
coolbhavidpm, hey13:31
dpmhi coolbhavi13:31
coolbhavidpm, I was thinking to clear the arb queue for now and had sent a mail but I dint get any response :(13:33
coolbhavijust went through the queue now. and some of them are real good apps btw13:35
dpmcoolbhavi, I know. Did you try pinging someone else from the ARB on the channel to see what they think?13:36
coolbhaviyes highvoltage was speaking about the same13:37
coolbhaviI'll ping on list again anyway13:38
dpmok, cool13:47
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coolbhavihighvoltage, good morning15:35
highvoltagegood morning coolbhavi16:16
=== Guest92919 is now known as mh0
PaoloRotoloHi all20:10

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