 8gb... it never grew past 1gb [06:08] 7 pro [06:08] Apparnetly behavior for auto mode is to be at LEAST the size of your ram [06:08] I was wondering why that 120gb laptop hdd I was using to tet teh build was so full [06:08] test the* [06:09] Windows XP and earlier were truly awful with swap usage. Linux actually improves desktop performance with swap, Windows slows it down. haven't used newer ones enough to know how they handle swap. [06:09] Cyber_Akuma: yeah more microsoft fail [06:09] I also want to install ubuntu on a flashdrive to see hwo it performs on that pc though [06:09] Not sure what to do about drivers for the mobo chipset and my soundcard though [06:10] anyone got rasberry pi with ubuntu ? :D [06:10] What would be my best course of action if the manufacturer didn't supply linux drivers? [06:10] Marcin_: they cant run ubuntu [06:10] How would I go about expanding my system partition? Live boot? [06:11] dr_willis: any linux? [06:11] Marcin_: several disrtos out.. just no ubuntu [06:11] too bad :/ [06:11] isn't there an arm version of ubuntu? [06:11] or do you mean the processor isn't powerful enough [06:11] Marcin_: If they couldn't run linux, they wouldn't be computers. ;-) [06:11] :D [06:11] its for arm7+ pi has arm 6 [06:11] i think [06:12] DaemonicApathy: my watch can't run linux [06:12] I bet it could. [06:12] im wondering how this ubuntu phone will work out [06:12] rasbian works well on the pi. [06:12] Just attach it to some storage. [06:12] it has storage actually, 8mb [06:12] I will belive in the ubuntu phone when i actually see it [06:12] Ubuntu Phone and Ubuntu TV [06:12] Some decent storage. [06:12] dude, its from 2005 [06:13] So are some soldering irons. Between the two of those, you could work something out. :-) [06:13] And the only port is usb :P [06:13] I doubt infrared would work [06:13] I'm ordering an Ubuntu phone as soon as they let me [06:13] Same, becker_11 [06:13] Cyber_Akuma: one of the main features of the Linux kernel is its massive repository of [mostly] efficiently coded drivers. it contains drivers that replace tens of thousands of Windows drivers. [06:14] I probably won't get Ubuntu Phone on my carrier [06:14] I'll wait to see some in shop [06:14] How do I view a log in xchat? [06:14] Cyber_Akuma: Linux drivers are built for chipsets, not for brand names. so while Windows often has dozens of drivers for the same piece of hardware sold by various brands, Linux does not. [06:14] test them and will see if i like it [06:14] my soundcard will be the bigger problem [06:14] pinkpelican: ask #xchat [06:14] Cyber_Akuma: so find out what hardware is in it, check for the driver. most drivers are loaded automatically. [06:14] it came out a few months ago, even the WINDOWS drivers were cd-only until an update came out late dec [06:14] Love how hibernate is automatically disabled... [06:15] I know there might be a generic driver, but would there be one to actually use all the card's features? [06:15] DaemonicApathy: That reminds me, its been a while, does ubuntu still hibernate to the swap partition? [06:15] Yes. [06:15] Cyber_Akuma: you have two main options for sound drivers on Linux, ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) drivers and OSS (Open Sound System) v4 drivers [06:15] Cyber_Akuma: if it doesn't work with one, try the other [06:16] Cyber_Akuma: you're asking a question that can only be answered by knowing the chipset of your soundcard, which you haven't told us. [06:16] Pulseaudio? [06:16] pulsa uses alsa [06:16] the soundcard is a sound blazter z, not sure the chipset [06:16] Ah, ok. [06:16] blaster* [06:16] DaemonicApathy: PulseAudio is a library which multiplexes sound output, and adds some other features, but it does not provide sound drivers [06:17] Thanks. [06:17] dr_willis: PulseAudio can use OSS v4 or ALSA output. it's just a higher-level multiplexer [06:18] but OSS v4 comes with its own higher quality multiplexing, so not usually any reason to use PulseAudio with OSS v4 [06:18] pulse with oss is a bad idead ;/ [06:18] is it possible to boot ubuntu whithout a boot loader? [06:18] a few apps require PulseAudio, so it can be made to work [06:18] i tested on my sound blaster audigy se and sounds terrible [06:18] guest85645: *some* bootloader must be used, but it doesn't have to be on your hard drive. for instance you can use the Live CD to boot your hard drive [06:19] but alsa with pulse plays better that in windows :o with 5+1 speakers [06:19] guest85645: there are also dozens of third-party bootloaders that can be used to select a device and boot from it === dankest is now known as dankest|away [06:19] Marcin_: only use PulseAudio on OSS v4 for the very few apps that strictly require it. for everything else, OSS v4 alone. === dankest|away is now known as dankest [06:20] on ALSA, find out if your soundcard can do multiple sound outputs in hardware, in which case there's no need for a multiplexer at all [06:21] if I do export path="$PATH:~/scripts". does it stays in the env-var after reboot [06:21] pranav: no [06:21] pranav: no' [06:21] Samus_Aran , do you know why having an ubuntu usb pen drive connected make the computer stuck at boot? [06:21] pranav: you must put it into one of your startup scripts [06:21] pranav: use ~/bin and it will get auto added to your path on login [06:22] pranav: for login shells, this can be: ~/.bash_login and for non-login shells: ~/.bashrc [06:22] guest85645: some models stick with any usb device at boot. [06:22] Sounds like the usb drive has a bootloader on it thats not configured properly [06:22] for that system at least [06:23] okay, I'm getting back to coding. later [06:23] So, best way to expand a system partition? Live CD? [06:23] hello, i need help... ? [06:23] Cyber_Akuma , how can i configure it correctly? [06:23] !ask | Azmuth [06:23] Azmuth: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [06:23] ok [06:23] Actually, it looked like he was asking if he needs help or not [06:23] XD [06:24] We all do. [06:24] My problem is that my ubuntu always stuck at restart/shutdown screen ? [06:24] is there a keyboard shortcut in unity to switch users? [06:24] Is there a message on the screen at the time? [06:25] DaemonicApathy: no [06:25] it just hangs [06:25] Which version? [06:25] Azmuth: nvidia ? [06:25] 12.10 [06:25] no ati [06:26] had problem similar with nvidia [06:26] gt 8800gt [06:26] drivers problem maybe same in your case [06:26] Azmuth: http://askubuntu.com/questions/217587/ubuntu-12-10-64b-does-not-shutdown might help. [06:26] i think so [06:26] Seems to agree with Marcin_. [06:27] can we bring unity launcher to bottom of screen with using some file instead of any theme or whatever? [06:28] and it was first time since long time when i had graphic problems with ubuntu -_- idk what they fu**ed up but i was sitting infront my monitor and o_O with text on my face it cant be truth :D [06:28] vnc786: not without some third-party hack. [06:28] DaemonicApathy: i will try it now, i also downgraded xorg [06:28] Azmuth: let us know how it goes. [06:28] are there terminal commands to know motherboard properties such usb ports for instance? === security is now known as megha [06:29] anyone know what is command to start x in xfce4? [06:29] Not "startx"? [06:29] i just installed command line ubu 12.10 upgraded to 13.04 and xfce [06:29] reboot and x didnt stared :D [06:29] going up i think [06:30] How about "exec startxfce4 --with-ck-launch"? [06:30] yay my atom rocks 5frrames per second :d [06:30] ok can i export/import gnome settings [06:30] startx is just fine [06:30] Ah, ok. [06:31] but those intel gpu integraded in cpu is missunderstunding [06:31] can i export/import gnome settings ???? [06:31] I thought only AMD did that so far. [06:32] how do i do that ? [06:32] (Marcin_) [06:32] not only i think [06:33] it was a strange thing, at my work we got pcs with atoms and 4gb and windows ofc... cool big resolution so we will isntall graphic drivers [06:33] checking on intel site and what [06:33] there are [06:33] but only for win 32bit [06:33] and we got 64installed [06:33] :D [06:33] vnc786: Just copy the .gconf and .gconfd directories from your home directory. [06:34] Marcin_: Dontcha love irony? [06:34] yea i love it :) [06:34] Can anyone help me with Samba? I upgraded to the latest Ubuntu OS, and it's no longer working [06:35] then i asked that i will not work like this besided IT company managing servers though windows sic! [06:35] well we spoke with our manager to use ubuntu [06:36] idk if thhere is a xfce4 problem on virtualbox or whatever i see name of folders but no icons :/ [06:36] same in menu [06:38] have a nice day all [06:38] bb [06:40] my ubuntu still hangs at shutdown... but i want to try what alex said in last post of this question http://askubuntu.com/questions/217587/ubuntu-12-10-64b-does-not-shutdown [06:40] but i am confused...i don't know how to uninstall my ati drivers and what to upgrade etc ? [06:41] * magz join #chennai-hackers [06:41] Hi all, how can I change my default terminal (to urxvt) in 12.10? All of the posts I've read have suggested to use "update-alternatives", but it doesn't seem to work. [06:42] My terminal shortcut is pointing directly to gnome-terminal - i realise this is the problem, just wondering how to get it to look at urxvt? [06:46] actually, it's all good - I just created a new keyboard shortcut to it. bye-bye gnome terminal! === root____2 is now known as Sail [06:47] DaemonicApathy: i found only .gconf in /home/test/ and i copied that to other user directories but it didnt work using 12.04 [06:48] anyone know netbeans? [06:48] or any netbeans-related channel? [06:49] bentinata: yup [06:49] i used netbeans previous years [06:49] Sail, my netbeans doesn't have Java SE installed [06:50] which ubuntu version u r using [06:50] Sail, 12.04 [06:50] Sail, can I copy plugin from windows computer? [06:50] vnc786: you said you wanted it backed up. I'm not sure how it works with transplants. === becker_11 is now known as becker_away [06:52] i'm using the minimal installer and it is stuck at the "downloading release files..." part -- what should i do? [06:52] using custom font colors while running my bash ? :) [06:52] anyone know?? [06:52] lubuntu13: are you online with that install? [06:53] How to use custom font while my bash script is being executed ? :) [06:53] bentinata: do u have openjdk install [06:53] Sail, how to check it? [06:53] DaemonicDroid: i have couple of ubuntu machine and i am creating users and want all machine to have same type of settings ? [06:53] How to use custom font while my bash script is being executed ? :) [06:53] How to use custom font while my bash script is being executed ? :) [06:54] go to synaptic package manager and search openjdk [06:54] How to use custom font color while my bash script is being executed ? :) [06:54] pranav: dont flood if anyone know answer for ur ques will reply [06:54] ! patience | pranav [06:54] pranav: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [06:54] so be patient === dankest is now known as dankest|away [06:56] sorry, my chat client always resetted (Connection reset by peer) [06:56] Sail, can I copy-paste the mobility folder? [06:56] bentinata: which chat client ? [06:57] pranav, no, my IRC client [06:57] bentinata: no [06:57] DaemonicDroid: what i want ultimate is instead of setting every user environment i will set one user environment and copy that setting to other. i did with kde and i got success but no success with gnome [06:58] remove jdk and install open jdk command is "apt-get install openjdk" [06:58] maybe thn it work [06:58] for example i will be removing some icons from unity and keeping only selected icons for all users [07:00] I'm bentinata, I change from modem to local wireless [07:01] Sail, so, I must downloaded the .nbm file? === bentwo is now known as bentinat === bentinat is now known as bentinata [07:02] bentinata: yes u can [07:03] vnc786: All I know is to copy the hidden folders in ~/ over. If .gconf and .gconfd aren't enough, try all of the .* folders. If anyone else knows a better way, feel free to chime in. [07:03] Sail, can what? [07:04] hi bentinata [07:04] bentinata: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=876655 [07:04] Hey, I'm trying to format a second hard drive. I'm not doing RAID0, but I would just like to be able to access it as extended storage. I used GParted, deleted the partion, and reformatted in as ext4. When I went to check out the drive, it had a single file called lost+found. I deleted and tried to put a file on there, and it wouldn't let me. Anyidead? [07:04] hi anyone [07:05] calavera: maybe permision problem [07:05] DaemonicApathy: ok thanks i will work out on that... [07:06] why do people use "some scripts >/dev/null" ? [07:06] Sail, yes I have OpenJDK installed [07:07] Sail: Should I try su gparted? [07:07] bentinata: its better to google it [07:07] hi [07:07] hi [07:08] calavera: ls -al /mount where mount is the mount point of the partition [07:08] Sail, is there any way to copy plugin from windows computer? [07:08] also what is the output of mount? [07:08] calavera: ok maybe it will work do this mount ur partiton in e.g /HDD1 thn copy [07:08] I tried sudo apt-get install system-config-samba, but it's not working. It says I have " unmet dependencies" [07:08] try it [07:08] steripper: show the output [07:08] pranav: to get rid of the output. It basically translates to  “all output from this command should be shoved into a black hole.” [07:08] hi sail [07:08] steripper: dpaste it [07:09] Sail: Paste it in here? [07:10] steripper: no do it on dpaste.com [07:10] DaemonicApathy: Thanks :) That was what I guessed for... [07:10] ah ok...one sec [07:11] sail: http://dpaste.com/hold/883720/ [07:13] steripper: to fix broken package try apt-get install -f [07:14] if i can use simply home directory encryption why would i want full disk encryption? [07:14] sail: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [07:14] lubuntu13: To protect the entire disk. [07:14] Not everything of interest resides in /home. [07:15] Try sudo apt-get install samba* [07:15] @ steripper [07:16] blkadder: but will anything private go anywhere else? i don't want to prevent people from tampering with the machine, just make sure that if i lose it nobody will have access to the personal files [07:17] sail: http://dpaste.com/883720/ [07:17] steripper: which ubuntu version ur using [07:17] lubuntu13: Then I would imagine that encrypting the home dir will be adequate as long as any personal files actually reside there. [07:18] sail: The Latest version 12.04 [07:18] lubuntu13: In practice I haven't seen a lot of partition/full disk encryption used. [07:19] But it is there if you want/need it. [07:19] steripper: use apt-get install --fix-missing but first remove samba* [07:19] ok [07:21] steripper: its ur ubuntu fresh install?? [07:21] it is [07:21] Sail: wait - it's from an earlier version [07:21] 11.02, I think [07:21] steripper: did u run apt-get update [07:21] yea thts the problem [07:21] @ steripper [07:22] Sail, its work! [07:22] is there a command line command that would allow me to remove the last character from a txt file? [07:22] blkadder: like anyone having software installed that could get them in trouble with the law if the computer would be seized, right? [07:22] Sail: So, what do I do? [07:22] bentinata: which method? [07:22] Sail: show the apt-get install --fix-missing output [07:22] hi.. my user directory is not by default accessible [07:23] to all other users [07:23] lubuntu13: Well that, or laptops that might contain company intellectual property or HIPPA data, etc. [07:23] what should the correct permissions be? [07:23] saveagecroc: That sounds pretty correct. [07:23] @ steripper show the outpur of apt-get install --fix-missing [07:24] one moment [07:24] savagecroc: What do you want them to be able to do with your files? [07:24] blkadder: well i've heard that normal login users [07:24] should all have access to /usr ? [07:24] read acces [07:25] is this correct? [07:26] savagecroc: Ahh.. when you said "user" I thought you meant your home directory... [07:26] ah sorry, my mistake [07:26] sail: http://dpaste.com/hold/883723/ [07:26] Is there a way to download the ubuntu-through-windows installer for offline install? [07:26] savagecroc: No worries. /usr should be 75 [07:26] err 755 [07:26] 755 recursive? [07:27] @ steripper if this is ur freshinstall thn it recommend to run apt-get update first [07:27] thn install apt-get install samba [07:27] savagecroc: I believe so. [07:27] Sail, copying the mobility folder [07:27] bentinata: glad to know it worked [07:28] blkadder: cheers. thanks for your feedback [07:28] Sail, but I think it's buggy [07:29] I keep getting this warning when fetching https-git urls WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /run/user/conrad/keyring-mHzc2L/pkcs11: No such file or directory [07:29] how do I stop git checking with gnome-keyring? [07:29] blkadder: what time is it? [07:30] savagecroc: ? [07:30] 3 oclock in the afternoon sir.... thank christ for that, i thought i'd overslept [07:30] Sail, yeah, it isn't worked [07:30] Sail, it call .exe [07:30] savagecroc: Ah, though it might be a reference. ;-) [07:30] ha [07:31] cirwin: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14007630/pushing-to-github-impossible [07:31] savagecroc: Confirmed that /usr should be 755 recursive. [07:32] thanks Sail :p [07:32] Sail: pulling works (because i don't need a username/password), but I get that warning [07:32] for authenticated access I use ssh [07:36] Sail: samba is installed, but still no luck with system-config-samba. I'll just edit the .conf by hand [07:39] I can do "cat test.txt; echo $?" but why not "cat test.txt;result=$?;echo $result" ? [07:39] please help [07:39] blkadder: cheers :0 === Elv1313 is now known as Elv13 [07:41] pranav: what do you mean? that works as expected here [07:41] pranav see #bash or give a better example. [07:42] pranav echo 'foo'; echo $? returns true [07:42] blkadder: shit [07:43] blkadder: just got locked out of sudo, and running every command === Bon-chan is now known as random69 [07:43] after 755'ing /usr === random69 is now known as Bon-chan [07:43] soapee01: Man! there is separate channel for bash.. Thank You so Much :D [07:44] pranav pastebin what you actually want to do and we might help. [07:44] * soapee01 bash lackey [07:45] hi guys i recently upgraded to Ubuntu 12.0.4 during which pidgin was removed and now when i try to install it i can get an error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1548385/ === blkadder_ is now known as blkadder [07:45] i've broken my server by running chmod --recursive 755 /usr.. any idea what the correct file permissions are? [07:46] what is broken? [07:46] savagecroc: What do you mean you have broken it? [07:46] fuaaaaak [07:46] everything.. sudo, running any commands [07:46] any assistance, appreciated if i need to remove some all pkgs [07:46] 644 is the default usermask [07:46] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1672781 << sums it up [07:47] The 755 applies to the directories under /usr not all the files [07:47] foggyspider: for /usr and EVERY subdirectory under it? [07:47] blkadder 755 is what i ran against /usr and it broke it [07:47] it applies to all files _and_ directories [07:47] drwxr-xr-x [07:47] default for directories in usr [07:47] a reinstall is your easiest option [07:48] i've only applied it to /usr and below [07:48] all the files in bin have different permissions, you are fucked [07:48] tsimpson: can't we backtrack it ? [07:48] /usr is where most of the system lives [07:48] don't run recursive commands on root directories. [07:48] crap [07:48] oh well [07:48] restore from my hourly backup then :D [07:48] rm -r [07:48] Hola: I've been running debian since potato, and Kubuntu since hardy. Anybody seen any reason precise on KDE locks up? (x.org 100% CPU). 8 cores 16gb ram, unusable desktop. Ram is fine. NVIDIA graphics. [07:48] haha [07:48] while selecting the software to install, on the network install, i accidentally pressed enter. how can i see that list again after the setup is done, to make sure i didn't miss anything important? [07:49] sorry [07:49] disregard [07:49] pranav: not unless there is a backup, the old permissions are gone and there's no way to get them back [07:49] why would you even recrisvely set file permissions on /usr [07:49] foggyspider: because i was trying to fix some other permissions.. and i ls'd 3 directories [07:50] and they looked the same [07:50] then i asked in here [07:50] then i ran the command [07:50] lol [07:50] i do have hourly backups [07:50] savage did u ran the command with -R "recursive" option ? [07:50] yep [07:50] restore them [07:51] yeah.. restoring now [07:51] so any idea what /usr/local permissions should be? [07:51] or are they all different too? [07:51] all different [07:52] ohh even better [07:52] i have a backup from 20mins ago [07:52] foggyspider: don't u think that copying them to the location itself needs to change their permissions ? [07:52] what? [07:52] hmmm. how do i work out what permissions particular directories should have? [07:53] by not recursively changing them [07:53] savagecroc if you have a true backup rsyc it back. see man rsync you want especially the -a option. [07:53] i killed the entire VM [07:53] and restoring the entire VM from the backup from 20 mins ago [07:55] savagecroc nvm if it's a VM sorry. missed too much of the conversation. [07:55] foggyspider: i mean, suppose the user you are not logged into has no permission to write a particular file. using the "cp" changes the owner to the person copying it ? [07:55] thats ok.. i've learnt a new lesson (the moderetly annoying way) [07:56] http://i.imgur.com/l0FqAsC.jpg [07:57] savagecroc: Sorry, when you referred to the permissions on the directory I assumed that when I told you that recursively they were 755 that you understood I meant the directories, not both the directories and the files... [07:57] i am trying to install ubuntu-11.10-preinstalled-desktop-armel+omap4 on panda board. but i see nothing in monitor. someone told me it's because of ubuntu-11.10-preinstalled-desktop-armel+omap4 .is it true? should i use newer versions??? [07:59] not to be a jerk, but does panda have an IRC channel, this one is highly unlikely to know. [08:00] say inside /usr/ a folder exists which has no permission for logged user to write into. and you use "cp" to copy sub files in it. now, can you copy a file into it ? [08:00] ahh right [08:00] sorry my mistake [08:00] so all the directories should be 755? [08:00] its okay [08:00] soapee01: i asked there too.first:no useful answer secind:it's about ubuntu.isn't it? [08:00] hi [08:00] savagecroc: Not really. Assumptions on my part as well... === bk_ is now known as Guest30569 [08:00] pranav: if you don't have permission, you can't copy things into it... [08:01] soapee01: ah and third: when u don't know the answer be silent like other ones [08:01] Ben64: so, is that where "rsync" comes in play with for backuping files you don't have permission ? [08:01] !attitude | mvt007geek [08:01] mvt007geek: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [08:02] pranav: i'm not sure what you're trying to do === pranav is now known as trap24 [08:03] mtv007geek, embedded platforms are rough. Are you using the recommended distro for panda? [08:04] yes i downloaded that from the site which pandabpard linked me. [08:06] ubuntu-11.10-preinstalled-desktop-armel+omap4 . i heard from someone that this version have some problem with monitorin.i want to make sure is it true or not. and also i sed picocom: a serial port to show me the problem.but it showd me nothing!!! [08:07] My god! It showed you nothing?! [08:07] There ought to be a law! [08:08] blkadder: can u see how much lucky i am ? :D [08:09] mvt007geek: Well as others have said embedded is going to be pretty specific so you are unlikely to find a lot of people here that know much about it. [08:10] blkadder: can introduce me some useful channels? [08:11] mvt007geek: Well, what specific applications does the release you are trying to use have? === yann is now known as YannT [08:11] I've dealt with some embedded but it is very industry-specific. [08:12] And application-specific for that matter. [08:12] hey guys need a little help with ubuntu [08:12] GPRS, etc. [08:13] i am running on windows 8 right now.. so how do i install ubuntu 12.04? [08:13] i mean will grub display the wind8 option? [08:13] chunkyhead__, does it have uefi enabled [08:13] !uefi [08:13] UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [08:14] i know what is uefi, but i am not sure my computer supports that. f2 menu gives me nothing about secure boot/uefi [08:14] any way to find out if my laptop is uefi enabled? [08:14] is it new [08:15] chunkyhead__, and did it come wit win8 installed [08:15] chunkeyhead__: What is the make and model? [08:15] atlef blkadder no it isn't new. it came with windows 7 home premium, acer 5742 [08:16] i dont remember it's 1 year old or 2 years old :\ [08:16] manufacturing date is 2011, just checked [08:16] ok, so no uefi [08:16] grub should pick it up [08:18] yeah but then last time i tried to intall ubuntu what was happening was the free parition was not usable, i mean whenver i tried to select it it was faded (like i can't select it) and whenever i shrunk some space from another drive, the drive would get formatted and everything else would be shaded -_- [08:19] although i've was using ubuntu for the past 2 years, after upgrading to windows 8 (which i kinda regret) i'm unable to dual boot it with anything else :'( [08:20] !dualboot [08:20] Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [08:20] i'm on intel [08:21] forget about the AMD string [08:21] k [08:21] it is just a name [08:21] ok and one more thing, if grub doesn't recognise windows 8, how to restore mbr/ get win8 on grub? [08:22] !grub [08:22] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [08:22] restoring mbr not grub lol [08:22] hehe [08:23] i know grub restore.. that's easy. [08:23] you need to use the win8 dvd i think [08:23] i hate windows for this kinda nonsense they do.. [08:24] they do not like competition [08:24] i can see that, hence the uefi/secure boot [08:25] yeah [08:25] secure boot is all about keeping us secure... from err.. somthing.... [08:25] but then it was hightime they got it.. stuff like konboot was a real breach to security.. [08:25] haha [08:25] and has anyone tried the ubuntu mobileOS yes? ^_^ [08:26] ok guys brb, lemme see if anything works out [08:26] can i install Ubuntu Mobile OS in my phone ? how.. :) [08:26] Hi. I need to edit my page here : https://wiki.edubuntu.org/TedSmith However, when I go to login, it never seems to complete. I get some tick boxes with the button to "Yes, sign me in" but when I click it it never finishes [08:27] trap24: its just demos from what ive seen... [08:27] trap24 it'll be coming out soon. only for andriod though [08:27] I will belive it will be out 'soon' when i actually see it out. ;) [08:27] i wanted to know if any alphas/betas are avaiable though.. anyone knows a like? [08:27] dr_willis lol [08:28] link* [08:28] 245 sec ping? my god [08:28] im biases i will admit. ive seen so amny overhyped new hardware/software/things in the past.. a [08:28] so many neat ideas overhyped and then vanish [08:29] hi, i have ubuntu studio installed after i tested it with a usb stick where it was working like a charm. but now when i boot into the installation i can see that its automaticly logging in but my mouse (logitech wired) and keyboard (microsoft wired) (both usb) have no control, also the rescue mode is not working because of the keyboard - any ideas? [08:30] is gimp a perfect alternative for photoshop? [08:30] Geet: nothing i is perfect [08:30] what i already tried: nomodeset, noapic, insmod usb_keyboard, insmod uhci - nothing worked yet [08:30] gimp does a good job. it all depends about your needs. [08:31] tete_: ttied uplugging/plugging in the keybosrd/mouse? [08:31] yes also different ports [08:31] tete_: also seen a bios setting for legacy usb - that i needed ages ago [08:31] this is already enabled [08:31] otherwise i would not be able to enter the bios :) [08:32] dr_willis, but is it atleast at par or nearby? [08:32] Geet: ive only used gimp. so no idea. [08:32] will re-check the bios, brb [08:32] ok [08:32] if you know your tools. ;) you can most likely do everything you need in gimp.. but some tasks may be harder or easier. [08:33] I plan on spending a lifetime mastering my tools. [08:34] blkadder: if you just spent half a lifetime.. you would be better off.. ;) [08:34] dr_willis: Point taken! [08:34] of course my gimp ussage these days... is making icons.. from err... pictures. ;) [08:35] *cough* works of art! [08:35] lol [08:35] still the same problem [08:35] and now all my old icons are a bit obsolete.. because gnome/ubuntu and my android phone can handle such better image sizes now [08:35] it was already enabled (usb legacy mode) [08:35] tete_: tried it disabled also? [08:36] Geet: gimp is really good. I've not used photoshop either, but some have said that photoshop is very user friendly and has more features but that may be just their inability to find or negotiate the advanced features of gimp. I've used gimp over the years and to me it is as user freindly as an application could be with as many functions as it has. I'm not really sure what we could be lacking. Between gimp and imagemagic, we have just about anything you'd n [08:36] dr_willis, no but this makes no sense to me because it was working like a charm from the usb live stick [08:36] tete_: i do belive ubuntu-studio uses a differnt default kernel then normal ubuntu. (a real time kernel) its possible the usb stick was using a differnt kernel then what was installed [08:37] tete_: or its possible the thing insttalled updates. that managed to break somthing, (like a new kernel) [08:37] hm [08:37] sounds reasonable [08:37] and i even checked the box "install updates..." *arg* [08:37] id be curious if the same issue happened with a normal ubvuntu install. or a lubuntu install. [08:37] any idea what to do now to fix that? ;) [08:38] in theory you chould use a live cd, chroot inm and insall a differnt kernel. and check what one