
vjacobhiya. what kind of pros/cons can you think of either in favour or against a free (open-source) NAS box for a home file (media) server as opposed to a more general purpose distribution such as Ubuntu Server?00:58
PatrickDKif you can't answer that, a nas distro it is for you01:03
vjacobPatrickDK: good point, takker :)01:04
PatrickDKthe main thing that trumps all that, is your personal knowledge, and how much you want to mess with it01:05
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hallynlifeless: oh, sorry, is that your question :)  you need to install the qemu-kvm-spice package, then run kvm-spice instead of just kvm01:50
hallynmake sure to add '-enable-kvm' to the options, otherwise use the same options you've been using01:50
hallynlifeless: using virt-manager, at the end of the wizard you can click 'advanced options', go to 'display vnc', and then choose spice instead of vnc01:53
lifelesshallyn: ok, and virt-manager knows to run qemu-kvm-spice ?02:00
lifelesshallyn: (and thanks!)02:01
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pmp6nlShould iptables be blocking dns packets?02:27
patdk-lapsure, if you told it to02:28
pmp6nlit is, but is it suppose to be doing that.  Is it good or bad? patdk-lap - thanks02:29
patdk-lappmp6nl, only you can answer that02:33
pmp6nldo you block dns patdk-lap ?02:34
patdk-lapif you told it to, yes, it shoudl block it, or it would be a pretty lousy filter02:34
patdk-lapis it good or bad? dunno, who told it to would have to answer that02:34
patdk-lapyes and no02:34
patdk-lapyour asking the wrong questions02:34
pmp6nlok, so what would the point be of dns contacting the server?02:35
patdk-lapto resolve domain names02:35
patdk-lapas that is what dns does02:35
patdk-lapstupid question02:35
pmp6nlYes, but i have a separte dns server02:35
patdk-laplike of like asking, what is the point of running an http server02:35
pmp6nlwell thanks for being super helpful patdk-lap02:35
patdk-laptrying, but your questions are ultra roundabout02:36
pmp6nlhow can someone ask a more specific question if they are trying to learn it and dont know how to ask more specifically?  If I am on a VPS does the host server (which is what controls the dns) need to contact my vps specifically02:38
patdk-laphow else will you be able to lookup dns entries?02:39
patdk-lapif you reject all replies?02:40
patdk-lapatleast this time you asked a specific question02:40
pmp6nlWell everything has been working fine for 8 months...02:42
patdk-lapdepending on how it is setup, if your using conntrack, it will attempt to match outgoing and incoming udp packets so it will work02:43
pmp6nlhumm, that must be what its doing then. Ill research this more. THanks02:44
patdk-lapbut that can also have large memory usage effect if you do a lot of udp02:44
pmp6nlmight be, trying to figure out what is using so much memory.  Though it looks like apache02:47
vjacobis it possible to change the cipher of the disk encryption post-install?03:32
vjacobhi. is it possible to change the cipher of the disk encryption post-install?03:33
jotterbot1234has anyone here had a go at trying to run an Adobe Update Server on ubuntu?05:14
jotterbot1234specifically AUSST which they say can run on linux05:14
grendal-primesoooo is there a reason that the vncserver that is integrated into the os is so...well...sucky?06:48
grendal-primeand if so can i point that fancy front end to use like the x11vnc server?06:49
luminousdo you need to "register" services with upstart?08:41
luminousI have an upstart init script from a package contrib (uwsgi), it's pretty simple, has the same perms as everything else in /etc/init, but upstart fails to recognize it when I try `service uwsgi start`08:41
luminousstart: Unknown job: uwsgi08:42
jodhluminous: Try init-checkconf - http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#init-checkconf08:43
jodhluminous: ...and try using the upstart commands, rather than the SysV ones: 'start uwsgi'.08:44
luminousit keeps changing I didn't know there where new commands08:51
luminousHAH, cannot run as root?08:51
luminousERROR: failed to ask Upstart to check conf file08:52
* luminous thanks ini-checkconf for the details08:53
luminousjodh: `start uwsgi` fails with the same error.. "start: Unknown job: uwsgi"08:53
luminousI shall consider this system broken and redeploy :)08:54
luminousthanks to salt and the cloud!08:54
