
=== ejat- is now known as ejat
mitya57Hey charles, can you please take a look at bug 958007 (or at least say what to blame — our patch or something else)?05:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 958007 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "First switching of the keyboard layout doesn't update the layout indicator" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95800705:33
mitya57I can reproduce it when opening something just after system start05:34
mitya57(but not after that)05:34
pittiGood morning06:28
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chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:07
pittihey chrisccoulson, how are you? you're early07:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i'm not too bad thanks. how are you? have you had snow over the weekend?07:13
chrisccoulsonwe've had quite a bit here now :)07:13
pittichrisccoulson: hah, plenty :) we've had lots of snow since last week07:13
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Laneycliking hdd of doom09:05
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Sweetsha1kmorning all.09:17
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didrocksgood morning09:24
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didrocksmpt: hey! I have a request from bochecha_ to know if we have a similar kind of requirement for specific language ibus engine with our future keyboard indicator: https://live.gnome.org/AllanDay/IMEGuidelines, do you know if we have any?10:10
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks10:11
didrockshey chrisccoulson, how are you?10:11
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, not too bad thanks10:11
chrisccoulsonand you?10:11
mptdidrocks, I don't know. As I understand it, options for an individual IME are usually accessed from a floating window, not from a menu.10:12
bochecha_mpt: that depends10:13
didrockschrisccoulson: totally brain-damaged, will need today to be in a confortable timezone again ;)10:13
didrockschrisccoulson: especially as yesterday was quite epic10:13
bochecha_mpt: also, as I was telling didrocks, that page is not yet finished, it only includes the menu properties for now, but could include other aspects later on10:13
didrockschrisccoulson: Paris was completely under snow: https://plus.google.com/110419250019099644591/posts/H9swxQrSrTQ10:14
chrisccoulsonheh, nice ;)10:14
bochecha_mpt: basically, I'm writing an ibus engine and I'd like it to integrate as well as possible in big desktops. I'm doing it for GNOME based on their recommendation (which are in fact evolving as we go through it), and if you have something similar for Unity then I could try to follow it :)10:14
didrockschrisccoulson: so delay to park, delay to get the luggage, and… train daily from Paris to Lyon10:14
mptbochecha_, my text entry menu design is at <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TextEntry>. If you could let me know anything that is missing or bad, that would be excellent. :-)10:15
chrisccoulsoni'm glad i've not had to travel anywhere ;)10:15
bochecha_didrocks: 3h40 of delay... on a 2h trip? o_O10:15
bochecha_mpt: will do :)10:15
didrocksbochecha_: yep, the train arrived with 3h of delay already from Lille10:15
didrocks(it's Lille -> Marseille which stops at the airport)10:16
bochecha_mpt: "Each input source should have its own icon." what would be the size of the icon? also, is there a fallback? (I'm terrible at drawing icons or anything else, so I'm afraid I might not have one ready very soon)10:21
mptbochecha_, SVG, optimized for about 16*1610:22
bochecha_(and gnome doesn't use an icon for the input source, so it's not really my main priority to be entirely honest)10:22
mptbochecha_, IBus has/had bitmap icons for each source10:22
bochecha_well, it has for all engines which have one10:22
bochecha_and I can tell you I haven't made an icon for my engine yet :)10:22
bochecha_mpt: also, one thing I do not find in your guidelines page is how the settings ui for an input source can be started by the user10:28
mptbochecha_, again, I'm not really experienced with them myself, but from what I've seen, the floating window appears whenever the source is selected/reselected.10:30
bochecha_so, input methods have two kinds of settings10:30
bochecha_the properties, which can be changed from that floating popup (or in GNOME from the input source indicator), and are there because users frequently change them while typing10:31
bochecha_and then, there are settings, which users will generally change once (or keep the defautl) according to their preferences, and then leave them as is10:31