the live cd uses.. [08:38] assuming it IS a kernel version issue [08:38] usr13, thanks for the detailed answer.. maybe i will just try both of them and decide whether I am comfortable with them or go for wine. [08:38] you could also use the live cd to install differnt kernels to test with - on your installed system. and install the ssh service. so you can ssh in and try other fix;s from a remote box. [08:39] ssh would make trouble shooting a lot easier [08:39] my balls itch [08:39] i mean [08:39] that may be the best path to go.. live cd -> chroot in -> install ssh -> reboot and then use ssh to install other stuff/kernels/try things [08:40] installing stuff via root fucks shit up [08:40] *nods off* [08:41] hm jop thats a good idea with sshd [08:41] elfer: You have to install via root, (and watch the language). [08:41] thanks, will do that :) [08:41] sorry [08:41] *watches it* [08:42] i thought this room was filled with headbangers ball fans [08:42] elfer: No. Wrong channel. [08:42] but [08:51] how do i get the offtopic channels again? [08:51] MerlynKorr: /join #ubuntu-offtopic ? [08:52] ty [08:52] MerlynKorr: /topic [08:52] hi! I need to change some udev rule.I need to change file /lib/udev/rules.d/69-libmtp.rules, which belongs to libmtp-common package. How do I do this safely? So when libmtp-common is updated my changes are not overwritten. [08:52] #ubuntu-offtopic [08:52] MerlynKorr: /join #ubuntu-offtopic ? [08:52] MerlynKorr: /join #ubuntu-offtopic ! [08:53] i went there and was called back here but now i will depart [08:54] MerlynKorr: huh? [08:56] MaximLacrima: What version of Ubuntu do you have? [08:56] !flash [08:56] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [08:57] usr13: 12.10 [08:57] reading up on rsync and in most exaples they use the -z for compression option. even for syncing a file from one directory to another on a local drive.. is that a bit redundant/wastefull? [08:57] Hi, yesterday I tried to do an minimal install and then building my system bottom-up but I had lots of trouble (mainly drivers and permissions) - now i did minimal install and chose "Lubuntu-desktop minimal" during install routine - and everything works out of the box! So I wonder: Can I achive the the same effect with finding & installing the require packages only, or does the lubuntu-desktop package come with comfig files I'd miss when in [08:57] or is tehre some reason to be using -z for non network syncing [08:58] an minimal -> a minimal === atrius is now known as atrius_away [08:58] MaximLacrima: You can use vim or nano or gksudo gedit [08:59] dr_willis: hm... afaik -z is even bad if you have fast connection [08:59] MaximLacrima: What do you need to do to it? [08:59] looking at some other rsync examples pages/docs now. perhaps that site was just sort of bad examples.. [08:59] usr13: I know this. But if edit this file, it might be overwtitten later in thae time, when libmtp-common will be updated [09:00] MaximLacrima: i belive it will notice the differance and ask you want to do [09:00] dr_willis: I see thank you [09:01] i definatly recall seeing the apt system ask me 'whatever.conf has changed, use original, keep changed file, show differances...' or similer [09:01] dr_willis, its working now... some wierd problems with the kernel, installed aptitude, did a reinstall from chrooted env with /boot and all that mounted, and now its working :) thanks! [09:01] usr13: I want to disable probing of some unrecognized device [09:01] *did a reinstall of the lowlatency kernel [09:01] tete_: its bet to not use aptitude ;) [09:02] why? [09:02] !aptitude [09:02] aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information. [09:02] ah ok [09:02] its showing its age.. [09:02] watch out with the old task select tool also... [09:02] it aparentlly has some nasty bugs in it also [09:02] to be honest i always only needed apt-get install... or apt-cache search [09:03] the old apt-get v. aptitude argument is slowly going the way of apt-get ;) [09:03] I only use 64bit systems so i always use apt-get. [09:04] usr13: hi, remeber me from yesterday (painful minimal install, could not access sound, installed gdm and things got better) -> Well i started over with a minimal install and chose "Lubuntu desktop (minimal)" in the install routine. Everything works out of the box and my weired system-freezes are not occuring anymore *knocks on wood* [09:04] dr_willis: do you know if the autocomplete after apt-get install is a feature of apt-get or something set up in the .bashrc? [09:05] nabblet: Awesome [09:05] usr13: concluding: building a ubuntu-system bottom up is painful, since you surely will miss packages that are important for normal use. To "solve" this go with a desktop-meta-package, preferably a small one like Lubuntu and then strip it down [09:05] nabblet: How do you like lxde? [09:05] disconn [09:06] nabblet: or go for an arch install and install :) [09:06] memand: bash autocompletion [09:07] Hello All [09:07] usr13: i like - as much as i like gnome3 and xfce - but I am hooked to fluxbox in combination with kupfer. kupfer is a gnome-do like application kicker that also find's files for you, controlls music players, can interact with mail/skype/messenger contacts - it's like the gnome-dash / unity-lense on steroids [09:07] memand: How do you like arch's package management? [09:07] One question which is the best course of linux certification now ubuntu or redhat [09:08] dr_willis: I'll have too look that up :) [09:08] usr13: it's great [09:08] ozoveheib: best would be both. if it means getting a better job. [09:08] usr13: I recomend yaourt for handling packages in Arch [09:09] nabblet: I like xfce and thunar. I tried lxde a while back but just didn't do it for me, but I'm betting it's a lot better now. [09:09] usr13: easy and user friendly, and it has colors :D [09:09] nabblet: I know xfce has come a long way in the last year or 2 [09:09] Thanks for you reply dr_willis [09:09] usr13: xfce if nice too [09:09] memand: Ok, thanks [09:10] dr_willis: was thinkingb of the trends [09:10] 3/3 off [09:10] hello, is there a documentation on the arrows that appear when i use three fingers on my touchpad? like here: http://screencloud.net/v/yaj9 [09:10] usr13: and you're right - lxde and xfce learned a lot in terms of usability and appearance [09:10] nabblet: I like a DE that stays out of your way, (don't need a lot of eyecandy). [09:10] 3/3 off [09:10] I have more than 60g left in my sda8 but when downloading any file it is showing that there is no space left. Why? How to resolve this issue [09:10] usr13: you can find yaourt in the AUR btw https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Yaourt [09:10] memand: Ok. Thanks. [09:11] usr13: but i honestly hope that also these two will some day get rid of their menus and go for a nice and tidy kicker-software - it makes things so much faster and easier [09:11] usr13: try xmonad if you like minimalism [09:11] usr13: not having eyecandy is fluxbox strenght :D [09:11] nabblet: I dono, I use Alt-F2 alot [09:12] jiltdil: how big is it in total. 5% of ext2/3/4 is reserved by default [09:12] nabblet: ... and other hotkeys [09:12] dr_willis, 90g and 24 g used showing by df -h / [09:13] dr_willis, But when downloading anything message comes that no space available [09:13] jiltdil: pastebin "df -h" [09:13] found the awnser to my problem..thanks [09:14] Ben64, /dev/sda8 90G 24G 62G 28% / [09:14] usr13: go for kupfer - i started out with alt-f2 too and then filled my home with an endless amount of scripts until i found gnome do and later on kupfer (it has only a few python dependcies) [09:14] jiltdil: the whole thing, put it on a pastebin for us to check out [09:15] Ben64, Ok i am sharing [09:15] I ran ddrescue on a disk, and there was I/O error which caused it to skip ~300GB. Now it says: rescued: 62000 MB ipos: 384000 MB opos: 384000 [09:15] Can I make ddrescue retry those areas it skipped while it couldnt read the disk? [09:15] BedMan, http://pastebin.com/eD1PTJP2 [09:16] usr13: are you using xfce right now? [09:16] nabblet: Yes [09:17] usr13: and arch? [09:17] jiltdil: try "dd count=100 bs=1M if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/testfile" [09:17] Ben64, Ok [09:18] no. I tried arch a while back but was too hard for me. I just use Ubuntu and Slackware mostly. [09:18] Ben64, Tried now [09:18] Ben64, Now what to do [09:18] jiltdil: what was the result? [09:19] BedMan, http://pastebin.com/mkYvRMu4 [09:19] my first linux experience was gentoo... I am still doing therapy :P [09:19] usr13: i like the rolling release approach [09:19] jiltdil: then your disk isn't full [09:19] nabblet: My first was Slackware. Never left really.... [09:19] Ben64: |& curl -F sprunge=@- sprunge.us [09:20] nabblet: I just use separate /home/ [09:20] Ben64, I know it is not full then why it is showing when downloading anything [09:20] Ben64, Showing that you have no space left etc etc [09:20] jiltdil: it must be trying to download somewhere else [09:20] usr13: separate /home is not that uncommon... [09:21] nabblet: if a separate /home was mounted it would have showed up in df -h [09:21] Corny_: ddrescue has a great number of options. so i imagien you can tell it to retry [09:21] usr13: can you compare arch's/slachware's hw-support to ubuntu? [09:22] Corny_: you did use the log option with ddrescue? [09:22] nabblet: See my PM [09:22] nabblet: hardware support is the kernel's job, same kernel [09:22] usr13: oh, srry we're alreay way ot [09:22] Hi [09:22] cristian_c: hello [09:22] I've enabled suspend with: dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.UPower /org/freedesktop/UPower org.freedesktop.UPower.Suspend [09:23] It works but when I try resume, a kernel panic occurs or desktop is unusable [09:23] How can I solve this problem? [09:23] dr_willis: nvm. i figured it was -T option. thanks anyway [09:24] Any ideas? [09:25] cristian_c: Without beeing 100% sure. That does not sound like the way to do it... [09:26] cristian_c: what version of ubuntu are you running? [09:26] memand, lubuntu [09:27] 12.04 [09:28] cristian_c: As far as I recolect (anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) suspend should be enabled by default in 12.04 if your hardware suports it... [09:29] memand, but suspend works. Instead, the resue doesn't work :( [09:29] *resume [09:31] cristian_c: but was suspend enabled when you installed? [09:32] memand, I've tried some weeks ago [09:32] memand, I've not tried before [09:34] cristian_c: I must say I'm not sure what to do, maybe someone else has a sugestion... [09:35] :) [09:35] memand, ok :( [09:41] Hi guys, im trying to get a program to run in the background in ubuntu server, but whenever I use the ctrl-z and bg command it always stops the process in the background. I want it to stay running so I can use the terminal for something else [09:42] you can run blah & [09:42] or use screen to create multiple virtual terminals [09:43] screen? [09:43] Staiden: tmux to the rescue [09:43] screen is fantastic, you must check it out [09:43] !screen | Staiden [09:43] Staiden: screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen [09:44] Staiden: screen is the way to go [09:44] Staiden: if you want to use job control type bg % where is the number in brackets after you ctrl-z'd [09:44] k thank you [09:44] but really terminal multiplexers like screen are worth learning [09:44] like everyone is saying [09:44] Staiden: why do you think the job is freezing? [09:45] its so much easier to use screen than trying to keep a bunch of background jobs [09:45] histo: thats the default action of ctrl-z [09:45] thec4ke: not after using bg [09:46] thec4ke: he stated after using bg to control the job it's stopping [09:46] Staiden, disown [09:46] huh? [09:46] the real answer is screen [09:46] after using bg, disown [09:46] he should bring it to the fg then and see whats happening [09:46] im gonna use screen lol [09:46] just saying [09:47] theres all sorts of ways to get background jobs to sort of work [09:47] Staiden: if you ctrl+z that will suspend the job. using bg that should background it and allow it to run. [09:47] ciao [09:47] list [09:47] Staiden: So I asked why do you think its suspended after being backgrounded? [09:47] Staiden: it should continue to run. [09:47] some things don't like going into the background [09:48] Ben64: Like? [09:48] can't think of one at the moment [09:49] Ben64: the job doesn't know the difference [09:49] i figured he was just typing ctrl-z then bg with no arguments [09:50] looks like we sold him on screen [09:50] hes already driven away in his brand new t-muxer [09:50] oh well [09:51] thec4ke: either way bg without arguments probably didnt' create his issue === becker_away is now known as becker_11 [09:51] yea idk [09:51] He's probably logging out of the shell [09:53] hello everyone. [09:53] I was wondering if someone could help me with this question: I have been looking everywhere to see whether Ubuntu Desktop is compatible with Shuttle PC's. [09:53] Would like to buy a mini PC like shuttle and have Ubuntu installed on it. [09:54] but cannot seem to find much information on it :( [09:54] anyone who might know of a very good low priced mini-pc for Ubuntu? === hp is now known as Guest42519 [09:57] greenant: my server at my house is a acer revo machine [09:58] greenant: Shuttle Pc's atleast when I saw them were pretty much standard hardware shoudl work with out a hitch. [09:58] !hcl | greenant [09:58] greenant: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [10:00] hi ! I have a laptop with hdd 320gb and ssd 30gb. I uninstalled windows8 but i suspect there still might be some boot files in ssd. If I install linux or BSD in HDD, would the SSD have priority over the bootloading? [10:00] where is the "salt" for my encrypted password stored in ubuntu ? [10:00] qualia: depends on yoru loading [10:00] qualia: sorry depends on your bios settings [10:01] yes that's what i suspected [10:01] but i have no idea on how to find a solution to that [10:01] does it have something to do with EFI [10:01] it doesn't even see any bootloaders, it just sends me to BIOS screen after i startup [10:01] with GPT [10:01] qualia: most computers shipped with win8 will have uefi [10:02] where is the "salt" for my encrypted password stored in ubuntu ? [10:02] yes that's what i have [10:02] where is the "salt" for my encrypted password stored in ubuntu ? [10:02] auronandace, would DD'ing zero the whole HDD and SDD solve the UEFI ? [10:03] qualia: solve? uefi is like bios [10:03] !list [10:03] frane: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [10:03] qualia: just access it via the right key [10:03] !uefi | qualia [10:03] qualia: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [10:04] ohh ok. Thank you :) And, what do you mean by "right key" [10:04] qualia: when you boot up it says press "whatever" to access uefi [10:05] qualia: usually one of the f# keys [10:05] pranav: " sudo getent shadow $USER" There, the format of is: "$#$SALT$PWD_SALTED_HASH" [10:05] qualia: have you never accessed a bios before? its exactly the same process [10:06] well it doesn't give me any option, it only sends me to the bios [10:06] in half a second [10:07] even after i disable quick booting and secure booting stuff [10:07] qualia: how did you disable quick and secure booting if you can't access the uefi? [10:08] qualia: do yuou have a boot screen in the bios? [10:08] assuming that uefi and bios are two different interfaces [10:08] histo, yes [10:08] qualia: have a look at that screen see what the boot mode is set to uefi or legacy [10:09] owww im in trouble. I guess i shouldn't have zero'd the SSD [10:09] now it doesn't even go to bios [10:09] lol [10:10] qualia: No you should be okay now. [10:10] qualia: you keep saying bios, you've got uefi not bios [10:10] ok i got it [10:11] at least i got boot options now, there used to be none [10:12] There's CSM, which is enabled, and boot options with harddrive and pendrive etc [10:13] no uefi or legacy [10:13] but it looks fine i guess [10:13] qualia: take a pic and show us [10:13] !paste | qualia [10:13] qualia: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [10:14] how is salt string generated when we create a new user. is it random ? [10:15] Sorry about multilines, here are my only options that 'could' be relevant. SATA Mode, which is IDE. Boot configuration => Launch CSM =enabled boot option (lists the harddrive here) and then we have hard drive BBS priorities. That's all there is [10:15] how is salt string generated when we create a new user. is it random ? [10:16] i asked this before but forgot, how do i install a different gnome version than unity on 12.04 [10:16] pranav: it's created using the crypt function [10:16] pranav: the uid [10:16] i'll just try the bsd again and see if it works. if not, i'll go for another 3rd party bootloader [10:17] thank you guys [10:17] pranav: hash functions + uid as salt [10:17] -s [10:17] iceroot: what? [10:18] Is there any soul around that can help me answer a question that I have? [10:18] Patyh: only if you ask it [10:19] histo: the salt is the uid [10:19] iceroot: no it's not [10:20] iceroot: look in yo9ur shadow file you will see $id$salt$hassed [10:20] iceroot: s/hassed/hashed/ [10:20] I recently bought an AMD APU laptop. I would like to install Ubuntu. As we know, AMD gfx doesn't work very well with Ubuntu. So, I would like to know what kind of issue that I am looking at when I install ubuntu? [10:20] iceroot: id is the crypt id is the algorithm used by crypt is that where you are getting confused? [10:21] histo: salt is the hashed uid and the password-hash is salt+password as a hash [10:21] is there a good guide i can use to set up grub? i want to have win7 auto boot and preferably have it and ubuntu's main load link together. [10:21] Patyh: depends how new it is, my acer revo has an amd apu and works just fine [10:22] really annoying having to reboot after each win install and walk away only to end up in ubuntu. :P [10:22] iceroot: no it's not [10:22] histo: ok [10:22] iceroot: un hash the salt then and see [10:22] So, I am not expecting any graphical issue then? [10:23] If so, I think it's time for me to start torrenting ubuntu 12.10 [10:23] Patyh: like i said, depends how new it is [10:23] histo: you can not unhash something [10:23] histo: if you could, hashing would be useless [10:24] iceroot: Since the point of salt is to eliminate pre-calculated hashes it wouldn't make sense to me to use known UIDs for it [10:24] Well, it's an AMD E1-1200 [10:24] iceroot: okay change your passwd and watch your salt change [10:24] iceroot: your uid didn't change but your salt will [10:25] histo: as i said, ok [10:25] iceroot: you can calculate hashes but this is all way ot. [10:26] histo: "unhash" will always deliver more then one result [10:26] histo: or in other words, different strings will bring up the same hash, so you cant unhash that easily [10:26] histo: iceroot so, its the ubuntu that decided my salt when changing passwd === fred_ is now known as Guest71049 [10:27] and it used SHA-512 on my passwd with its salt to create the encrypted string in the shadow file [10:27] Patyh: hmm, thats rather new, you can try 12.10 (which would be your best bet really) or hopefully 13.04 (not released yet) would have better support [10:27] pranav: yes its a 48bit random salt [10:28] Yeah.. I think I will have to do a live cd boot and see how it goes.. [10:28] AMD needs to work better with their open source drivers man [10:30] Patyh: mine is an e-450, it worked with 12.04 and now with 12.10 [10:31] pranav: I stand corrected I believe 96 bit salt [10:31] Ahh.. gonna get a live cd running soon I guess. That's the only way to really find out I guess. [10:32] Patyh: but e-450 was from 2011, so a year thereabouts before 12.04 [10:32] pranav: nope ubuntu is still using 48 [10:32] Mine came out last year I think [10:33] What are the problems one would face with a 64 bit installation of ubuntu vs 32 bit? [10:34] ithinktoomuch: almost none unless you use some annoying software [10:34] hi why do neither 'apt-cache depends lubuntu-desktop | grep dm' nor 'apt-cache show lubuntu-desktop | grep dm' [10:34] hi why do neither 'apt-cache depends lubuntu-desktop | grep dm' nor 'apt-cache show lubuntu-desktop | grep dm' show me what display manager lxde depends on [10:35] nabblet: lightdm is the default display manager in all ubuntu versions from 11.10 onwards [10:35] auronandace: ok, but i can't see it in the dependencies [10:35] Hello, I want to get MSCOMCT2.OCX into wine but don't know how. [10:36] iceroot: you need to read up on hashing but i'm not going to argue or discuss it further. [10:36] histo: its the only 16chars [10:37] nabblet: it has no such depends because you don't need a dm to run lubuntu [10:37] pranav: what is? [10:37] salt in ubuntu [10:37] pranav: then yours is 96bit [10:37] !appdb | pinkpelican [10:37] pinkpelican: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [10:37] pranav: what versioni of ubuntu are you running? [10:38] histo: 12.04 [10:38] histo: yours ? [10:39] pranav: 12.04 that's odd, are you looking at your users salt [10:39] llutz: also for lubuntu-desktop? [10:40] pranav: up to 16 character string [10:41] histo: ubuntu 12.04 LTS === Corny_ is now known as Krofna === FlowRiser is now known as Guest52801 [10:45] Hi, can any1 help me install wow on ubuntu ? [10:46] !appdb | ahlzenheimer [10:46] ahlzenheimer: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [10:47] well WTF!?!?? how does ubuntu solves this UEFI problem but BSD can't! The boot option now only recognizes SSD but not the HDD [10:48] qualia ubuntu is more aimed at the masses and desktop pc's, bsd isnt, or less [10:50] yeah that explains everything [10:50] thanks al ot [10:50] how to check for users in root group ? [10:50] im tired of being self sufficient and when I ask for help they don't give a fuck [10:51] hi guys, I've this problem on boot "alert uuid not exist, dropping to a shell", but I've checked with blkid and I've the same uuid on both grub.cfg and fstab..any idea? [10:51] pranav: getent group root [10:51] alex88: when in the shell, see if the uuid is in /dev/disk/by-uuid/ [10:52] nibbler: oh, you're right... let me try [10:52] alex88: normally it should be, at least if you run blkid in the emergency shell.... but well... might be a controller/driver issue [10:53] nibbler: not sure why, I've chrooted into disk, rebooted and now it's working again.. sorry for disturbing.. [10:53] but it was 4th restart in busybox and was still giving that problem [10:53] alex88: welcome [10:54] can we give binary form in chmod [10:54] ? [10:54] pranav: are we supposed to do your homework? [10:55] llutz: haha.. no man. I got it [10:55] its pretty easy binary thingy [10:55] lol [10:55] 4+2+1 [10:55] can I see what packages are from what repository? especially ppas [10:55] elena-IK try apt-cache policy and apt-cache show [10:56] k, thanks [10:56] fucking microsoft clowns and their UEFI. God im gonna break this ultrabook in half and buy an old lenovo thinkpad and think and dream comfortably [10:56] pranav: Binary form would be 01101010 [10:56] qualia, i don't think profanity is allowed in here... [10:56] molotov cocktails are allowed in your office though [10:56] just a heads up wouldnt want you to land up banned [10:56] ?? [10:57] ill come back no worries [10:57] !ohmy | qualia [10:57] qualia: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others. [10:57] pranav: that's octal [10:57] bekks: llutz I recursively modified permission of files in home folder, so I am fixing so that scripts execute fine [10:57] yeah i feel like an angel and i feel safe when there's uefi and profanity filter [10:57] let's promote those values and keep smiling [10:58] :) [10:58] stupid clowns and retards and conformists im gonna be there standing against your walls one day [10:58] pranav: Which does not change the fact, that it isnt "binary form". [10:58] lol [10:58] qualia: take rants away from here [10:58] oh he's gone [10:58] yes ben [10:58] How will "Install Ubuntu next to Windows" configure my partitions? [10:58] bekks: haha.. right [10:59] Glowball, i would make the partitions in Windows and defrag before doing that [10:59] or else it can screw up your windows install, unless you have a recovery disc nearby or something, i'd be a bit careful [10:59] speaking from expierence here [10:59] bekks: its 0 to 7, wonder why i interpreted as binary [10:59] maybe 1 for true and 0 for false [11:00] cub: No, the questions is only about what partitions it will create. I am always just creating them manually now. [11:00] s/questions/question/ [11:00] Will it create a separate root/home? Will it create swap? If so, how large? [11:01] Glowball: if you want all that, theres an advanced option [11:01] Ubuntu will more than likely create an install partition and swap. Usually anyways [11:01] Ben64; I always use the advanced option :) Just wondering what the default option does. [11:01] Glowball: oh [11:01] brb === Teufelchen_ is now known as Teufelchen [11:05] hi running lb build and coming across E: Unable to locate package debian-archive-keyring [11:05] hi, wehre do I turn of monitor going black to sleep? [11:06] running 12.05 ina hyper-c machine [11:06] hyper-v [11:06] what should the line be, I have LB_BOOTSTRAP_KEYRING="http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ubuntu-keyring" [11:06] plusEV you mean 12.04, check system settings, power [11:06] BLæ'æææ 12.04 christ typos. [11:07] MonkeyDust: thx. === becker_11 is now known as becker_away [11:13] need a bit of help [11:13] J3SS: Ask away. [11:14] Trying to install ubuntu 12.10. Had windows 8 installed, but ubuntu wouldn't see my partitions so I got rid of it [11:14] now, I'm getting input/output error [11:15] "got rid of it" means what exactly? [11:15] used windows 7 DVD and diskpart clean [11:16] J3SS: what does "used" mean? What did you do in detail? [11:17] used the recovery console on the windows 7 install DVD to launch diskpart and used the clean command to wipe the disk [11:19] I'm installing one wireshark dissector and http://www.culiuliu.net/blog/2012/12/09/openflow-for-ubuntu/ this blog says apply patch but i don't understand how to apply. he provided some source how can i turn this into patch [11:19] J3SS: "wipe the disk" commonly means you purged everything on it. [11:19] yep, deleted all partitions [11:19] disk is blank [11:20] savio: there is a command called "patch" youd execute this and pipe the code to standard-input, you might need the -p switch (try -p1 -p2 or -p3 or such) and also point it to the right soruce directory [11:20] J3SS: And what are you doing exactly when getting those error messages? [11:21] Hello [11:21] i need please hel [11:21] p [11:21] someone try to hack in my linux ubuntu [11:21] ASHER1: then you need to explain yyour issue [11:21] savio: i'd give it a try without applying the patch, maybe the patch made it into the git arleady.... this blog post is > 1month old [11:21] how i can protection from my computer? [11:21] ASHER1: How do you know? [11:21] i see [11:21] many time [11:21] someone try write pass [11:22] !enter | ASHER1 [11:22] ASHER1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [11:22] I'm trying to create a partition table [11:22] ASHER1: When, where, how? [11:22] J3SS: How? [11:22] what is mean? [11:22] ASHER1: thats what people do - so if you just see bad authentications its fine. make sure you have non-trivial passwords. user/user test/test is hacked in a minute. if you are paranoid install/configure fail2ban or such [11:22] !detail | J3SS [11:22] !details | J3SS [11:22] J3SS: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [11:23] i dont understand how someone is dont know my ip and is can inside to my ubuntu user? [11:23] either with the installer itself or with the disks utility. GParted gives me the same error on starting it up as well [11:23] ASHER1: Your IP address isnt a big secret. [11:23] savio: looking at how trivial the patch is, maybe just check the file packet-openflow.c your self and see how the dissector_add signature is.. you need it like in the line prefixed by "+" [11:24] but this someone from iran [11:24] and is cant see my ip [11:24] i have 5 computer [11:24] has anyone successfully build Siag Office? It gives me quite some headaches... particularly the (outdated) dependencies. Any advices? I'm running Xubuntu 12.04 [11:24] !enter | ASHER1 [11:24] ASHER1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [11:25] trewe: i've never heard of siag office, whats wrong with libreoffice? [11:25] my question how i can set security in my ubuntu? [11:25] ASHER1: Even in Iran, you IP can be seen. [11:25] @auronandace to heavy [11:25] siag is ligthweigh, but no more developed [11:26] ASHER1: shut down your box for maximum security. secure your box (proper passwords, fail2ban, no unneccesarry services etc) if you don't like shutting down [11:26] Im using 12.10 and I dont have notifications for brightness change [11:26] How do I resize a partition? [11:26] With gparted? [11:26] o_O long distance hackers... must have a hell of a phone bill [11:26] trewe: if it isn't developed then it isn't feasable to support it, its not wise using really old software [11:26] i see is try connect from VNC [11:26] pinkpelican run it from a live cd, then resize unmounted partitions [11:27] ASHER1: they scan subnets for open ports. they found your ip as listening for vnc connections. They then try to brute force that connection. [11:27] ASHER1: Install fail2ban . That program will ban them for 5 minutes after 3 attempts at the wrong password. [11:27] histo: should this not even work live? resize, reboot, resizefs? [11:27] nibbler: ? [11:27] where i can find install fail2ban? [11:27] histo: partition resizing [11:27] ASHER1: in your packet management tool (synaptic, apt...) [11:28] nibbler: what are you talking about I wasn't paying attention. [11:28] this name fail2ban? [11:28] histo: just wondering if a live-cd is really necessary for partition resizing [11:28] MonkeyDust, I just installed and I can't adjust the size of partition. Do I need to reinstall? [11:28] ASHER1: my motto is: its better to ask 5 times than to think once [11:29] nibbler: No. Just you just need to have the current partitions unmounted. [11:29] pinkpelican no, resize