
ubuntu-testerJust updated to 3.5.0-22 kernel. intel video driver failed to initialize. found in Xorg.0.log: "open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory". how do i troubleshoot this further?02:06
ubuntu-testerJust updated to 3.5.0-22 kernel. intel video driver failed to initialize. found in Xorg.0.log: "open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory". how do i troubleshoot this further?03:38
=== cmagina_away is now known as cmagina
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina_away
howefieldhi elfy :)10:50
ubuntu-testerAfter updating to 3.5.0-22 kernel on Quantal most drivers are not loading, including video, sound, eth, wireless etc. With 3.5.0-21 kernel everything is fine.16:00
ubuntu-testerHow do i troubleshoot this?16:01
ubuntu-testerPeople, if this channel is not right place for such problems, please tell me where to go!16:30
Kanohi, why is CONFIG_HOTPLUG in 3.8 kenrel config when it was removed?16:56
* lamont wonders who knows kvm bridge networking18:12
nerdopolisIs there a reason why on virtualbox, when I start the Kubuntu 12.10 Live CD on Virtualbox, I have no /dev/fb0, and vesafb isn't loaded? And I only get /dev/fb0 once I INSTALL the live environment CD onto VirtualBox,18:18
Jef91Where can I find package sources for these packages? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.7.3-raring/21:16
=== chiluk is now known as chiluk_away

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