bochecha_these are in dedicated settings dialogs, e.g ibus-setup-cangjie10:32
bochecha_my question was on the latter category: how should a Unity user run the settings dialog for an engine?10:32
mptI see10:34
mptbochecha_, is there a standard command for invoking the settings UI for an engine if there is one?10:35
bochecha_not really10:35
bochecha_GNOME Control Center finds a .desktop file with the same name as the engine10:35
bochecha_and then runs the Exec= command10:35
mptThat's the kind of standard I was meaning. :-)10:35
mptA way of telling whether to include a button for it or not.10:36
mptbbiab, meeting.10:36
bochecha_mpt: I'll leave work soon, so I'll add here more details about how it works on gnome, so you can read it in the scrollback when you come back :)10:36
bochecha_mpt: so let's take ibus-cangjie as an example. IBus knows it from its XML component file (/usr/share/ibus/component/cangjie.xml) which gives its "name" as "cangjie"10:37
bochecha_mpt: so GNOME Control Center will search for /usr/share/applications/ibus-setup-$engine.desktop (following the ibus-cangjie example, that's ibus-setup-cangjie.desktop)10:38
bochecha_it's as simple as this :)10:38
mhr3didrocks, hey there, how are you doing?11:23
mhr3read your g+ post, you should go via zurich next time, no delays there because of snow :)11:24
didrocksmhr3: tired :)11:24
didrocksmhr3: but arrived, which is the most important :)11:24
didrocksmhr3: yeah, snow seems to be a suckfest if you include airport/train station/metro11:24
didrocksall of the 3 were completely defective11:24
seb128mhr3, hey, had a good flight back? I confirm the by Zurich one ;-)11:25
mhr3seb128, yea, it was unusually un-eventful for my standards :)11:25
mhr3we even arrived 20minutes before schedule11:26
didrocksmhr3: nothing to put some salt in your trip? :)11:26
didrockscome on, you have higher standards!11:26
mhr3didrocks, right? i don't know how could everything go according to plans.. weird11:26
mhr3seb128, what about you? had fun waking up today?11:27
mhr3i woke up at 3pm yesterday :P11:27
seb128mhr3, no jetlag for me, but I slept from midnight to 11am today11:28
seb128can't complain11:28
didrockswaow, went to bed at 9pm for me, wake up at 10am ;)11:28
didrocksstill feeling slow, but functional :p11:28
seb128the late plane works fine11:29
Laneywelcome back!11:29
didrockshey Laney, thanks!11:29
mhr3seb128, although it would be better on the 1st class seats ;)11:29
seb128the usual frankfurt one lands like at 6am, which doesn't let you time for sleeping well in the plane11:29
didrocksseb128: did you stay a lot more under a sunny SFO?11:29
seb128landing at 3pm lets you sleep11:29
seb128didrocks, we went to the airport around 3pm11:29
didrocksok, did you walk a little before or stay at the same place?11:30
mhr3i miss the california weather already, it's just snow and drizzle here11:30
didrocksno snow here, as we have none in the """south""" of France :p11:31
mhr3didrocks, just wait till wednesday11:32
didrocksmhr3: yeah, seems so :)11:32
seb128didrocks, we just stayed chatting at the terrasse in the sun for an hour or so and then went back11:39
didrocksok, nice ;)11:39
seb128having a look around is easier without the bags11:39
seb128it was a bit early at the airport for me, I still had to wait half an hour to be able to drop my bag and then I had 3 hours11:40
didrockswell, the terrasse was a nice plan :)11:40
seb128but it's ok, Florian still has a priority card, he let me in the lounge11:40
didrocksurgh, yeah, quite long :/11:40
seb128we got a beer there before he went for boarding11:40
didrocksah, this is before the security?11:40
seb128no, just after11:40
seb128but SFO has free wifi11:41
didrocksso you did the security twice?11:41
didrocksas you couldn't drop your bag11:41
seb128no, I waited 30min reading emails to drop my bag11:41
seb128then I went through security11:41
seb128then I had 3 hours that I spent at the lounge11:41
didrocksyeah, in the lounge is fine :)11:41
seb128but nice couchs, some beer and power11:42
seb128can't complain ;-)11:42
seb128snacks as well11:42
didrocksbetter than having to wait the same number of hours in a noisy freezing train station I guess :p11:42
didrocks(without any available chair)11:42
didrocksand almost no power to use your phone :p11:43
Sweetsharkseb128: libreoffice4 review and upload would be awesome, Im only around for this week still.12:05
Sweetsharkdidrocks: could you do a few rotations on the dynamo of sebs notebook, so that his wifi comes on again?12:06
didrocksSweetshark: we are not in SFO anymore, he's back on his weird connexion with unreliable network :)12:07
didrocksSweetshark: or maybe it's just a bug when you do mention "libreoffice" and review/sponsor in the same sentence12:07