the partition while running a live cd or usb [11:29] histo how do I unmount partition? [11:29] pinkpelican: backup. What are you trying to resize? [11:30] histo, the parition ubuntu is on so I can add win 7 [11:30] I also want to be a freak and sell it on the weekend [11:30] pinkpelican: are you booted inside of ubuntu right now? [11:30] histo yes [11:31] pinkpelican: installing windows after ubuntu will require you to fix grub [11:31] pinkpelican reboot from a live cd or usbn then try again, but it's best to install windows first, then linux [11:31] pinkpelican: then you can't resize it. [11:31] How do I repair grub? [11:31] pinkpelican: well I should be more specific. You cant resize it while you are using it. [11:31] pinkpelican: You'd have to boot a livecd as others have suggested. [11:32] !grub2 | pinkpelican [11:32] pinkpelican: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [11:32] pinkpelican i told you three times [11:32] MonkeyDust I'm putting you on ignore. [11:32] pinkpelican: he told you exactly what to do [11:33] Why was I asked? [11:34] pinkpelican: did you create an lvm partition when you installed ubuntu? [11:34] I don't know what a lvm partition is. [11:34] nibbler: lvm can be resized live but not a regular partition. [11:34] pinkpelican: okay then no [11:35] BRB [11:35] nibbler: actually scratch that. Since you asked you can resize other partitions just not root [11:37] I don't know why one would want to though. That's some serious risk of data loss. [11:37] ok [11:38] now i install fail2ban [11:38] but i know this work? [11:40] ASHER1: sudo fail2ban-client status [11:40] ok, I'm going to try install win7 then ubuntu to see if that gets round the errors [11:41] ASHER1: then once you see what jails you have you can sudo fail2ban-client status "jailname" [11:42] J3SS: what errors? [11:42] I'm getting input/output error during read on /dev/sda when I try to do anything with my HDD [11:46] J3SS: Not good... I would look at smartmontools and see if the disk is failing [11:48] i write this command? [11:48] so, what woould I run in there? [11:49] histo [11:50] I have managed to do something realy stupid with google drive. I have, somehow, managed to link a public drive to my own drive. When I logg in to my drive threw the browser I can't se the connection. But "insync" finds it and downloading a bunch of crap to my harddrive. Does anyone know how to fix this? [11:51] hello people i'm using linux ubuntu can anybdy help me plz [11:51] AngryBird: State your actual problem please. [11:52] fredrik__: unlink the public drive [11:52] histo, How on earth do I do that! :-/ [11:52] histo [11:53] ASHER1: [11:53] sorry and plz tell m how to download software [11:53] if i download fail2ban wnat i need to do now? [11:53] AngryBird: Which software? [11:53] fredrik__: I don't know but doesn't really ahve anything to do with ubuntu [11:53] !fail2ban | ASHER1 [11:53] ASHER1: sudo fail2ban-client status [11:53] ok [11:53] !info fail2ban | ASHER1 [11:53] ASHER1: fail2ban (source: fail2ban): ban hosts that cause multiple authentication errors. In component universe, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 86 kB, installed size 434 kB [11:54] !softwarecenter | AngryBird [11:54] supertux [11:54] AngryBird: "apt-get install supertux" [11:54] my HDD passes the SMART test [11:54] J3SS: Which smart test? [11:54] histo, I don't know eather... I kind of has to do with ubuntu (if you stretch it) It's only insync (a program for ubuntu) that sees the connection [11:54] !find supertux [11:54] Found: supertux, supertux-data, supertux-data-stable, supertux-stable, supertuxkart [11:54] using smartmontools [11:55] AngryBird open the software center, search supertux, install [11:55] Status [11:55] |- Number of jail: 1 [11:55] `- Jail list: ssh [11:55] i see this [11:55] AngryBird: sudo apt-get install supertux [11:55] ASHER1: You'd have to add a jail for vnc [11:55] ASHER1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fail2ban [11:55] i moved away from kde, back to plain ubuntu, how do I make sure that none of the kde processes (kdeinit etc) start? [11:56] do they come back when I launch any kde app? I still use okular [11:56] urlwolf: yes [11:56] ok [11:56] urlwolf: some kde stuff will load when you use a kde app [11:56] so I should not worry [11:56] urlwolf: ps aux | grep kde [11:56] I seem to have a problem with global shortcuts [11:56] MonkeyDust : i try many times to instaal but evry time i'm fail becoz when i click to intall option it don't show any reactiom why? [11:57] I see some kde thing, /usr/bin/kglobalshortcuts or so, running [11:57] AngryBird and no errors? [11:57] fredrik__: http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/drive/2OVn4eW8MPY [11:57] I kill it, but still problems. Not sure if conflicts [11:58] it don't show anything [11:58] any way to list all global shortcuts, and what app owns them? [11:58] AngryBird open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install supertux [11:59] ok i try and thanx:) [11:59] ok, i'll be back [12:02] <[twisti]> hey, im getting this doing apt-get update on lts 12.04 servers: [12:02] <[twisti]> WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! [12:02] <[twisti]> openjdk-7-jdk openjdk-7-jre icedtea-7-jre-jamvm openjdk-7-jre-headless openjdk-7-jre-lib [12:02] <[twisti]> Install these packages without verification [y/N]? [12:02] <[twisti]> is it ok to y that ? or does that indicate some sort of actual issue ? [12:03] [twisti]: did you enable a 3rd party repo? [12:03] <[twisti]> possibly, im not really sure [12:03] histo, thanks.. but thats the opposit of my problem. I still want to sync my own drive -stuff.. but somehow I'm now syncing a public drive to... but I can't find out where to unlink it. In my browser there is no link. It's only insync that seems to find it [12:04] fredrik__: You can purge isync's settings from your home directory but again I believe your problem is with google. [12:04] fredrik__: purging them would show where the problem lies. [12:04] !paste | [twisti] [12:04] [twisti]: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [12:05] histo, I believe so to... but I can't find any settings in drive on web to manage "linking"... [12:05] [twisti]: please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file [12:05] histo, I'm gonna try purge insyncs settings and see if I can come up with anything [12:05] fredrik__: So how is that ubuntu related again? I don't really know how to help you with issues with your google drive. I don't work for google. [12:05] fredrik__: yeah look in your home folder for .isync or something [12:05] <[twisti]> histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1548814/ [12:06] how can i list the devices grub can see? [12:07] im trying to get grub or ubuntu or what ever needs to to see the rest of my sata drive wich it was doing before 12.04 live updated [12:07] [twisti]: where did you get that mirrors name from?? [12:07] <[twisti]> the /etc/apt/sources.list list file [12:08] <[twisti]> thats what i was supposed to do, right ? [12:08] when i login to my ubuntu system, it logs me immediately back out.. how to find out why? [12:08] [twisti]: yes but how did that information get in that file. Are you in germany? [12:08] [twisti] type sudo apt-get update|pastebinit and paste the url here [12:08] wagle: can you log in as guest? [12:08] MonkeyDust: he already pasted it [12:09] <[twisti]> i am [12:09] <[twisti]> and hetzner is my server provider [12:09] <[twisti]> no idea how it got in there [12:09] <[twisti]> i would assume its always been in there [12:09] auronandace: i can login via the noon graphics console [12:09] auronandace: i can login via the non graphics console [12:09] [twisti] you pasted the sources list, or part of it, not the output of apt-get update [12:10] wagle: can you login to the gui as guest? [12:10] no guest account, but lemme try [12:10] <[twisti]> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1548825/ [12:10] ok [12:11] [twisti]: okay the next page cuz there are no errors there. [12:11] <[twisti]> next page ? [12:11] <[twisti]> it only printed out that link [12:11] [twisti]: also the pkg.jenkins-ci.org is a repo you added. [12:11] auronandace: it does the same thing [12:11] <[twisti]> yeah, i think i remember that [12:11] [twisti]: go to that link you just pasted. [12:12] <[twisti]> and ? [12:12] [twisti]: i'm sorry I thought you also ran an upgrade not just an update. [12:12] <[twisti]> i just did what MonkeyDust told me [12:12] wagle: did you recently have an update? (especially kernel/graphics) [12:13] [twisti] i see a mix of i386 and amd64, not sure if that matters [12:13] <[twisti]> i have no idea what that means [12:13] [twisti]: can you paste the output of apt-cache showpkg openjdk-7-jdk [12:13] hlw people plz tell me how to insall supertux in saftware manager [12:14] <[twisti]> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1548835/ [12:14] AngryBird: sudo apt-get install supertux [12:14] it doesn't help [12:15] thats how to install it, it does help [12:15] Hi, I am trying to figure out how the hotkeys on my laptop (Thinkpad t420) interacts with ubuntu. I am in a xmonad session with no gnome-settings-manager, -keyring-daemon or -session-manager. For some reason my brighness up/down keys work but all other buttons (disable touchpad, sleep when closing lid etc.) does not. How to investigate what is happening? [12:16] Hello [12:16] [twisti]: well your hashes match mine so I'm not sure why it's complaining. [12:16] d00ley, greetings [12:16] I have been looking at the /etc/acpi/ scripts and /etc/acpi/events/ but none of them seems to be triggered when pressing the hotkeys. [12:17] jonascj: Are you running some sort of power manager? [12:17] <[twisti]> histo: it just went through without asking [12:17] <[twisti]> maybe it was just a corrupted download [12:17] [twisti]: possibly the repo got out of sync for a second or something. [12:17] hi i'm 11 what age will i grow a condom i heard to need to have one to be able to have safe sex [12:17] will i grow one any time soon? [12:17] !op | jacklk [12:17] jacklk: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U, DJones! [12:17] jacklk: No [12:18] <[twisti]> super convincing troll [12:18] !ot | jacklk [12:18] jacklk: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [12:18] histo: none that I know of. (ps aux | grep power only reveals /usr/lib/upower/upowerd ) [12:18] :D [12:19] Jonascj: if you run: xev do the keys make events? [12:19] is there anybody who can tell me how to intall NV driver? [12:19] yin: for which card [12:19] auronandace: its been off-net for a couple weeks [12:19] !nvidia | yin [12:19] i have a notebook thinkpad l430 and nvs5400 [12:19] yin: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto [12:19] yin, what "nv" driver (nvidia does kind of a lot of stuff...) [12:19] jonascj: well then what do you expect to interperut the key presses of those buttons to perform any action? They are just keyboard buttons. [12:20] Yin: isn't the nv driver superseded by nouveau [12:20] <[twisti]> oh well, thanks for trouble shooting with me histo and MonkeyDust [12:20] thanks,ubottu [12:20] Ben64 : see i'm go to software manager than i choose categories and click on game option than i saw more software and i click supertux and it shows two option one is not install and 2nd is install and when i click install option than it don't show me ongoing action as well as any errors [12:20] jonascj: wow butchered a few words there. [12:20] !fi | ActionParsnip [12:20] ActionParsnip: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-) [12:20] jacklk: this isn't the place for fooling around, move along. [12:20] I'm having the following issue: When installing bumblebee, and now any package using apt/dpkg, I find myself stuck at "update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.5.0-22-generic". Any clue to unlock the situation? [12:20] AngryBird: You've been told to use "sudo apt-get instal supertux" several times. [12:20] ActionParsnip: they do, both the brightness up/down keys and the other keys which do not work. I thought for a time that it was just the /etc/acpi/ scripts which was called upon pressing the keys, but I no longer think that is the case [12:20] Yin: if you run: sudo lshw -C display do you see sn Intel and an Nvidia GPU? [12:21] d00ley, it's trying to re-configure (update) your grub bootloader... [12:21] 12:10 < plusEV> origin can suck my ass [12:21] jacklk: and buhbye [12:21] dpurgert, Do you see any to get out of this? [12:21] histo ignore her [12:21] s/any/any way/ [12:21] MonkeyDust: ? [12:22] Jacklk: being English and from the UK, I doubt I need the !fi factoid [12:22] !rootirc > root_____ [12:22] root_____, please see my private message [12:22] dpurgert: for future reference, in the future don't point obvious trolls to other channels [12:22] histo: don't feed trolls; ActionParsnip: they are gone now [12:22] Ben64: feed til they pop :-D [12:22] wagle: the first thing that comes to my mind is a graphics issue, how did you install the drivers? [12:23] Myrtti, "obvious" isn't obvious right after logging in ... :/ [12:24] d00ley, are you perhaps out of space? I've never seen update-grub hang like that before ... [12:24] I'm not, it's a fresh install :( [12:24] auronandace: standard ubuntu install === root_____ is now known as aail [12:25] auronandace: its got 1 G left on the disk, but when I sudo'd, it complained about being out of space [12:25] d00ley, OK well, that's a good thing ... you didn't happen to cancel apt, or maybe scroll the terminal window? [12:26] wagle: ahh, you'd need to free some space [12:26] auronandace: ok, already figured out how to clear space for the app that's been running [12:26] histo: the thing is that the brightness keys work and they are just the "End" and "Home" key modified with the "Fn" button. So I'm wondering what makes those keys different form for example disable/enable touchpad (which is Fn+F8) [12:26] dpurgert, I did, but when I run dpkg --configure -a it's falling back to the same step (& freezing aswell) [12:26] auronandace: that worked.. thanks [12:27] !yay | wagle [12:27] wagle: Glad you made it! :-) [12:27] jonascj: if you use xev you should be able to see the key presses. [12:27] histo: I am affraid I do not know what you mean here "jonascj: wow butchered a few words there.". I am sorry if I've been rude or anything. [12:28] Here is what I'm getting [12:28] http://pastebin.com/DF6Zubng [12:28] jonascj: I had a bunch of typos in my response to you is what I meant by that. [12:28] Wow i'm geting tired time for break [12:29] Wagle: uninstall unused kernels, frees lots of space [12:29] gonna switch my locale to soon btw [12:29] histo: ah okay. btw xev displays all the key presses, both brightness up/down (which works) and the other which do not work [12:30] Jonascj: are there any bugs reported? [12:31] Hi all [12:31] ActionParsnip: bugs reported in regards to thinkpads and hotkeys and the current version of ubuntu? [12:32] hi [12:32] Jonascj: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkWiki may help [12:32] lasa greeetings [12:33] ok [12:33] fixed my problem [12:33] ANy clue to my issue? [12:33] what issue? [12:33] http://pastebin.com/DF6Zubng [12:33] I'm geting frozen here [12:33] ActionParsnip: Maybe my originally stated goal have been lost in conversation, but it was to find out how things work. It all works (all hotkeys) with gnome running. Now I'm just trying to make it work without gnome [12:33] since I tried to install bumblebee [12:33] I've managed to make my own .desktop - and I got it in the starter with the correct icon, but no when it's on the sidebar... any clues to what I've missed? [12:34] OH [12:34] hold on [12:34] what laptop? [12:34] an Asus n56v [12:34] ciao a tutti [12:35] ActionParsnip: but you are right, that page definitly holds some information and it might help me (I am reading it and have been earlier) [12:35] ok [12:35] !it | UnidentifiedFlyi [12:35] UnidentifiedFlyi: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [12:36] http://www.tinyurl.com/bumblebeerct3 [12:36] it's a bit ooutdated, but I'll be updating it within the next few days [12:36] Okay! [12:37] I'm going to try this, hoping it gets me out of that freeze (cannot install any macket from now :() === root____3 is now known as Ail [12:39] D00ley: also try XFCE [12:39] I'm running it right now ;) [12:39] Figured it out. [12:39] is there any lightwight html/css live preview editor fot ubuntu? [12:39] D00ley: cool [12:40] Ail: bluefish maybe [12:41] someone can explaim to me i can install in ubuntu nod32? [12:41] hello, can anyone help me configure a dongle with wvdial? [12:42] thanks all [12:42] Asher1: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/eset-nod32-anti-virus-comes-to-linux [12:42] when I run sudo wvdialconf, it says that no modem was detected, I don't know how to use usb-modeswitch to set it to serial [12:44] Ix_: run: lsusb and use the 8 character hex ID to find guides [12:44] Well J3SS it seems to be a nice tutorial for installing the nvidia suite, but unfortunately, it won't get me rid of the package problem [12:44] what package problem? [12:44] ActionParsnip, 12d1:1f01 [12:45] I'm getting frozen at this part: update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.5.0-22-generic [12:45] Ix_: ok, try that in web searches [12:45] it let it run during all night & nothing happened... [12:45] What's a good live distro for cleaning malware from a windows PC? [12:45] ActionParsnip, thank you [12:46] Arkanabar: you can use ubuntu and install clamav [12:46] arkanabar: better asked in ##linux [12:46] hi [12:47] Would I be the champion of unknown problems? [12:47] cah_mendem, greetings [12:48] hahaha [12:48] for me, yes [12:48] yeah [12:49] this may or may not help: http://www.shyguysworld.com/index.php/topic,9363.0.html [12:49] hehe ok ty [12:49] Hey [12:50] specifically the corrupted part [12:51] woops [12:51] wrong link [12:51] :p [12:51] ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2010/05/24/fix-a-failed-initramfs-update-do-it-before-you-reboot/ [12:51] give that a try [12:52] the last part [12:52] thanks! [12:54] okay it's no more freezing ;) [12:54] great [12:54] nvidia-current in 12.04 is 295.4, but how does this translate to Nvidia version (173.14xx, 86.43xx, etc) to check supported products? [12:54] great atm, I wonder when I will be able to change it back [12:54] is there any lightwight html/css live preview editor fot ubuntu? [12:54] When reloading my networking config, I get "Failed to bring up eth0", how can I debug why that is? [12:55] ah - just found the archive :-) 295.X is in there [12:58] hi there [13:00] vitimit === sharky1 is now known as sharky [13:02] hi there [13:03] I haven't got ubuntu yet and the last time I tried it was back in high school but after using windows 8 and seeing the general direction OS' are going in I've started to consider it again, just curious though is it likely I need to dual boot to continue running all my games and future ones? [13:03] Nytician: dual boot is usually best if you game on windows a lot [13:04] hi [13:04] hey [13:04] and ahh okay no way to get out of that [13:04] hi, i still unclear what i could do for my installing nvs 5400 drivers.when i install it ,only remind me "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server." [13:04] Nytician: it depends on the game, wine can work but it really depends on the app [13:05] !app | Nytician [13:05] !appdb | Nytician [13:05] Nytician: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [13:05] Hello [13:05] hmmm interesting okay [13:06] yes I remember wine now, but whatabout for future games like 'simcity' etc these require origin from EA will this be impossible to play without windows? [13:06] Nytician: wine is always improving [13:07] Nytician better ask the game's developpers [13:07] ask/contact [13:07] Nytician: if you insist on playing windows games then windows will obviously be the best solution [13:07] so my current router sucked, not upto cable speeds, broken anntena, and old. So I had the idea of taking my acer aspire one (zg5 model) and using it as my wifi router and maybe for a server (media, file, and maybe web). Was a great idea till I found that my android tablet and my wii hate ah-hoc wifi connections and refuse to connect. Any way I can change my wifi to "master" or "infrastructure mod [13:07] e"? My netbook is running Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit [13:08] hi monkey [13:08] hmmmm I guess, I just don't want them removing the desktop mode in the not too distant future and everything becoming obsolete hah [13:08] ShapeShifter499: check your wifi-chipset and if that is supported by hostapd [13:08] my notebook run ubuntu 12.04 64bit [13:10] sorry , i will leave now .enjoy the day . [13:11] yin , did you run nvidia-xconfig at the tty [13:11] oh well , no patience [13:12] hi can i halp you [13:13] !gdevilspie [13:13] rastafrx, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/get-involved [13:15] <_raven_> which options to stress my graphics card in ubuntu to check out a hardware error? [13:15] TakeItEZ, thanks for the push in the right direction, started looking this up via google, seems I might be able to use it [13:18] _raven_, what error? [13:18] when should be ubuntu release a new version [13:18] nullby7e april [13:19] nullby7e: april [13:19] <_raven_> BluesKaj sudden freezes with strange graphics error. ram is not the problem so far [13:19] nullby7e: the version numbers are based on the date [13:19] nullby7e: 12.04 = april 2012 [13:19] nullby7e 13 = 2013, 04 = the 4th mont, april [13:19] ok [13:20] month* [13:20] Hi all, I've downloaded tremulous 1.1 from http://tremulous.net/files/ but when I launch it I take several errors like : Error: file ui/joinserver.menu, line 1: file ui/menddef.h not found . I'm on Ubuntu 12.04, what happen ? How can I resolve this problem ? [13:21] _raven_, paste the error in pastebin , or here , if fewer than 3 lines [13:24] napnap, open a terminal in your downloads file and do " ./tremulous-gpp1-installer.x86.run" , without the quotes to install the app [13:26] <_raven_> BluesKaj there is no error to paste as i said [13:26] hello [13:27] BluesKaj, ok I will dl this file and install it, thx. [13:27] _raven_, check /var/log/syslog for the error [13:28] napnap, I thought you already DL'd it [13:28] BluesKaj, no, only 1.1 version files [13:30] Hey guys, I've rather moronically foobar'd my fstab with pysdm [13:31] the OS now won't boot, I've tried using "recovery" and entering the command line through root, I can't edit fstab or rename it so I can use fstab.old [13:31] and now I've got a live disk loaded and that can't edit/rename the file either [13:32] Andy-: mount your /-fs, then sudo nano /mnt/whatever/etc/fstab [13:32] BluesKaj, same things, I've installed *gpp* in /usr/local/games/tremulous directory which contains 1.1.0 installed files, but the errors are still here [13:33] through live disk or through root prompt from recovery? [13:33] Andy-: live-disk [13:33] I don't know why a file is missing file "ui/menddef.h not found"."... [13:33] hmmm [13:33] I think I've got the wrong live disk, there are no apps/dashboard menu it seems [13:34] Andy-: any linux live-cd coming with a terminal and an editor will do [13:35] what's the command to mount correctly? I've seen a handful based on others having the same problem but no clear standard [13:35] Andy-: what device is your / on? [13:35] sda2 iirc [13:35] Andy-: "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt" [13:36] Andy-: then "sudo nano /mnt/etc/fstab" [13:36] kk I'll confirm the device first then try [13:37] napnap, have you run the file in the terminal in the directory as i suggested to install the game ? [13:42] Umm, is the recovery procedure for unattended-upgrades filling /, /boot, /var and /usr documented somewhere? I'm supposed to run dpkg --configure -a some time, but I'm not really interested in building the 20+ unnecessary kernel images while out of space... [13:43] TakeItEZ, is there a standard config/reset version of fstab which should work assuming I know my / device? [13:43] turned out to be sdb1 [13:43] nonix4: why do you have 20+ unneeded kernel images? [13:44] Andy-: i don't think so, just create a new one [13:44] Andy-: do you have extra /home? [13:44] an empty one? [13:44] ThinkT510: because of unattended-upgrades running on a system that hasn't been rebooted in half a year [13:44] Andy-: UUID= / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1 [13:44] nonix4: why haven't you tried to remove the unneeded kernel images? [13:45] Andy-: ^^ new one containing one line like the line above [13:45] BluesKaj, yeah "sudo tremulous-1.1.0-installer.x86.run" and "sudo tremulous-gpp1-installer.run" [13:45] ThinkT510: doing just that, but guess I have to use dpkg directly instead of usual apt frontends [13:46] doing dpkg -P for their headers seems to be a good place to start, since nothing depends on those :) [13:47] napnap, sudo ./tremulous-1.1.0-installer.x86.run , but make sure the path to the run file is correct, or open a terminal where you downloaded the file === sergio is now known as Guest52697 [13:47] BluesKaj, it is correct. I see the all installation process [13:47] ok === Guest52697 is now known as sergios [13:49] Installation: I need simple setup, with 1 user (root) and some encrypted partition. I see quite exclusive option: a) "encyrpted home", b) LVM + encrypted "/home". Should I choose b)? Does b) require additional non-root user? [13:49] BluesKaj, ok, if I launch /usr/local/games/tremulous/tremulous-gpp.x86 instead of "tremulous" the game seems to launch [13:50] vifanq: if it is a desktop system then you must have a user, using root on a desktop system is very bad practice [13:51] ThinkT510: not a desktop, although I am not so against having an user account === linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish === ben1u is now known as benlu === z_free is now known as zfree === zfree is now known as z_free [14:00] hello guys [14:01] torrem, greetings [14:02] YO!! Torrem [14:02] what is everybody lurking for? [14:03] torrem - I just watch out for problems that I can fix and also learn a bit more - u? [14:03] for $50 [14:03] torrem, if you have a specific ubuntu related question??? [14:03] torrem: lurking is permitted, you can learn from observation [14:04] torrem: I do pretty much the same thing [14:04] torrem: but I try to help when I can [14:05] OK, I have a question on 12.10 - I keep getting a system error and I *think* that it may be due to changing wireless networks [14:06] as this is when the error pops up very quickly [14:06] CresTedNewt, what eror are y getting? [14:06] right now, i'm busy adding a home built DAC amp to my crappy apple headphones to add an equalizer, make them less tinny [14:06] torrem - it just comes up with a system error - haven't noted down the exact failing module but I've sent the report === god is now known as Guest28593 [14:08] this may sound like a stupid question but how do i gmake it to where everything i put in my tray loads on rythymbox? [14:10] hello? [14:10] Guest28593, greetings [14:10] Guest28593 - I have no idea's [14:11] it was doing fine untill a few minutes ago [14:11] now it just wants to load cds through the home folder [14:11] ok I have a question how do i disable unity on 12.10? [14:12] i want gnome only [14:12] !nounity|torrem, [14:12] torrem,: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic [14:12] torrem: you don't disable it, just use a different desktop [14:13] ok got it thanks === rafael is now known as Guest88221 [14:16] Hey folks. I need your help. I've reformatted my dual boot laptop and now I get a grub rescue screen [14:16] Can anyone help me? I get this after I reformatted the laptop with the windows installation. [14:16] matanc: how exactly did you reformat? [14:16] Cryptography: has ubuntu some tools, to setup an encrypted partition/loop-file - on running system (after installation)? [14:16] I used my laptop's windows 7 installation partition === linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish` [14:17] matanc, use grub repair from live cd [14:17] I read somewhere that I needed to remove grub before I reformatted. I want to do that now but I can't [14:17] That's my problem. It won't boot from the liveCD [14:17] I'm not sure if it's because I didn't create it correctly or if something is wrong [14:18] matanc: you don't need to remove grub, if you install windows it overwrites the mbr [14:18] matanc, live usb is an alternative [14:18] matanc: if you want to restore a windows mbr it would be better to ask in ##windows [14:19] What will the grub repair tool do? [14:19] I need it to boot windows [14:20] matanc: grub will only work if you have a linux installation on the harddrive [14:20] So what do I do with the liveCD so that it'll boot windows? [14:21] Greetings all. I'm a newbie to Ubuntu. Can anyone tell me what is the "nullmailer" that I see in my syslog? [14:21] hello [14:21] matanc, to restore windows boot, you need a windows disk. Ask for details in ##windows [14:21] hello [14:21] Jell-E, greetings [14:21] I have a problem [14:21] matanc: if you want the windows bootloader then ask in ##windows, if you are keeping ubuntu and windows and want to repair grub then here is the right place. which one do you want? [14:21] i have also an problem === Guest88221 is now known as Rafael__ [14:22] !details|Rios Jell-E [14:22] Rios Jell-E: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [14:22] how can i load files more than 2 gb with de wget ? [14:22] concerning windows 8 [14:22] Jell-E: simple forwarding mailer, [14:22] brian_: simple forwarding mailer, [14:22] sry Jell-E [14:22] Jell-E, this is ubuntu support, not windows ... [14:22] The windows bootloader for now. Okay I'll go to windows. thanks. [14:23] I'm running windows 8 and try to run ubuntu 12.10 next to it [14:23] I installed it but grub doesn 't show up [14:23] I disabled secure boot [14:23] Jell-E, did you use the windows installer or are you dual booting [14:23] !uefi | Jell-E [14:23] Jell-E: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [14:24] I installed ubuntu next to windows using the ubuntu installation disk [14:24] TakeItEZ : what is it trying to do? It make an entry