jodhluminous: you are probably running in a console environment: there is a fix in the pipeline, but dbus changed its behaviour recently. You need to start a dbus-daemon whilst init-checkconf runs: eval `dbus-launch --auto-syntax`08:55
jodhluminous: as an alternative, you can put upstart into debug mode, touch the problematic file and look at the system log. It will show if the job in question failed to parse. To do this: 'initctl log-priority debug && touch /etc/init/uwsgi.conf && tail /var/log/syslog'08:56
balboahbash: /sbin/reboot: Input/output error09:05
balboahyay for dead drive09:05
luminoussweet, I would not have identified the log-priority so quickly. that is a nice trick09:05
frojnd_Hi there.09:59
frojnd_I keep getting this in /var/log/auth.log Accepted publickey for git from IP port 56006 ssh2 even though I've set port for ssh 10022, does that mean that user is typing in wrong port command?10:00
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RoyKfrojnd: iirc that just means it came from port 56006, that being the source port10:12
frojndah ok.10:31
frojndOne more question about ~/.ssh and everything iside it10:31
frojndEvery computer should have chmoded ~/.ssh like this chmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/* correct me if I'm wrong?10:32
remix_tjfrojnd: no, correct10:32
remix_tjonly owner has to access .ssh10:32
frojndreverse mapping checking getaddrinfo for abts-north-dynamic*.in [122.161.*] failed - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT! Why does this upper case say possible break in?10:44
frojndThe user only tried to commit through git for 5 times10:46
mathiI try to install ubuntu server from my external hard drive (through usb), the problem is that the installation steps asks me to mount from CD-ROM11:09
mathithere is a workaround: http://demtrex.wordpress.com/2011/04/04/work-around-the-cd-rom-detection-issue-when-installing-ubuntu-server/11:09
mathibut for me it doesn't suggest me to "Manually select a CD-ROM module and device"11:10
mathiI am trying t install version 12.10 by the way11:10
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frojndAny ideas on that reverese mapping?12:26
frojndhttp://scottlinux.com/2012/03/07/troubleshooting-ssh-server-logs-and-error-messages/ <- Next one, connecting client has no or bad reverse DNS (PTR). Does not necessarily mean you have a ‘break-in attempt’.12:27
frojndok, I'm good12:27
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ridehUpdated mongo but now using service reports its an "unknown instance"13:45
CPrompt^I have a fresh install of server 12.10.  I set up a virtual host in the "sites-available" that points to a directory in my home directory (/home/user/www).  Every morning when I try to access the site, the permissions are set so I get a "Forbidden".  I chmod it to 755 and all comes back.13:52
CPrompt^What could be causing this?  All it is, is a LAMP server running a Wiki13:52
CPrompt^there are no scripts that are running and I am the only one that has access to it13:52
ridehdid you use a stack script to install 12.10?13:53
ridehcan you run apache as the user?13:54
CPrompt^rideh: I just let it install everything as normal, yes13:54
CPrompt^not sure about running apache as the user.  I guess I could but that depends13:55
CPrompt^i'll change the user in the apache.conf and see what happens.  Unfortunatley it will probably be tomorrow before I find out if it works  LOL13:57
rbasakzul: hey. May I take the logwatch merge please?13:59
rbasak(seems straightforward enough13:59
zulrbasak: you dont even have to ask13:59
CPrompt^rideh: thanks.  I think that actually did the trick14:01
apware we aware of network manager stomping on virbr0 on raring hosts ?14:02
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hallynlifeless: right, it (virt-manager) should then DTRT14:27
* apw has had to add 'iface virbr0 inet manual' to /etc/network/interfaces to keep my bridge working14:52
hallynapw: oh?  i thought that bug was fixed on friday?15:03
hallynyup, at least lxcbr0 is running fine on my raring box with n-m still running15:04
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hallynstgraber: how had you created that VM?  You manually in virt-manager clicked the cpu features you wanted?16:29
stgraberhallyn: I never manually selected cpu flags, so my guess is that virt-manager did that for me at some point16:33
hallynzul: ^ (see Laney and stgraber above) I'm not sure yet, but we may need some changes to libvirt to accomodate the switch from qemu-kvm to qemu16:33