didrocksSweetshark: try in two lines next time :p12:07
* Sweetshark sternly looks at didrocks as a deputy reviewer ...12:08
Sweetsharkthought so.12:08
didrocksoh similar bug :p12:09
* Sweetshark nods: unconfirmed->new, priority: high12:09
didrocksSweetshark: more seriously, let's see what's on seb128's plate this week, I'm here for this week only as well. if he can't, I'll try to give a hand12:10
Sweetsharkdidrocks: yup. To get everyone more confidence, drive as many victims^Wsheep^Wtesters to the prereleases ppa at: https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/libreoffice-prereleases/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=raring12:12
didrocksmaybe stgraber as he gave you a +0 on the per package upload rights should sponsor it, wdyt?12:13
didrocksso that he can have some confidence in your uploads12:14
LaneyI believe bdrung explicitly offered to do that12:16
Laneyso you might want to ask him12:16
didrocksSweetshark: ^12:16
Laneythat would have highlighted :-)12:16
seb128hum, IRC timeouted12:20
seb128what's the discussion about? libreoffice?12:20
Laneysponsoring it12:21
Sweetsharkbdrung, stgraber: yep, you are more than welcome to review the package changes at http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/ubuntu-raring-4.0 .12:22
Sweetsharkbdrung, stgraber: package is currently waiting on chinstrap for upload/review, but I can move a copy to http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/ if needed.12:23
Sweetshark13:04 < Sweetshark> seb128: libreoffice4 review and upload would be awesome, Im only around for this week still.12:23
seb128Sweetshark, put it on the people page, bdrung doesn't have access to chinstrap to review it12:24
seb128Sweetshark, where are you after this week?12:24
Sweetsharkseb128: skiing for two weeks12:37
Sweetsharkin France ;)12:37
ogra_but, but ..... they all speak french there !12:41
pittihey seb128, didrocks, comment allez-vous?12:41
pittigot back home alright?12:41
davmor2ogra_: did you get off at the wrong stop again?12:43
ogra_heh, nope, just got back from shoveling the 30cm snow we had today12:45
didrockspitti: ça va, mais lentement! returning was quite complicated as you saw on g+ due to the snow, otherwise, fine! :)12:45
didrockspitti: and you? how was your week?12:45
didrocksSweetshark: oh, were are you going to?12:45
pittididrocks: yeah, that's why I'm asking; that look out of the plane window looked scary12:45
pittididrocks: lots of snow here as well :) it was quite fine, thanks12:45
pittididrocks: did you get some good results?12:46
didrockspitti: it was, no more flight from Paris12:46
didrocksmetro stopped12:46
didrocksand trains with 3h40 of delay12:46
didrocksquite epic :)12:46
didrockspitti: yeah, I think we have some good decisions, now, just need to be able to execute them :)12:46
Sweetsharkdidrocks: http://goo.gl/maps/nzcnV12:46
didrocksSweetshark: ah, famous station, I won't be very far next week :)12:47
Sweetsharkdidrocks: really? were?12:48
didrocksSweetshark: http://goo.gl/NPhQI12:48
didrocksso googl.gl fail :)12:48
didrockshow do you have a /maps ones?12:49
didrocksoh, there is a link button :)12:50
Sweetsharkdidrocks: oh, indeed not far. just far enough to make it unlikely we will meet on track ;)12:53
didrocksSweetshark: indeed :)12:53
didrocksjust one week of skiing here, but clearly enough for me :)12:53
Sweetsharkafter one week, I only barely can drive again.12:54
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seb128Sweetshark, enjoy skiing!12:56
seb128pitti, salut, I made it back alright, no issue with the planes, the tricky part was driving back from the airport yesterday evening, it was snowing and they said to be careful because of ice on the road12:57
seb128pitti, but I've been driving slowly and made it back without issue12:58
pittiseb128: indeed, we did a winter hike yesterday; some pavements were terribly slippery12:58
pittiseb128: très bien12:58
Sweetsharkseb128: will do. they build a club med there last year, and this year I am determent to try the spa at least once. ;)13:01
* Sweetshark has to train his french again. There are distinct differences between french and etranger prices.13:03
didrocksrohhhhh, this is FUD :p13:04
larsudidrocks, seb128, hi! Did you make it home alright in the snow?13:04
* larsu reads scrollback and finds out they did :)13:04
pitti"Combien pour cette massage de la nuque ?"13:04
didrockslarsu: yeah, with some surprises, but at least, home!13:05
larsuhi pitti, happy Monday!13:05
pittilarsu: hey, wie gehts?13:05
larsupitti, sehr gut, danke13:05
larsudidrocks, yeah, at least you didn't have a cancellation, only delays13:06
