[01:29] gah, 1.5MB larger.... [01:30] mmh [01:34] sleepy time! [01:34] -> [04:38] * micahg sees ISOs ballooning, time to drop more stuff [10:45] micahg, hurrr [10:45] micahg, any ideas of the cause? [14:42] * kurapika is away: Je suis pu là >.< [16:24] kurapika, please don't use public away messages. thanks! [18:10] maddernick, btw, how's the uploading your code for plymouth going? [18:10] maddernick, you need anything from us before you do that? [18:36] knome: it is uploaded [18:37] i did it around new years iirc, but i do need the new spinner [18:37] well i dont "need" it, but if i got it i would be done to the visual extent i suppose, i do need measurements regardless [18:38] it should be the same size you received [18:38] not done yet though [18:38] can you point ochosi to your branch? [18:39] i did :P [18:39] can you do it again? i suppose he's lost the link :P [18:39] oh okay [18:39] and sorry for asking again :P [18:40] i've been only partly monitoring the process so i don't know all the details [18:40] i just heard he's waiting for some code somewhere :P [18:40] knome: i probably need to allow him to push or something, im not sure how to do that [18:40] https://code.launchpad.net/~dr-madnick/+junk/trunk [18:40] ochosi, ^ [18:40] also this is the "pulsating" one [18:41] the spinner code is acctually present in this [18:41] but commented out [18:41] mmh, that's good [19:08] well what we need is a merge-request which would best be done by maddernick beacuse itmahould include a changelog [19:09] unless mr_pouit says otherwise [19:47] ochosi: just tell me when