to the syslog every minute, about. [14:24] Jell-E, sounds like a uefi issue. see the link [14:24] alright [14:25] brian_: it tries to forward mails, coming from a webserver or wherever. i don't think its installed by default, so you should know why it is there [14:26] brian_: see http://untroubled.org/nullmailer [14:26] I didn't know Ubuntu has a boot-repair program, thanks for the help! [14:27] if I install a ppa, don't like it, can I revert to previous state by apt-get autoremove? [14:27] TakeItEZ : I have no idea. I am worried that it is using up my bandwidth. Any suggestions as to find out what it is trying to forward? [14:27] urlwolf_, that's ot prurpose ... [14:27] urlwolf_, that is its stated purposed but YMMV [14:28] cfhowlett: this is why I ask [14:28] maybe config files are different [14:28] urlwolf_, ppa purge is the search term you want. I think it's an actual ubuntu app [14:28] brian_: sudo apt-get -s purge nullmailer and watch the list of packages going to be removed. it might give you an idea why it runs at all. (-s = simulate only) [14:28] tempted by gnome3 ppa. How risky is it? [14:29] urlwolf_, never tried it [14:29] any way to estimate ppa's reliability? [14:29] gnome3 is an stablished org [14:29] not a single hobbist guy [14:29] urlwolf_ 12.10 has gnome3 by default, no ppa needed [14:30] MonkeyDust: but nautilus is old [14:30] brian_: if aptitude is installed "aptitude why nullmailer" would help too [14:30] ive multiple networks and if i browse one network (through network places) and then go to another network then ubuntu does not refresh new network ..........unless i logout and login again into the GUI..........ubuntu is 12.04 [14:30] !aptitude | TakeItEZ [14:30] TakeItEZ: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information. [14:30] ive multiple networks and if i browse one network (through network places) and then go to another network then ubuntu does not refresh new network ..........unless i logout and login again into the GUI..........ubuntu is 12.04.........Any help how to solve it.......? [14:30] urlwolf_ nautilus is now called 'files' [14:31] ThinkT510: i'm very aware of this and his has nothing to do with some of aptitude nices features [14:31] s/his/this/ [14:31] urlwolf_ what do you mean by 'old'? [14:32] TakeItEZ: only nullmailer* (1 to remove...) [14:32] MonkeyDust: it's 3.4 vs latest 3.6 [14:32] hi ...all [14:32] brian_: then you could just purge it to get rid of it. i wonder why it was installed then.. [14:32] hello,i want to know if ati catalyst 13.1 support ubuntu 12.10 and ati readon hd 4xxx series ? [14:32] rjagathe, greetings [14:32] urlwolf_: a whole desktop environment is a big thing, i'd expect major breakage with a ppa of something like that [14:33] TakeItEZ: aptitude is not installed [14:33] brian_: not by default, ok. [14:33] Today I had a problem.I could login into ubuntu 12.04 as a guest ,but not as a administrator.Why? [14:33] ThinkT510: I'm using gnome3 already. But thanks [14:33] brian_, I love nullmailer, but if its not set up correctly, you'll have mail stuck in /var/spool/nullmailer/queue [14:33] brian_: sudo apt-get purge nullmailer to get rid of it [14:34] any alternatives for a tool that manages global shortcuts? [14:34] xbindkeys fails [14:35] Is anybony over there listening to me? [14:35] !patience|rjagathe, [14:35] rjagathe,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [14:35] rjagathe: root account is locked, use user-account and sudo [14:36] TakeItEZ: Removed - Watching the log for now. [14:37] How to unlock root account thro' guest login? [14:37] compdoc: Could you elaborate on that? Anywhere I can do some reading on the app? [14:37] rjagathe: you don't [14:37] brian_: see http://untroubled.org/nullmailer [14:37] !noroot | rjagathe [14:37] rjagathe: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information. [14:38] !root|rjagathe [14:38] rjagathe: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo [14:38] brian_, do you know whjat nullmailer is? some program, or you, must have installed it [14:38] rjagathe basically, you won't find support here on how to ruin your system [14:39] * cfhowlett thinks to myself; if it's his system === john__ is now known as __j0hn__ [14:39] cfhowlett: well, this is a ubuntu channel [14:39] cfhowlett: and if we support one person [14:40] cfhowlett: others wil think its ok [14:40] KylieBrooks, monkey dust gave the cogent and correct response to the request, I think. [14:40] KylieBrooks: i think he means he might be trying to gain root access to somebody elses system [14:41] compdoc: Something must have installed it === daftykins is now known as rudykins [14:41] brian_, are there files in /var/spool/nullmailer/queue ? [14:41] brian_: some packages need a mail-transport-agent, and therefor nullmailer is the "smallest" solution. but since nothing was depending on it on your system, its hard to tell why it was there === rudykins is now known as daftykins [14:43] compdoc: i have no access to view the contents [14:44] brian_, you might need to use sudo [14:44] hi some server speacialist for ubuntu server 12 ? [14:44] cixman: there is also #ubuntu-server [14:45] Hi, is it possible to update teamviewer via terminal? [14:45] Or do I need to download and re-install the package? [14:45] why is 32bit recommended for ubunutu? [14:45] compdoc: I noticed that when I removed nullmailer it did warm me that the directory was not empty and there was not removed. [14:45] Nytician because it runs on both 32 and 64bit [14:45] Nytician: in case you don't know what processor you have [14:46] ahhh okay I know I have a 64bit cpu should I go ahead and get that inside [14:46] instead* [14:46] Nytician: indeed [14:46] Nytician yes, [14:46] okay and also 12.10 or LTS version? [14:46] brian_, if you have programs that need to send mail as warnings and information, that wont happen now [14:46] Nytician: up to you [14:46] Im relatively computer savvy but I don't want a poor experience either [14:47] Nytician depends on how long you want support for your distro [14:47] ahh okay [14:48] compdoc: None that I know of. How do I apply using sudo to view the contents of the dir? [14:51] can anyone tell me a program which tracks the amount of data that goes through an ethernet interface? [14:53] how much space does ubuntu take? [14:53] like installed [14:54] windowss is about 20-25gb I think [14:54] !requirements | Nytician start here [14:54] Nytician start here: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu [14:54] Nytician, about 3 GB I think [14:54] !requirements [14:55] !requirements [14:55] oh wow very small [14:55] Nytician: a default ubuntu install comes to under 5gb [14:55] Hello [14:56] hello world [14:56] What are some applications that I can use for quickly prototyping animations? [14:56] Nytician, you need a partition of at least 5 GB, I'd recommend 10 GB because you might want to install stuff [14:56] ix_ I have a 50gb ssd for it [14:56] antalyadan merhaba [14:57] !tr [14:57] Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. [14:57] compdoc: Sorry - I'm a raw newbie at this. [14:57] big concern, will ubuntu be going the way of microsoft with new interfaces and dropping backwards compatibility or am I safer with this? [14:57] Nytician with what? [14:58] ubuntu [14:58] ... [14:58] merhaba [14:59] Nytician, ubuntu is not only about unity and other silly interfaces, you can use kde, lxde, xfce or anything you like, really, I like openbox with tint2 [14:59] * MonkeyDust does not know MS policy [14:59] my laptop comes with WIN8 preinstalled. however i want to remove it and install Linux, would that be possible? [15:00] oh cool so its really up to me how it continues, I don't mind the tile based interface from windows 8 but I don't like the closed nature of it especially when I want to learn to code also [15:00] what is Gallium3d ? [15:00] !uefi | linuxman [15:00] linuxman: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI === amir__ is now known as Guest77217 === linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish [15:02] Azmmuth "Gallium3D is a free software library for 3D graphics device drivers. It has been developed by VMware" [15:02] can anyone tell me a program which tracks the amount of data that goes through an ethernet interface? [15:02] thinkt510, my plan is to use gparted live and delete the windows8 partition then install linux, would that be possible? [15:03] linuxman: i guess so but i don't have a uefi based system === ChallengerX is now known as RECUVA [15:03] ix_: vnstat [15:04] MonkeyDust:Can i install Gallium 3d as my display driver in ubuntu 12.10 ? [15:05] compdoc: Worked it out. There are 11 files in the dir. Would it be safe to remove them? [15:05] TakeItEZ, thank you [15:05] brian_, those are emails - read them [15:05] Azmmuth not sure, i had never heard about it, before you asked [15:05] Azmmuth: its not a driver, its a library [15:06] Azmmuth why do you want it, if you don't know what it is? [15:06] compdoc: Ok - Will do. Please be patient [15:06] Azmmuth, driver are build into kernel you don't have to install it in normal case [15:06] MonkeyDust:i want to install drivers for ati readon hd 4350... [15:07] MonkeyDust:but i have to downgrade xorg to install them,which make my ubuntu stuck at shutdown [15:07] brian_, if you find the information in those emails useful, you might want to reinstall nullmailer, and set it up correctly [15:08] Azmmuth is this useful? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver [15:09] here is patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549232/ for openflow switch package but i don't know how to apply it please anyone help? [15:09] shold i make patch file or what ? I'm really confused ? [15:10] MonkeyDust:my card is under Accelerated 3D support [15:11] Azmmuth then found what you need? [15:11] MonkeyDust:maybe === zero is now known as Guest91954 === webbeaver is now known as pce [15:15] http://bit.ly/UXqXjf [15:18] can someone help me. i'm trying to install suse but when its almost done and onto the grub install it comes up with an error saying there was an error generating the initrd. then once i hit ok it comes up with failed to install grub. i have 4 hard drives, only 1 is being used to install suse but when i go to look at the grub install it says boot will be in /dev/sdc (which i assume sdc is hard [15:18] drive #3 and not the harddrive with the os on it). why am i getting this error? [15:18] Guest91954: this is #ubuntu, not the Suse IRC channel [15:18] opps sorry [15:19] i hate the opensuse installer [15:19] nothing but problems [15:20] compdoc: Looks like warning send from Apache2. If memory recalls then that is the webserver in Ubuntu. This must have been installed when I installed weather station software. And that has been uninstalled too a while ago as it did not upload properly. [15:21] here is patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549232/ for openflow switch package but i don't know how to apply it please anyone help? [15:21] here is patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549232/ for openflow switch package but i don't know how to apply it please anyone help? [15:21] shold i make patch file or what ? I'm really confused ? [15:21] savio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [15:21] Weird issue here. I'm trying to get audio drivers for my X-Fi Titanium (Creative) card, but I get this. http://pastebin.com/7qHtMuV4 [15:21] I'm not all too sure what I can do. [15:23] Should Clarify: Ubuntu 12.10, 64b [15:23] Does direct rendering enabled means 3d card is working ? [15:24] compdoc: Would you say it is safe to remove them? Won't hold anything against you for your input. [15:29] brian_, it is safe [15:29] compdoc: Done. Removed the files. Which directories can I remove? [15:29] brian_, no need to remove directories [15:31] Hello, I'm using ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I'm having trouble with the Startup Applications tool. Whenever I restart my computer my audio resets to full blast every time. The only solution I've found is to run 'pacmd set-sink-volume 0 3500' at whatever specified volume. I want to run this in Startup Applications. I make a SoundFix.sh file, add the command, chmod +x the file, and add an entry in Startup Applications as: sh location/ [15:31] SoundFix.sh . Problem is, this has no affect on restart. What am I doing wrong? [15:31] compdoc: Thanks. You have been a great help. I'll definitely go and do some reading about this app. Could you perhaps suggest a good place to read up on this? [15:31] here is patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549232/ for openflow switch package but i don't know how to apply it please anyone help? [15:31] shold i make patch file or what ? I'm really confused ? [15:31] brian_, the answers to everything, even life itself, are on google [15:32] compdoc: Ok cool. Thanks a mil for the help. You are greatly appreciated. [15:33] TakeItEZ: To you too. Thanks for the help. Also you are appreciated. [15:37] walikum slam [15:38] hey i had that beer once [15:47] I have a problem [15:47] noobatlife: then you need a solution [15:48] My school has a course which requires MS ACCESS [15:48] I am running Linux ubuntu [15:48] Do you know any alternative software that can open accdb files [15:49] They are using MS Access 2007 [15:49] noobatlife: what about running access in wine? or in a windows VM? [15:49] !wine | noobatlife [15:49] noobatlife: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [15:49] I really need to try that.... [15:50] ok [15:50] thanks [15:50] noobatlife: i remember a program running in linux similar to access [15:50] Despite the bronze rating it received in the WineHQ appDB [15:51] It might be different since that was a long time testing [15:51] I heard about a KDE database creator [15:51] names Kixie? [15:51] Anyone familiar with that? === slystone is now known as slystone1 [15:51] Its in my repo but requires KDE [15:51] noobatlife: give me a sec it's on anather pc [15:51] repod car [15:52] ok [15:53] Shoot. Kixie only supports MDB(old). it doesnt support Access 2007 format(accdb) [15:53] If only my stupid colege would stop relying on windows products [15:53] hello, i have problem when i connect my GS3 to ubuntu 11. "unable to enumerate USB device on port 1" [15:53] it pisses me off so much [15:53] my results with ubuntu have been less then stellar so far :o, started with not even being able to login after a fresh install [15:55] hi [15:55] here is patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549232/ for openflow switch package but i don't know how to apply it please anyone help? [15:55] shold i make patch file or what ? I'm really confused ? [15:55] and How? [15:55] @OMI HAVE YOU TRIED DIFFERENT PORTS? [15:56] ? [15:56] like kubuntu? [15:56] noobatlife: sorry, yer is Kexi [15:56] Update installer on Ubuntu 12.10 is complaining about /boot partition being full!:( Can I increase its size at runtime without losing the content? [15:56] omi: you got a hybrid grafics card? [15:56] i have a nvidia gtx 8800 [15:57] i got it working eventually by doiny ctrl alt f1 think it was to get to the console where i logged in and did apt update and dist-upgrade [15:57] How can I do all these 3 things, installing Quantal: Manually decide the partitions and file systems, (easy) and encrypt (easy) and also have LVM? (doing the last thing too is difficult for me.) [15:57] also followed some other instructions about installing nvidia-current [15:57] !lvm | yeehi [15:57] yeehi: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto [15:57] but still, all that just to get logged in? [15:57] i just came from mint 12 [15:58] Strange issue: On my X-Fi titanium card on Ubuntu 12.10 64b, on Minecraft, A regular noise will play, and then shortly after that, a second, quieter, lower resolution version of that noise will play. Does anyone have any idea what the heck? [15:58] didn't have any probs there [15:58] Thanks, ThinkT510 [15:58] how can i set up a wireless access point from my laptop? it doesn't support master mode (i checked with iw list and iwconfig mode master).. [15:58] omi: it should load with the free nvidia driver. but maybe that doesnt support your card. [15:59] omi: so installing the nvidia-current does the trick [15:59] noobatlife: maybe openoffice base [15:59] hi [15:59] ;) [15:59] yea i suppose, still seems like something that should be handled out of the box [16:00] for something as mainstream as ubuntu [16:00] hey [16:01] omi: IIRC you can check to let the drivers and updates be installed at the installation, too [16:01] i want canon mf 4400 series for ubuntu there was n't anything in software sources [16:01] nima_: What is cannon mf 4400 series? [16:01] i did that option [16:01] Please someone tell me: Can I enlarge the /boot partition (it's ext2 on sda1) and therefor make the other partition smaller (which is sda2 extended, containing crypt-luks as sda5) ? [16:01] to download and install any updates while installing [16:02] multi functioning printers [16:02] although doesn't appear that it did much as there was a bit to update when i ran apt update and dist-upgrade [16:02] i dunno what to do [16:02] justsome1: 1) back up the system. 2) Either mess around with parted trying to resize, or repartition and restore (which is faster). [16:02] nima_: cups.org [16:03] nima_: xsane handles the scanner portion. [16:03] and since being up, i just got it all working last night, lottanzb keeps crashing or not responding randomly but just installed another client that i think i'll like better [16:03] jhutchins: But how can I back up the system when it's encrypted? I used quantal's new full disk encryption option, when I installed it. [16:03] what do you mean by xsane handles? [16:03] I suddenly have a problem with wlan on my Dell Vostro 3750 with Ubuntu 12.04. Suddenly the latency explodes from 2ms to ~5000s for a long period. Impossible to open webpages while wlan on my mobile phone works perfectly. When I connect a cable to my pc everything is fine. Any Ideas? [16:03] justsome1: If you're resizing partitions you'll want to use something like rsync to do a file-level backup, not partclone or dd. === rafael is now known as Guest55251 === Guest55251 is now known as Rafael__ [16:04] and i had xorg crash last night after first getting logged in although haven't had it since and just like 5 min ago nautilus crashed when doing open containing folder in download i did in firefox, but those are 1 time crashes so far so i'll take them with a grain of salt [16:05] jhutchins: Okay. And how to do the re-partitioning after I backup'ed my files? [16:06] might gparted work to do that at runtime (while logged into the system)? [16:06] i have problem when i connect my GS3 to ubuntu 11. "unable to enumerate USB device on port 1" [16:06] ThinkT510 - it looks a bit complex setting up the LVM manually. If i allow quantal to do the lvm partitions and whole disk encryption automatically, would it be simple to afterwards make /home a separate partition? [16:07] yeehi: sorry, i have no idea, i've never used lvm or encryption [16:07] ok, thanks, ThinkT510 [16:08] jhutchins: Gparted offers a "resize" option for sda2, but not for sda1 (which is the "/boot" partition) [16:10] Ubuntu is a hassle to get working [16:11] I install it, GPU lag. I get the propietary driver, compiz crashes. Wifi doesnt work [16:11] Really nice OS [16:11] justsome1: you can't resize partitions that are currently mounted [16:11] awesome can't input chinese (firefox ,gimp) help me [16:12] zyngawow: this is not the place for ranting. if you got a problem describe it and people will try to help you [16:12] At least you can connect to the internet :) [16:12] !rootirc > nn [16:12] nn, please see my private message [16:12] k1l_: I think I described it well enough. Wifi doesnt work. GPU lag [16:13] The weirdest thing is wifi works sometimes... I have reinstalled 12.10 5 times.. three of the times it worked sometimes [16:13] zyngawow: ok, then i tell you: gpu and wifi works here :) can you name the exact model and chipsets and which ubuntu you are running etc [16:13] hello. if anybody successfuly installed Intel+Nvidia drivers please message me [16:13] can i setup cinnamon on ubuntu ? [16:13] ThinkT510: ok, thanks. So using a boot-CD should be possible to resize those partitions without losing its content? [16:13] megha: yes but it isn't supported here [16:14] !mint | megha ask the mint support since its a mint program [16:14] megha ask the mint support since its a mint program: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [16:14] k1l_: i3 520, MSI Iona GL8E(intel h57?), sapphire radeon hd 7770 [16:14] justsome1: yes [16:15] i want to install cinnamon on ubuntu even than it's not supported here ? [16:15] k1l_: i3 530, sorry typo [16:15] can i install it through minimal cd and then build up [16:15] megha: then you are on your own [16:15] ThinkT510: Great, thanks. And will that work too for the full disk encrypted system? (crypt-luks) [16:15] ThinkT510: ok [16:15] justsome1: no idea sorry, i don't used encryption [16:16] zyngawow: im not familiar with amd/ati stuff. but if you explain your problem more specific maybe someone will help [16:16] k1l_: My main issue is the wifi now [16:16] I mean, why the heck doesnt it work? Even the guys at microsoft make it work.. [16:16] ok, shutting down and trying...;) thanks, guys [16:16] which wifi chip or usb stick do you want to use? [16:17] k1l_: It is integrated on the mobo [16:17] hello. if anybody successfuly installed Intel+Nvidia drivers please message me [16:17] zyngawow: the guys from microsoft recieve drivers from the manufacturer. which linux doesnt [16:17] zyngawow: i think you'll find the manufacturers write the drivers for windows, not microsoft [16:18] zyngawow: so give the line of "lspci" which names you wifi card [16:19] k1l_: Network Controller: Ralink corp. RT3092 Wireless 802.11n 2T/2R PCIe [16:22] ciao [16:22] !lista [16:22] francbel: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [16:22] k1l_: That also woundt explain why it worked sometimes [16:22] Hey guys quick question about ubuntu and drivers. [16:22] matanc: Just ask, don't ask to ask [16:22] matanc: go for it [16:23] My laptop's wireless hardware switch stopped working one day [16:23] after reformatting it to windows and installing the drivers it works [16:23] ubuntu is making me will to break something [16:23] Hey guys...am running 12.10 and had trouble installing drivers. Now, I have it isntalled (b43 broadcom drivers problems) but everytime i turn on my laptop i have to type in a command (sudo modprobe b43). Any permanent solution to my wireless problems? [16:23] Could I have fixed this issue (which seems like a driver issue) without returning to windows and installing the drivers there? === brontosaurusrex_ is now known as brontosaurusrex [16:24] matanc: depends on the hardware (if you are talking wifi some drivers do funny things on windows that affects linux) [16:24] Frank_Leach: you might want to checkout /etc/modules [16:24] thanks zykotic9 [16:25] !tab > Frank_Leach [16:25] Frank_Leach, please see my private message [16:25] Hello... I updated my kernel the nvidia drivers started acting crazy. So, I uninstalled them, installed the linux headers for the new kernel, re-installed the nvidia driver and now it works great if I go into Recovery mode and wait 30 seconds (the gui automatically starts up)... however, on a normal boot, I get a black screen. [16:25] !nomodeset | RB2 [16:25] RB2: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [16:26] Thanks ThinkT510 [16:26] ciao [16:26] !list [16:26] francbel: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [16:26] matanc: First you need to identify your exact wireless chip and laptop model. From a terminal (or terminal window) try "lspci" or "lsusb". Don't post the entire output here, just the relevant line. [16:26] ThinkT510: And are those things fixable? Could ubuntu somehow fuck with windows drivers? [16:26] What would I do in that case? [16:27] !language | matanc [16:27] matanc: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [16:27] !language | ThinkT510 [16:27] ThinkT510: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [16:27] :P [16:28] seriously, ubuntu is pure shit. An OS in which you cant connect to the internet due to driver lack... [16:28] Sorry about that. [16:28] mesquka: please don't [16:28] matanc: it entirely depends on the chipset [16:28] ok [16:28] The most weird thing is that things work sometimes. extremely realible === ivv is now known as isaacvv [16:29] jhansonxi: I can't check that right now since I've already fixed it by reinstalling windows and deleting ubuntu. [16:30] matanc: You can find the same info from Windows device manager. [16:30] ndswrapper????? [16:30] matanc: You also just boot with a LiveCD to run commands without installing. [16:31] The wireless chipset is Intel Centrino N 6230. [16:32] ThinkT510, just a quick question... my nvidia drivers (after a battle to get them installed) have been working fine for the last month until I updated the kernel. [16:32] Why would a small update change that? [16:32] matanc: wow, i've never had trouble with intel wifi in linux [16:32] and now require the nomodeset setting [16:32] RB2: a kernel update is not small [16:32] I'm trying to access my external hard drive and get an error message, that says it [16:33] *says it's busy [16:33] RB2: if you used the drivers from the repo, rather than the website, then you wouldn't have this problem [16:33] ThinkT510, I am using the drivers from the repo. [16:33] matanc: Here's a forum thread about a similar problem with a Dell system: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1977738 [16:33] BBL, gotta push some snow [16:33] nvidia-current-update [16:33] *updates [16:34] ThinkT510: How would I reinstall hardware drivers when in linux? [16:34] ThinkT510, I purposely chose to use the repo so I wouldn't have these problems. [16:34] list [16:34] Do most manufacturers make drivers for linux as well? [16:34] matanc: Next time you try Ubuntu keep that thread in mind. You could dual-boot with Windows and Ubuntu sharing the drive until you work around the problems in Ubuntu. [16:34] hmm.... [16:34] matanc: most are already in the kernel [16:35] Hi, does anybody knows how to see patch/release notes of an update/upgrade of an application in the console? Thank you very much [16:35] RB2: sorry [16:35] Could it have to do with the fact that my laptop uses a hardware wireless switch? [16:35] RB2: i've always stuck to the open source drivers, never had a problem [16:35] matanc: Some do, some don't. The "proprietary" drivers are generally closed-source so Linux (and Ubuntu) users are entirely dependent on them to make the hardware function. [16:36] matanc: "them" being the hardware manufacturers. [16:36] ThinkT510, I'll have to take another look at them. Last time I used them, the performance was less than stellar. But, that was a long time ago. [16:37] I assume that makes linux support and performance worse on laptops then? [16:37] I'm trying to access my external hard drive and get an error message, that says it is "busy" [16:37] RB2: i don't do much gaming so they work great for me [16:37] how can i link a binary to /usr/bin that is somewhere else? [16:37] ln -s /path/binary /usr/bin/binary? [16:37] matanc: A hardware switch is just a regular switch that directly controls the wireless chip. Most wireless switches are software-controlled so the correct Linux kernel module is needed. [16:37] ThinkT510, my question is why does the desktop load automatically in recovery mode after enabling networking.. is that something new in 12.10? And, why do the drivers work perfect then and not during a normal boot? :( [16:38] RB2: sorry, i've never used recovery mode [16:38] Okay, I think I got it. Thank you jhansoxi and ThinkT510 for the help :) Have a good day [16:40] Hi, does anybody know how to see patch/release notes of an update/upgrade of an application in the console? Thank you very much [16:41] is there a way to use my external hard drive... I can't get in [16:41] RB2: Does it actually boot into recovery mode or just show the Grub menu? Grub2 shows the boot menu automatically if it thinks the last boot had a problem: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 [16:41] I plug it in and get an error message [16:42] Krustyklimber: What kind of drive, what kind of connection, which release? [16:42] Krustyklimber: What error message? [16:42] http://www.zdnet.com/the-5-most-popular-linux-distributions-7000003183/, ubuntu is 3rd most popular?????? [16:42] jhansonxi, it actually boots into recovery mode.. then I enable networking (have to Press Ctrl-C after due to another bug or it hangs) and it drops me to a login. [16:42] it's a WD drive, usb connected, 12.04 [16:43] jhansonxi, After that, about 30 seconds later, it loads the GUI and I have to Alt-F1 to get back to the console [16:43] Krustyklimber: What's in dmesg right after you connect it? [16:43] RB2: Is the login prompt "initramfs" or similar? [16:43] error mounting: mount: /dev/sr1 already mounted or /mediaWD Smartware busy [16:44] Hi I have a two dvi ports on my desktop computer. I connect one my monitors into one and the other monitor to the second port. But it doesn't show anything on my second moniter. How i do ? Ive test to go to Displays and it wont detect my second monitor :( [16:44] jhansonxi, it's the normal username@machine [16:44] Does Quantal automatically detect that it is being installed onto a SSD and tweak as necessary? If so, why does it set up a swap space? [16:45] yeehi: No. [16:45] Krustyklimber: It sounds like the GUI is mounting it. [16:45] RB2: When you enable networking, does the system spontaneously reboot? [16:45] GUI? [16:46] Oh, thank you jhutchins - I thought it would all be automatic by now. So what will i manually have to do, since it is on a SSD? There is TRIM setting or something, and checking that partitions are correctly aligned. I don't know if these things are necessary [16:46] jhansonxi, no, it hangs after re-mounting the drives... I press Ctrl-C (the work-around as per the bug ticket) and it presents me with a prompt. No rebooting. [16:46] I am for all practical purposes, nearly computer illiterate lol [16:47] RB2: Ticket? Do