larsu(I know this is probably not what you want to hear)13:06
* Sweetshark sneaks in the ubuntu CoC to libreoffice: http://skyfromme.wordpress.com/2013/01/19/brothers-in-arms/13:06
seb128larsu, hey, made it alright yes ;-)13:07
didrockslarsu: well, technically I took the train before mine13:07
didrockslarsu: which was 4h40 late, so 2h40 compared to the one I was supposed to take :)13:08
seb128larsu, it was like 19°C and sunny in SF, we had lunch in tshirt outside13:08
seb128larsu, quite a change to be home under the snow13:08
larsuseb128, haha I can imagine. It has been -14° here!13:09
larsubut SNOW!!!13:09
didrocksseb128: snow? you have that in the north (and apparently Paris Center) of France13:09
didrocksthanks to lool positionning Lyon to south, we don't have any :p13:09
seb128larsu, indeed, quite some snow here as well ;-) going to be cold for the week still it seems, forecast says -10°C during nights still until saturday13:10
Sweetsharkstgraber, bdrung: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/libreoffice4/13:11
larsuseb128, let's hope it gets back to normal before I take the train to fosdem :)13:11
Sweetsharklarsu, seb128: please take a close watch on the libreoffice booth and dev-room. I wont be there this year, and they might start a revolution.13:14
didrockslarsu: seb128: worse, you can even start the revolution! :)13:14
didrocks"let's swith to cmake" :)13:15
Sweetsharkdidrocks: thats a good starter.13:15
* larsu runs13:15
Sweetsharkdidrocks: did you know the clever guys at Apache OO started to reimplement GNU make in Java ... for performance?13:16
didrocksahah, sounds a good plan! :-)13:18
didrocksnext step will be python13:18
Sweetsharkdidrocks: no, next step will be implementing the JVM it runs on in python.13:22
didrocksoh nice idea ;)13:22
didrockssounds like we have a plan13:22
larsupitti, do you know if there are any docs for dbus-test-runner? Or is it better to use GTestDBus?13:40
* larsu is more clueless about testing dbus services than he should be13:41
pittilarsu: I've never used dbus-test-runner; I pretty much always use dbus-launch13:41
pittilarsu: GTestDBus is really nice if it works for you, but it has a few shortcomings13:42
pitti(it also just calls dbus-daemon, but it cares about proper cleanup)13:42
larsupitti, what are the shortcomings?13:42
pittilarsu: AFAIR, mostly that it doesn't do service activation, unless you add the directory explicitly13:43
pittiand some other bits, but I forgot; but it does work in general13:43
larsuI don't think I have esoteric needs though, I just want to start a service and see if the right things are ending up on the other side of the bus13:43
larsuwell, I'll try, it's much better documented that dbus-test-runner13:43
larsupitti, thanks!13:44
pittiyeah, that should be fine13:45
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janimoseb128, hi. which upstream channel would be most appropriate for g-s-d + plumbing talk ?15:06
seb128janimo, #control-center or #gnome-hackers on irc.gnome.org15:07
janimoseb128, thanks15:07
seb128depending of what you define by "plumbing"15:07
seb128if that's in the context of g-s-d, #control-center is probably good15:07
seb128they cover g-c-c and g-s-d15:07
janimoseb128, yes, g-s-d, to discuss the orientation plugin which makes use of udev as well15:08
seb128k, #c-c ;-)15:08
janimoseb128, that channel is so full of life :)15:15
seb128janimo, well, it's IRC, it's slightly async :p15:15
seb128bastien was talking with pitti on #gnome-hackers some minutes ago, so he's around15:16
seb128wait a bit15:16
* pitti waves15:16
didrockshave a nice evening pitti :)15:17
pittioh, I was just waving in response to seb128's highlight15:17
pittistill debugging g-s-d15:17
Laneyget out while you have the chance!15:17
didrocksah ok :)15:17
pittitrying to fix the tests and g-s-d's power plugin with Bastien since last Thursday or so15:18
seb128laney, pitti: can you re-enable libglib-fam on linux next time you update glib in Debian?15:18
pittiseb128: speaking of which, g-s-d 3.8 is a big "won't work" now :(15:18
seb128desrt said the issues with it got fixed upstream and it's useful again, Joss is fine having it enabled again15:18
pitti(it needs logind and all that)15:18
seb128pitti, I though desrt did the work so logind was not an hard requirement?15:19
pittiseb128: urgh, is anything still using this ancient fam lib?15:19
desrtoh jesus christ15:19
desrtpitti: it can use gamin as well15:19
pittiseb128: not a build time requirement, but the power plugin will not work at all15:19
desrtg-s-d has some BS systemd dependency now?15:19
pittifor lid handling, suspend/hibernate, etc. what logind does15:20
pittiwell, we had that coming15:20
desrtlet seb128 talk to hadess about it15:20
desrthe enjoys that :)15:20
desrtthere is no "we had that coming" this cycle15:20
desrtunconditional systemd depends are officially off the table and upstream is opening requesting bugs filed about that15:21
desrt*open to15:21
desrter. *openly, i guess i meant :)15:21
desrtpitti: do you have a commit reference?15:23
pittidesrt: I thought that only applied to building, not functionality?15:23
desrtiirc there is something about 'base functionality'15:24
desrti'd think that power management is included?15:24
seb128desrt, I think the consensus that GNOME would build/run but maybe miss some functionnalities and that they were ok with that15:24
desrti'd take it up with the release team15:24
desrti did a fair amount of chasing these issues already and they were always receptive15:24
desrteven got some redhatters finishing off my patches for me15:25
desrtmeanwhile, aren't we supposed to be getting logind this cycle?15:26
desrtor did that get bumped?15:26
pittidesrt: oh, there are quite many; a1ab95f, 9efa97a, 6defe42, dropping lid handling (a95d9c and others), and quite a lot more15:26
seb128desrt, it's still on the roadmap, I emailed slangasek about it last week but he was off sick some days, not sure how feasable it is15:26
desrtoh look.  from bastien. :)15:27
pittidesrt: yeah, one way or another we just have to implement the D-BUS API; quite frankly that's easier than playing whack-a-rat with all consumers15:27
desrtpitti: i had an idea that we could write a compatibility libsystemd-logind that answered questions via CK15:27
pittidesrt: we still need the d-bus API; gnome is using that over library calls for the "also builds/run on CK" requirement15:28
desrtoh.  lovely.15:28
desrt+++ b/configure.ac15:28
desrt+       libsystemd-login15:28
desrtfrom a1ab95fae75dd61fd50165b4d8a08b558824527315:28
desrtpitti: this must be old news... this patch is from oct2215:29
desrti've built g-s-d on ubuntu fine many times since then15:29
pittidesrt: yes, it builds15:29
pittithat's what I said15:29
desrtah.  so he fixed up that part later15:29
desrt...by using dbus15:29
pittibut its power plugin will not do anything15:29
pittidesrt: above commits were runtime functionality changes, not build15:30
pittidesrt: there are zero unbuildable modules in GNOME on Ubuntu right now :) https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Raring/view/JHBuild%20Gnome/15:30
desrtseb128: i wonder if maybe we could help vorlon?15:30
desrtpitti: you're doing god's work :)15:31
seb128desrt, I'm waiting to hear back from him, robert_ancell said we might be better off adding those apis to lightdm (which does already track seats and sessions) if adapting logind is too hard15:31
seb128desrt, but I want a status update before we take any action15:31
desrtseb128: i know robert_ancell wanted logind for multi-seat udev integration stuff...15:32
seb128desrt, I talked to him last week, he said the udev-tagging stuff should be easy to implement out of logind15:32
seb128we just need to define which one of the two path is the easiest one15:33
desrtthe RH guys gave him a couple of those USB-plug-a-seat devices as a gift and he's stuck on being unable to support them with our present stack :/15:33
seb128or the less costy over time15:33
desrtah.  cool.15:33
desrtwell, you know my opinion on this topic :)15:33
desrt(and dave neary's)15:33
seb128well, logind is part of systemd and we don't plan to use systemd15:34
desrtya, but these days so is udev :p15:34
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seb128so either we adapt logind and play catchup or interfaces changes15:34
seb128well, they said udev will keep working standalone for a while ...15:35
seb128I see where you are going :p15:35
desrtpretty soon the kernel will be a systemd component :p15:35
seb128let's see ;-)15:35
seb128but, well, android does without systemd, we should be able to cope as well ;-)15:36
bdrungSweetshark: i will review the libreoffice package. i'll try to do it ASAP15:36
desrtseb128: android isn't trying to run quasignome :)15:37
seb128janimo, you might to want to ask bastien if he got your messages, he timeouted and rejoined with a _15:37
seb128desrt, we are not either15:37
desrtseb128: 'dpkg -l | grep' on my fresh ubuntu install tells a very very different story15:37
janimoseb128, ok thanks15:37
Sweetsharkbdrung: thx15:45
stgraberSweetshark: I've also started a review (as I'm patch piloting anyway). I won't spend my whole shift on it though so I'll just send you and bdrung a summary of what I've spotted and let bdrung do some more detailed review of the changes.15:52
