=== doko_ is now known as doko === jkridner_ is now known as jkridner === cmagina_away is now known as cmagina === cmagina is now known as cmagina_away === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === Snark_ is now known as Snark [09:19] Hey guys..!! I am planning to get the Samsung ARM chromebook to run Ubuntu.. would that be worth doing..?? [09:19] Any limitations I might face...? [10:14] purezen: We don't officially (or unofficially) support it, and don't ship a kernel or installer for it, but several people are using it nonetheless. hrw is a good person to ask about it. [10:24] well...i am downloaded an ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4 .then i used "dd" to write image on sdcard.after that i connected sdcard to pandaboard.my pandaboard has a monitor connected to it.but it seems monitor is not working.so i decided to test pandaboard to make sure it is working well or not and i downloaded "validation" from pandasite.then i used "dd" to wrote validation on pandaboard but it need a serial port to show me the results [10:36] my serial port seems not work [10:40] mvt007geek: How did you write the image? [10:41] mvt007geek: "zcat ubuntu-whatever.img.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdb bs=4M" [10:41] dd if=ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armel+omap4.img of=/dev/sdb [10:42] Oh, you unzipped it first? So you have a huge image sitting on your hard drive? [10:42] Also, that paste says armel, not armhf. [10:43] Which is kinda impossible, we had no armel images for 12.04 [10:43] infinity: complete name is ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4 this is what i downloaded from site and also did checksum on it [10:44] That's not the complete name. Does it end in .img or .img.gz? [10:45] yes. .img after zipping///////.img.gz befor zipping [10:45] Alright, there's no reason that shouldn't work, then. Works here just fine. [10:46] Using the HDMI port closest to the USB (not the other one). [10:47] ok [10:47] i did [10:47] before [10:47] Anyhow, you really should plug something into the serial and have a look. [10:48] Even with our images, the early boot outputs to serial. [10:48] Since uBoot has no idea how to turn on the HDMI. [10:49] which one i use? minicom?kermit? or picocom [10:49] ? [10:49] I use screen. [10:50] screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 [10:50] right now i installed it. [10:50] and.. [10:52] i use a usb to serial cable.one head connected to pc number1 another head to pc number2 [10:52] infinity: screen is installed in pc1 [10:52] So do I. Hence why I said /dev/ttyUSB0 [10:53] what command i should use for screen? [10:53] i am so strange to screen [10:54] "screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200" [10:54] I feel like I might be repeating myself. [10:55] well.i did that command.what is next step? [10:56] Plug in your Panda's power? :P [10:57] now serial port is into pc number2 as i told.shoud i plug it out? [10:57] Err. I assumed "pc2" was your Panda... [10:57] Which would sort of make some sense if you intend to talk to the Panda via serial. [10:59] no problem i will connect it to panda :) [11:05] i did this.what is next step [11:06] infinity: [11:07] ... [11:08] infinity: screen shows me nothing. [11:08] only white page [11:08] What did it say when you ran it? [11:08] screen?? [11:08] screen told nothing [11:08] Just an empty screen with a blinking cursor? [11:09] If so, that's fine. [11:09] So, make sure the SD card is in your Panda, pull the power, and plug the power back in. [11:09] You should seem some uBoot output. And it loading a kernel. [11:09] Etc. [11:10] still nothing :( [11:10] Jigge the card, reseat it, power-cycle again. [11:11] If it doesn't even see uBoot, you've either written the image wrong or your card is bad, or your Panda is broken. [11:12] no.it shows nothing. let's try pcnumber2 [11:12] should i reboot that pc again? [11:12] Erm. [11:12] The Pandaboard, nor your PC. [11:12] s/nor/not/ [11:13] what? [11:14] infinity: u mean i don't connect pc2 to pc1? [11:25] infinity: Hey..!! thanks there..:) ok.. I particularly needed some headers to get it working and its current state.. [11:25] purezen: I'm not much help, since I don't own one and have thus not been paying attention but, like I said, hrw might be of help. [11:26] Or his blog may have pointers, if you dig. [11:26] http://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/ [11:27] infinity: well.. thanks for that.. and right right now he doesnt look available.. shall I pm him..? [11:28] purezen: I'm not his secretary, I can't say. But sure, go nuts. :P [11:28] (Do read the Chromebook entries in his blog, though, he may answer some of your questions there) [11:29] how do you set the IP for usb0 for nexus7 with g_multi? [11:29] I might copy the