you have a bug number or link I could check? [16:47] night [16:47] jhansonxi, not for this issue, just the Enable Networking bug... [16:47] This just started happening this morning ;) [16:48] jhutchins, what is GUI? and how do I access it? [16:48] RB2: Were any updates applied before the bug started occurring? [16:49] jhansonxi, yes... I think it was the kernel update because it didn't update the headers package... I had to manually do that from the recovery console and then re-install the nvidia drivers so it would correctly compile the kernel module [16:51] RB2: A simple test - reboot, hold the shift key down to get the Grub menu, then select the previous kernel version from the list and try booting with that. If the bug doesn't reoccur then it's something specific to the last kernel update. [16:52] jhansonxi, ok, I'll do that. I've already installed the nvidia driver and it compiled the driver against the new kernel headers.. won't that cause a problem when booting into the previous kernel? [16:52] jhansonxi, also to note is that the driver work PERFECT in recovery mode when the gui starts. [16:53] RB2: I don't think so. I think the older kernel will have the previous version of the module. [16:53] RB2: That behavior is the odd part. I haven't seen that before. [16:53] jhansonxi, I'll try and report back in a few minutes. [16:54] jhansonxi, I didn't think the gui would spontaneously load in recovery mode after enabling networking... seemed a bit strange to me. [16:54] RB2: I may not be around because I'm busy with a CAD project. [16:54] !ubuntu [16:54] Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com [16:54] !it [16:54] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [16:54] I'm still not understanding this GUI... I type it in my dash and get three songs [16:54] RB2: But this will help narrow down the cause. [16:54] jhansonxi, ok, thanks again for your help! [16:55] Anyone got a idea how to get a new release installed for a new labtop? if someone has time drop me a message please [16:55] oh and... does ubuntu work/detect fine for hp labtops well or is there some other distro i should use? [16:56] folorn: you can get latest ubuntu from ubuntu.com [16:56] ubuntu worked fairly well on my old HP [16:57] i'm trying to upgrade my server to 12.10 but when i do do-release-upgrade it says "no new release found" [16:57] any idea how to do the upgrade then? [16:57] Hilikus: edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades [16:57] this is fairly new, im not great with the hps much less new comps joeyB2 does it detect the wireless card fines [16:58] I've rebooted loaded the disk but its like iso image wont load the installer any ideas then for that? [16:58] Hilikus: try install update-manager-core [16:58] hello, when was the ability removed from lauchpad.net to add new bugs? [16:58] hi to all, can anybody help me on a network driver problem ? [16:58] !bug | Teufelchen [16:58] Teufelchen: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [16:59] no [16:59] the bug tracker wont let me open a new bug [16:59] Teufelchen: did you read the link? [16:59] Teufelchen: first choose a paket which contians the bug [16:59] did you read what i say? [16:59] Teufelchen: yes. [16:59] perfect [17:00] askubuntu was closed aswell [17:00] can someone tell me what the GUI is? [17:00] Krustyklimber: what do you mean? GUI for what? [17:00] Krustyklimber: Graphical User Interface [17:00] how do I access it? [17:01] Krustyklimber: why? [17:01] so I can get to all my music etc on the ext harddrive [17:01] Krustyklimber: what do you see now on your screen? [17:02] besides this chatroom.... nothing [17:02] can anybody help me with a network driver installation ? I'm running backtrack 5 r1 on a macbook air and the network card is not installed. The network chipset is a Broadcom BCM43224. Thanks! [17:02] just an empty desktop [17:02] recently networkmanager has started claiming (when opening Network Settings) that hotspot is on, even though it is not. Trying to stop the hotspot from the Network Settings causes Network Settings to crash. Fixes or related bug reports? [17:03] Krustyklimber: GUI just means the graphical interface; you're in that now. If you open nautilus (the default file manager) you should be able to browse the files on your external hard drive [17:03] what's nautilus? sorry I am so dumb :) [17:03] Krustyklimber: the default file manager [17:03] ircSonest: firmware-b43-installer or something like that ... :P [17:03] 1) Does Quantal on a SSD need manual configuration to have TRIM happen? (I think so: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/01/enable-trim-on-ssd-solid-state-drives.html ) 2) Is there a package that we can install, that will set this up automatically for us? Thank you! [17:03] Krustyklimber the file manager, where you open your documents [17:03] Krustyklimber: nautilus is the "explorer" from ubuntu [17:03] like the home file folder thing? [17:04] Krustyklimber: yes [17:04] not in there [17:04] Krustyklimber: on the sidebar, you should see your driev [17:04] not there either [17:04] ioria: yep ... something like that, or a patch on kernel ... [17:04] Krustyklimber: pastebin the output of « sudo fdisk -l; mount » [17:05] ? [17:05] but I'm newbie on linux and there are big changes that need to be made. so I really need help on this [17:05] !backtrack | ircSonest [17:05] ircSonest: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux) [17:05] thank yo jrib [17:05] irc.uragano.org [17:06] ok, thanks [17:06] What is the package that need to be removed to get rid of the ads on ubuntu? [17:06] oops, i'm banned on backtrack-linux ... why ? [17:07] still no drive showing in folder or sidebar [17:07] ircSonest: What's your issue? [17:07] ircSonest, because you run as root, or not registered [17:07] ircSonest probably banned without a reason [17:07] ircSonest: well is your nic registered [17:07] ircSonest: Ask there, really hard to solve from here [17:07] ircSonest: that could be a topic for #freenode [17:07] I'm registered on backtrack forums I should use that nickname? [17:08] it's first time when I'm using the irc on that server [17:08] ircSonest: maybe you need to login to freenode first. so better ask in #freenode to get support for login in [17:09] wow, so bureaucracy :) [17:09] oh well just one more thing I can't do on Ubuntu I geuss... thanks anyways guys [17:09] hello ubuntu, do you have any recommendations for a command line googletalk chat client? (or does such a thing exist) [17:09] ircSonest: try joining #freenode you will get your answer there [17:09] ok, thanks [17:10] ircSonest: how others run their channels is not the business of the ubuntu support channel. so please keep this channel clear for the ubuntu support. thank you :) [17:10] HoldSteady: IIRC there was an effort to include google talk on bitlbee, but then take that as gossip [17:10] yeap, your right k1 [17:10] "_ [17:10] :) [17:11] HoldSteady: google talk uses jabber; works fine with bitlbee [17:11] HoldSteady: there should be several xmpp command line clients [17:11] ok one other issue... can anyone tell me how to add a contact to empathy? [17:12] hi [17:12] Krustyklimber: you never pastebinned what I asked [17:13] I dunno if I know what pastebinned means... I typed what you wrote in a terminal [17:13] !pastebin | Krustyklimber [17:13] Krustyklimber: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [17:13] Krustyklimber: it's a way for you to share the output with us. Visit http://paste.ubuntu.com, paste the output, submit, give us the url [17:14] sorry I'm lost [17:14] Krustyklimber: you typed commands in and got output, yes? [17:14] paste everything the terminal had? [17:14] yes [17:14] *offers a cup of coffee to ubottu [17:14] Krustyklimber: Visit http://paste.ubuntu.com, paste the output, submit, give us the url [17:15] When was the last LTS version released? [17:15] Krustyklimber: http://ubuntu-manual.org/ [17:15] tharkun: 12.04 is the latest LTS. 12.04 means 2012 April [17:15] Krustyklimber: be careful about using console commands you don't understand. [17:15] jrib: Thanks [17:15] thanks for the recomendations, trying bitlbee [17:16] jhutchins: Nice to see familiar faces around [17:16] :D [17:16] careful? I just follow the advice I'm given :P [17:16] tharkun:Certain other OSs are too reliable - not enough to support. [17:17] help [17:17] Krustyklimber: Yes. Not everybody giving advice on irc really knows what they're doing. If they don't understand the situation, they could give you bad advice. [17:17] !tell b3nj ask [17:17] tharkun: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:17] lol. [17:17] Krustyklimber: Pretty much any command will have a man page, so you can check to see if it does what you think it will do. [17:17] b3nj: just ask [17:17] main page? [17:17] oops man? [17:18] manual [17:18] oh manual... that thing just confuses me more (often) [17:18] Krustyklimber: Linux has what's called a "steep learning curve". When you're first getting started there is an overwhelming amount of stuff to learn. Once you get through the basics though, you have a LOT of power and control over your system. [17:18] jhutchins: second that [17:18] well I'm on that slippery slope... I feel lost [17:18] Krustyklimber first time using linux? [17:18] yes [17:18] Krustyklimber: There are good man pages and bad man pages. The more you read, the more you'll be able to get out of either kind. [17:18] had it a month or so [17:19] tharkun: i want bash to search in current working directory for programs [17:19] Krustyklimber: try to focus on what you really need [17:19] Krustyklimber: Deep breath, If someone made it you can understand it and usee it :) [17:19] so how long does it take to get through the basics? on average?? [17:19] Krustyklimber: in a console, man will give you a man page. apropos will show related man pages. [17:19] I don't know enough to know what I need [17:19] b3nj: man find [17:19] Krustyklimber first get familiar with the graphical interface [17:19] Krustyklimber: say you want to learn how to list directories content, then start with ls [17:19] Krustyklimber: Many browsers will display man pages as well. [17:20] Krustyklimber: This is a good place to start: http://ubuntu-manual.org/ [17:20] hello there, i ve noticed that after switching between two apps that use sound, one of them stops working, mainly skype calls and vlc [17:20] wait y'all are going too fast... let's stick with the pastebin thing for now? [17:20] Krustyklimber: O'REILLY Learning the Unix OS [17:20] I have the terminal open with the cammand you gave me [17:21] is there a way to know what config may be causing this issue? [17:21] copy it to the other link? [17:21] Krustyklimber what was your first question, you came here for? === rslacke is now known as |Slacker| [17:21] tharkun: for example when i type program in shell it searches for program in current working directory [17:21] Monkey Dust, I am trying to access my ext harddrive [17:23] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549587/ [17:23] b3nj: This is a bad thing? [17:24] b3nj: nope, it doesn't work that way. If you type program it will search for that program in $PATH (echo $PATH to see it) [17:25] if you want to run a program on certain subdir you either suply the full path or if you are on that subdir you run it with ./program [17:25] Which is a relative path to your current location (man pwd) [17:25] tharkun: i tried to add $PWD to path but did'nt work [17:25] other non popular trick is to insert "./" in PATH [17:25] anyone knows of conflicts in sound that may make vlc stop outputting sound properly? [17:26] like export PATH=./:"$PATH" [17:26] Just a random musing (but notable enough, not trying to be offtopic): I hate the fact that Unity doesn't use the GNOME lock screen. [17:26] oneliner: just idea....does your VLC use pulseaudio output? [17:26] oneliner: so does the Skype? [17:27] SonikkuAmerica try ctrl alt L [17:27] no i killed pulseaudio using asla only [17:27] the_hydra: why PATH='$PWD'$PATH didn't work? [17:27] b3nj: It doesn't work that way the_hydra stated a way to do that. But if you want to make your life simpler add the full path to your command line [17:27] oneliner: if one of them directly grab the sound channel using ALSA API, well, that's the quirk AFAIK [17:27] b3nj: IIRC it needs : as separator between entry [17:28] what queries could i run or what would be a googable reference of methods? [17:28] so I pasted it... anyone read it? [17:28] b3nj: also, PWD varies between invocation [17:28] Krustyklimber: is your external hard drive plugged in? [17:28] Krustyklimber: The drive does not appear to be detected. This is not normal for usb drives. [17:28] MonkeyDust: I guess you don't get my point: When you lock GNOME Shell or GNOME Classic, you get a blank screen but also with the date/time and person who locked it at the top. When it senses activity, it shows the GNOME lock screen (which looks like it's modeled after the Win 8 lock screen). I wish Unity had THAT. [17:28] yes Histo [17:28] the_hydra: i did that with : [17:28] ok not normal is normal for me [17:29] SonikkuAmerica missed that part in your question [17:29] hej [17:29] Krustyklimber: if you unplug it, then plug it back in, then run the command "dmesg", the last few lines should show what the system thinks has happened with the hardware. That may help us track it down. [17:29] dom_: Hello [17:29] Krustyklimber: You can run dmesg to see what it says now, then reconnect the drive and pastebin the new lines. [17:29] the_hydra, what could be a command to "reset" audio for alsa? [17:29] dmesg in a terminal? [17:29] Krustyklimber: okay lets try this. In a terminal sudo dmesg -c then physicly unplug your drive. Wait a second plug it back in. Then in the terminal type dmesg . Please pastebin the output of that when you are done [17:29] Krustyklimber: Yes. [17:29] the_hydra: with : didn't work [17:30] in a new terminal or the one I have open now? [17:30] b3nj: really? strange [17:30] Krustyklimber: the one open now [17:30] ok [17:30] Krustyklimber: Sorry, I forget that we need to use sudo dmesg instead of just dmesg. [17:30] histo, Krustyklimber: Careful, not all devices are hotpluggable! [17:30] jhutchins: only need sudo to clear the -c option [17:30] Krustyklimber: Doesn't really matter. Once you get back to the prompt the terminal is essentially reset. [17:30] SonikkuAmerica: it's a usb external [17:30] the_hydra: my $PATH is now /home/benjamin/bin:/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:$PWD [17:30] histo: OK, that's good. [17:31] Krustyklimber my advice: forget the external drive for, first get used to the system's basics [17:31] for now* [17:31] so... sudo dmesg [17:31] Monkey I need to get to some old homework on the HD to cite for current homework [17:32] the_hydra [17:32] Krustyklimber: sudo dmesg -c This wil clear the current log. Then unplug the drive and plug it back in. Then run dmesg by itself this will show what is going on when the system detects the drive. [17:32] b3nj: ok [17:32] so help me [17:32] the_hydra: [17:33] Help me Obi-Hydra! [17:33] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549614/ [17:33] Krustyklimber: keep in mind that a bunch of stuff will fly by on the terminal when you run the sudo dmesg -c command. We don't care about that. Only the output from dmesg after you unplugged and plugged the drive back in. [17:34] the_hydra: ./ works [17:34] I didn't unplug... forgot that part [17:34] b3nj: okay, good to hear [17:34] Krustyklimber: Seems like that's just 5 lines repeated a gazillion times. All rejecting DRIVER_SENSE [17:34] Krustyklimber: This is what my system shows when I plug in a flash drive, which is mounted and opened in the file manager automatically with xfce: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549615/ [17:34] the_hydra: i want to know why $PWD don't [17:35] I'm not smart enough to use U b un tu [17:35] Krustyklimber it's because you're not starting with the basics [17:35] the_hydra: PWD is indicated by "." [17:35] b3nj: because $PWD expands into whatever you're currently in [17:36] define basics? [17:36] because $PWD is a variable constantly checking but if you need more insight on that you need to man bash and read how it works [17:36] Krustyklimber: Has this drive worked on this computer before. [17:36] b3nj: but just at that time [17:36] never tried this drive, I had misplaced it :P [17:36] Krustyklimber the basic actions, the GUI, some simple commands [17:36] the_hydra: maybe i need to add / there? [17:36] b3nj: whereas using ./, it points dynamically at whatever you're in...at any time [17:36] I don't know any commands... I surf the net, listen to music, write... [17:36] b3nj: / ? i don't think so === rafael is now known as Guest12956 [17:37] Krustyklimber: it's not that you don't know the basics. Using an external hard drive is rather trivial. Usually you just plug them in and the file explorer will start to browse them. You are experiencing an issue/bug right now. === dankest is now known as dankest|away [17:37] ok [17:37] Krustyklimber: Normally these things just work, so you're having to get into the system to figure out why this doesn't work. [17:37] Krustyklimber: Now to troubleshoot the issue you would need to know more things like using a terminal viewing logs etc.... That's the parts you don't know. [17:37] Krustyklimber: From what you've been able to tell us, there's a chance the drive is bad. [17:38] b3nj: fyi, if it's not clear, having ./ in your PATH isn't a great idea... stuff that gets copied from MS filesystems is typically marked executable by default, also is slight security issue, as "system" commands can be superseeded by what's in your current directory... [17:38] Krustyklimber: I would try the drive on another machine. I'd bet the enclosure is faulty. [17:38] Krustyklimber: At this point I would suggest that you assume it's bad until you can test it on another system. [17:38] holy smokes, I just unplugged and plugged back in... and found it in the sidebar [17:38] Krustyklimber: ... or there's that. [17:38] yay [17:38] Krustyklimber: Run dmesg again and see what it says differently. [17:39] just logged into Quantal. All the desktop icons have gone. There is no launcher and no panel. I can't seem to get a terminal. How do I fix this? Why did it happen? [17:39] the_hydra: but i add $PWD to $PATH so bash should use $PWD to search for programs [17:39] sudo dmesg with or without -c? [17:39] Krustyklimber: just dmesg [17:39] w/sudo? [17:39] b3nj: You sound add "." to PATH [17:39] b3nj: wrong you will get into trouble because that will only be evaluated when you set up the $PATH [17:39] yeehi: ctrl+alt+t I believe launches a terminal. But I suspect your gui is locked up. [17:39] err should. [17:40] how do i unlock the gui histo? Thanks for the info [17:40] Krustyklimber: dmesg with the -c option is just to clear the previous logs. Typing dmesg by itself will just print the current log without clearing it. [17:40] tharkun: echo $PATH prints $PWD [17:40] LOL [17:40] b3nj: if you want to run a program on a specific place of your filesystem you either provide the full path to it or from the working directory you run it using ./program thats it [17:40] hi guys is i got issues going on with my samsung n100 netbook running ubuntu 12.04, first is the video when on full screen there this line appearing, like the video freezes or gets delayed [17:40] Krustyklimber: sudo is not needed to just display the messages. [17:40] yeehi: well you could hit ctrl+alt+F1 to get to a console. You could then sudo restart lightdm to restart the gui === sysroute is now known as Guest17747 [17:41] b3nj: If you want the present working directory in your PATH you use "." not $PWD [17:41] yeehi: ctrl+alt+F7 will get you back to the gui console. If you need to but restarting lightdm should automatically take you there. [17:41] blkadder: $PWD should expand to current working dir [17:41] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549637/ [17:42] b3nj: "." denotes the present working directory. [17:42] Krustyklimber: Do you see what's different? [17:42] no [17:42] blkadder: $PWD does too [17:42] Krustyklimber: Heh. Niether do I. [17:43] m line I have access to HD, that's what I really need [17:43] Krustyklimber: I don't see the difference in those either. I suspect your enclosure or drive is bad still if you continue to experience problems. [17:43] *bottom line [17:43] Krustyklimber: We'd only be interested in the last 10-20 lines anyway. One trick is dmesg | tail -20 [17:43] not ready for tricks LOL [17:43] Krustyklimber: did you save that link I posted earlier? [17:44] I have multiple LAN networks and I want to access Windows shares using Places---> Network. Now when I access shares of any one network for the first time , all goes well. Then I make my Ubuntu part of other network and tries to do the same Places---> Network but, this time it does not show me the shares of new network rather shares of previous network are displayed, no matter how much i refresh the screen (Ctrl +R). Then I logout my Ubuntu box and login aga [17:44] in and then it is able to refresh the new network shares. [17:44] I wonder why it happens and how it can be fixed...??? [17:44] which link I have like 6 windows open [17:44] blkadder: so? [17:44] anybody can help me? [17:45] b3nj: So technically it works but I wouldn't do it that way. [17:45] blkadder: $PWD does not work for me [17:45] you're right, I can't open the drive still [17:45] Krustyklimber: close the pastebin windows and create a new one with jhutchins command [17:45] b3nj: So just use "." and be done with it. [17:45] I have multiple LAN networks and I want to access Windows shares using Places---> Network. Now when I access shares of any one network for the first time , all goes well. Then I make my Ubuntu part of other network and tries to do the same Places---> Network but, this time it does not show me the shares of new network rather shares of previous network are displayed, no matter how much i refresh the screen (Ctrl +R). Then I logout my Ubuntu box and login aga [17:45] in and then it is able to refresh the new network shares.I wonder why it happens and how it can be fixed...??? [17:45] not following you Histo [17:46] !repeat [17:46] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [17:46] COOOOOL http://www.break.com/video/the-coolest-new-vr-tech-you-ll-see-today-2407551/ [17:46] blkadder: i want to know why $PWD does not work [17:47] u can preorder now [17:47] b3nj: If I was to hazard a guess it is because $PWD is a variable that is evaluated once not every time you run a command [17:48] b3nj: But in any case the easiest, most appropriate way to refer to your current directory in $PATH is "." [17:48] greetings, anyone could tell me if chipset AR9485 has issue with linux ubuntu 12.10 ? [17:48] Krustyklimber: pastebin the out put of dmesg | tail -20 [17:49] blkadder: i quoted $PWD [17:49] b3nj: So that is going to get literally a directory called "$PWD" not the variable expansion you want. [17:49] blkadder: why bash does not do that? [17:50] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549665/ [17:50] b3nj: Because bash has a nice way to refer to the present working directory in your PATH. It is called "." [17:50] b3nj: it's standard to use ., not ${PWD} when setting ${PATH} [17:51] why bash does not expand variables? [17:51] b3nj: when you use $PWD, you're calling a memory-set variable that can be flushed at any given time. "." is good from the get-go. [17:51] b3nj: It does, once. [17:51] b3nj: that question is likely better asked in #bash [17:52] Krustyklimber: you typed something wrong copy and paste my command exactly dmesg | tail -20 [17:52] my ubuntu slowed down after i downloaded the updates? [17:52] neil098: it did? [17:52] ok lemme try again [17:52] neil098 maybe you need to remove old kernels [17:53] b3nj, you cant add the string literal '$PWD' to the path. it won't be expanded [17:53] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549672/ [17:54] how do i do that monkeydust [17:54] @gnea yeah it did [17:54] escott: why will it not be expanded? [17:54] b3nj: when you add $PWD, it only provides the PWD of the directory that was set while setting that variable. It doesn't change everytime you change directory. [17:54] Oh boy. [17:54] b3nj, because it just wont be. probably a security concern [17:54] neil098 what's the output of lsb_release -sd;uname -r ? [17:54] Krustyklimber: yeah that hard drive is still throwing errors [17:55] the log screen screen also slowed down, like when selecting from one user to another [17:55] oh well [17:55] hi folks, i have an odd behavior, my grub doesn't show the kernel selection screen anymore, and it boots a kernel that panics. any ideas on how i can force grub to let me pick another kernel? [17:55] b3nj: it's like asking why a glass of water will freeze when put into a freezer for 10 hours. [17:55] thanks for trying to help [17:55] Krustyklimber: i'd save whatever data is critical while it's working. [17:55] Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS [17:55] 3.2.0-36-generic-pae [17:55] it's saved... I just can't get to it LOL [17:55] b3nj, there is also no guarantee that the user is running an SH type shell [17:55] @MonkeyDust Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS [17:55] 3.2.0-36-generic-pae [17:56] it works on the lil woman's puter (running windows) [17:56] Gnea: $PWD changes every time i cd [17:56] b3nj: only within that particular shell environment. [17:56] try this: export PATH="${PATH}:${PWD}" [17:56] then cd / [17:57] then echo $PATH [17:57] b3nj: What is your ultimate goal to make $PWD part of $PATH ? [17:57] what do you see? [17:57] neil098 open synaptic and delete kernels older than ...-36 [17:57] be sure that you do the export in ~ [17:58] how do i know that it is older than -36 (sorry, am a a little dummy here T.T) [17:58] b3nj: if you open 2 terminals, that opens 2 different shells. if you cd / in one and cd /usr in the other, and if you run echo $PWD in both, will they result in the same result or different results? [17:58] neil098 of the number after the dash is less than 36 [17:58] tharkun: i just want to know why it does not work [17:59] b3nj: I'm trying to explain why it doesn't work. if you're unwilling to try the experiment I have given, you will not understand why. [17:59] Gnea: but when bash searches in $PATH it operates in current window [17:59] hey umm, how would I switch my spoken language to another language on my keyboard and well, back to English please? [17:59] how bout now... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549693/ [18:00] ok, not really good at deleting kernels havent tried that before [18:00] no luck ....of anyone know how to trigger a fresh distro i just got ? for some reason its not allowing me to do the install and dunno why...the cd tray starts up but wont load the boot loader for some reason. [18:00] b3nj: yes, and that window has its very own process, which contains a set of its own variables. $PWD is one of those variables. [18:00] how should i remove them ive got synaptic package open [18:00] folorn: Which type? [18:00] b3nj: Because it is not intended to work that way. You need a full insight of bash to understand it. Please read "man bash" at the deepest level then /j #bash for further assistance [18:01] ubuntu ive tried gentoo as well [18:01] Gnea: so why not to expand variables [18:01] b3nj: your $PWD variable is going to be different between various instances of bash, unless they all happen to be cd'd to the same path at the same time. === dankest|away is now known as dankest [18:01] all of them dont open ive restarted it afew times dunno sonikkuamerica [18:01] b3nj: it DOES NOT WORK. now /join #bash before you are kicked for repeating the same question over and over after it's been explained to you in explicit detail already. [18:02] histo - restarting lightdm hasn't worked - good idea though. I think it might be due to compiz crashing - this is happening now and happened on another installation. What should I do? I still can't see any panel, launcher or icons on the quantal unity desktop [18:02] folorn: Sounds like a bad image writer. [18:02] Gnea: okay ;( [18:03] its so i tried to change the boot sequence but dunno hp's all that well so kinda stuck any ideas then sonikkuAmerica? [18:04] folorn: Well, how are you trying to boot, DVD or USB image? [18:04] ok I give up... thanks again for eveyone's help [18:04] dvd as far as i know... [18:05] folorn did you use a disk or a usb stick? [18:08] can anyone help me installing a network driver in backtrack5 ? I was asking in #backtrack-linux and no one could help me ... [18:08] ircSonest type /join #backtrack-linux for support [18:08] I was asking in #backtrack-linux and no one could help [18:09] ircSonest and backtrack is not supported here [18:09] but it's the same linux ... [18:09] ircSonest if it were the same, it would be called ubuntu [18:10] lol, that's true .. [18:10] Hey guys. So I've got a problem with ubuntu and turning off wifi. At the top right corner when I hover over the wifi icon and click Disable wireless it won't let me re-enable it. [18:10] damn, i'm tired. I have about a week trying to fix this problem. [18:11] I do have a hardware switch and it was turned on, but turning it off from ubuntu seemed to screw it up. What can I do? [18:11] matanc: What did the machine do? [18:12] ok, i made some progress. new question: anyone has an idea of how i can fsck an ext4 partition from initramfs when fsck.ext4 is on that partition itself? [18:12] What do you mean? [18:12] korfuri: you use fsck.ext4 from somewhere else. [18:12] one more question. Did someone used ubuntu portable (installed on a usb stick) in a MacBook Air 2012 (Intel Core i7) ? [18:13] tonsofpcs: that's my idea too, but i don't have access to another boot media at the moment [18:13] worst case i'll just have to wait until tomorrow to get one [18:13] korfuri: It is unsafe to make changes to your running partition. [18:13] korfuri: do you not have any other media? [18:14] korfuri: As it fsck might need to repair areas that could potentially take down the OS. [18:14] sadly no [18:14] can't you just make some other media bootable? [18:14] or chain to a ramdisk and migrate fsck over? === adriano is now known as Guest65130 [18:14] blkadder: yeah i know. i don't think there is any clean solution besides finding an fsck somewhere magically :) [18:15] tonsofpcs: but where would i migrate it from? [18:15] korfuri: Why can't you boot from a USB drive/dvd, etc.? [18:15] the internet? the drive that already has it? write it from scratch? [18:15] LOL [18:16] (two of these are viable, the other is kinda crazy) [18:16] In ed. [18:16] matanc: You said the hardware switch screwed things up. Be a little more specific. [18:16] blkadder: because i don't have any removable medias available here :) [18:16] korfuri: Bummer. [18:16] tonsofpcs: i was hoping for a "hey just do and fetch it from your unmounted partition" [18:16] but that's a bit unrealistic :) [18:16] korfuri: can't you just copy fsck.ext4 to the ramdisk, umount the partition and check from ram disk? [18:17] i installed 12.10. I have an internet usb stick [18:17] What I meant was the following: I've got a hardware switch on the front of the laptop. It was turned on (so I had internet connection). I accidentally turned the wifi off using the "Enable/Disable Wireless" icon at the top right corner. [18:17] xauth: sure, but i have no removable media to copy a fsck.ext4 from [18:17] You don't need any. [18:17] matanc: So what's the problem with turning the software switch back on? [18:17] If you copy it to the ramdisk. [18:17] It doesn't let me [18:17] Assuming you have enough space [18:17] korfuri: well, you could mount the partition, copy, then unmount.... [18:17] It's grayed out [18:17] korfuri: you can copy it from the ext4 partition. mount it read-only first . [18:18] matanc: try rfkill command [18:18] /join #ubuntu-co [18:18] i installed 12.10. I have an internet usb stick which works only on the usb 2.0 port on my lenovo g580. It doesnt work on the other 2 usb 3.0 ports. Any idea how to fix this? [18:18] It says: wireless is disabled by hardware switch. It has nothing to do with the switch though (it's still on). [18:18] matanc: i forgot the exact parameter to use [18:18] matanc: read "man rfkill" [18:18] i might have a bigger issue then. mounting readonly doesn't work, i assumed it was because the partition was unclean [18:18] korfuri: So you can't mount the partition at all? [18:18] yup. [18:19] matanc: And switching the wireless on and off using the hardware switch didn't do anything? [18:19] otherwise ofc i'd have fsck'd that way [18:19] Nope. The hardware switch was still on when I clicked "disable wireless". [18:19] matanc: just try rfkill command [18:20] i installed 12.10. I have an internet usb stick which works only on the usb 2.0 port on my lenovo g580. It doesnt work on the other 2 usb 3.0 ports. Any idea how to fix this? [18:21] ithinktoomuch: internet usb stick? [18:21] USB modem I guess [18:21] USB 3G modem, to be precise [18:22] the_hydra: I've looked it up in the manual. It says to use "unblock" but that doesn't seem to work [18:22] matanc: really? [18:22] does anyone know where I can get some help with testdisk utility / recovery RAW partition [18:23] StevenX: what help? [18:23] matanc: if you do "sudo rfkill list", what do you see regarding your wifi interface status? [18:23] matanc: is it soft blocked? hard blocked? both? [18:24] One moment [18:24] @MonkeyDust i managed to take off all old kernels and still the same thing [18:24] StevenX: see the man page or testdisk --help [18:25] I get "no" on both soft block and hard block. The hardware switch seems to work now (the little light is on) but it still says "wireless is disabled by hardware switch" [18:25] neil098 try sudo apt-get autoremove;sudo shutdown -r now [18:26] hello [18:26] matanc: hm, I don't know then, could be a bug in networkmanager [18:26] then after that? [18:27] neil098 don't know yet, depends on what happens [18:27] @rubiconjosh : I mean I am using a data usb stick to connect to the internet, It is basically a mobile broadband service [18:27] So any suggestion as to what I should try doing? [18:28] matanc: or you could try sudo ifconfig wlan0 up [18:28] matanc: assuming wlan0 is your wifi interface name [18:28] ithinktoomuch_: you could type 'lsusb' find out what it reports itself as then google search for that identifier [18:29] matanc: and see if it picks up any SSID with "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" [18:29] Can anyone help me with this magicseteditor thing I can't get it to download. I'm starting fresh encase something went wrong. But my computer refuses to work with anything at this point [18:30] @MonkeyDust i just did it. the log in screen transition is slow and the videos are pixelating minimally all videos are doing that [18:31] the_hydra: I don't know what SSID is, but it seems to pick up on wireless networks [18:31] I can see my wireless network's name there [18:31] neil098 i'm out of idea's, maybe someone else can come up with something new [18:32] matanc: so, your wifi interface actually works [18:32] Hey anyone know of a good tutorial on installing Ubuntu 12.1 on an external hard drive? [18:32] But it shows that it's not? [18:33] So what alternative ways are there for me to see the wireless networks in my area and connect to them? [18:33] help anyone? [18:33] neil098: ps -A ? [18:33] matanc: I can't help on that part. All I can up to this point is to make sure you have functioning wifi interface [18:34] Anyone able to help me? ._. === orbit is now known as Guest26576 === Guest26576 is now known as partikel [18:35] hi, is it a bad idea to write data while a raid is beeing rebuilded after first creation? [18:36] pw-toxic: IMHO it will be just queued in [18:36] @iora PID TTY TIME CMD [18:36] 1 ? 00:00:01 init [18:36] 2 ? 00:00:00 kthreadd [18:36] 3 ? 00:00:00 ksoftirqd/0 [18:36] 6 ? 00:00:00 migration/0 [18:36] 7 ? 00:00:00 watchdog/0 [18:36] neil098: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:36] pw-toxic: so you just hog the disk [18:36] Did someone used ubuntu portable (installed on a usb stick) in a MacBook Air 2012 (Intel Core i7) ? [18:37] neil098: that's all ? [18:38] the_hydra: one more thing. Someone on the forums said to run the following command: sudo rmmod -f sony-laptop. Can this do any harm? [18:39] its on paste.ubuntu.com [18:39] I read that the command removes a module from the kernel, but I don't know if it'll screw stuff up [18:39] @iora on paste.ubuntu.com [18:39] neil098 then paste the url here [18:40] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549812/ [18:40] the_hydra, i just copied 10GB on the new raid and i could read it - even over samba [18:40] the_hydra, im just wondering if i should wait one day until the raid is rebuild or start copying now [18:41] matanc: ehm not sure [18:41] @iora @MonkeyDust here is the link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1549812/ [18:42] matanc, its a temporary removal [18:42] neil098: silly question.... did you reboot, don't you ? [18:42] pw-toxic: better wait...anything could happen during RAID rebuild [18:42] i already rebooted twice [18:42] any news about ubuntu phones ? [18:43] hmm #ubuntu-phone [18:43] when will ubuntu phone be coming out and what type of models ? [18:43] ok [18:43] escott: and could that fix my problem? [18:43] a few people on that thread said it might [18:44] hmmm if an invoice has parantheses around the total doesnt that mean they owe me that money? [18:44] @iora i already rebooted twice [18:44] if so my school says I overpaid them by 7k [18:44] hi to all [18:44] Guessing no one can help me huh.. [18:44] oops wrong window [18:44] ubuntu tv needs any specific hardware or it only deals with net braodcast ? can ubuntu tv make use of home cable ? [18:44] sorry i know it was off-topic it was a mistake === xubuntu is now known as Guest20096 [18:44] johnjacobjinger: I was about to say.... [18:44] matanc, i did not read what your problem was, but an rmmod is easily "undone" by rebooting [18:45] hmm you too, type /join #ubuntu-offtopic [18:45] whenever I put comp to sleep and go back to it, wireless internet NEVER reconnects. any help? I have tried connecting wired and reboot to recovery and ? dspk? but it didnt help [18:45] Fanfy, not without a statement of your problem [18:45] Running 10.10 and want to upgrade to 12.04. Will my apps and such remain in tact? [18:45] rubiconjosh you can't, fresh istall is needed, after backup [18:45] does someone knows if there is a emulator for 3DO for linux? [18:45] escott: okay so I'll give it a try [18:45] neil098: are you sure it depends on updates you did ? [18:46] Shinobi you can't, fresh istall is needed, after backup [18:46] Shinobi, 12.04 is fairly different from 10.10 but if your application exists in 12.04 and is installed in 10.10 it will still be installed in 12.04 [18:46] damn! All of a suddon my pc starts rebooting randomly. It seems to pass diag tests though... [18:46] you mean zx spectrum [18:47] well the update that i did are the ones that appeared on ubuntu itself, [18:47] Crashes with flash/maps type of content... [18:47] @iora i down know whats causing the issue with the fullscreen videos and the slow log in transitions [18:48] hello [18:48] wo [18:48] neil098: can you change session with another DE ? [18:49] just messing in Voyager os [18:49] Guest20096 wrong channel [18:50] ok [18:50] unity --reset is deprecated. Which command replaces that? [18:50] http://adf.ly/Ha2YI [18:50] change session [18:50] @iora change session with DE? what do you mean [18:50] log out change session [18:51] neil098: at log in screen you can change session.... openbox - lxde - xfce (if they are installed) [18:51] i only have gnome [18:53] the_hydra, thank you [18:53] @ioria i only have gnome, should i try it there? [18:53] neil098: try to log out and look for - change session - or similar [18:53] Hello, can anybody help me with an update problem. I'm a newbie with Ubuntu but with a little experience with other distros. When I updated ubuntu (32bit) yesterday, after reboot the menu bar had vanished, so had the task bar. The screen was unresponsive. I re-installed ubuntu (this time 64bit) and did an update, the same thing happened again! I have now disabled updating and have got a totally stable system. I am using a Dell 9200 wi [18:53] pw-toxic: you welcome [18:54] neil098: you should have a menu in the login screen [18:54] Hi, what's the difference between apt-get upgrade and dist-upgrade? [18:54] hydra? [18:54] @ioria i only have gnome [18:54] !dist-upgrade | esy [18:54] esy: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention. [18:54] Thanks jrib [18:55] escot - same problem I came in with yesterday I ran out of time [18:55] Hey guys, I'm running a liveCD to try and recover a windows drive, and I'm wondering if I'm going to run into any issues copying My Documents and stuf [18:55] since I know Windows password protects that. I can't try right now but it'd be nice going in beforehand [18:56] Another question, what's the name of that window theme which is like Adwaita Cupertino (Mac-like) but without colors on the window buttons? [18:57] Gunrun, i've never heard of any kind of encryption on My Documents in windows [18:57] ok so ive tried google and forum and i havent a solution for my problem. I connect a GS3 to my ubuntu laptop and it doesnt seem to recognize it [18:58] nickinwales, sounds like your graphics drivers are not installed. either install them or install and use unity-2d [18:58] its not encryption but user permissions, like within Windows one non admin user can't access another users My Documents [18:58] Gunrun, that doesnt matter [18:59] Thanks escott, I tried to install the graphics drivers and the screen ploughed so I think it may be a graphics driver problem. [19:00] alright cheers [19:01] @escott I could not find anything in the updated packages that mentioned graphics drivers. [19:02] @iora i tried a different desktop and it is the same [19:02] @iora i tried a different desktop environment and it is the same [19:02] neil098: yep [19:02] nickinwales, check the additional drivers tab of software-sources [19:03] ok so ive tried google and forum and i havent a solution for my problem. I connect a GS3 to my ubuntu laptop and it doesnt seem to recognize it [19:03] escott. thanks I'll try that. [19:03] @ioria the issue still there [19:06] unity --reset is deprecated. What command should I use instead? [19:06] neil098: /etc/rc.local ? [19:08] Somebody knows which is the theme showing on this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDHBtg9t2kk [19:08] (the window theme) [19:08] ok so ive tried google and forum and i havent a solution for my problem. I connect a GS3 to my ubuntu laptop and it doesnt seem to recognize it [19:14] I'm trying to use CTRL + F for string searches in webpages & documents but Ubuntu keeps popping up an unfamiliar terminal window (it is not the gnome-terminal that comes up with CTRL + ALT + T). CTRL + F is not listed in keyboard shortcuts or xbindkeys either. Does anyone know anything about this? [19:14] machicola: is it actually a new program? [19:14] Hello. [19:16] machicola, CTRL F works fine on 12.10 [19:16] i think i've found help jrib, sorry, i didn't think this would be a common problem [19:16] I'm having trouble with logging in.. it seems encryption has consumed my home directory and now i am unable to log in. Help! ;_; [19:16] seems like there are quite a few threads on it === mike is now known as badtoyz [19:16] yeah I'm running 12.10 as well [19:17] When I enable bluetooth on my phone, I want a script to automatically run on my Ubuntu 12.04 machine. What do I hook into do detect this event? [19:20] hmm [19:20] exiff, did you change your password and not tell ecryptfs? [19:23] escott, exiff here, let me sort out this disconnection quick.. will get right back to you. [19:23] <_helios_> Well I'm giving up on this wireless adapter ndiswrapper says everything is working hardware is present but still wont show up as wlan0 [19:26] hello === max is now known as Guest67980 [19:26] I have foolishly done a linux raid with a partition table and then lvm partitions on top, is it possible to migrate the lvm partition to plain lvm pv? [19:28] SmallR2002_: what? [19:28] SmallR2002_: you want to migrate the LVM PV from a partition to a raw device? so sda1 -> sdb? [19:28] (for example) === JoFo_ is now known as JoFo === linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish` [19:30] wN: yes, but worse, I want to move my /dev/md0p1 to /dev/md0 [19:30] see the problem? [19:30] all my storage is in one array [19:30] SmallR2002_: why did you think that was foolish? [19:31] SmallR2002_: you'd have to have another disk to move everything to, then remove the partition table, then move it back [19:31] well, it turns out it is now because I can't work out how to resize /dev/md0p1 so I can grow /dev/Mapped/Drive [19:31] hi [19:31] that's what I thought was the case wN [19:31] SmallR2002_: do you have unpartitioned space on the md0? [19:31] yes [19:32] SmallR2002_: why not create a new partition, and add it to your volume group? [19:32] updated to ubuntu 12.10 today, and i'm just wondering why the dialog that would prompt me to install nvidia binary drivers is no longer there [19:32] it will provide extra space to grow the logical volume [19:32] /dev/md0p1 is about 49% of the space [19:32] I did consider that [19:32] what is md0p2? [19:32] there is no md0p2 [19:32] HOW TO REMOVE Grub Customiser ????????????? [19:32] just one partition [19:33] SmallR2002_: i would create a second partition, pvcreate on it, then vgextend over it, then lvextend to use the free space [19:33] gunn: sudo apt-get remove whatever-the-package-name-for-that-is [19:33] this is not package I believe [19:33] SmallR2002_: if you're using a linear LV it shouldn't cause any problems. [19:33] it feels tacky to have /dev/Mapped/Drive made up of /dev/md0p1 and /dev/md0p2 on the same RAID [19:33] it is modification of original Grub2 [19:33] :) [19:33] SmallR2002_, why do you say "foolishly" sounds very sensible [19:33] SmallR2002_: get over it :P [19:34] That took longer than i thought. [19:34] gunn: Well, if you didn't install the software using an Ubuntu package, uninstalling may be a serious pain [19:34] just using the LVM to manage partitions and keep my space dynamic [19:34] yes, exactly [19:34] SmallR2002_: i would avoid using striping or mirroring though [19:34] I didn't install it using software center [19:34] SmallR2002_: the great thing about LVM is you can recover from stuff like this [19:34] SmallR2002_: you could also just adjust your partition table to take up the whole disk [19:34] but there I found a link with HOWTO [19:34] and it is useless [19:34] :( [19:35] SmallR2002_: which is actually recommended. using raw devices is a security concern. :O [19:35] I got the partition table to take up the whole disk I believe [19:35] just not the partition to grow and fill it [19:35] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10340183 [19:35] THATS THE LINK ! [19:36] SmallR2002_: the partition table should only sit at the beginning of your disk. did you adjust the partition (md0p1) size? [19:36] wN: how do I confirm that it's not striping and is linear? [19:36] hello everybody [19:36] gunn: sudo apt-get purge grub-customizer [19:36] gunn i thought u said you didnt install it with the package [19:36] let me put some of my stupidity here: I want to have zfs using my entire disk no partitions... where can I put grub? It kinda spooks if I try to put in on a boot sector since it probably is already allocated to zfs... could I do better using EFI? Or is there no other way but to use a small partition for that? [19:36] wN: I can't work out how to grow md0p1 [19:36] gunn: Should do it. [19:36] okay, i will try [19:36] now [19:36] oh software center i see [19:36] same dif [19:36] escott ,if you are still here... No i did not change the password... i just suddenly started losing disc space, even though i did not create more files.. i sudo touched /forcefsck and restarted during which i figure the last space was used up. And now when i log in i just get shown the log in screen again. [19:37] gunn, does "part 7. Returning to Grub 2 Defaults" not work ? [19:37] SmallR2002_: # dmsetup table | grep [19:37] it will say linear [19:37] if it's linear [19:37] exiff: You may have a problem with your logs. Check if /var/log/ is using a lot of disk space. If so, remove everything inside it, that should be quite safe. [19:37] SmallR2002_: how did you create the partition? [19:38] exiff: To prevent that from happening later, make sure "logrotate" is installed. === becker_away is now known as becker_11 [19:38] I have question about gtk window decorations, since I have compiz installed on xubuntu, I wan't to change position of close button [19:38] wN: honestly don't remember, it's been a while [19:38] I tried gconf [19:38] no :(...I went to find the files/folder mentioned in part7, but I didn' find anything like that ! [19:39] My problem started similar to ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1560411&page=1 [19:39] and hey, it looks like your link worked [19:39] the process done without error [19:39] im having problems installing a ubuntu update [19:39] exiff, a lot of times people are confused by du when they have ecryptfs because there is some double reporting. The true ciphertext sits in ~/.Private, and the plaintext is fuse mounted to ~. So running du on ~ incorrectly counts both plaintext and ciphertext. In fact the only thing that should be counted is ~/.Private [19:39] coldpizza72i what goes wrong? [19:39] gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ':close,maximize,minimize' changes the order of buttons, not place [19:39] I will REBOOT the pc to see if it goes well. The main reason I remove Grub-Customiser is that it makes the pc startup hell-slow :( [19:39] Ronalds_M, put the : at the end [19:39] SmallR2002_: i'd say the smart thing to do would be to get over feeling tacky about have 2 partitions and create md0p2 and extend over it. if you really want to use 1 partition, you will hvae to modify the partition table by hand. you could also migrate to another disk, delete the partition table, the migrate back [19:39] I changed a setting or two in CCSM and I lost unity I reset CCSM to defaults and rebooted but it hasn't come back. I've lost the top taskbar, the launcher and the ability to alt+tab can anyone help? [19:39] anyway, thanks and brb [19:40] MonkeyDust: the package manager tells me to run "sudo apt-get install -f" first [19:40] will try escott [19:40] wN: that is how my storage is setup [19:40] wN: confirmed, it's a linear LVM, it's starting to make the most sense to just create another partition and grow the vg/lv over them [19:40] hello i wanna ask that i have ubuntu 11.04 installed and is there any way to get updated softwares without updating distro [19:40] MonkeyDust: then from that command i get "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. " [19:40] SmallR2002_: :) [19:41] wN: much as my OCD tells me to never ever ever ever ever ever create any form of RAID/VM system over two partitions from the same disk I'll just have to deal with it [19:41] it worked, thanks escott [19:41] B1ACkH3AR7: Not anymore, 11.04 is EOL. Meaning you need a newer Ubuntu version to get updates, packages, etc. [19:41] coldpizza72i and did you? [19:41] then from that command it stalls after saying "grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb2. Check your device.map. [19:41] Found Ubuntu 9.10 (9.10) on /dev/sda1 [19:41] done [19:41] B1ACkH3AR7: open a terminal and type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y [19:41] " [19:41] coldpizza72i: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [19:41] SmallR2002_: lvm can handle it. [19:41] wN: too many awkward experiences working in end user support at a small shop where idiots would make two partitions and RAID them so they couldn't lose their data [19:41] escott, so how do i log in now? [19:41] coldpizza72i ok, get rid of 9.10, it's !eol, no longer supported, too old [19:41] SmallR2002_: yeah that's dumb. heh. but thats a level lower than what you're doing [19:42] sir i can update it but i am from small country and it will take forever to update it +_+ [19:42] theadmin, how do i do that without logging in? [19:42] MonkeyDust: thats what im trying to do.. im trying to upgrade [19:42] exiff, i would login to another account you can manage the system from or use the livecd [19:42] exiff: Oh, hm. Can you get to a TTY login? (Try: Ctrl-Alt-F2) [19:42] B1ACkH3AR7: sooner you start the sooner it's done [19:42] B1ACkH3AR7: or buy a magazine with Ubuntu 12.10 on the cover cd [19:42] my OCD will have to deal with it and I'll do what we discussed, thanks wN and escott [19:42] !upgrade | coldpizza72i [19:42] coldpizza72i: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [19:43] lol [19:43] grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb2. Check your device.map. [19:43] Found Ubuntu 9.10 (9.10) on /dev/sda1 [19:43] done [19:43] ok sir ! [19:43] coldpizza72i: 9.10 is no longer supported. Please use a newer Ubuntu version... [19:43] sorry theres a shortcut to paste i just found out [19:43] theadmin: he's trying to upgrade [19:43] Any ideas on how to recover unity? I have lost everything but the wallpaper, no launcher, no notification area etc [19:43] B1ACkH3AR7: go to a bigger country, update, go back? [19:43] wN: Ah... lol, my bad. [19:44] lol =_= [19:44] theadmin, escott... I'm in... (tty2) [19:44] becker_11: What Ubuntu version? [19:44] Hi i, You Are In My Friends List (ArthasScript) [19:44] Info Line For i, NOTSET (ArthasScript) [19:44] theadmin: 12.10 [19:44] exiff: Perfect: Please give the output of: du -hs /var/log === i is now known as Guest14759 [19:44] hi folks. i'm working on a non-ubuntu system and I'm curious if you'all have a file called /sbin/getty. Can someone run ls -lart /sbin/getty? If you do, I'd love to know where teh source to this program might be. [19:45] http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-reset-unity-to--settings-in-ubuntu/ [19:45] Any one here who has conducted network emulation in ubuntu ? [19:45] theadmin 11G /var/log [19:45] exiff: Woah. [19:45] Sugoi na. [19:45] exiff: sudo rm -r /var/log/* [19:45] anyone with bind9 knowledge? need a little help. [19:45] exiff: Followed by: sudo apt-get install logrotate [19:45] Ronalds_M: that 404'd [19:46] MonkeyDust: "lsb_release -a" says i have 12.04 [19:46] How safe is upgrading from 10.4 to 12.4? Are there any knows problems that can kill the system? just curious for now... [19:46] unity --reset becker_11 [19:46] theadmin, exiff: it may not be the best idea to simply delete everything in /var/log [19:46] Ronalds_M: thanks [19:46] MonkeyDust: so im already upgraded [19:46] ? [19:46] exiff, if you already have logrotate installed it could be a bad driver for something like a network card. i've seen those spam kernel warning messages multiple times per second and fill up the log files [19:47] Ronalds_M: that returned an "error the reset option is now depreciated" error [19:47] jrib: It's safe. Sure, you can use some potentially useful info but most people can't read logs [19:47] I don't remember installing it ever escott, but i can now log in. [19:47] coldpizza72i what's the output of lsb_release -sd ? [19:47] unity is compiz plugin, you have compiz installed? [19:47] so no one has conducted network emulation on ubuntu ??? . [19:47] hi guys, the sound on my notebook comes out of the speakers and the headphones even when they're connected. i'd like to know how i can install the proper sound module to solve that problem. [19:48] exiff, you might try "sort /var/log/syslog | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 12" [19:48] Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS [19:48] Im just having some toubles understanding dnssec key generation. [19:48] my notebook is: ACER ASPIRE 6930G [19:48] used ubuntu version: 12.04.1 [19:48] thanks [19:48] exiff, actually nevermind that wont work stupid timestamps [19:48] coldpizza72i great, now get rid of the 9.10 sources, they are the culprit [19:48] Ah... well... ok escott [19:48] theadmin, exiff: there are a few reasons: 1) I'd want to know what caused it since it will likely become a problem again later if I don't 2) some programs may not like that their log file doesn't exist :/ [19:48] MonkeyDust: how do i do that [19:49] jrib it started when i copied some large files from an sftp mount this morning [19:49] jrib: They may toss a warning, but all software I know simply re-creates the log if that's the case.... As for the reason, it's most usually logrotate not being installed [19:49] You saved me theadmin.. thank you. [19:50] !info logrotate [19:50] logrotate (source: logrotate): Log rotation utility. In component main, is important. Version 3.7.8-6ubuntu6 (quantal), package size 34 kB, installed size 139 kB [19:50] coldpizza72i i'm busy, throw the question in the channel [19:50] exiff: yay [19:50] Hi [19:50] man unity says try unity --reset to fix unity issues but when you do it you get an --reset is depreciated error any ideas? [19:50] How do i get rid of the 9.10 sources? [19:50] exiff, whatever it is will come back. so check /var/log to see who is growing too quickly [19:51] becker_11: Try: dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ && setsid unity [19:51] jes [19:51] can someone please point me to someone who can help me with my new installation of slackware? [19:51] I'm using openvpn but when I connect to my server I lost internet connection. any idea ? [19:51] one more thing... this is quite hard to find out, can I use a partition on ssd for l2arc cache (current zfs on ubuntu) or must I use the entire device? [19:52] DarthEaron: ##linux [19:52] thanks Thinkt510 [19:52] DarthEaron: They have their own channel... [19:52] theadmin: I did that and the whole screen flashed by no launcher came back afterwards it's still borked [19:52] p47, Your server is probably pushing a route which routes all traffic through the vpn [19:53] exiff here, are y'all saying it's gonna happen again? [19:53] DarthEaron: try #linux for starters [19:53] Controlsfreek, what can I do ? :S [19:53] having problems installing ubuntu 12.1 to usb using unetbootin any ideas? I boot from usb and it just keeps trying to boot over and over agin. [19:53] becker_11: Eh... Well. That's the alternative to unity --reset nowadays. My final answer, therefore, is you're missing some vital part of Unity. You can get *everything* that comes in a default Ubuntu install by "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop", dunno if you'd want that [19:53] coldpizza72i: software sources [19:54] i cant talk in that channel [19:54] so, no bind9 help? (#bind is silent ) [19:54] theadmin: cheers I'll give it a go [19:54] ioria: what do you mean? [19:54] Whenever I try and connect to a proxy running on Windows OS, I get connection refused [19:54] coldpizza72i: you have to disable repos ? [19:55] ....i just installed slackware and im using irc in terminal... how do i get the nvidia drivers? [19:55] p47, Do you "own" the server? You can change the server config. Google openvpn push route and redirect gateway [19:55] ioria: is that a question? because i dont know what i have to do [19:55] Well, thanks again. I'll know what to do next time. === Guest1659 is now known as jesswf [19:56] DarthEaron: this is the ubuntu channel join #linux or the slackware specific channel [19:56] coldpizza72i: you updated the system don't you ? [19:56] ioria: yes i did update it. === becker_11 is now known as becker_away [19:57] coldpizza72i: so you have the old repositories still present ? [19:58] DarthEaron why not startx? [19:58] Whenever I try to connect to a proxy running on windows, I get connection refused error [19:58] I need help getting ubuntu 12 up and running I am using ubuntu feisty fox (7) and all repositorys are outdated....can anyone help me [19:59] jesswf: are you doing a fresh install? [19:59] ioria: let me ask you this first. How do i determine which drive my os is on? === linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish [20:00] jrib trying to....i erase everything on the thumb and then use unetbootin to create a usb boot drive. but It just keeps trying to boot over and over [20:00] coldpizza72i: you have a gui for that or you can look /etc/fstab [20:01] Ubuntu seems so complicated to me... [20:01] jesswf: Don't use unetbootin. Use dd (from command-line) or usb-creator (from GUI) or Universal USB Installer (from Windows) [20:01] I have an LTSP setup running in a school, but when I try to connect to its proxy server, It refuses connection [20:02] coldpizza72i: System profiler ad ex. [20:02] i can try dd, but have o idea how to use it. or a usb-creator, but I dont knowif I even have a functional GUI [20:03] jesswf: Well, the usage of dd is simple for this case: sudo dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdb (where sdb is your USB stick) [20:04] I have an LTSP setup running in a school, but when I try to connect to its proxy server, It refuses connection. The IT admin says its a config error, but Im sure its not... [20:05] so I just inter this in the terminal? [20:05] jesswf: Yep === atrius_away is now known as atrius [20:05] jesswf: STOP [20:05] Evening all, I need to install the package 'libautopilot-gtk0' - would anyone know how I go about this? [20:05] jesswf: Well, replace things as necessary... [20:05] jesswf: you must make sure sdb is your usb device otherwise you will destroy data [20:06] jesswf: e.g: sudo dd if=~/Downloads/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb (again, like jrib said, make sure sdb is the right one) [20:07] I have it mounted but am not sure what its name is. [20:08] ioria: it seems my problems are fixed [20:08] jesswf: Yeah, uh, it should not be mounted. [20:08] unmounting right now. [20:08] ioria: nevermind... let me pastebin this problem i have [20:09] coldpizza72i: use also lsblk to show partitions === folorn is now known as folorn[A] [20:09] * folorn[A] is now away - Reason : im away from da keyboard hit me up later [20:09] !away > folorn[A] [20:09] folorn[A], please see my private message [20:10] CAn anyone help me? [20:10] @theadmin, sorry but your way didn't work [20:10] gunn: mmm, what's that about again? Lost conversation. [20:10] unmounted [20:10] but good news, I solved it by [20:10] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1467147 [20:11] ioria: http://pastebin.com/WzCefyEp [20:11] UNINSTALL and INSTALL GRUB again without REBOOTING the PC ! [20:12] I have an LTSP setup running in a school, but when I try to connect to its proxy server, It refuses connection. The IT admin says its a config error, but Im sure its not... [20:13] gunn: What's the problem? Simply re-run grub-install on the respective drive [20:13] tomtiger1l: When you say you are connecting to the proxy server what server are you referring to? [20:14] tomtigerll: Not really an ubuntu question in any case is it? [20:14] *sigh* One of these days I'll get your nick right. [20:14] !tab | blkadder [20:15] blkadder: You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [20:15] ThinkT510: Thanks! [20:15] THANKS, theadmin, IT WORKED :) [20:15] coldpizza72i: do you still have ubuntu 9 on your system ? [20:15] blkadder: It kinda is [20:15] !ltsp | blkadder [20:15] blkadder: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project [20:16] blkadder: As it seems to be that the software is incompatible with the proxy server [20:16] ioria: not according to lsb_release [20:16] hello my Dears, i have a problem with bonnie++ command when i provide bonnie++ - u root i d /tmp/foo [20:16] the output tell me that ,,writing intelligently..cant write block: no such file or directory can't write block 8453057...i was trying to make some hdd test but it's not easy coz i got raid 3ware 9750 and 4xSAS disks and i cannot check those disks throug smartctl command so i was trying to use bonnie++ please help [20:16] I can't remember the exact errors I got, but one of them was connection refused [20:17] tomtiger11: Well having the exact error(s) is going to be pretty important. [20:17] coldpizza72i: how many hd do you have ? [20:17] i got 4 disks [20:17] blkadder: I can't get them, since the setup is at the school [20:17] I tried dd substuting the name of my iso image and it gave me this: === len is now known as Guest55744 [20:18] ioria: around 4 [20:18] tomtiger11: You are trying to connect to the server from somewhere else? [20:18] doesnt mean my one of mi disk have been broken? [20:18] one of my* [20:18] blkadder: No, Its on the setup at the school that its not connecting [20:18] Im at home now :) [20:18] unreconized operant 'of-/dev/sbd' [20:19] jesswf: Its of= [20:19] tomtiger11: Could you explain the flow? Are you trying to connect to the school from home, or ??? [20:19] blkadder: To the proxy server from school. [20:19] przemek_, $400 and it doesnt support SMART?!?! [20:19] coldpizza72i: on /dev/sda1 you still have ubuntu 9 [20:19] the server is located at school aswell [20:19] no it doesnt :/ [20:20] tomtiger11: So um, how can we help if both the client and server are at school and you don't know the specific errors you received? [20:20] coldpizza72i: and Grub is on it [20:20] ioria: i think im using sda1 right now [20:20] blkadder: Well, Would the fact that the proxy server is running on Windows matter? [20:20] jesswf: that command contains 2 typo's, you should be more carefull using dd, it can destroy your system [20:20] jesswf: have you made sure that sdb is your usb drive? [20:20] It's a little like telling a mechanic "yeah my car is making this noise, but no I can't bring it in, can you tell me what is wrong with it?" [20:21] tomtiger11: Maybe. Maybe not. Impossible to say with the info you have provided. [20:22] coldpizza72i: use System profiler in your menu -system tools and go in filesystem [20:22] blkadder: Well, It said something about incompatibility :P [20:22] hello [20:22] przemek_, what version of smartmontools is installed? [20:22] tomtiger11: I would suggest asking for help when you are at school and have access to the client. :-) [20:22] how can I install drivers for Intel HD Graphics 4000? [20:23] blkadder: I would, but the school blocks port 6667 [20:23] and 6697 [20:23] cirrus], it is installed automaticaly [20:23] tomtiger: That is a non-sequitar [20:23] ioria: i cant find it... is there a way i can open it from the command line [20:23] escott: i used a new stresslinux iso and systemrescu 3.0.0 so i guess the version of smartctl is the new one [20:24] escott, but it doesn't work, how can I reinstall it? [20:24] tomtiger11: Ahh nevermind I undertand what you mean now... [20:24] przemek_, http://faq.aslab.com/index.php?action=artikel&cat=116&id=199&artlang=en supposedly 5.40-svn3178 has support for that controller [20:24] cirrus], what version of ubuntu are you running [20:24] blkadder: Ok [20:24] I am not sure if that is my sub disk or not. I cant figure out hw to tell [20:24] (I can use it, but I don't have support for 3d acceleration in virtual machines) [20:25] escott, 12.10 on XFCE [20:25] tomtiger11: Perhaps you have a phone with Internet access you can use or something to login to IRC? [20:25] cirrus], and what does "glxinfo | grep renderer" say [20:25] blkadder: I have a phone, but if I get any signal from that room, I don't know :P [20:25] escott: i will try this now thank you very much i hope this help [20:26] Is there a PPA to be used with 12.10 that has Unity 6.12? [20:26] coldpizza72i: try cat /etc/fstab [20:26] jesswf, if you open gnome-disks and look at the "Device" it will say something like /dev/sdb /dev/sda so you can figure out what device is what disk [20:26] tomtiger11: Well in any case you are going to need more details in order for anyone to help... [20:26] escott, OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile [20:26] blkadder: Kk [20:27] ioria: http://pastebin.com/nxUTBWCp [20:27] cirrus], so why do you think the driver isn't working? [20:27] Hi all. I need someone to help me install ubuntu on a system with secure boot. My end goal is to have ubuntu dualboot with win8 without having to disable/enable secure boot in the bios every time I want to switch [20:28] escott, 3d acceleration in vm doesn't work, and the vm says that it's driver or opengl support problem [20:28] trijntje, you have to add the ubuntu signing key to the keyring [20:28] sounds like a problem with the vm then [20:29] cirrus], ^^ is this paravirt? [20:29] escott, no, vmware [20:29] I cant figure out how to open gnome disk. I am just such a noob to this operating system [20:29] escott: in stresslinux iso i got smartctl 5.42 so i think it doesn't make any diffrence to install 5.40 :/ [20:29] jesswf, [Windows Key] and then type "disks" [20:29] disks [20:29] ugn [20:30] jesswf, what version of the desktop are you running? not ubuntu? [20:30] escott: I thought canonical had a key they used to sign the bootloader that would allow ubuntu to boot on any windows system? [20:30] trijntje, yes but none of that is going to be available until 13.04 at the earliest [20:30] ubuntu 7 feisty fawn....its just so old that the repositys all fail [20:31] !eol | jesswf [20:31] jesswf: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [20:31] coldpizza72i: your root is in sdd1 [20:31] escott, should I? [20:31] ioria: you deduced that from fstab? === linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish` [20:32] cirrus], should you what? [20:32] coldpizza72i: i guess so [20:32] ioria: it doesnt even say sdd1 in there [20:32] escott, should I use paravirt [20:32] ? === cab_ is now known as Guest14434 [20:33] cirrus], unless you have an iommu and a second graphics card you won't have any kind of opengl acceleration without paravirt drivers [20:33] coldpizza72i: sure ... look at bottom [20:33] escott: that sucks, so I've wasted two days trying to install ubuntu on this laptop? [20:33] II hope some day to get good enough at this to help also. [20:33] coldpizza72i: sdd5 is your swap [20:33] trijntje, just disable secure boot. what is so hard about that [20:33] I want to do a fresh install but I can not burn a cd image and I cant seem to build the boot usb [20:33] ioria: thats sda5 [20:34] coldpizza72i: '/' means root [20:34] escott, is it in repo? [20:34] ioria: can u take another look... i think you misread http://pastebin.com/nxUTBWCp [20:34] jesswf, a fresh install on a system that old... not going to be very enjoyable [20:34] cirrus], this is a vmware issue. i suggest you look in the vmware documentation/whatever forums they have [20:34] Yes, I'd like to be able to burn a cd image to a memory stick, from my Windows 7 machine to my broken hinge laptop, which is now running an old version of Ubuntu with broken dependencies. [20:35] coldpizza72i: sdd1 8:49 0 461.8G 0 part / [20:35] ├─sdd2 8:50 0 1K 0 part [20:35] └─sdd5 8:53 0 4G 0 part [SWAP] [20:35] escott, :( [20:35] I have to work with what I have. It is a perfectly good machine. quick and functional. [20:35] escott: I tried that already, but if I install ubuntu with secure boot disabled win8 won't boot any more, [20:35] Is there a command form terminal to enter Mobo bios? [20:35] are there any other virtual machines for Linux than vmware and VirtualBox? [20:35] Parallels [20:36] ioria: oh thats from lsblk [20:36] trijntje, windows should boot just fine without secure boot [20:36] cirrus]: Eh. kvm? qemu? [20:36] ioria: so what should i do [20:36] cirrus], oracle vm [20:36] blkadder: That's a mac thing [20:36] shortstraw8, no [20:36] shortstraw8: That *is* virtualbox [20:36] cirrus], xen/kvm [20:36] So? [20:36] The question wasn't specific. :-) [20:36] coldpizza72i: let me ask you when did you do the upgrade ? [20:36] ioria: 5 days ago around [20:36] escott, thanks [20:37] is there a program that cann put text to speech in my context menu's like on a mac ? === Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st [20:40] rawfodog, festival can > awesome howto http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uKTamXonPs&list=PLA2578BDE9CB9AAB3 [20:40] coldpizza72i: during the installation ... you don't remember which partition did you set up ? [20:40] how do I disable the dash? it's useless to me and I keep hitting it by accident and it is so slow to pop up [20:40] ioria: the installation was a long time ago... the upgrade was around 5 days ago [20:40] escott: do you know what could have gone wrong with the installation that broke windows? === Nix is now known as Guest92638 [20:41] causative: Well, the dash is the core of Unity. You can use another desktop: Xfce (feels like "traditional", pre-Unity Ubuntu), KDE, LXDE [20:41] causative: you can set another key to open the dash, one that you are less likely to hit by mistake === Guest92638 is now known as Nixola [20:42] coldpizza72i: i think you have to reinstall grub [20:42] hi, I need some help, I have to copy an Ubuntu 10.04 setup from a USB drive to the HDD of the netbook it's currently running on; I can't install a new one because that netbook is strange and refuses to install any OS directly [20:42] ioria: im scare if i do that... somethign worse will go wrong and i want even be able to log in [20:42] scared^ [20:43] coldpizza72i: yep [20:43] ioria: what do you mean, "yep"? [20:43] coldpizza72i: nothing... it's risky [20:43] Nixola: I'm not sure what you mean? Why can't you install ubuntu on that netbook? [20:44] Anyone with experience setting up a Macbook 2,1 in Ubuntu who can give me the best settings for the touchpad sensitivity? To make it the more identical possible to with Mac OS X [20:44] I give up....nothing is working for me [20:44] trijntje: I don't know why exactly, anyway any OS setup from an USB key just doesn't run properly [20:45] Nixola: did you check the usb key for defects? [20:45] Hi, I have Ubuntu Server running on VirtualBox with an Ubuntu Desktop host and I can't connect to the Internet with the server. At startup of the server it hangs on getting the virtual network configuration. [20:45] jesswf: I was like that for days and then BAM breakthrough! What's frustrating you? [20:45] (just arrived;not contextualized) [20:45] trijntje, thats a windows problem [20:45] My other virtual computers do connect just fine though [20:46] trijntje: I tried using several different USB keys, they all have the same errors and work on other PCs [20:46] just found some weird thing in my xubuntu with compiz-all apps open in first workspace, when I'm at second, it shows nothing, how to change that? [20:46] I want all my users to be able to run a program which requires sudo but I don't want to give them all sudo rights. What do I need to add to the visudo? [20:46] trijntje: and that netbook is currently running Ubuntu 10.04 installed on that drive [20:47] Nixola: from the usb drive you mean? [20:47] luduvico trying to do a fresh install to a usb stick of ubuntu 12.1 or so from ubuntu 7 feisty fox, and I cant do it. Unetboot is not working for me either, tried v 11.x and it would not work [20:47] Ronalds_M, you mean you cant move them from workspace to workspace, because opening on the current workspace is normal [20:47] xfce+compiz, workspaces not working right, every app opens in first workspace, what should I do? [20:48] escott: but won't win and ubuntu require seperate boot partitions, if one is to start using secure boot and one legacy bios? [20:48] coldpizza72i: but in the ubuntu manual (http://ubuntu-manual.org/ almost at end of it) you can find simple commands to do that.... but you need the live disk [20:48] DDAZZA, in that case just setuid the program instead of messing with sudo [20:48] trijntje: yes, I installed Ubuntu 10.04 on that drive using another PC [20:48] escott doh [20:48] Nixola: so you installed ubunt 10.04 on the usb drive? [20:48] ludovicoeinaudi trying to do a fresh install to a usb stick of ubuntu 12.1 or so from ubuntu 7 feisty fox, and I cant do it. Unetboot is not working for me either, tried v 11.x and it would not work [20:49] trijntje, why are you booting one OS in legacy mode. thats your whole source of difficulties [20:49] trijntje: yes, and I need to copy that Ubuntu on the netbook HDD [20:49] escott: you just said that I wont be able to boot ubuntu using secure boot untill 13.04 [20:49] ludovicoeinaudi and I cant burn anything with the op system being at eol [20:50] trijntje, so just disable that junk and boot without secure boot. [20:50] Nixola: I don't think that is possible. Why don't you try installing the latest ubuntu on that netbook? [20:50] escott: I would if I could, but then win8 wont boot [20:50] trijntje, disabling secure boot != legacy bios mode [20:50] trijntje, those are completely different things [20:51] trijntje: firstly because it's too slow on it, secondly because I tried to install every version from 10.04 to 12.10 with 4 different USB keys [20:51] it took me days [20:52] Nixola: so you were able to install a later version on the netbook? === cpruitt_ is now known as cpruitt [20:53] how hard is it to use the distribution numbering instead of ubuntu codenames in Wikis. 12.10 is so much easier to understand than having to remeber how a release is nicknamed [20:53] trijntje: no, I tried installing all of them and I couldn't; I then installed them on USB drives and I tested them [20:53] escott: ah ok, I didn't know. All I know is that there are only two options in the bios of that laptop: Legacy BIOS or UEFI [20:54] trijntje, you MUST boot in UEFI mode. i would advise you to disable secure boot because it will make your life easier, but thats another setting [20:54] Nixola: have you tried lighter versions of ubuntu like Xubuntu? [20:57] escott: I'd like to, but Acers excuse for a bios/whatever-its-called won't let me disable secure boot [20:57] Anyone tried XBMC hw acceleration on Catalyst 13.01? Is it stable? [20:57] trijntje: no, I didn't try them; anyway, I don't have time to download them and install them because I have to do this in about 8 hours and I have to get some sleep in this time [20:57] guys is a good alias to do create a backaup a profile? [20:57] trijntje, if its relatively new i would return it to them [20:57] alias bolo='cd /home/bolo/ && tar --exclude="Pobrane" --exclude="Muzyka" --exclude="kopie" -pcvzf /media/dane/kopia_bolo.tar.gz /home/bolo/ ' [20:58] OerHeks, thanks ! it works like a charm :D [20:58] rawfodog, have fun [20:58] coldpizza72i: what's in your /boot/grub/device.map ? [20:58] Hi, 12.10, no nvidia drivers work, it always ends up at a black screen. Yes I installed the source, build essential and appropriate headers. The nvidia drivers from the site install but when it boots leaves me at a blinking cursor with no control. [20:58] hi. it randomly happens to me but: how can i intentionally start the app switcher with the touchpad [20:59] escott: you are right, it should be returned as 'faulty product', but its not mine, but a friends [21:00] trijntje, or just search for "acer disabling secure boot" and follow the instructions on the acer website, or call them and ask how to do it [21:02] I have had trouble with video drivers on my Ubuntu system too. [21:02] escott: I'll try that, or maybe there is a bios update available. Thanks for helping me understand this whole uefi/secure boot mess [21:03] Hey, can anyone tell me what are the default "unity-lens" installed ? [21:03] Xeology, was the nouveau driver working ok before you installed the "additional drivers" ? [21:04] Yes. [21:04] I did not use additional drivers though its broken, I did it manually. [21:05] trijntje: please, I know I may be annoying, but I need it [21:06] can someone PLEASE tell me what are their "dpkg -l | grep unity-lens" ....? [21:07] Hi! [21:07] What version of Ubuntu is running on Mint 11? [21:07] psauxw http://pastebin.com/MiJgxZ25 [21:07] !mint | dogears [21:07] dogears: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org [21:08] user82, is that with 12.04? [21:08] psauxw 12.10 [21:08] (unity lens shopping ;) ) [21:08] user82, would you happen to know which one are the default with 12.04? [21:08] psauxw: i believe i'm on 12.04: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1550166/ [21:08] Where does transmission store .torrent files? [21:08] psauxw not sure either customized mine sorry [21:09] Why ubuntu is so cool? [21:09] I may just try a different distribution, I need nvidia drivers, the nouveau are garbage for performance in intensive apps. [21:09] user82, i deinstalled all mine by mistake haha [21:09] caffine, thanks a lot [21:10] I installed nvidia graphics drivers and I got stuck @ 640x480 resolution, so I purged all nvidia drivers... and I'm still stuck at 640x480. [21:10] Xeology, well depends on you graphics card and which driver you installed ..more info would help [21:10] psauxw: happy to give back when i can. :) [21:10] =) [21:11] Is there any way to install ubuntu on a headless machine via a USB flashdrive [21:11] gotta re-log to make my dash work again ...brb [21:11] Xfx 630 gt and I used the recommended 310 along with trying every other available driver [21:11] Any idea how to revert back? [21:11] disharmonic, ~/.config/transmission/torrents [21:12] Nixola: you could maybe try creating a backup of the usb with clonezilla, and then expand that image onto the netbook [21:12] SushiDude, thanks m8 [21:13] trijntje: I'll try, thanks [21:13] Nixola: however, 10.04 won't be supported much longer, so you might want to install a more recent version of ubuntu on it [21:13] Nixola: I'm not 100% sure its possible though, you should probably check their website [21:13] any idee how to thank you that ubuntu exist for u ? [21:13] trijntje: Clonezilla's website? [21:13] Hey guys I am trying to set up gmote server. It says to work on Linux VLC must be in /usr/bin. I typed whereis VLC and got this: "vlc: /usr/bin/vlc /etc/vlc /usr/lib/vlc /usr/bin/X11/vlc /usr/share/vlc /usr/share/man/man1/vlc.1.gz" but it says error [21:13] Nixola: yeah [21:14] thanks [21:14] Are there other open source drivers for nvidia that work and outperform the nouveau [21:14] Xeology, not the 310.14 I hope, it's experimental , the 310.19 is the stable driver [21:15] There was an error loading livrary libvlc.so? [21:15] 310.19 though I tried the experimental, the 304s and several legacy [21:15] Xeology: nouveau are the open source nvidia drivers [21:15] I was asking if there were any others [21:15] hmm, i'm trying to uninstall transmission and apt os telling me it's not installed. Weird [21:16] Cannot open shared onject file, no such directory exitst? [21:16] disharmonic try sudo apt-get autoremove [21:16] Xeology: asside from nv that was abandoned no [21:16] MonkeyDust, what does that do? [21:16] Can anyone walk me help me fix wireless connection? I'm new to Linux [21:17] disharmonic, autoremove removes packages that are no longer needed [21:17] trijntje: will I be able to resize the main partition (sdb1 on the USB drive, will become sda1)? [21:17] SushiDude, well transmission is still installed though [21:17] whats the problem? [21:18] Can anyone help me with my wireless internet connection? [21:18] disharmonic: try uninstalling it via the software center, maybe you have the wrong package name [21:18] Nixola: I'm not sure, you should check the documetation for clonezilla [21:18] verdorie mensen jullie hebben een van de mooiste dinegen verwzenlijkt dat mogelijk is en dat allemaal via open source txs [21:19] icebird hier wordt enkel engels gesproken, ga eens kijken in #ubuntu-nl [21:19] icebird: graag gedaan/your welcome ;) [21:19] Can anyone help me troubleshoot my wireless connection?? [21:19] trijntje, i found a package named transmission using apt-cache and it's a bittorrent client. Anyway, i'm opening Synaptic now [21:20] where can I get help with my internet connection? anyone? [21:21] rgoo001: what have you tried to get your wireless to work? [21:21] Hey guys I am trying to set up gmote server. It says to work on Linux VLC must be in /usr/bin. I typed whereis VLC and got this: "vlc: /usr/bin/vlc /etc/vlc /usr/lib/vlc /usr/bin/X11/vlc /usr/share/vlc /usr/share/man/man1/vlc.1.gz" but there was an error loading library libvlc.so? Cannot open shared onject file, no such directory exitst? [21:21] Well seems the transmission pkg is just a metapackage remove transmission* did the trick [21:21] trijntje: I am still looking around the forums but am very confused with most of the posts. Where do I enter the commands they give out? [21:22] rgoo001: first things first, search for 'software sources' in the dash, go to the 'additional drivers' tab and see if there are drivers for your wirelss card available [21:23] is there a way to do that without having to boot other OSes? [21:23] rgoo001: first connect your pc to the internet using an ethernet cable [21:24] I only wanted to be gratefull for yur courage and persistence to make such thing happen ;) [21:24] trijntje: Thank you for your help. I am currently connected through ethernet. And there is nothing under additional drivers tab in software sources [21:25] icebird: its actually a lot of fun, you can also help if you want ;) [21:25] trijntje, MonkeyDust SushiDude thanks [21:26] man trijntje I am e fedora freek [21:27] dc [21:28] Hello everyone. I was enabling desktop cube in compiz manager, but I think I crashed Unity and now everytime I reboot I get what looks like Ubuntu Classic. I'm on 11.10. How do I re-enable unity? [21:28] sherorox: alt+f2, then type unity --replace [21:29] Is there a way to mount a .ISO to a bootable drive? I don't have any USB's or disks to use. [21:29] sherorox unity does not combin[4~e well [21:29] sherorox unity does not combine well with the cube, ad consider upgrading [21:29] I am dual booting windows 7 / ubuntu. My windows 7 has wireless connection but my Ubuntu cannot connect wirelessly [21:30] hi [21:30] @MonkeyDust: upgrading to what? [21:30] sherorox 12.04 or 12.10 [21:30] anyone on this channel speaks portuguese [21:30] @trijntje: thanks for the answer [21:30] !pt | caion [21:30] caion: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [21:30] @MonkeyDust: what is the difference between 12.10 and 11.10 [21:31] sherorox: your welcome [21:31] sherorox i guess 11.10 is no loger supported - 12.10 has more recent versions of software [21:31] Simplicity: what do you mean with mount to a bootable device? [21:32] rgoo001: so you can't see your wireless card in the network menu in ubuntu (top right of the screen) [21:32] @MonkeyDust: okay will do ATM, but it says it'll update to 12.04.1 LTS. Should I be concerned [21:32] trijntje wish could help but I am an artist and u can handel this very well seems to me ;) [21:32] So... I'm trying to do "dig storage.fortress" on local network, in network manager my DNS is set to, but it keeps returning SERVER: How do I fix that? [21:32] sherorox fine, do continue [21:32] trijntje: I want go to from Ubuntu 12.10 to Windows 7, but I have no disks or USBs that I can use to expand the .ISO to. [21:33] I actually have an odd thing to note: the LTS works fine when installed on my laptop, but when I update it to 12.10 it seems whatever graphical drivers that come alongside 12.04 stop functioning. [21:33] When I do dig @ it responds correctly. [21:33] @MonkeyDust: thanks again. I also realized that I don't need an @ for you to see my message === len is now known as Guest59917 [21:33] sherorox we're here to learn [21:33] I figured the best way to get around this was to simply manually install drivers from AMD prior to updating, would anyone here have any other suggestions? [21:33] trijntje: I can see my wireless connection, however I cannot successfully connect to the network wirelessly [21:34] MonkeyDust: Very true [21:34] is there any midnight commander alternative? [21:34] vifanq try ranger [21:37] how can I detect wireless card / driver?? [21:38] rgoo001, it should appear in lspci [21:38] help === chris__0076 is now known as chris_0076 [21:39] disharmonic: what is lspci? Sorry I'm new [21:39] MonkeyDust: looks specific [21:39] hola a todos [21:39] rgoo001, sry, it's a command. Open a terminal and type lspci and hit enter [21:39] hola [21:40] nunca avia usado irc [21:40] busco gente que sepa linux [21:40] !es | expartaco [21:40] expartaco: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [21:40] !es | expartaco [21:40] si es la primera vez que lo uso :P [21:40] you did it bubba99 [21:40] XD [21:40] somo dos [21:41] disharmonic: Ty, which one is my device? There is a big list [21:41] yes thanks nothingspec [21:41] we are two... you have to speak in english here xD === tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle [21:41] rgoo001, paste the output in paste.ubuntu.com and post the link here [21:43] monolitic kernel thougths lol [21:44] strong and versatile === tzl is now known as teazel === Zodiac is now known as Guest77919 [21:46] hi guys [21:46] hi [21:46] Hi, am having trouble with wget. Trying to download the Java Collections Interface tutorials using this command: wget -I /intro,/interfaces,/implementations/,/algorithms,/custom-implementations/,/interoperability --convert-links -nd http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/collections/TOC.html -- but it only downloads TOC.html. What am I doing wrong? [21:46] can you help with problems here? [21:46] lmsensors doesnt detect sensors.. and on my previous distro it did [21:46] i need help..........i killed indicator-applet process and now its not coming back .......not even through reboot [21:47] allez if u are here its because u didn't read wat was supposed to be read ... most of the time [21:47] i need help..........i killed indicator-applet process and now its not coming back .......not even through reboot.....? [21:48] i got no start up [21:48] lmsensors will not detect acpi lol [21:48] i get blank screen with No INIT Found === dankest is now known as dankest|away [21:49] i need help..........i killed indicator-applet process and now its not coming back .......not even through reboot.....? === Note is now known as Note_ [21:49] enfin gasten [21:49] ANub: do you still have the panel? [21:50] fox_wilson> you mean is it installed..? [21:50] ANub: no, do you still have the system tray? without indicator-applet? [21:50] fox_wilson> yes it is there [21:51] ANub: go ahead and open up a terminal === Orphis_ is now known as Orphis [21:51] fox_wilson> listening [21:51] ANub: can you start indicator-applet manually? [21:52] fox_wilson> i've tried /usr/lib/indicator-applet/indicator-applet-complete ....but doesn't work [21:52] hmmm [21:53] ANub: wait a sec, be right back [21:53] fox_wilson> waiting... :) [21:53] Hey everyone! How can I get a detailed description