zulhallyn: ack16:34
hallynstgraber: wait a sec.  you're using qemu-kvm-spice in that paste.  which has not changed16:40
hallynoops, wrong chan eh16:41
CombatjuanHello, how do I go about determining if this kernel bug https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42981 has been patched in my ubuntu kernel (linux-image-3.2.0-35).  Does the -35 map directly to the upstream revision?16:55
uvirtbotbugzilla.kernel.org bug 42981 in Power-Processor "Processor Aggregator Device is not stable causing FW-OS communication to stop" [High,Closed: code_fix]16:55
mathiI can't install Ubuntu Server because it blocks at this step: Configure the package manager16:57
mathithe last things it says is: Scanning the mirror16:57
mathiand then it goes back to the Ubuntu installer main menu16:57
mathianyone ?16:59
RoyKmathi: never seen that one - can you resolve/ping an internet host like google.com from the commandline? just press alt+left to switch to a console17:05
mathiRoyK, it says, google is alive17:05
mathiRoyK, at about 21%, it goes directly back to "Ubuntu installer main menu"17:07
rbasakmathi: in the menu, go down to save debug logs and pastebin them?17:07
mathiok second17:07
mathisyslog:   http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Nzn4PTgc17:09
mathihardware-summary:   http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=JTGRVsLB17:10
mathipartman:    http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=m7AEp2TT17:10
mathirbasak, ^17:12
RoyKmathi: which version of ubuntu is this?17:12
mathiRoyK, Ubuntu Server 12.1017:12
RoyKdunno - I've hardly installed 12.10...17:13
RoyKnot sure if it'll solve it, but I'd recommend using LTS releases like 12.04 for servers17:13
RoyKI always do, unless it's a test site and I want to test something new and fancy17:14
mathiRoyK, but 12.10 is a stable release, no ?17:14
RoyKit's stable, but not long term support17:14
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)17:14
* qhartman also uses only LTS releases on servers17:14
mathiok, i'll go for that because I tried to install Ubuntu server for more than 4 hours, without success17:15
RoyKand LTS is generally more stable over time, and is *generally* better kept after by canonical17:15
mathiok thanks I'll try right now:)17:15
RoyKthat's a lot of time trying to setup ubuntu...17:15
resnoif you had to allow ftp access which server would you use?17:15
qhartmanIt can be a pain if the release you're using leaves support and PPAs you are using drop it.17:15
RoyKmathi: what sort of server is this?17:16
rbasakmathi: not sure if wget is available to you in the recovery shell, but if it is, can you try "wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/Release" and check that you get sensible data?17:16
mathiRoyK, i want to make an asterisk server (ipbx)17:16
rbasakmathi: apart from that I'm not sure, sorry. It still sounds like a network issue, but I've not seen it before.17:16
mathirbasak, I already shut down, I am going to follow the advices here, to install LTS. except if you are really interested, I can start the server again and check for you17:17
RoyKwell, are you going to use the asterisk version in the repos, or build from source?17:17
RoyKthe one in the repos is rather old17:17
rbasakmathi: OK no problem. Go ahead with the LTS attempt17:17
mathiRoyK, i'll install asterisk 1117:17
mathiquite new release17:17
* RoyK used to work with asterisk for three years, some 4 years ago, and isn't allowed to use the needed vocabulary for asterisk pbx in this channel17:18
mathiwell downloading the 12.04, gonna have a rest, be back later to keep you up to date for this apt issue17:19
mathiRoyK, why? :-)17:19
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:19
mathiahaha I just got the joke17:20
RoyKmathi: it's probably been cleaned up a bit since then, but I know uninett.no still sticks to 1.4 for their service for norwegian universities and colleges because of new bugs17:21
qhartmanI had much better luck working with the sipX IP PBX stuff than Asterisk.17:37
qhartmanBut it's been multiple years since I mucked with it as well.17:37
RoyKqhartman: dunno if sipx can do all of what asterisk can, though17:38
RoyKguess it depends what you need17:39
qhartmanRoyK, True, it doesn't do Voicemail and that sort of thing. I was working with it to integrate voip stuff into an existing legacy PBX system.17:39
qhartmanIT was not standalone17:39
qhartmanBut sipX was much easier to get going and less quirky than Asterisk17:39
