
MikeRLIf Xorg is crashing on Raring, should I gather just the logs at /var/log/syslog dmesg and /var/log/Xorg.0.log or should I also include the kernel log. Noticed the issue on Quantal too when using the mainline kernel, which also coincidently is the same major version (3.8) on Raring that I believe may have something to do with the crashes.02:43
ritzhi, I am hitting this issue on raring - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=89165306:50
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 891653 in libvirt "Cgroups memory limit are causing the virt to be terminated unexpectedly" [Unspecified,On_qa]06:50
ritz Bug 891653 - Cgroups memory limit are causing the virt to be terminated unexpectedly06:50
ubottubug 891653 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Install/Uninstall Software center in drop-down menu not selectable for DEB packages" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89165306:50
alankilaritz: hmh. Interesting. I happen to be using hugepages and I think the cgroup stuff is oblivious about memory used that way, so I guess I won't hit this problem07:13
alankilabut it's pretty horrible to consider that file (or buffer) cache apparently counts to cgroup's memory usage and results in oom killer looking for a process to kill if there is no swap on the system07:14
alankilasounds like great design! might consider just turning memory cgroups off entirely.07:15
alankilaalso the equation used by libvirt is total nonsense and the proposed path obviously won't solve the problem, just makes it less likely to occur: https://www.redhat.com/archives/libvir-list/2013-January/msg00426.html07:16
ritz have pushed this to lp - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/110229007:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 1102290 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "Cgroups memory limit are causing the virt/qemu to be terminated unexpectedly " [Undecided,New]07:18
alankilaI think I'm losing something like 120 MB for memory cgroups right now. Peanuts, I guess, on a 16 GB system, but I'm still tempted to add cgroup_disable=memory to kernel cmdline07:20
ritzuseful for a server07:24
ritznot so much for me07:24
alankilaUseful if used competently and designed sanely. Looks like neither might be the case right now.07:25
ritzbrb, rebooting07:29
alankilamight be great idea but the design and use has to be correctly considered, not just heuristically set up to trigger a random OOM killer during disk activity.07:34
alankilain general this OOM killing is pretty awkward. I'm still not quite sure why linux can't just fail the memory allocation and leave it at that.07:35
alankilaand I'm really not thrilled about this modern way to try to contain processes from the outside, like whitelist the system calls they might use or the files they might access, and so on. Seems like it would be better to make it possible to design the applications as secure from ground up. It sounds like work in this direction might be happening, but before it is of any use, people should agree this is the way to go07:39
ritzmore to do with rss limit enforcement07:42
ritzwhich linux currently sucks at07:42
ritzcompared to solaris and bsd07:42
ritzfor the enterprise customers07:42
ritzas they say, from where I come from07:42
BluesKajHiyas all12:19
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elhoirhi there18:26
elhoiri have a problem about screen resolutions, my GPU is GT 22018:27
elhoirim using driver nouveau18:27
elhoirthe problem is, if i choose 1280x1024, screen goes "off"18:27
elhoirand i cant use PC anymore, i have to reboot it remotely, or push power button18:28
elhoirany idea?18:28
elhoirmy system - Ubuntu 13.04, nouveau driver 1.0.6, kernel 3.8.0-1-generic18:29
elhoirand Xorg 1.1318:30
elhoirany idea, please?18:31
elhoirwhat does this line mean in Corg.0.log ?18:49
elhoir[ 73583.120] (EE) NOUVEAU(0): [DRI2] DRI2SwapComplete: bad drawable18:49
WaltherInstalled latest stable nvidia drivers from their website, now I can't even get to a tty20:13
Waltherhelp very much appreciated20:13
BluesKaj_Walther, they aren't meant for alpha and beta release OSs20:15
Walthereven then, this is a bit too much20:15
Waltheri wonder how I can go back20:16
Waltheris reinstall really the only way20:16
Waltherfailsafe x won't start20:16
BluesKaj_you mentioned the 310.19 driver as being stable and it seems that it is , here at least20:16
Waltherthis is talking about my desktop; on which I just installed latest drivers from nvidia website20:16
Walthernot 1920:17
BluesKaj_rescue kernel20:17
BluesKaj_I'm using 1920:17
Waltherlike i mentioned, i can't get to even a tty even from a recovery/rescue kernel20:17
BluesKaj_but I'm using kde20:17
Waltheri can see the menu about what to do, but none of the options actually works20:17
BluesKaj_Walther, try the nomodeset setting20:18
Walthernomodeset is specified in the recovery kernels20:20
BluesKaj_or you can specify in the default kernel by right clicking and using "e' to edit the grub file20:27
bjsniderWalther, you used the nvidia-installer did you?20:34
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Waltherbjsnider: again, like i said, i ran into this issue by installing the driver from their website20:35
bjsniderin that case, you did something that nvidia doesn't recommend. nvidia recommends using distro packages20:36
Walther ./NVIDIA-installer.run or something.20:36
bjsniderif you still have the installer, you can remove its effects by adding --uninstall to the script20:36
