
=== mh0 is now known as Guest92919
=== jrgifford_ is now known as Guest3317
GuidoPallemanswhere can I find all the GIcon icons?17:32
=== Guest92919 is now known as mh0
JanCGuidoPallemans: you can use every icon you want, so "all" would be a very long list?  ☺18:01
GuidoPallemansI need to pick a few on sight18:11
GuidoPallemansJanC: I need to pick a few on sight18:12
aquariusgetting a weird QML bug. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1556688/ shows a row of red squares; if I resize the window, the squares disappear! Baffled; this seems like a bug. Any ideas?21:51
stqnbye (no idea)21:54
GuidoPallemansaquarius: try in #qt-qml22:02
aquariusGuidoPallemans, yeah, I'm trying there too :)22:02
aquariusGuidoPallemans, incidentally, all your icon themes are in /usr/share/icons, so you can look in, for example, /usr/share/icons/Humanity to see a bunch of icons.22:03
GuidoPallemansoh, thanks22:04
hdhzerohow can one develop an interface similar to ubuntu software center using gtk or qt?22:37
hdhzerois using glade?22:37
airglidehello everyone, i need some help, I've made an application and I want to link the files with a specific extension to the program and give it an icon, I've tried creating a mime type and then copying a .svg in to /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable, but it doesn't work23:08
airglideif I go to the file and properties there's written: text/x-mup as type23:10
qwertzui11why svg, not png in different sizes?23:11
airglideit was described like that in a tutorial and i thought it might be easier to begin23:11
airglidebut adding .png would be better23:12
airglideI just found this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingMimeTypes23:12
airglideis there a tutorial for doing this?23:12
qwertzui11hmmm did u name the file corrctly?23:14
airglidei've added: application/sourcenote                          not23:15
qwertzui11hmm... except the, I've got no idea, sry - I'm sure someone else can help u :)23:15
qwertzui11*the = that23:16
airglidethank u anyway ;)23:16
qwertzui11haha, ur welcome23:16
fm__can anybody comment on http://askubuntu.com/questions/245875/how-do-i-get-high-resolution-icons-in-unity-for-my-application-without-a-deskto ?23:31

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