
jiridoI wonder if someone her would know how to get rid of some of them mountable partitions that shows up in left pane in Pcmanfm..? I have set them in fstab to automount in different locations during boot time and find their representations there annoying and cluttering .. I would like though removable driver to show up! :)12:45
jiridoerr.. removable drives to show up!12:46
=== mh0 is now known as Guest92919
cab___anyone have experience with a LIGHT browser, seems chrome is using lots of RAM and cpu16:37
fruktkakaHeya lads.16:44
fruktkakaI'm new to lubuntu.. can I with ease unet myself a copy and boot it from usb?16:44
cab___the browsers candidate are:16:56
cab___arora - dillo - Dwb - Luakit - netsurf-gtk16:56
cab___midori also17:01
cab___dillo is hmmm too lighweight17:05
wxlcab___: try xxxterm aka xombrero17:39
cab___wxl:  thx for the pointer17:51
=== Guest92919 is now known as mh0
wxlcab___: np. i'll warn you it's a bit obtuse (like vim is) but it works really well.17:54
cab___xombrero work in terminal right?17:56
cab___wxl:  hmm maybe too minimal17:58
wxlcab___: nope, not terminal18:01
wxlcab___: and it only seems minimal. it's pretty darn full-featured.18:01
cab___I've downloaded v1.3.118:08
cab___but it says 1.4 was released18:10
cab___*can't find it18:10
JDudeWhich do you prefer: weechat or irssi?22:40
wxlJDude: they're both good but i sure like vertical and horizontal window splits in weechat22:46
JDudewxl: I22:52
JDudewxl: I'd have to agree with you.22:52
JDudeAnd the colors kind of swung me over :P22:53
wxlheh figures. pretty lights and all.22:53
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:53
Unit193Both are good clients, scripting seems to be better in weechat as more languages are supported.22:54
wxl…because we're so drenched in traffic.22:54
JDudeunit193: sorry... ? I was sort of just starting a conversation.22:54
Unit193wxl: Nah, it's more to stop wars in general, you know I like irssi better. :P22:54
JDudeunit193: and I know there is not one that is objectively 'better'22:55
Unit193JDude: I'd recommend running it in tmux or screen.22:55
JDudeOoh why do you like irssi more? (just curious)22:55
wxl+1 tmux22:56
Unit193Heh, I use and like screen better. :P22:56
JDudeis tmux a terminal emulator?22:56
Unit193JDude: I'm used to it, it has the features I need, it "acts" differently and makes more sense to me.22:56
wxltmux & screen, depending on which you choose, are your terminal's best friend22:56
wxli have to admit there's a lot about weechat that doesn't intuitively make sense to me and so i've not fully made the transition to it22:57
Unit193If X crashes for example and you actually run irssi/weechat on the same computer, you can still access them in a VT.22:57
wxltmux stands for "terminal multiplexer" if that helps it make more sense22:57
JDudeoh okay. I see. I use terminal a ton, so I should look into that.22:58
wxlit's a windowing system so to speak22:58
JDudethanks for the suggestion.22:59
JDudeI just revived an old netbook last week so I'm still learning linux. but i find myself on this computer more than my mac23:00
wxlyeah i hear that23:00
wxlwe wouldn't have a mac now but my wife insisted on it. i was all set to have a nice linux machine.23:00
wxlthe thing pisses me off because it's unix, not linux, and a rather funky, perverted version at that23:01
mysteriousdarrenJDude: keep fighting the good fight, and if you need help ask.23:01
mysteriousdarrenJDude: were you the one asking about microsoft office?23:04
JDudemysteriousdarren: i was :)23:06
JDudemysteriousdarren: I installed wine fine, but I can't get MS office because I don't want/have a paid license.23:07
wxlJDude: have you tried libreoffice for whatever you're trying to do? it's fab,.23:07
wxli will say that abiword is pretty darn good but not 100%23:08
mysteriousdarrenwxl: sometimes, I have it install as well as abiword. Still office 2007 is rock solid on wine23:08
JDudewxl: yeah i have L.O. and I can edit docs, but when I reopen them on my mac it says the file is corrupted and needs to be resotred. Then I have to reselect the dropbox folder and rename the doc. so it's a minor issue.23:09
wxli haven't used office in so long it's unbelievable. not even on machines that have windows :)23:09
wxlwhich i think is a testament to how great libreoffice is.23:09
JDudemysteriousdarren: do you know approximately how much for a lisense of word?23:10
JDudewxl: libre offic is nice, and very similiar to word in almost everyway. the only thing i miss is language spell checking and the formula editor.23:11
mysteriousdarrenJDude: are you in college?23:11
mysteriousdarrenat my local private its 2023:11
JDudemysteriousdarren: okay, thanks. That's not too bad.23:12
Unit193You should be able to get "starter" too.23:12
mysteriousdarrenUnit193: have you tried it?23:12
JDudeunit193: That would be ideal. how?23:12
JDudeI only23:14
JDudeI have it on my windows 7 starter partition of this netbook.23:14
Unit193mysteriousdarren: I hate the ribbon, LO is my choice.23:14
JDudebut windows runs painfully slow and i can't stand it23:14
JDudeunit193: do you know how to install it with wine?23:15
Unit193JDude: I'd assume the same as normal office.23:15
Unit193I have no MSO in wine.23:15
JDudeunit193: okay I'll have to go do some research. thanks for the suggestion23:15
mysteriousdarrenLO is nice, just 07 is sold on wine23:16
JDude'07 MSO? or LO?23:18
JDudecuz LO is free on the software center23:18
mysteriousdarrenMicrosoft Office 200723:19
mysteriousdarrenuse LO if you can23:19
Unit193JDude: I didn't recommend it, just an idea.  http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msstore/en_US/cat/ThemeID.27509700/categoryID.37826100 was another link.  Starter has a small ad on the side, IIRC.23:19
mysteriousdarrenJDude: Yes, but at the college bookstores its usually cheaper. Just a thought, some give it for free23:22
JDudeI'll have to go searching and see if we have it there.23:24
JDudeYeah $99 is a little steep for this little laptop, though I love it so :)23:25
mysteriousdarrenid rather get a ssd for that much than office23:27
JDudemysteriousdarren: ssd's are so nice. I actually upgraded my macbook about a year ago to a ssd. It feels like I bought a new one :P23:28
JDudeAnd microsoft has apparently discontinued the microsoft starter...23:28
JDudeso they don't have a download up.23:29
BlitzHereI have a P4 1.6 Ghz computer with 512 MB of RAM and I want to install lubuntu 12.10. My CD drive stopped working and my BIOS doesn't like USB flash drives. Since I had GRUB installed, I get the kernel and initrd.gz for 12.10 and out them into /boot and followed instructions in the wiki. However, the installer doesn't seem to recognize my ethernet card. My card is a Realtek 8139d, which has had it's drivers put into the linux ker23:32

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