Waltheryeah, i'm not saying this is any fault of yours or ubuntu20:36
bjsniderrun thet installer with --uninstall20:37
Waltherbjsnider: and like i mentioned above, i can't even get to a tty20:37
bjsniderit probably destroyed mesa's libgl20:37
Waltheri'm not sure i could even boot a live usb and chroot as i have fulldisk encryption20:37
Waltherprobably reinstall. luckily i at least have my laptop functioning :)20:37
Walther(otherwise i wouldn't even try this dangerous thing :D)20:38
Waltherbut even this laptop install could use some tweaking if any of you want to help20:38
Walthersomehow I can't seem to get the GPU working, optirun fails20:38
Waltherwalther@affogato:~$ optirun glxgears20:38
Walther[ 2495.188129] [ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: Could not load GPU driver20:38
Walthereven if I have bumblebee, nvidia-310 installed20:39
bjsnidercan you switch to the intel driver in the bios?20:39
Waltheron the laptop i get to the desktop fine, no problemwith X20:40
Waltherbut no option in bios to disable either intel nor nvidia20:40
Waltherbut optirun doesn't work, i.e. i can't run anything with the gpu20:41
Walthereverything is rendered by intel hd400020:41
bjsnideroh, it's that bumblebee thing20:42
bjsniderlook, i'm confused by what you're saying20:42
bjsniderare you having a problem with the laptop?20:42
Waltherbjsnider: yeah, if you would read more carefully, you would notice that I switched topics, talking about laptop now ;)20:43
bjsnideryou're talking about bumblebee in both cases20:43
bjsnideri think there's a channel for that20:43
bjsnideryou won't get much bumblebee talk in here20:43
Waltherno, i'm not talking about bumblebee on the desktop case20:44
Waltherdesktop only has nvidia20:44
BluesKajWalther, so which computer is the one you need to fix ?20:48
WaltherBluesKaj: both: desktop needs a complete fix as everything broke, laptop needs to get optirun working20:49
BluesKajthe desktop should be easier than the dual gpus on the laptop20:51
Walther...with help from #anotherchannel, managed to chroot in from a live usb, uninstalling nvidia driver and trying to restore previous x config20:54
BluesKajfor me anyway , not very well versed in that optimus/bumblebee setup20:54
WaltherAlso, I could definitely use some tips for the desktop - I'm getting awful performance on the nvidia-310 driver20:54
WaltherTeam Fortress 2 ran only with 10-30fps whenever there was any action on screen20:55
Waltherand the gpu is a powerful GTX 57020:55
BluesKajthe 14 or the 19?20:55
Waltheruh, whichever is provided by the repo :P20:55
BluesKajthe 19 is available and stable , the 14 is experimental ..it's odd but it's case20:57
BluesKajthe case20:57
Waltherwhich package should i install? nvidia-current, nvidia-310?20:57
BluesKajnvidia -31021:00
BluesKajin the package manager it shows as nvidia-31021:00
Waltheranything else I should do to optimize things?21:00
BluesKajdunno , I'm on kde so gnome /unity is out of my knowledge base21:01
Waltherwelp, it's not only about unity :P21:02
WaltherI mean, *really*, gtx570 should be able to push quite a bit more than 11-30fps21:02
BluesKajglxgears ?21:03
WaltherHmm. "modprobe: ../tools/modprobe.c:550: print_action: Assertion `kmod_module_get_initstate(m) == KMOD_MODULE_BUILTIN' failed.21:03
WaltherAborted (core dumped)21:04
Waltherwhen running apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-31021:04
Waltherand that framerate thing was about Tea Fortress 221:06
Waltherfrom #anotherchannel i know a couple guys who have the same GPU and get 200-300fps21:06
Waltherand glxgears gets about 7000 fps, not tens of thousands like it should21:07
BluesKajmy elcheapo 8400gs gets 60 , that's all21:08
BluesKajFull Screen21:09
WaltherBluesKaj: on team fortress2?21:09
WaltherI'm not able to get that -.-'21:09
BluesKajnope glxgears21:10
Waltherah, that number is probably meaningless, sounds like it's limited by vblank21:10
Walther60 is your monitors freshrate21:10
Walthertry running vblank_mode=0 glxgears21:10
Waltheranyway, i'm getting a fraction of the true capabilities of my gpu, something's wrong and help would be appreciated21:13
BluesKajok , disabled v-blank in the nvidia GUI , fullm screen is about 90 fps21:15
BluesKajWalther, perhaps your graphics is too rare for the regular 310 driver , altho you mentioned that you installed the driver recommended by the nvidia support site , correct ?21:18
WaltherBluesKaj: ...if you would stay awake in the conversation, this would be easier :) As you might remember, I just recovered via a liveusb+chroot, and asked you about which driver to install21:19
Waltherand yeah, running the nvidia-310 from repo now21:19
Waltherand gtx570 is definitely not too rare, as i said, a couple other guys are getting 200-300fps on theirs on team fortress 221:20
BluesKajWalther, you posted this " Aborted (core dumped, when running apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-310" ..assumed it didn't install21:24
BluesKajanyway good luck with that21:25
WaltherI assume it partially installed as nvidia-settings looks to be functioning21:25
JonEdneyIs there a place where I can see what type of features is needing to be tested for 13.04?23:14
jtaylor#ubuntu-quality might know some spots23:19
alankilaas a friendly hint, someone might test that /etc/init/qemu-kvm.conf indeed reads /etc/default/qemu-kvm for user settings. Because it totally doesn't.23:20
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