
=== sv is now known as discopig
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=== AmEv_ is now known as AmEv
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dholbachgood morning07:41
=== agomez is now known as cybernettic
mvt007geekhey guys please help me/. i wrote ubuntu on sd card but panda doesn't boot it.and serialport shows nothong10:31
mvt007geeki mean pandaboard10:32
V155mvt007geek: do you also copied the kernel image into the bootsector? On my arm platform (but not panda board) this is needed10:40
mvt007geekall i did to sdcard was this: dd if=ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4.img of=/dev/sdb10:42
V155mvt007geek: perhaps you will find your answer here: http://www.eewiki.net/display/linuxonarm/PandaBoard10:45
* [mbm] has seen issues before where people try to use mobile phones and other linux devices as sd card writers, ends up mangling the write10:50
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EtherninHey all you awesome devs in here, the latest raring build for the nexus7 seems to be pretty broken...12:01
Etherninafter flashing with fastboot, the installer is pretty fubard...12:01
Etherninthe display behind the installer is totally whacked white multi-colored12:02
Etherninand once you get to the user setup things constantly freeze especially when you try to type a user name...12:02
* xnox is sad, because I couldn't find my ac100 charger over the weekend =(12:08
ogra_xnox, i think thinkpad chargers work for the ac100, iirc infinity used that in the past12:25
xnoxogra_: i don't own thinkpads.... but my housemate does.... i think I know the culprit that stole my charger now.12:26
xnoxthanks a lot =)12:27
ogra_yay, so i have a working implementation of a rotation daemon in shell12:28
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sveinseWhat is the logic of dpkg triggers? I have a set of packages where each activates the update-initramfs trigger. However I see that update-initramfs is run multiple times. Isn't this what triggers should prevent?14:56
ogra_janimo, fyi ... i just uploaded http://paste.ubuntu.com/1555763/ as an interim solution16:00
ogra_(ubuntu-devel mailed as well)16:00
janimoogra_, excellent thanks!16:01
ogra_it is far from perfect, eats quite some CPU16:01
janimoif it is dash it may not even have such a large mem footprint16:01
janimobut I did not check except with an empty dash script in a loop16:02
ogra_"read" is slighly lighter than using $(cat ...) ... whgich spawns a subshell16:02
janimomeanwhile I am discussing and looking into g-s-d to see if it is feasile to have it there in C16:02
ogra_but still far from what a simple read from C would do16:02
ogra_i found it more important to get something out to the user though so this will do for a start16:02
janimoI agree16:03
ogra_i guess we need to step on some compiz devs toes though16:03
ogra_the rotatin is so sloooow16:04
ogra_it gets a bit better if i change the sleep to .3 or .5 .... but that costs a lot more CPU16:04
janimoslow as in noticable latency?16:05
ogra_slow as in ... as slow as your GO variant16:05
janimoor the redrawing?16:05
ogra_i'm pretty sure thats compiz16:05
janimobut the redrawing is not helped by making more freequent wakeups16:05
janimothat's why I was not clear what you meant16:05
ogra_ah, k16:05
ogra_yeah, changing the sleep value wont fix the redraw slowness16:06
ogra_but makes it feel more responsive16:06
ogra_anyway, while it is cool that we can use portrait now, not having input doesnt rellay help :(16:07
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janimoogra_, completely broken input in unity in all but the default rotation you mean right?16:19
janimoogra_, in lubuntu redraws seem a bit faster16:21
ogra_heh, for sure16:21
janimoand input works too16:21
ogra_i thought so16:33
ogra_janimo, why did you mark bug 1077062 as fix released ?16:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1077062 in ubuntu-nexus7 "upower says battery is charged when it is not" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107706216:40
ogra_i still see massive power manager issues here16:41
ogra_i frequently get something like "Only 7min of battery life left (100%)"16:41
ogra_and if it is actually at a low level after a few hours i get the "will suspend soon" message constatly flashing on and off16:42
janimoogra_, IIRC the issues I think we see were not the ones actually mentioned in that bug16:43
ogra_oh, ok16:43
janimoat least not what the subject says16:43
janimoI know there are a few power related bugs16:43
janimobut they need to be separate and specific and I thinkg a few still remain open16:43
ogra_well, the fun is that i didnt see any such bugs in quantal16:44
ogra_i wonder if there are kernel config issues16:45
ogra_two devices for the same thing or some such16:45
ogra_hmm, upower -d shows me a /sys/devices/platform/tegra-i2c.4/i2c-4/4-0055/power_supply/usb ... as well as an "ac" device16:46
ogra_i wonder if the usb one was there in quantal16:46
Guest61343Asking simple questions and getting a simple answer from search engines seems a thing of the past but would anyone know if ubuntu was installed on a raspberry pi would only packages designed for the pi work?17:13
* Tassadar erases the answer he just wrote and shakes his fist angrily at Guest6134317:16
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AmEvBack for more.... Got a working rootfs for sure.20:33
AmEvAny kernel thoughts lilstevie?20:39
AmEvOr anyone else...?21:34
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=== cmagina is now known as cmagina_away

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