
alleeRiddell: updated bzr of *kscreen. Packaging needs some final touches, but would be good to  update the pkgs in the experimental repo.   Not sure if experimental is a good idea for wikipage [1]  above.00:51
phoenix_firebrdany one has some spare time to teach me packaging?01:16
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kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1070764] Qt 4.8.1 does not render fonts correctly @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1070764 (by Egon A. Rath)04:55
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jussigood morning ladies and gentlemen!07:03
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afiestasWhen is the freeze for "Not adding new packages" ?09:52
afiestasaaah I'm such am ess with schedules09:52
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xnoxafiestas: feature freeze, but one can ask for feature freeze exception.10:33
afiestasxnox: March 7 is it?10:33
xnoxsounds about right =)10:35
afiestasoks, then I have time to finish my stuff :p11:01
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Riddellyofel: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.9.9812:04
Riddellshadeslayer: fancy reviewing some packages?12:14
Riddellor apachelogger?12:14
apacheloggerI guess12:14
Riddellapachelogger: simon needs it https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages12:15
apacheloggerdunno why but that sounded dirty12:16
Riddellyou and your mind12:16
BluesKajHiyas all12:18
apacheloggerRiddell: doc's gfdl licensing not mentioned in d/copyright12:21
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mikhasQuintasan_, about your failing test: I'll do a point release later on, to fix that warning.12:23
apacheloggerRiddell: cmake/FindOpenCV.cmake appears to be lgpl12:25
apacheloggeradditionally the otherwise bsdness of the files in there are not reflected in d/copyright12:26
apacheloggerRiddell: it appears simon data does not contain a whole lot, what do you think about moving the actual data to the simon package and rename the package to  simon-l10n?12:29
apacheloggerotherwise goody12:30
Peace-Riddell: i have a question , with dolphin you can browse your phone via bluetooth . and infact bluetooth icon appears on systray but it doens't work 12:34
Peace-i mean i have my nokia here with bluetooth activated but it fails to connect with kubutnu 12:34
Peace-i have managed to connect it btw but i had to install extra packages 12:34
Peace-is that normal ?12:36
RiddellPeace-: what did you have to install?12:40
Peace-Riddell: bluetooth bluez bluez-alsa bluez-cups bluez-gstreamer bluez-utils libbluetooth3 python-bluez libmulticobex1 libobexftp0 libopenobex1 obex-data-server obexd-client python-obexftp obexfs12:41
Peace-i am not sure that everyone are needed 12:41
Peace-but with these i can use my phone now12:41
Peace-directly from dolphin12:41
Riddellhmm, that suggests we're missing something from our default install12:42
Peace-i am on 13.0412:43
Peace-but i had that problem even before12:43
Peace-Riddell: btw i can see my phone without it but it fails on browsing after i have written the password it just fails12:44
Riddellbluetooth is not something I have much use for so not something I tend to test12:44
Peace-Riddell: well i don't use it too but because of my flash card has some problem i had to use yesterday 12:45
Peace-and the only way to access was bluetooth 12:45
Peace-but it did not work :D12:45
BluesKajwammu won't recognize my motorola phone, the usb bus/device , even tho lsusb lists the phone 12:45
Peace-BluesKaj: tried with bluetooth ?12:46
BluesKajPeace-, no bluetooth devices12:46
BluesKajor adapters12:47
BluesKajI just want to transfer picture to the pc ...don't need it as a modem 12:48
Peace-BluesKaj: :P http://wstaw.org/m/2013/01/21/plasma-desktopz24941.png12:49
BluesKajPeace-, and?12:51
Peace-BluesKaj: i had the same problem usb conncection was not working with bluetooth worked :D12:51
Peace-BluesKaj: your phone supports taht or not ?12:52
Peace-if it supports it you can buy a bluetooth for few bucks 12:52
Peace-i guess i have spent 5 euros 12:52
BluesKajPeace-, I just use W7 to do it 12:53
Peace-ah i have not it 12:54
Peace-just kubuntu12:54
BluesKajI've had this phone for a while , it should work with a usb connection , others have been able to make it work on linux12:55
Peace-lsusb ? 12:56
Peace-lsusb | grep -i moto 12:56
BluesKajlsusb shows the phone , it's the wammu app that doesn't see it13:01
Peace-BluesKaj: you can't mount it like extranall driver ?13:03
Peace-external 13:03
BluesKajhmm, never tried13:04
BluesKaji can't right now ...wife has the phone at work13:05
Riddellapachelogger: isn't it great how every cmake file uses a slightly different variation of the BSD?13:06
apacheloggerit's what you get for using BSD13:08
Riddellapachelogger: fancy reviewing another?13:11
apacheloggerI guess13:14
Riddellapachelogger: oyranos in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental/+packages is needed a check13:17
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phoenix_firebrdRiddell: is the debian control file created manually for every package?13:43
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: yes, but usually from a template in dh_make or copied from another package13:44
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: Till now i am doing that, but can this be automated?13:45
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: dh_make or cp are your friends13:46
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: what do you package?13:47
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: dh_make only creates the shell13:47
Riddellyeah, if your package has any unusual needs you need to add them yourself13:47
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: ok13:48
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~murthy13:50
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: I am using the ppas for learning purpose13:51
apacheloggerRiddell: code copies ftw13:54
apacheloggeralso I should mention that the code copy of elektra contains autotools build sytem files which are licensed GPL which is not mentioned and no complete copy is present13:55
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: excellent, want to become an elite kubuntu packager?14:00
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: thats the main reason i am here14:00
Riddellawesome :)14:00
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: I am a fan of the packaging team14:00
phoenix_firebrdRight now my aim is to release packages before suse14:01
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: ^14:02
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: got any favourite packages or needing suggestions?14:03
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: please suggest14:03
Riddelllooking at http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_updated.html I see libkolabxml needs an update14:03
RiddellI'm not convinced that site is a complete list though14:04
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: I will do it all14:04
Riddellphoenix_firebrd: let me know if you need any help14:06
phoenix_firebrdRiddell: sure14:07
Riddellafiestas: do you think kscreen is ready for ubuntu archive or keep it in experimental PPA for now?14:17
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1102407] missing 32 bits compatibility package on amd64 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1102407 (by Jérôme)14:23
afiestasRiddell: by the time of 13.04 it should be rock solid14:31
afiestasso maybe you want to consider having it by default14:31
afiestaswe can always remove it if by the first beta it is not stable14:31
Riddellok I'll throw it up into the archive14:32
Riddelland test it more when I get home with a projector there14:32
afiestaswokz, make sure to have updated jqson, that's all it requires14:32
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=== yofel__ changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Raring Alpha 1 Released | Packaging TODO: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | oxygen-fonts in experimental PPA (from oneiric to raring)
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kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1102407] missing 32 bits compatibility package on amd64 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1102407 (by Jérôme)15:25
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Riddellok I'll throw it up into the archive15:43
apacheloggerdid I mention that qt5 has builtin json?15:44
Riddellyou did not15:45
apacheloggerit does15:45
Riddellthat is useful15:45
apacheloggerI then tried to turn phonon into json15:45
apacheloggerI failed15:45
apacheloggernevertheless very handy to have builtin json15:45
Riddellum, is there much need of json in multimedia?15:45
Riddellmaybe some interesting ascii art video output?15:45
Tm_Tyes please15:46
apacheloggeryoutubes has json api15:46
Tm_Tthere's never too much ascii15:46
apachelogger(or xml, tho xml is crap according to Linus...)15:46
apacheloggerso if you were to build a multimedia application that natively integrates with youtube and friends you kinda want json15:47
Riddellallee: "Fix/find correct name for my abbrev. GPL-KDEeV"  I think that abbreviation is fine, but I think when I package I just am lazy and call it GPL-2+15:50
Riddellallee: "how to treat GPL-kdeev?" why does it need treated any differently?15:50
alleeRiddell: ^^ is no longer a topic.  I'm not sure that a GPL copying file in the source is enough for GPL-KDEeV license header15:52
allees/not sure/sure/15:52
kubotuallee meant: "Riddell: ^^ is no longer a topic.  I'm sure that a GPL copying file in the source is enough for GPL-KDEeV license header"15:52
Riddellallee: uploaded to raring! (and experimental PPA)15:54
alleeRiddell: Great!! Thx15:54
apacheloggerallee, Riddell: FWIW IMHO with gpl-kdeev you'd need a gpl2 and 3 copy15:57
Riddellno you wouldn't15:59
Riddellit's just the same as gpl2+15:59
Riddellwhere a copy of gpl2 serves the lowest common denominator15:59
Riddellinteresting  https://projects.kde.org/news/179   Comparison of Oxygen Font with Ubuntu Font16:07
flow__Riddell, indeed16:09
flow__Riddell, oxygen fonts seem much more eye-friendly on that whiteish background16:10
apacheloggerjust a so much better font it is16:12
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BluesKajtrying out Qt theme with 13.04 and KDE 4.10 ...close to the edge of crashing each app when launched :)16:16
apacheloggerqt theme?16:18
BluesKajapachelogger, yeah installed from the repos16:28
apacheloggerwhat is a qt theme?16:29
BluesKajwrong choice of words , system settings> application appearance > style> widget style16:31
Riddellapachelogger: ok if I upload oxygen fonts to the archive?16:32
apacheloggeras long as you upload the right version :P16:32
Riddellversion 3 in-progress16:32
apacheloggeris that approved by upstream?16:32
Riddellby nuno it is16:33
apacheloggerfair enough then16:33
shadeslayeranyone have an idea if kio-upnp-ms is even supported?16:33
shadeslayeror is actively maintained16:34
RiddellI suspect not16:34
shadeslayerbug 97532716:34
ubottubug 975327 in hupnp (Ubuntu) "libhupnp 1.0.0, cagibi >=0.2, kio-upnp-ms, all needed in repositories" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97532716:34
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Tm_T4.9.98 ready for testing?17:27
RiddellTm_T: it's out17:28
Riddellmore testing welcomed17:28
Riddellwhy hello gspr 17:48
Riddellgspr: what can kubuntu do for you today?17:49
gsprKDE bug 306186 seems to affect Kubuntu's kde-workspace 4:4.9.4-0ubuntu0.2, and is quite an annoying problem in my opinion. Upstream's patch applies cleanly against 4:4.9.4-0ubuntu0.2 and fixes the problem (at least as far as I can tell for after testing for a few days)17:49
ubottuKDE bug 306186 in core "Password Dialog stays on top of all windows after unlocking the desktop" [Major,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30618617:49
gsprRiddell: I'd like to do a little bit for Kubuntu (although the work has been done upstream), but I don't really know how to proceed.17:50
gsprHow do I go about suggesting upstream's patch for inclusion into (k)ubuntu?17:50
gsprIt's a simple patch, and the problem is well-understood (and very annoying)17:50
Riddellgspr: well you've just done the suggesting :)17:51
Riddellbut the packaging is the next step17:51
Riddellalso checking with upstream17:51
Riddellgspr: know anything about packaging?17:52
gsprRiddell: Yes, I package stuff for my PPA every now and then, but I seldom get to hear criticism - meaning I probably do a lot of things wrong :)17:52
Riddellgspr: actually first step is to check for bugs in launchpad or report one if it doesn't exist17:53
gsprRiddell: I've got a patched version of kde-workspace in my PPA, which simply adds the upstream patch to debian/patches and appends its name to debian/patches/series. That builds without warnings (as far as I can see) and solves the problem (as far as three-four days of testing suggests)17:53
Riddellyeah that's about all that's needed for a technical solution17:54
Riddellbut this is a stable release update so needs some beurocracy17:54
Riddellso needs a bug in launchpad17:54
gsprRiddell: Right, that makes sense. Upstream has the bug as relating to "component kwin", while I patched kde-workspace in (k)ubunut's case. So I just report a bug against kde-workspace on launchpad then?17:55
gsprRiddell: Also, for the bug report, should I describe/summarize the problem and upstream analysis, or is linking sufficient? In this case, the upstream discussion is short and clear.17:56
Riddellyes, kwin is part of kde-workspace17:56
gsprah, right, ok17:56
Riddellsummarise it yes, just a sentence needed17:56
gsprOK. I'll check if it's already reported, and report it otherwise.17:56
Riddelland if you can work out how to link the bug to the upstream bug that's bonus points17:56
gsprhehe ok17:56
gsprIt doesn't seem to be at bugs.launchpad.net yet, so I'll report17:58
gsprRiddell: Is this OK? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/110254018:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 1102540 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Screen unlock password dialog stays visible and on top forever after unlocking" [Undecided,New]18:06
Riddellgspr: good good18:07
Riddellgspr: click Also affects project to link it to upstream18:07
gsprRiddell: Ah, ok. Thanks the help :-)18:07
gsprRiddell: I'll also add: Thanks for the work you've put into KDE on ubuntu! I see your name all over the place, so I can only imagine you've done a lot :-)18:13
Riddellgspr: ah but now you're here you can do a lot too :)18:14
gsprRiddell: I don't have time to contribute with anything beyond the occasional bug report, sadly. :-/18:15
Riddellthat's plenty enough18:16
Riddellgspr: so for this update you need a debdiff, get the original package and get the package with patch and changelog added and run debdiff on the .dsc files18:16
Riddelland attach that to the bug18:16
Riddellthen subscribe ubuntu-sru18:16
Riddelland poke me into uploading it18:17
RiddellI'm going to pump some iron in the gym! back soon18:17
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1102540] Screen unlock password dialog stays visible and on top forever after unlocking @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1102540 (by Gard Spreemann)18:17
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cyphermoxshadeslayer: hey20:56
shadeslayerhi cyphermox20:59
cyphermoxhow are you? :)20:59
shadeslayerI'm good :)21:02
shadeslayercyphermox: how do you do?21:04
cyphermoxnot bad21:04
cyphermoxshadeslayer: I had a work item to speak to you about the KDE networkmanagement app VPN plugins 21:05
cyphermoxshadeslayer: remember what it might be about? :)21:05
shadeslayerah yes :)21:06
shadeslayerit was that while the VPN plugins are listed, they might/might not be installed21:07
shadeslayerso when a user clicks on a plugin that is not installs, we launch the package manager and prod the user to install it21:07
shadeslayerkind of like what we do with gstreamer plugin search21:07
shadeslayer( play an avi file -> can't find the gst plugin, search repo and prompt user to install it )21:08
soeescreen block is broken in RC3 ?21:18
shadeslayercyphermox: it was also decided that it would be better to have this in nm itself21:19
cyphermoxI'm not sure it's a matter of a list so much though21:20
shadeslayermatter of a list?21:20
cyphermoxideally you should be able to add a new VPN plugin without having to modify NM code21:21
cyphermoxAFAIK it would go kind of like the gst plugin, the UI should handle it, and just have enough logic to know to search for any package starting with "network-manager-(vpn)" for instance.21:21
shadeslayerI see, well, the use case we got a couple of months back ( right before UDS ), was that someone was trying to use one of the VPN plugins via the KDE Frontend, but that plugin was not installed21:22
shadeslayercyphermox: I think I proposed that initially21:22
shadeslayerbut then someone said that it makes more sense to do it in NM itself21:22
cyphermoxI guess I could have said that21:23
cyphermoxit's just that the choice of package manager then makes more sense in the UI I guess21:23
shadeslayerI don't remember :D21:23
cyphermoxso no point in changing NM just to add a regex or whatever to list the names of packages for NM :D21:23
shadeslayeriirc it was you who said that you could make a packagekit interface21:24
shadeslayers/make a/use the/21:24
kubotushadeslayer meant: "iirc it was you who said that you could use the packagekit interface"21:24
cyphermoxby that I mean that you might be using KPackageKit or whatever, where on Gnome it would be something else21:24
cyphermoxstill it would really have to all be done in the UI21:25
cyphermoxI think21:25
cyphermoxbut fair enough -- at least now I know that it's as I thought, about how to make it easier to install the VPN plugins21:25
shadeslayerokay :)21:25
shadeslayerhow about I write an email to the kde nm developer so that we can discuss this?21:26
shadeslayerwill CC you and JontheEchidna ( qapt/muon dev which is what Kubuntu uses by default )21:27
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1102540] Screen unlock password dialog stays visible and on top forever after unlocking @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1102540 (by Gard Spreemann)21:28
cyphermoxshadeslayer: that would be awesome21:28
shadeslayercool :)21:28
cyphermoxso now I can mark off the "talk to..." work item :)21:28
shadeslayerRiddell: reading the latest email on k-c-d it seems to me that colord is a better choice for users at the moment because it has CUPS support21:44
Riddellshadeslayer: good thing that's what we use21:57
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yofelshadeslayer: I've seen that active stuff being installed a few times already - haven't managed to reproduce it23:49
shadeslayerwell 23:49
shadeslayer<hhhzzzain> i just run apper, that is not the programs i used to installed some alarm clock, different interfance.23:49
shadeslayerassuming that means what I think it means23:49
shadeslayer<hhhzzzain> it was more like ubuntu software center since the icons for applications was showing.23:50
shadeslayerand that &23:50
shadeslayerer ^23:50
yofelwell, just going from that apt history page23:51
yofelhe added he ppa and tried to install kalarm23:51
yofelah no23:51
yofelhe installed kubuntu and tried to install kalarm. Apt then messed the 4.9.2 -> 4.9.4 deps up23:52
yofelthat's what it looks like to me at least23:52
* yofel tries to reproduce that23:52
shadeslayernote how it also removed muon23:52
shadeslayeranyway, I've gtg take a break or I'll melt down23:53
yofelheh, go ahead :)23:53

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