
* StevenK stabs the blueprints tests01:23
StevenKtest_hasspecification is calling _valid_specification on a projectgroup with an open spec, and an obsolete spec, and asserting both are returned01:23
StevenKWhich makes me think the test is buggy, since valid specifications are not obselete or superseded ...01:25
StevenKwgrant: How goes the BFJO murder?03:27
wgrantStevenK: https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/handleStatus-refactor-1/+merge/14404904:07
wgrantStevenK: As a bonus it makes buildd-manager logging suck a bit less04:07
wgrantWhen a build completes it will actually log that the build completed, and what its status was04:07
wgrantCurrently you get, on some types of failure, '******* rother is MANUALDEPWAIT *******'04:08
wgrantWithout any reference to what the actual build was04:08
wgrantAnd on success or a real build failure, you get no logging at all :)04:08
StevenK8- @classmethod04:12
StevenK10+ @defer.inlineCallbacks04:12
wgrantAlready fixed and retesting locally04:12
wgrantWas hoping you wouldn't notice :)04:13
StevenKIt was the first change in the diff, bit hard04:13
wgrantIt doesn't actually make any difference, but yeah04:13
StevenKwgrant: That is my only concern with that branch04:14
StevenKI love the _handleStatus_generic_failure refactor04:15
wgrantStevenK: It's pushed04:17
wgrantAnd passes tests too04:17
StevenKwgrant: r=me04:20
wgrantThanks sir04:20
StevenKRight, hopefully the thinko I've fixed makes the tests pass.04:20
StevenKIt fixed one test, though04:21
wgrantHow many failures remain?04:22
StevenKFrom -m blueprints -m registry04:23
StevenKAnd I've also bent {Distro,Product}Series to my will, and destroyed Specification.completeness_clause04:23
wgrantAs I plotted04:23
StevenK 14 files changed, 383 insertions(+), 765 deletions(-)04:24
wgrantOnly a 50% win04:24
wgrantAlthough I guess it also fixes some omissions04:24
StevenKIt drops a massive amount of duplication04:24
wgrantRight, I just expected more04:25
StevenKPerhaps I've missed some bits that can die, though04:25
StevenKHm, I think my LEFT JOIN on product is screwing up my productseries call04:34
wgrantStevenK: bugtasksearch does the same thing04:34
wgrantYou can probably steal ideas from there04:34
wgrantIt might well omit the check if called in a product or productseries context04:34
StevenKIt does it differently04:36
wgrantHow differently?04:37
StevenKCurrently, I do it all the time, and bugtasksearch will only do that check if product, distribution, productseries and distroseries are all unset.04:38
wgrantRight, that makes sense.04:38
wgrantThe way bugtasksearch does it04:38
wgrantPossibly because I wrote it :)04:39
wgrantdistribution/distroseries are obviously fine because they can't have a product04:39
StevenKSo it gets included for person/project group04:39
wgrantAnd product/productseries are fine because they aren't accessible unless they're active or you can see inactive projects.04:39
wgrantperson/projectgroup/*, yes04:39
StevenKNow I have to pass in the context04:40
wgrantYou weren't already?04:40
StevenKNo, I pass in a base clause04:40
StevenKSpecification.productID == self.id or so04:40
StevenKI could check base_clauses[0].expr2.table, but you might murder me04:47
StevenKwgrant: So handleStatus_OK is up next?04:51
wgrantstoreBuildInfo is being demolished04:52
wgrantWell, substantially revised04:52
StevenKUgh, I *think* this will fix the productseries failures05:27
StevenKIndeed, it does.05:28
StevenKwgrant: Is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1554189/ a 2.7 failure?05:34
wgrantStevenK: There shouldn't be any more 2.7 failures, but that's possible.06:13
wgrantI've seen this before06:16
wgrantPerhaps 18 months ago06:16
wgrantBut i don't remember quite what it was06:16
StevenKI've ignored it for the time being, trying to figure out these person failures06:17
wgrantStevenK: Oh, I wonder if it's proxied06:21
wgrant2.7 doesn't like securityproxied dicts06:23
wgrant2.6 is fine06:23
StevenKHaha, so it is a 2.7 failure06:25
wgrantI wonder how that was missed06:25
wgrantPerhaps it is new06:25
wgrantA change in September06:25
wgrant    - Issue #15801: Make sure mappings passed to '%' formatting are actually06:26
_mup_Bug #15801: mozilla-firefox-locale-tr: new changes from Debian require merging <mozilla-firefox-locale-tr (Ubuntu):Invalid> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/15801 >06:26
wgrant      subscriptable.06:26
wgrantThat would be how it was missed, I guess.06:26
wgrantA regression in 2.7.something06:26
StevenKI can rSP to work around it06:26
wgrant(I assume)06:29
lifelessStevenK: shouldn't need to, just make sure all the attributes needed for the new check pass06:31
adeuringgood morning08:46
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cjwatsonwgrant,StevenK: I have a QAed DB patch - do you think I could have an FDT?14:46
czajkowskihaving our only maintenace folks in the one timezone is not ideal :(14:58
cjwatsonI'm not in a desperate rush beyond "next couple of days would be nice"14:59
* mwhudson laughs at cjwatson getting 30k+ lines of LoC credit in one go20:09
cjwatsonthe graph looks awesome :)20:10
mwhudsonwould be bad if that was a stock market index20:14
lifelesscjwatson: waaaa?20:15
bigjoolswhat did you nuke?20:17
cjwatsondatabase/schema/launchpad.html, last updated 200920:23
cjwatsonmake target to build it locally in a few seconds if anyone cares20:24
cjwatsonkind of cheating of course, but misleadingly obsolete doc is a maint problem imo20:25
maxbNever hesitate to poke fun at the arbitraryness of a metric? :-)20:25
lifelesswell, its accurate so far :>20:33
lifelesscjwatson: nice catch20:33
wgrantcjwatson: Sure, we should be able to do it in a few hours21:56

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