[02:09] wgrant o/ [02:10] Hi poolie === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === Mkaysi_ is now known as Mkaysi [11:40] does launchpad offer two way git<>bzr syncing of repos? [11:57] No [12:03] did it offer one way? [12:08] LP can import remote git repositorie into bzr branches using bzr-git, subject to the limitations of that extension [12:29] ok, seems if i apply small patch to disable graphs in bzr-fastimport, i can do two way sync using git-bzr-ng https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/541626 [12:29] Launchpad bug 541626 in git-bzr-ng "'BTreeBuilder' object has no attribute '_find_ancestors'" [Undecided,New] === milleja46_ is now known as milleja46 [15:16] hey, im attempting to do some oauth authorization through ruby and when i send a post request to grab a request_token i get a 403 forbidden b/c launchpad.net requires a referer heading [15:16] i've attempted to manually set referer in the http headers but no luck [15:17] the form has csrf protection enabled and usually that is enough but i think launchpad is special in requiring this referer option [15:20] from what ive read its the browser that is supposed to set the referrer but this happens in both firefox 18 and chrome 23 [15:26] im curious if i have to setup a redirect [16:03] can somebody help me with getting a patch into a launchpad-project? === nigelb is now known as Lord_Nigelb === Lord_Nigelb is now known as nigelb [19:16] Hi all [19:17] I would to know if it's possible to install a packge version which have been superseded [19:17] and how :) [20:21] bpa: maybe this is not the better channel to ask it. Anyway, in debian-based distros you can do so by installing the package using dpkg and than pin it in /etc/apt/preference (see man 5 apt_preferences). Or, if you use only the gui, in synaptic there is the option "force version" and then "Pin version" (I think, I don't use synaptinc anymore...) [21:31] bpa: The answer hinges on whether the old versions are still listed in the repository's index, i.e. its Packages file. [21:32] I'm fairly sure LP doesn't list multiple versions in there, though I think there's been talk of keeping old versions around for a short while [21:33] If a version is gone from the index, APT-type tools won't be able to know about it to download it, but the possibility of manually seeking out the appropriate .deb file(s) still exists - they aren't purged from disk immediately [22:44] hi! we have someone who keeps reassigning bugs and changing statuses and they're not involved in the project (and they're not changing them in a way that makes us think they're actually trying to contribute) [22:54] stewart: are they responding to requests to stop ? [22:54] lifeless, no, not that i've seen. [23:00] stewart: (and note that commenting in a bug they mutilated may not notify them) [23:00] lifeless, ahh... that's... unexpected. [23:00] stewart: so when I worked on LP, the answer was - try a polite direct message via 'contact this user' [23:00] stewart: and if that fails, open a ticket reporting them for abuse. [23:00] lifeless, ack [23:00] stewart: we don't autosubscribe folk to third party bugs [23:01] stewart: e.g. if you comment on a linux kernel bug, you won't be notified on every subsequent change everyone else makes. [23:01] stewart: these users that make lots of 'helpful' changes are often in that bucket - they haven't opted in for notifications [23:02] lifeless, this is the user: https://launchpad.net/~diazalejandra2008 [23:02] lifeless, totally doesn't look legit :) [23:04] yeah [23:05] direct message, then abuse ticket [23:05] lifeless, oh yeah, the first message I see is a mail to a bug: "invitation to connect on linkedin" [23:05] stewart: heh, correlation not causation :) [23:06] lifeless, yeah. couple of messages to bugs, then request to join core team. [23:06] lifeless, I'll just sit here and be paranoid about people wanting to trojan our software [23:07] a request to join core, on that basis? Fan-person [23:10] Does anyone speak spanish? [23:13] jotape: millions of people. [23:17] and you? [23:22] jotape: I do not.