of the Ubuntu sound drivers and settings? [21:54] ANub: I'm assuming the indicator-applet-complete package is installed, not just indicator-applet [21:54] ANub: wait of course it is :D [21:54] otherwise indicator-applet-complete wouldn't be there [21:54] ;) === dankest|away is now known as dankest [21:55] Hello, I am wondering if anyone knows what would be the best solution for what I am wanting/require? I have a contact form on my website, I plan on setting this up with PHP and enable anybody whom fills in the form fields send an email to an email address (my domain), and allow me log in to my email address somehow, either by putting in the details of the server into a client such as Mail app on my Mac or on my iPhone, or by logging in somehow [21:55] with php at a subdomain such as mail.domain.tld, but I'm not quite sure on what I will need, what is the best mail server for my solution? [21:56] no indicator-* process is running .......although when i switch ti Ubuntu indicator-applet is there with all the processes [21:56] ANub: that's odd... maybe it [21:56] no indicator-* process is running .......although when i switch to Ubuntu indicator-applet is there with all the processes [21:57] anyway guys be aware that thanks to all u here this is possible [21:57] Currently I'm logged into Ubuntu (classic no effects)........thats where i killed the process [21:58] ANub: maybe it depends on the time at which it's launched, there isn't a man page and nothing really gives ANY documentation :( [21:58] trijntje: I have to copy the partition, right? [21:58] I'm constantly googling .........no luck so far [21:59] ANub: I have no solution for you. That's kind of strange - you might want to try to login in to "Ubuntu 2D" to see if that works. [21:59] yes .....it does work === Tiktalik is now known as SpaceTiktalik [22:00] i locked myself out of the administration account and ended up shutting down my laptop in guest account. when i restarted the machine it went to a dark screen with run as normal / run as recovery mode / check memory. i tried both and got the same message on the dark screen. NO INIT FOUND TRY PASSING INIT=BOOTARG I tried booting from usb with a live cd but no joy please help [22:00] Nixola: you have to make an image of the ubuntu partition on the usb stick, and then extract that image onto the harddisk of your laptop [22:01] trijntje: perfect, thanks again [22:03] Nixola: Your welcome, I hope it works, I've never done that myself [22:03] I'll make you know then === jono is now known as Guest30234 [22:04] bubba99: What happens when you're trying the livecd? Is it just not even attempting to boot from the USB, or does that give some other error, blank screen? You've set your BIOS to boot first from USB right? I find some BIOSs will skip it by accident unless you remove the HD from the boot order. Also sometime I will need to make a USB several times before it will work. Also you made sure to write GRUB to the boot partition of the USB ri [22:06] ive seen bios also remove the usb item if you boot with no usb plugged in. and not add it back when you do plug in a usb [22:06] Stupid Bios! [22:06] :-) [22:06] hi kunji - nothing was happening at all from BIOS set to boot from USB. But when i boot from recovery mode then put the usb stick in after i got a message about some checks but i didnt record it. [22:07] dr_willis: Just who I wanted to see, remember that problem I was having the other day with the computer going to sleep and once core going to 100% cpu use. I'm having it again today and flash hasn't been running at all today, I think it was just the IRC chat making the computer think it was active. [22:07] hmm, does anyone know an easy way for me to stream part of my desktop online? [22:07] bubba99: Did booting from USB ever work? [22:08] malimbar, i VLC can do that afaik. [22:08] malimbar: VLC can, but I think there were a few other tools that were a little better, can't remember the names right now though T.T [22:09] hi blkadder. i only just got this laptop and its first time i used ubuntu. i only had it fired up twice before i had the problem [22:09] disharmonic: I've looked at VLC, couldn't get it to work. It's a bit complicated thought, so no idea what I might be doing wrong. [22:09] bubba99: So have you ever tried to boot from USB previously? [22:09] bubba99: Hmm, so did you install Ubuntu from the USB then, or did you receive it with Ubuntu already on there? [22:10] I received the laptop with ubunto on it already guys [22:11] blkadder no not done it before [22:11] malimbar, well there's also this. I haven't used either myself [22:11] bubba99: Then you need Ubuntu on either a USB or DVD to fix it... Essentially you need to boot from that then do a repair on the install that is on your HD [22:13] disharmonic: there is also what? [22:13] blkadder I got the livecd on the usb from the ubuntu home page using unetbootin to create the live cd [22:13] bubba99: Mmk, well, booting from a real cd tends to be better supported by most BIOS, so that is something to try. You could also try making the USB with some other tools, like Unetbootin. I find that sometimes I need to make the USB more than once before it will work, no idea why that's the case though. Also with some BIOS I need to take out the drive and put it in again at the point where the BIOS is looking to do the actual boot. [22:13] malimbar, forgot to paste the link :P https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeseer [22:13] bubba99: Mmk, what I was saying about needing to make it several times applies especially to Unetbootin [22:14] disharmonic: lol, thanks. I'll look into it [22:14] kunji the laptop is a notebook so i dont have real cd access to it [22:14] bubba99: First step is to get a functional USB install then... [22:15] bubba99: Hmm, mmk, do you have the option to maybe netboot? But we'll look at that later, I think trying to create the USB 2 or 3 more times is probably the first thing to do. [22:15] bubba99: Do you have another computer you can test the USB on? [22:15] bubba99: To determine if it is the USB install or the computer? === kaktuskuchen is now known as Guest87660 [22:16] blkadder: That's a good thing to check, but I've had them work on one, but not another, and then recreating would let it work, with Unetbootin they just tend to be a bit finicky. [22:17] ok blkadder / kunji - I have wiped the usb stick 3 times already and reloaded but I will keep trying. in the meantime am i better trying to go through recovery mode - then put usb stick in or go straight to usb boot? [22:17] kunji: Understood, was just trying to narrow the issue down... [22:17] bubba99: Oh, sorry, didn't realize you already did 3 times, hmm [22:17] kunji: I've had flaky images too so understood. [22:17] blkadder: ^_^ [22:18] maybe it's a good idea to do check if the image is valid [22:18] checksum and stuff [22:18] blkadder - no i dont have another pc i can test on. i am extracting the livecd from a windows based laptop though. will that matter? [22:18] bubba99: It shouldn't if it is done properly. :-) [22:19] this is a work laptop so i dont have write access to save to it [22:21] trijntje: ok, I succesfully managed to waste all the time I spent since now. I just started to copy the partition [22:21] Hi [22:21] Why do I have 5 more degrees with ubuntu than xubuntu? [22:21] Continental drift. [22:21] I have temp 50 here and with xubuntu 40-44 [22:21] Doing more work regularly? [22:21] no [22:21] I hardly use anything [22:22] Ofcourse I use two screens now [22:22] but wtf? [22:22] I meant background CPU usage [22:22] But the system might be. [22:22] bubba99: You could try running fsck from the rescue shell as someone suggested here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1386549 You might need something different than /dev/sda1 though, use sudo fdisk -l to see what partitions you have and run it for the one Ubuntu is installed on. [22:22] Peyam, xfce doesn't use HW GPU acceleration afaik [22:22] is it why? [22:22] Evening everyone [22:22] Could be, you're the only one who could find out for sure [22:22] what do I do to make it coler [22:23] Is it really a problem though? [22:23] bubba99: I'm not entirely sure if that works from rescue or not though, because I think the partition should not be mounted, I think it's not mounted for the rescue shell, but I'm not entirely sure [22:23] It just irritates me [22:23] Peyam, is it a laptop? [22:23] no [22:23] desktop [22:23] does anyone here have ubuntu 12.10 with skype 4.1 working? [22:23] when i go recovery mode way with the usb i get the following - usb 1-1: new high speed usb device numer 3 using ehci_hcd [251.435138] initializing usb mass storage driver scsi2 : us-storage 1-1:1.0 usbcore:registered new interface driver usb-storage usb mass storage support registered. no caching mode page present etc [22:24] bubba99: Do recovery mode without the usb, the usb won't really be helpful if we can't boot from it. [22:24] Well 50C is hardly a lot tbh. [22:24] Hishm1: I'm on 12.04 with skype 4.1 [22:24] disharmonic: I just wana know why.. Have I made a misstake to have ubuntu? [22:25] bubba99: Also, after you know what partition (/dev/sdxx) the Ubuntu install is on, then you can check the UUID by using blkid and make sure it matches the one in the GRUB menu entry. [22:25] ok,bpcomp, I tried to install skype on my system but it gives me the worng architecture error [22:25] i386 was the wrong one [22:25] Hishm1: libc++6. [22:26] Hishm1: are you running 12.10 64bit? [22:26] yes [22:26] Hi ! How do I get to the GRUB selection screen on startup ? It skips it and starts ubuntu even though I have BSD on SSdrive and customized the boot entry [22:26] (it's UEFI) [22:26] i386 is 32 bit binary [22:26] you want the x86_64 [22:26] my system architecture is amd64 [22:26] qualia: google Grub repair [22:26] according my system itself [22:27] kunji - when i type sudo fdisk-1 i get the result sudo not found [22:27] Peyam, Unity, the ubuntu desktop, has more bling and therefore uses more resources. This is the most likely cause of the temp difference. There is nothing wrong with it. XFCE is simply more lightweight, while Unity has some extra features and looks good. [22:27] bubba99: That's a lower case 'L' not a '1' [22:27] qualia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Setup#Configuring_GRUB_2 [22:28] Do people get together/meet any place near Stanford University? [22:28] disharmonic: I knew that but 50 degrees at minimum? it is crazy [22:28] bubba99: If you are in a root shell you probably don't need sudo. [22:28] trijntje: damn, it doesn't work [22:28] Hishm1: That's weird. They skype page is offering the i386 download for the 64 and 32 bit systems [22:28] elise001: 50 C? CPU? That's not terribly unusual. [22:29] Hishm1: don't reply to me, i have nothing further. are you using wheezy? as skype (even supposed 64bit, which isn't actually) relies on ia32-libs which might not be compatible with multiarch on wheezy... i wouldn't know, i don't use skype. [22:29] bpcomp: It should work on both [22:29] FYI: No more getdeb, needs new maintainer: https://plus.google.com/+getdeb/posts/FF1gRuZN7pM [22:29] Hishm1: sorry! wrong channel! [22:29] kunji - i changed for lower case l - no difference in result [22:29] kunji: he's getting a wrong architectuer error [22:29] Peyam, it's not ideal. Not all CPUs report temps accurately though. Keep that in mind [22:30] no problem zy [22:30] blkadder what is a rootshell? [22:30] bpcomp: I know, but I've installed both before on 64 bit, they both do work under normal circumstances, something else is a bit screwy on his setup I guess. [22:30] bpcomp: I tried to download every package of their site, but none worked for me [22:31] bubba99: Is the command line you are typing into prefaced with a "#"? [22:31] Hishm1: Have you tried just using the one from the repos? -_- [22:32] kunji: I heard that one was fake, but I tried it didn't work [22:32] bubba99: Sorry, try without sudo, since as someone mentioned, the rescue shell is as root anyway. So just fdisk -l [22:32] blkadder i have a command line with (initramfs) before what i write [22:32] Hishm1: Have you tried installing form the command line? [22:32] Hishm1: sudo apt-get install skype [22:32] Hishm1: fake?.... who have you mean talking to? The one in the Ubuntu repos is perfectly real. [22:32] bpcomp yes [22:32] bubba99: I believe you are root already... :-) [22:33] bubba99: So no need to use the sudo [22:33] kunji no gap between fdisk and -l? [22:33] kunji: No idea wich article i was reading then lol [22:33] bubba99: Yes there is a gap [22:33] bubba99: one space in between [22:33] bpcomp: But still I got the error there too [22:34] trijntje: I'm gonna try cloning the entire disk [22:34] Hishm1: what exactly is the error? [22:34] Hishm1: Have you made sure that Skype was properly uninstalled in between your attempts to install it? [22:35] bpcomp: a second please, I am going to try installing it again and will copy the error for you [22:35] kunji with 1 space the result is /bin/sh: fdisk: not found [22:35] kunji: I never had skype installed before on my system [22:35] bubba99: Hmm, oh, this is the GRUB rescue shell isn't it, not the Ubuntu rescue one? [22:36] Hishm1: It gives you the architecture error during the install, not after when you try to run it? [22:36] hello [22:37] Can someone help me please? I've got two problems from updates, first one is with with grub. I set it up couple months ago, and about two weeks ago, some update broke it. It never actualy really worked, it boots very randomly. I figured out that it works ok with "noapic" option, but I didn't know how to put it there, so I put an entry in /etc/grub.d/40_custom, chainloading grub1 from [22:37] anoher part/ition with basic gentoo instalation, and booting ubuntu from gentoo's grub, with noapic option. But couple weeks ago, after an update, grub1 stopped working. Now this is interesting, because I didn't change the settings and I don't usualy boot or change anything in gentoo. The settings is still in 40_custom, I can choose it ubuntu's grub2 menu, but upon selection, the screen [22:37] just oes purple for at second and I'm back in ubuntu's grub2, instead of gentoo's grub1. The best would be to have a way to add noapic to grub2. I tried many times, but couldn't succeed, eventualy gave up and installed gentoo and grub 1 for booting. Now it's broken again :( [22:37] kunji yes i think so.im not familiar with all the terms yet. but im learning fast :) [22:38] bpcomp: It says to me that i am missing skype-bin and isn't installable also [22:38] kunji: It doesn't show up [22:38] Hishm1: What is the exact error message [22:40] bpcomp: it is in dutch, it says exactly that i miss skype-bin and I also can't install it [22:40] bpcomp: about the skype-bin it is speaking of [22:40] Hishm1: copy the error, I know a little dutch [22:40] bpcomp: De volgende pakketten hebben niet-voldane vereisten: [22:40] skype : Vereisten: skype-bin maar het is niet installeerbaar [22:40] E: Kan problemen niet verhelpen, u houdt defecte pakketten vast. [22:40] kunji if i type in /dev/sda1 i get the result /bin/sh: /dev/sda1: permission denied [22:40] bubba99: Damn, I never did learn how to do anything useful in that, there's very few things to work with. I guess I'm going to refer you to this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting Really I think you might need to aim for getting your hands on a USB cd-rom drive or something though. So there's some things you can try on there, maybe someone else here will know more than me. [22:42] Hishm1: type in the command line, which skype [22:43] does it return anything? [22:43] bpcomp: i am awaiting for the response from command line [22:44] bubba99: kunji is right... You need a working USB image. [22:44] so nothing [22:44] Yea nothing, I repeated it [22:44] go look in /usr/bin for skype and see if there is anything there [22:44] kunji i just typed in the blkid and got this result uuid="b13717b1-d190-4e22-ab90-b767-c7b9952d" TYPE ="ext4" [22:44] hello everyone [22:45] kunji next line is [22:45] kunji that was sda1 [22:46] bpcomp: no there is nothing about skype in here [22:46] kunji sda5 is the other to type out now [22:46] can anyone tell me about gsoc [22:46] Hishm1: can you install any other programs? [22:46] Yes I can [22:47] Hishm1 thanx [22:47] bubba99: If it matches what is in the GRUB menu for where it's trying to boot from, then that's not the problem, I just wanted to verify that. If the one in the GRUB menu is different, then change it to match the UUID of the partition that Ubuntu is on. [22:47] i have just started using open source [22:47] kunji sda5 is uuid="2e155f93-3e52-4268-9685-d8f97e6041c7" TYPE ="swap" [22:47] Does anyone know if web-apps will be able to work with key shortcuts? I'd love for webapps like Pandora to work with my media keys on my laptop. [22:47] lol shubham [22:47] anyone know how to view your boxes stats again i forgot the command [22:47] shubham: Hishm1 was answering a question I asked [22:47] bubba99: looks like it's probably on /dev/sda1 then [22:48] k sorry [22:48] but can anyone help me with gsoc [22:48] shubham: NP, I would help you with GSOC but I don't really know much [22:48] Hishm1: so when you try to install, that is the error you get back? [22:48] nobody know :)? [22:49] atleast first steps [22:49] how to get in? [22:49] kunji which one is reported as it being on sda1 or sda5 . and where do i find the grub menu ?? [22:49] folorn: sudo lshw [22:49] bpcomp, from the softwarecentre it says wrong architecture, but from the command line, I am missing skype-bin [22:50] thanks bpcomp [22:51] bubba99: The fdisk -l showed the sizes of partitions and their types, hopefully you can verify by that that Ubuntu is on /dev/sda1. We know it's not on sda5 right away because it is a swap partition. I forget where that's listed in the GRUB menu, lemme look it up. [22:51] someone can tell me why when I add the network card wlan0 system gives me the following error: can't add wlan0 to bridge br0: Operation not supported [22:52] someone can tell me why when I add the network card wlan0 to bridge the system gives me the following error [22:52] kunji igot nothing from using the fdisk command. this info on sda1 and 5 came from the blkid command [22:52] Can someone help me with grub please? [22:53] hishm 1 install ubuntu tweek and cleanup maybe could help [22:53] bubba99: Right, they will report the same filesystem types though, we just can't verify the size with blkid [22:53] can't add wlan0 to bridge br0: Operation not supported [22:53] kunji is the grub menu in the root shell? [22:54] icebird: I think ubuntu 12.10 64-bit is incompatible, they need to work on it [22:54] could be i have 32 bit but it works [22:55] bubba99: Not the menu itself, rather the config file that the menu is displayed from, I don't think the menu will typically show the UUID. [22:55] indeed [22:55] Ok, thanks for any help/effort [22:56] u could do it manualy if u dare going to var lol [22:56] kunji why doesnt the fdisk command work? [22:57] * blkadder consoles kunji [22:57] bubba99: Because the GRUB shell is an extremely stripped down shell T.T [22:57] kunji does it only work in the ubuntu terminal then ? [22:58] Bye all [22:58] bubba99: Does it have access to nano? Try "nano /dev/sda1/boot/grub/grub.cfg" And see if it show you anything or complains. [22:58] bubba99: Yeah [22:59] bubba99: Or, if that doesn't work, then use more /dev/sda1/boot/grub/grub.cfg [23:00] is that sda one or little l? [23:00] bubba99: one [23:00] kunji ok trying now [23:01] bubba99: I think you need to fine yourself a different font :P [23:01] *find [23:01] kunji nano row says not found [23:01] bubba99: mmk, try more instead, that should work I think [23:02] I don't know who here suggested me the boot-repair but not even that recognizes the BSD filesystem [23:02] qualia: Hmm, what FS type is it? You can always add he entry manually. [23:02] *the [23:03] UFS, but it's on solid state, (hybrid hdd-sdd) could that be the reason ? [23:03] kunji for more it says can't open not a directory [23:05] emm, can you see what i'm typing? [23:05] I added entry manually, but it doesn't even show me the OS selection screen [23:05] Vitorlobo? [23:06] oh i forgot to say, it's uefi efi whatever that makes the whole thing disgustingly problematic [23:06] qualia: Did you run update-grub afterwards? [23:06] yes [23:07] I d/ld and burned the 12.10 desktop iso today, installed it on a machine, and it sems like it is all installed, but it's taking FOREVER to finally present the 'desktop'...is this normal, that horrendously long wait time upon first bootup/configuration run? [23:08] and update-grub didn't recognize it. Everything is on HDD but bsd is on SDD, maybe that makes things harder [23:08] qualia: You didn't add it directly did you? Because since GRUB2 the main config file is generated from the script, so if you added it directly, then update-grub would be overwriting it rather than adding it. [23:08] yeah after i saw that update-grub didn't recognize anything i added it manually [23:08] Nixola: your pc will get confused if it has two disks/partitions that are identical [23:09] without the search option though, im gonna include the kernel search option this time and see if there's a change [23:09] bubba99: Hmm, try using cd to change directories and see what point it's stopping at, I'm guessing it's at the /dev/sda1 though [23:09] Hi [23:09] The daily build of raring is updated every day? [23:09] trijntje: even though they're "different"? one is sda1, the other is sda2 [23:09] sda1/sdb1* [23:09] bubba99: I guess the GRUB shell uses a special format for that, like (hd,X,Y) as you will see used quite a bit here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting [23:10] Nixola: yeah, because they also have the same identifier (UUID), which should be impossible as far as your pc knows [23:10] I mean, if I install it and a new feature is released tomorrow, will I have to install tomorrow's build or will I have an update? [23:10] qualia: Hmm, try that I guess, adding it should work, it hasn't given me trouble before, it's been a while since I played with GRUB though. [23:10] hd,1,a is like sda and it's first slice I think [23:10] kunji which cd? [23:10] anyone have the issue where the update notification flags red on the taskbar while Ubuntu is actually up to date [23:11] trijntje: how can I change the UUID of one of them? [23:11] 12.10? anyone else find is loading slowly? [23:12] kunji yeah i just tried putting the cat (hd0,1)/boot/grub/grub.cfg command and it came back with not found [23:12] bubba99: The cd command, as in "cd /dev/sda1" to change to the directory /dev/sda1, but I think that to change between partitions the grub rescue shell actually needs to use that other format, so something like "cd (hd0,1)" [23:13] the first link you posted for me No init found - the first list of problems is exactly what i get on the screen when i boot from mount down to init=bootarg [23:13] bubba99: See if the tab completion wants to be helpful at all, it's been a long time since I saw that obnoxious shell [23:13] man tune2fs | less +2/-U [23:14] bubba99: Gotta go, dinner time for my family, so I'll be back after that. [23:14] hi, is there any other way to kill process (then sudo kill ) [23:15] zlatan: There's killall [23:15] i just put the cd /dev/sda1 and it gave me a > [23:15] killall java would kill all instances of java [23:15] after messing with apt inside chroot environment, i get error during some updates: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/3.5.3-1-ARCH/modules.dep: No such file or directory [23:16] I also beleive for GUI, kill -x also makes a "x" appear, in which you can select the window to kill [23:16] kunji do you know what that means ? > [23:16] Wait... [23:16] xkill, sorry :P [23:16] ANy suggestion for a webbases dropbox like file browser ( smb is a requirement ), i tried owncloud but smb is not working with it. [23:16] kunji ok i will stay online but thanks for your help so far. i feel like im making some progress === tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle === Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st [23:23] :D [23:25] Does anyone know where Plex Media Server is located in Ubuntu - the config files and such. Plex channel was no help. [23:28] what kind of mail will i need to have to be able to send/receive from hotmail/googlemail [23:28] imap or pop3? [23:30] Note_: An MTA sends/receives mail. A MUA lets you look at it/manipulate. IMAP/POP3 are the latter. [23:31] how do I get the device names with the hd0-1-2-3.. convention [23:31] I have two different drives sda and sdb [23:31] You need an MTA such as Postfix or Sendmail(ick) to send/receive the mail itself. [23:32] hdd and sdd but I'm not sure whether the SSD(sdb) is hd0 or hd1 [23:32] ah, thank you blkadder [23:32] If I install Postfix I also need something such as Dovecot and Cyrus to be able to actually use it? [23:33] Will this allow me to add my mail to something such as the Mail app on my Mac? [23:33] To read the mail, yes. [23:33] Not strictly speaking but if you want to use an IMAP or POP3 compatible mail client then yes... [23:34] Hm, thank you, if I run into any more problems I'll ask :) [23:34] okay researching it for around 20 seconds gave me the answer, sorry for attempting to steal your time lol [23:36] hi, I'm running ubuntu 12.04 with gnome3 and I want to change the icons that appear when I change something like volume or screen brightness, but I want to keep all the other icons of the theme I'm using (Ubuntu-mono-dark) I imagine it would just be replacing certain images, but I'm not sure what to do. I've looked through /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-dark but I'm not sure which folder the icons I want to change are going to be. Does anyon [23:40] I'm looking through /usr/etc/icons/ubuntu-mono-dark/status and it shows icons for things like volume-low, medium, high, but they are different from what is showing up when I physically change the volume through fn-f12 or other hot-keys [23:42] Okay I installed qt 4.7 on ubuntu 10.04 through the command line because I need it for anki 2.0 [23:43] But when I try to open Anki it still says qt4.7 is required [23:43] What can I do to make Anki recognize my new qt install? [23:43] why kernel headers are installed by default? why non-tech user would need them? [23:44] Could someone explain this to me? I ran free -m [23:45] http://i.imgur.com/Aaq2EYG.png [23:45] This is odd, I changed theme to Humanity and the icons under /usr/share/icons/Humanity/status are the ones that appear, but the ones that appear when my theme is ubuntu-mono-dark are not the icons in /usr/share/icons/ubuntu-mono-dark/status [23:45] Its a 512MB VPS [23:45] should I ask on the forum? [23:46] Hi [23:46] I have a question [23:46] Note_: What is to explain about that? [23:46] Note_: what part you do not understand (after reading 'free' manpage')? [23:46] Note_: maybe it's really a 496Mb VPS? ) [23:47] Does that mean that there is 28MB free out of the 512MB? [23:47] or should I just play around with icons and see which, when switched, appears? [23:47] Will Ubuntu warn me if my harddrive space is getting low (I have only something like 18GB on this computer) or is there a unility that will tell me when harddrive space is getting low? [23:48] I am looking for a version of Linux to replace my Windows with and I needed to know if Ubuntu would support my configuration. Thus far every version of Linux I have tried I have found lacking features I required without heavy modification I just don't feel like doing. My main issue is I run a three monitor set up and out of the box install I can't seem to find a version that easily supports it [23:48] we6jbo: It should bark at you when you run low on space [23:48] Note_: There is 427MB free, of which the largest part is used by cache to make Ubuntu load apps faster you had open recently :) [23:48] There is only 69MB *actually* in use [23:48] Ah right, I was confused haha, under 'free' it says 28MB o_o [23:49] but then it says -/+ buffers/cache [23:49] Note_: that's because of how linux (kernel) works with memory [23:50] Yeah I know. a long time ago I was using either Ubuntu or Debian and I ran out of space to the point where the system wasn't able to load properly [23:50] Ah right, I'm new to Linux, sorry about noob questions :P [23:50] GetCodeMonkey: have you tried Quantal? [23:50] Note_: well at least it's good noob question that makes sense :) [23:50] Looking for a version that has LTS [23:50] :D [23:51] GetCodeMonkey: only think what can I say on your matter is the fact that the Ubuntu works best out of box on my laptop [23:51] GetCodeMonkey: what problems have you faced with Precise? [23:51] GetCodeMonkey: but three monitors may be a problem esp. in case you have Optimus setup [23:52] we6jbo: That's why they recommend different partitions for different parts of the system. At least seperate home from the rest [23:52] Mainly everything I have tried tha Nvidia video manager will not let me set up all the monitors [23:53] When I do get them to finally show up after playing in the config I can't position them properly [23:53] I have been trying for a few weeks to get a set up that works. I was surprised I have been able to do it in Windows since XP. I never thought I would have so much trouble getting Linux to reconize it. [23:53] I have tried Ubuntu, Mint, Arch, and many more [23:54] Graphics drivers are hard, and their isn't enough cooperation from the manufactures to get it exactly right. [23:54] s/their/there/ [23:55] I installed tha latest qt manually on ubuntu 10.04 but Software that requires it doesnt recognize that I have and wont open [23:56] I think I'm just going to use humanity, then change around the icons and report back when I figure it out [23:57] Hmm. I will just try 12.04 again and see if I can't trick it into working [23:57] I had it working once but completely screwed it up [23:58] I just used do-release-upgrade to jump from maverick -> natty -> oneiric -> precise. the machine is booting and it seems to work. still, is there something that I need to cleanup manually? [23:58] popsch, just give a: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean