
pleia2so is it just the one thank you from leann?02:24
pleia2was there anything else special happening with this issue?02:49
pleia2sending this off to the editors, at least they can get the basic editing done of summaries, even if we have more to add :)02:52
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: we were supposed to have interviews and quotes and so, but nothing else yet03:11
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: ^03:11
skellatBurning Circle 98 is up: http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/node/13105:13
JoseeAntonioRskellat: thanks for the heads up!05:16
dholbachgood morning07:42
akgranerpleia2, I have people sending me some quotes this morning12:45
akgranerand I have a blurb I'll finishing this morning.12:46
akgranerJust got Jane's quote - :-)13:39
akgranerI'm adding them here - https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ZbtFHQq6uMj7iuRLd11VH8V5Uc_FA0IfgiRUcbMbQk/edit  for now13:41
smartboyhwakgraner, who can send quotes?13:43
akgranerAnyone :-) I'm just hounding the canonical people at the moment :-)  Most have been at Sprints and just needed reminding13:43
smartboyhwakgraner, can I have one then:P13:44
smartboyhwLOL (considering I am not an Ubuntu member (yet))13:44
akgranersmartboyhw, what you mean you want to contribute a quote about the 300th Issue milestone?13:46
akgranerIf so the quote should answer the following:13:46
akgraner[Q] What do section do you read first and why?13:47
akgraner[Q] When you think about UWN and what it represents what comes to13:47
akgranermind?  How you you feel UWN benefits the Ubuntu and F/LOSS13:47
akgraner[Q] What would you like to say to the Ubuntu News team on this 300th Issue?13:47
smartboyhwakgraner, ok let me type it out onto a paste.ubuntu.com13:49
akgranerok or you can email it to me - akgraner@ubuntu.com13:51
smartboyhwakgraner, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1555530/14:05
akgranerThanks   - will look in a moment - on the phone14:06
smartboyhwakgraner, BTW: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/ why is the Ubuntu Release Calendar empty? I thought it was supposed to be with the 13.04 release dates..14:32
akgranersmartboyhw, I have no idea  - will look into later :-)14:33
akgranersmartboyhw,  - I'll take the action to get that updated and discuss with the release folks about maintaining it.  Kate isn't with Canonical anymore and I used to work with her on that so let me find the new POC and we'll get it fixed. Sorry for any confusion.15:24
akgranerI've moved all the quotes we've gotten so far to the wiki16:31
akgranerpleia2, ^^^ I'm hoping to get a couple more but if you need to publish no worries I'll tell them to post about it and link to this issue16:32
pleia2akgraner: thanks!17:18
pleia2working on stats now17:19

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