same logic for my rootfs [11:31] infinity: ok.. :D :D .. will do that.. thanks again..:) [12:01] xnox: I tried using dh_autoreconf but it doesn't seem to work. just do "dh $@ --with-autoreconf", right? Doesn;t work for json-c for me [12:02] http://people.linaro.org/~wookey/buildd/raring-arm64/json-c_0.10-1.2-raring-arm64-20130120-1050.log [12:02] what am I doing wrong? [12:04] wookey: "--with autoreconf" [12:04] wookey: No dash. [12:07] wookey: "--wish-autoreconf" isn't a dh(1) option, so it'll just pass it down to all the sub-dh modules (as you see it doing). [12:08] wookey: "--with foo,bar,baz", however, means "include dh_foo, dh_bar, and dh_baz in the list of fancy things you do" [12:08] s/wish/with/ [12:09] aha. cheers [12:09] doh [13:21] what is the best way to write an arm image (ubuntu) into sdcard? [13:22] i used dd but serial port doesn't show it and it don't boot when i put sdcard in pandaboard. is there a good software to do that? [14:20] mvt007geek welcome to the wonderful world of Linux on ARM [14:22] rsalveti (or anyone), I don't suppose there is a working gnome-shell somewhere for 12.10? http://pastie.org/pastes/5735819/text [14:48] kulve: my solution to setting the IP is to have something like this in /etc/network/interfaces: auto usb0\niface usb0 inet static\n address\n netmask [14:49] (possibly also set gateway if you want a default route through it - I mostly just use a http proxy on the same 10.1.2.x network so a default route is not needed) [14:52] and I have something similar on the computer(s) that I connect the nexus7 to: iface usb0 inet static\n address\n netmask [14:54] Rjs: thanks but my rootfs (Mer based) doesn't parse /etc/network/interfaces. I'm looking for e.g. udev rules that run a script when usb0 emerges [14:56] kulve: you should probably ask Mer support [14:58] kulve: hmm, at least for me the interface seems to exist all the time after the gadget driver is loaded, regardless of whether the usb port is connected to something not - so maybe you might as well run the script just once after the driver is loaded [15:00] (as long as you don't set a default gateway, it shouldn't be a problem that the extra interface is up even though it isn't connected to anything - except that the IP network you configure for it it should be private enough that it doesn't clash with anything you use elsewhere) [15:01] at least I haven't had any problems with this kind of setup on my openmoko gta02 (whose g_ether gadget driver also behaves like that)... [15:02] basically I need to make sure that the script that loads the g_multi is run before the script that sets up the IP. That's why an udev based thing would have been nice [15:03] but nm, I'm sure I'll find something from the google :) [15:09] ok :) I've not done much with udev so I'm not quite sure how it works... from a quick glance, I think that debian stable (which I happen to be using now) has a rule in /lib/udev/rules.d/80-drivers.rules to run /lib/udev/net.agent which is a shell script that runs ifup or ifdown as necessary [15:09] maybe Mer has something similar, I don't know... [15:09] maybe this could work: "KERNEL=="usb0", ACTION=="add", RUN+="ifconfig usb0 up" [15:09] bbl [16:12] <_Takashi_> Hi, just flash the latest raring on a nexus7, the screen isnt't drawn correctely at all and it's stuck at system config, does anyone else had the same problem. Thanks in advance . [17:33] Anyone here using Ubuntu on their Nexus 7? [17:34] magart: I think you can presume that at least one of 146 people on this channel does [17:34] :) [17:36] ;)) I'm looking for a way to solve the touch problem. Basically whatever you touch, the OS then sticks to it so you can't switch between windows or click some buttons. [17:37] Also it would be nice to know if there's a place where a changelog is kept so I know what was changed each day (because there is a new image every day). [17:38] well, the thing with touch is known and reported bug in X - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/1068994 [17:38] Ubuntu bug 1068994 in ubuntu-nexus7 "button1 gets stuck after a while" [Critical,Confirmed] [17:56] how can you enable meatcity on Nexus 7? [17:56] I meant metacity* :) [18:50] Metacity? How about IceWM-Lite? [18:51] or OpenBox if you prefer GUI config tools [19:02] Yea...whatever. How do you enable them? [19:02] just install them like on normal desktop ubuntu I would guess [19:13] anyone know what package /usr/bin/jockey-gtk is in? dpkg-query -L jocky-gtk only lists /usr/share/doc/... for me [19:14] (not sure if that is anything to do with why gnome-session --session=ubuntu doesn't work for me.. but that is one thing it complains about.. fwiw compiz itself does work) [19:37] oh, hm. nm, I think I see the issue.. === gwon is now known as Craig_E === solarcloud_3scrn is now known as solarcloud_AFK