
infinitytumbleweed: Can you refrain from marking SRU tasks as "Fix Committed" when you upload?  We use that to track when they're actually accepted into proposed.03:02
infinitytumbleweed: Use In Progress instead, perhaps.03:02
micahginfinity: hrm, that used to be standard to show it was uploaded03:03
stgraberthe standard is different for SRUs03:04
micahgstgraber: that was for SRUs AFAIK03:04
stgraberfor dev release, you mark fix-commited on upload. For SRUs you mark in-progress on upload, then sru-accept marks fix-commited and release to -updates marks fix-released.03:04
infinitymicahg: Not in my SRU tenure.03:04
infinityIf it's not been accepted to the archive, the fix isn't committed.03:05
micahgstgraber: I never saw that anywhere...03:05
micahgmakes sense though03:05
infinitySame story for uploading during a freeze, really, but no one cares then. :P03:05
stgrabermicahg: I'm pretty sure I reminded people of that every couple of weeks or so in my 12.04.1 e-mails ;)03:05
stgrabernot sure about the state of things on the wiki though, some pages may need updating (not that I think anyone who did it wrong lately was looking at those pages anyway)03:06
micahgupdating https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure to reflect the status might be a good idea03:06
micahgI'm sure tumbleweed and I aren't the only ones who think that's right...03:07
stgrabermicahg: at least AFAICS that page isn't wrong, it's just a bit incomplete ;)03:07
infinitymicahg: I'm equally sure that you and Stafano don't re-read the docs either (I know I don't).03:08
infinityThe only way to socialise these things is... Socially.03:08
micahginfinity: I agree :)03:08
micahgbut this is the first I've heard of it03:08
infinityUpdating docs helps new contributors, not crusty old farts. :)03:08
infinitymicahg: Excellent, now you've heard.  Yay, social.03:08
stgraberwiki updated03:10
infinitytumbleweed: Oh, while I'm picking on you, you sponsored an upload that had a new patch in debian/patches but no DEP-3 headers.  Given your various positions in the community, I'd kinda expect you to have mentored that patch into better shape. :)03:10
infinitytumbleweed: I'll stop picking on you now.03:11
micahgstgraber: looks good, thanks03:11
infinityHrm, that could do with some twiddling to stop mentioning release-proposed as a changelog/upload target too.03:12
micahginfinity: can you add me to the 12.04.x CD e-mails for xubuntu or is that cjwatson only?03:12
infinityThough, that will never actually stop working, so.  Whichever.  Maybe it's less confusing to some.03:12
infinitymicahg: I can, if I can remember which file holds the list.03:12
infinityI removed myself from those emails long ago, as they hit a noise level that I started ignoring, thus making them useless.03:13
* micahg needs to try to get Xubuntu 12.04.2 back to CD size before it's released03:13
infinityAhh, there it is.03:17
infinityYou're there for xubuntu anyway.  There's no precise-specific config.03:17
infinityIf it's not triggering for precise, that's odd.03:17
micahgoh, hrm, I only get raring e-mails03:17
micahghttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/precise/daily-live/current/ shows as oversized03:18
infinityI'm not sure I'd worry about it until we sort out Ubuntu's oversizedness.03:20
infinityIf we can shrink ours by 12M, it might impact Xubuntu by 7 too. :P03:21
infinityOr by 5, even.03:21
micahgI'm wondering why Ubuntu cares at this point since it's using a quantal backport stack, why isn't it reasonable to use the quantal ISO size03:21
infinityYeah, fixing the libdricore linkage alone will fix Xubuntu.03:21
infinityWe may decide we don't care, in the end.  But it's still worth looking at when CD images go up for "no good reason".03:22
infinityMost of which are, in fact, bad reasons.03:22
infinityLike duplicate packages or things suddenly linked statically that shouldn't be.03:23
micahgsure, I still wanted to chat about the dkms update which allows dropping headers from the running kernels with autoremove03:23
infinitydkms didn't change that AT ALL.03:23
micahgit dropped a depends on the headers virtual package which made all the installed headers no longer depended on except for the latest kernel03:24
infinitymicahg: The last part is what I'm arguing didn't change.03:24
infinitymicahg: The virtual package only ever depended on the latest version.03:25
infinityNot virtual.03:25
micahgright :)03:25
infinitymicahg: If you didn't have linux-generic installed, why?03:25
infinityIf you do have it installed, it's keeping linux-headers-generic installed, and the dkms change changed... Nothing.03:26
micahginfinity: it's the linux-headers alternate dependency that kept them installed03:26
infinityIf what you're saying is that your running kernel wasn't the latest installed, and the running kernels headers were removed, that was the same as before.03:26
infinitymicahg: No, it wasn't.03:26
infinitymicahg: You're just plain wrong here, and I can draw diagrams and everything.03:26
infinitymicahg: You saw running kernel headers removed and blamed the dkms update, but the two are unrelated.03:26
infinityIt's ALWAYS been (broken) like this.03:27
infinityYou only ever got to keep the latest installed.03:27
micahgaptitude never offered to remove the older headers until the dkms update03:27
infinityNow, if we backport the fancy new apt magic, we'll fix that.03:27
infinityAnd we plan to.03:27
infinityAre you saying aptitude was keeping *all* headers installed forever?03:27
infinityBased on an alternate dep?03:28
infinityWell, that's vomitously broken too.03:28
infinityAnd good riddance to that behaviour.03:28
micahghrm, so, maybe it's aptitude specific, but it seems like a feature..03:28
infinityYou'll be hard-pressed to convince me that was a good thing.03:28
infinityAnd it's definitely not how apt behaves.03:28
