
jamjames_w: when you're around, I have some questions about lp:~james_w/charms/precise/tarmac06:51
vilamgz: ping12:08
vilamgz: I commented on bug #11011320 , can't reproduce unless I specify --no-plugins which... is expected since the lp: resolving is done by the launchpad plugin12:08
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 11011320 could not be found12:08
vilayeah, bug #1101320 easy tyop to detect no ?12:09
ubot5bug 1101320 in Bazaar "Using bzr config with --directory and --scope fails with lp: url " [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110132012:09
vilamgz: so my memory was to blame last time I said "Oh, this command doesn't resolve", it does resolve indeed12:10
mgzhm, I'm reasonably sure I tested with 2.6b2, but what I have here right now is 2.5.1 apparent12:14
fullermdShoot, we've all been working for years to find a programmatic way to correct your tpyos   :p12:16
jelmersurely there aren't that many ways you can have typos in the word 'typos'12:17
vilatyoppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp damn cat !12:18
fullermd"Oh, look," says vila, "a challenge!"12:18
jelmeryou have trained your cat well, if he can get that close to spelling "typos"12:20
vilavirtual cats are very smart ;)12:20
vila...and don't let my daughters ever know I pretended to have a cat ;)12:21
mgzvila: completely fresh quantal machine12:21
mgz$ bzr version12:22
mgzBazaar (bzr) 2.6b212:22
mgz$ bzr config --scope=branch -d lp:bzr12:22
mgzbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/bzrlp:bzr/".12:22
fullermdFinish fixing bug 1072513, and they won't hear it from me  ;p12:22
ubot5bug 1072513 in Bazaar "log can show too few revs" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107251312:22
vilabug #94704912:25
ubot5bug 947049 in Fluidity "gmsh2triangle renumbering is broken" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94704912:25
* vila sighs12:25
vilaif you can't even trust doc/en/release-notes ...12:25
mgzsome people love mixing up bug numbers :)12:25
vilabug #95704912:25
ubot5bug 957049 in Bazaar "bzr config -d lp:bzr is broken" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95704912:25
vilabingo !12:26
fullermdIt's probably just one of those weird ambiguities of en   ;p12:26
mgzthere we go, that's why I asked you the other day, I thought it rang a bell :)12:26
vilaspaking of bingo, Christoph Walz is even better in Djan unchained ;)12:26
vilamgz: yeah, but neurons are a bit confused about which bugs were fixed...12:26
vila*Django (wich a slient D)12:27
vilagee, I'm at my best...12:27
vilafullermd: I know... but my fear is that this bug is gonna be a pain to fix :-/ And I've yet to find a couple of hours to confirm that...12:29
fullermdWell, sure.  If it _wasn't_ going to be a pain, I'd have bugged someone else   ;p12:30
fullermdI've discovered it's a self-reinforcing bug, though.  It's been there for _years_, and apparently nobody ever noticed when it bit them (or at least, didn't characterize and report it)12:31
vilamgz: so, fix is in 2.5.2 and bzr.dev only12:31
fullermdBut I've had at least 2 incidents in just the couple months since I winnowed it out, where it's gotten in my way.12:31
vilafullermd: urgh, so indeed, will be be a pain ;-/12:31
fullermdSo my theory is that it happens exponentially more often the more I talk about it.12:32
vilaban fullermd with prejudice12:32
vilarats, fail12:32
fullermdNow I just need to get that bot finished...12:32
vilamgz: time for 2.6b3 ? ;-D12:33
mgzjust trying to confirm the fix...12:34
vilamgz: ooooh, there is a test for it ;)12:34
Stavrosis bzr-git unmaintained?13:01
Stavrosjelmer: you wrote it, didn't you?13:04
jelmerStavros: yes, but I'm no longer working on it13:05
Stavrosoh, why not?13:05
jelmerthat doesn't necessarily mean it's dead, though I don't think there have been many other contributions since13:05
jelmerStavros: moved on to other things13:05
Stavrostoo bad, it's a very important plugin13:05
Stavrosit allows me to use bzr regardless of what others use :/13:06
Stavrosgit's porcelain is driving me insane, bzr is the sanest dvcs i know13:06
jelmerit's not going anywhere, the code is still there13:06
Stavrosjelmer: yeah, but i can't push because of the gpgsig bug13:06
Stavrosread: i can't use the work repo with bzr13:07
Stavrosthat's too bad13:07
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jdahlinIt seems that there are an issue related to renames in bzr fastimport, are there any good alternatives to fastimport when I'd like to export a bzr repository?19:59
LarstiQjdahlin: export in what sense? There is `bzr export`, but that doesn't sound like what you're after20:39
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