stgraberoh, btw, I sent an upstream patch to gnome-control-center last week to support the 21:9 screen ratio. It's been merged there but my understanding is that we won't be getting the newer version in 13.04. Should I just cherry-pick and upload gnome-control-center or are you already planning an upload (and I should just poke one of you to have it included)?15:55
seb128stgraber, do we have a bug open about that?16:02
=== jasoncwarner_ is now known as jasoncwarner
stgraberseb128: didn't think it was worth it for a 3 lines change. debdiff is at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1555815/ (I'm currently running g-c-c built from this, so it works)16:15
seb128stgraber, feel free to just commit to lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-control-center/ubuntu16:17
seb128stage it for the next upload16:17
stgraberseb128: alright, done16:17
seb128jasoncwarner, hey, how are you?16:20
chrisccoulsondesrt, you around?16:34
jasoncwarnerhey seb128 , everyone else! don't forget for those not in the US, monday is MLK day here ( I just found out myself ;) )16:43
seb128jasoncwarner, hey, indeed ;-)16:44
didrockshey jasoncwarner! apparently, europeans are not the only one having issues with US food? ;)16:44
jasoncwarnerdidrocks: ;). YOu feeling better?16:44
didrocksjasoncwarner: a lot, thanks! Saturday morning, I felt good enough to travel and didn't suffer from it during travelling16:45
didrocksjasoncwarner: yourself? how are you?16:45
jasoncwarnerdidrocks don't think it was the food, so feel better about that, more the flu thing that is going around.16:45
jasoncwarnerbut, then again, who knows ;)16:46
didrocksyeah, I don't know, didn't get any headache here nor felt coughing, but yeah, who knows… :)16:46
desrtchrisccoulson: yes16:47
chrisccoulsondesrt, the recent glib changes to not require g_type_init make it very difficult to programatically disable the slice allocator16:47
desrtchrisccoulson: i know16:47
chrisccoulsonah ;)16:48
desrtchrisccoulson: don't all firefox programs come with wrapper scripts anyway?16:48
chrisccoulsondesrt, upstream got rid of the wrappper script ages ago, and ours is going away soon too ;)16:48
chrisccoulsonit's ok, i think i've figured out how to fix it after i pinged you16:48
desrtsounds like you're in trouble16:48
desrtof course, you could just ignore the problem16:49
desrti mean... it's not really a problem16:49
desrtanyway... we have some vague ideas for how we could beat the slice allocator out of the gobject init process16:50
desrtbut it's generally considered to be not-worth-it16:50
chrisccoulsoni think i can beat it by adding a static initializer to libxul to disable it16:51
desrtthat's a dangerous game16:51
chrisccoulsonhow come?16:51
desrtit only works if you can guarantee that libxul loads before libgobject16:51
chrisccoulsoni can't think of any reason why libxul would load after gobject16:52
desrtwhy is libgobject loading at all?16:52
desrti mean... shared libraries can be in any order, right?16:53
desrtthe only way to guarantee that one set of ctors runs before another is if A depends on B16:53
desrtand libgobject doesn't depend on libxul16:53
desrtso.... no guaranteed order16:53
chrisccoulsonthe way this works currently is that firefox dlopen's libxul, which depends on gobject16:53
desrtso you're in trouble, then16:54
desrtthat way gobject is guaranteed to run first16:54
chrisccoulsonah, i see now16:54
desrtyou could dlopen libglib from firefox first and disable the slice allocator like that16:54
desrtand then dlopen libxul16:54
desrtthat would work...16:54
desrti'm getting another idea, though16:55
desrti'm going to file a bug16:55
chrisccoulsonthe problem is that it means making the same change in 3 places then :(16:55
chrisccoulson(firefox, thunderbird and the webapp runtime)16:55
ubot2Gnome bug 692215 in general "add back support for configuring gmem, gslice, etc." [Normal,New]16:57
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* didrocks waves good evening17:56
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larsu_is anyone else having problems with jhbuilding gobject-introspection?19:36
larsu_it is stuck on finding python headers19:36
larsu_oh, pyconfig.h is in /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/python2.7 instead of /usr/include/python2.719:36
larsu_the gobject-introspection configure doesn't add that to CPPFLAGS when looking for headers19:37
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bjsnideris anyone moderating the ml?21:58
bjsnideri sent a message awhile back that hasn't been posted and hasn't been rejected21:59
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