infinityNor update-manager.03:28
infinityNor dpkg.03:28
infinityNor anything sane.03:28
micahgwell, not removing the headers from the running kernel out from under you seems like wrong behaviour03:28
infinityWhich aptitude is rarely accused of being.03:29
infinitymicahg: Yes, keeping the running kernel and its headers is desirable.  And the apt in raring does that.  And we're going to backport that feature.03:29
micahgbut it's just my corner case with aptitude that was keeping it?03:29
infinitymicahg: But whatever weird thing aptitude was doing was entirely against spec and incorrect, if it was indeed keeping all your headers.03:29
infinitymicahg: It would mean that any "foo | virtual" dep would always keep all providers of "virtual" installed forever.  Which is silly.03:30
micahgapt doesn't offer to remove those headers ATM with the old dkms03:30
micahghrm, doesn't offer to remove it with the new package either03:31
infinitymicahg: Then it's not auto, or it's the current version.03:32
micahgweird, now I"m wondering why my bug magically disappeared03:32
infinitymicahg: pastebin "dpkg -l linux\* | awk '/^.i/ {print $2}'" and "apt-mark showauto linux\*"03:32
micahghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1554044/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/1554045/03:34
micahghrm, they were auto before..03:34
infinityYou may have explicitly set them to manual (or accidentally asked aptitude to do so).03:35
infinityaptitude seems to play fast and loose with how I think this should work.03:35
infinityI'd drop it from the archive if it wouldn't make a chunk of the nerd contingent whine.03:36
infinityThere's nothing user friendly with how it does everything subtly differently. :/03:36
micahgI happen to like seeing how much a package changes per update (makes one thing if something bad happened when there's a big increase)03:36
infinityAnyhow.  I'm quite convinced I need to backport the apt changes for all of this.  It's on my TODO.03:37
micahgsure, my argument was only not to regress based on CD size, I see it on my quantal system ATM03:38
infinityThe dkms thing, however, was always buggy and wrong.  Keeping it wrong doesn't help anyone.03:38
infinityThe change wasn't for CD size, that was just a pleasant side effect of fixing the bug.03:38
infinityThe dependency never (ever) actually guaranteed you had headers matching your kernel.03:38
micahgbut AIUI, -updates is supposed to be no regressions where it can be helped, but if I'm the only person screaming about this, maybe I'll just shut up03:40
infinityI'd still kinda like to see this aptitude behaviour in action.03:41
infinityBut, even if it's doing what you say (keeping all providers of a virtual installed), that's a bug in aptitude, not a feature. :/03:42
infinityEspecially since it's an alternate dep for something you *do* have installed.03:42
infinityEither way.  The apt backport will render this somewhat moot.03:42
tumbleweedinfinity: ACK. Yes, been doing that for ages06:57
tumbleweedinfinity: (and aaargh, the earlier version had good DEP3 headers, but he had to correct something in them, and I didn't check it since)06:58
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
ogra_ogra@nusakan:~$ w3m cadejo.buildd/~buildd/LiveCD13:39
ogra_w3m: Can't load cadejo.buildd/~buildd/LiveCD.13:39
ogra_HMPF !13:39
ogra_infinity, ^^^13:40
cjwatsoninfinity: So, looking at .2 images, the easiest target by far is going to be language packs, but we'll run into the problem that I think you ran into for .1 there, namely that the language packs are all in a task that we can't change13:42
cjwatsoninfinity: Would you be OK with gross and unpleasant hacks in livecd-rootfs to work around that?13:42
cjwatsoninfinity: Dropping de should be enough on i386; I fear that on amd64 we may have to drop both pt and es (or perhaps drop sl-modem-daemon)14:10
cjwatsonWell, sl-modem-daemon and pt14:10
=== mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik
cjwatsonMost i386/amd64 Ubuntu (i.e. not PPA) builders going down soon for a hardware move, lasting about 30 minutes15:35
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
=== plars is now known as plars-off
infinitycjwatson: Didn't we do the langpack hacks in live-build for .1?  Recollection's fuzzy.17:27
cjwatsonYeah, stgraber just reminded me of that17:27
cjwatsonI'd been looking in livecd-rootfs instead17:27
cjwatsonI'm going to wait to see how much space the new mesa-lts-quantal saves us, though17:29
cjwatsonamd64/i386 builders are back17:35
cjwatsoninfinity: Oh, I see what's happening with copying of -v-less SRUs not putting the right bits in the accepted mail or closing the right bugs21:23
cjwatsoninfinity: It's yet another ancestry calculation bug21:23
cjwatsoninfinity: When I copied duplicity, there was no previous version in quantal-updates21:23
cjwatsoninfinity: I bet in your test there was a previous version in -updates21:24
cjwatson        existing = archive.getPublishedSources(21:24
cjwatson            name=source.sourcepackagerelease.name, exact_match=True,21:24
cjwatson            status=active_publishing_status, distroseries=series,21:24
cjwatson            pocket=pocket).first()21:24
infinitycjwatson: Probably, yeah.21:24
infinitycjwatson: Is there any where in LP that actually get ancestry right? :)21:24
cjwatsonI literally just traced through Soyuz' entire mail notification code before spotting that21:24
cjwatsonNot that I know of21:25
cjwatsonThere are at least three different wrong implementations21:25
cjwatsonNascentUpload.getSourceAncestry would be the closest to correct for this, I think, but is in an inconvenient place ...21:26
cjwatsonjust pocket=(pocket, RELEASE) wouldn't be dreadful21:28
cjwatsonBut possibly I ought to move that method out of NascentUpload and reuse it, instead21:28

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