RoyKif it's just a sip proxy you need, I guess SER/OpenSER/SpenSIPS would do better than asterisk17:40
dokgI am trying to boot from a USB external hard drive. It works for Ubuntu 12.10, but doesn't for the 12.04 LTS release19:22
dokgI get for the latter, the error: "No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!"19:23
dokgrbasak, still here ? :$19:23
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raubQuicn-n-easy question: shouldn't the reverse zone entry (in named.conf.local) for look something like zone "64-" IN { [...] }; ?20:00
frojndHi there.20:23
frojndWhen I perform sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade It says: The following packages have been kept back: linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic and the following will be upgraded: dpkg dpkg-dev libdpkg-perl libfreetype6 linux-libc-dev20:24
frojndit keep em back all the time, where is set this?20:24
RoyKfrojnd: what version?20:27
frojndRoyK: 12.420:27
RoyKit really shouldn't hold back linux-generic and friends20:27
RoyKreport a bug20:27
maxbSurely this is far more likely to be a artifact of the peculiarities of packages installed on this system than a bug?20:30
maxbThe packages could be on hold status, or there could be some kind of other dependency holding them back20:31
frojndmaxb: where do I check if it's on hold status?20:31
maxb'dpkg -l linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic', look at the first column20:31
frojndI already got server  when it was installed alreeady20:32
frojndmaxb: it's ii for all three20:32
maxbNot on hold, then.20:32
frojndThey are all this version20:32
maxbI'd guess some other package dependency holding the others back20:33
frojndis there a log for apt?20:33
maxbCurrent is
frojndBut that's just an speculation and blind guessing20:33
maxbOh, of course they're held back20:34
maxbplain 'upgrade' only upgrades packages which don't require new packages to be installed to satisfy dependencies20:35
maxbThe whole point of those linux packages mentioned is to cause the installation of new kernel package version/names, by dependency20:35
frojnd_maxb: if you wrote something I didn't receive due to change of IP...20:36
maxb20:34 < maxb> Oh, of course they're held back20:36
maxb20:35 < maxb> plain 'upgrade' only upgrades packages which don't require new packages to be installed to satisfy dependencies20:36
maxb20:35 < maxb> The whole point of those linux packages mentioned is to cause the installation of new kernel package version/names, by dependency20:36
frojnd_so when other packages will need upgrade so will those three20:37
frojnd_if I understand this correctly?20:37
maxbUm. I don't really understand what you're trying to say, but I think the answer is "No."20:38
maxbWhat you need to do, is to read the descriptions of 'upgrade' and 'dist-upgrade' in the apt-get manpage20:39
maxbThat explains the difference pretty well20:39
patdk-wkupgrade only installs current stuff20:40
patdk-wkdist-upgrade installs NEW stuff20:40
frojnd_I see20:41
Quest what are the different foip fax over ip software20:44
frojnd_In practice what's more secure upgrade or dist-upgrade? For people who has been using ubuntu-server for more then 6months?20:45
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mdeslauryou need to use dist-upgrade to get all the security updates20:49
frojndmdeslaur: I was concinred about that if I do dist-upgrade I might upgrade release, but then I found out that this could be done if I had modified /etc/apt/sources.list and also that this is now know as full upgrade not release upgrade20:51
frojndthis is now known as full upgrade20:51
RoyKmdeslaur: erm, shouldn't an upgrade get all the security updates, while dist-upgrade would get the low-priority upgrades?20:51
stgraberRoyK: no, dist-upgrade just means that in the event where an extra package needs to be installed or removed to satisfy the upgrade, apt will do so20:52
stgraberRoyK: upgrade (also known as safe-upgrade) will never add or remove a package on your system and will instead prevent any package the would pull or remove packages from getting installed20:52
mdeslaurIn stable releases, it should be fine to always use dist-upgrade. In the dev release, you have to be careful, and possibly use upgrade sometimes when the archive is in a state of flux.20:53
frojndlinux-headers-3.2.0-36 linux-headers-3.2.0-36-generic linux-image-3.2.0-36-generic <- this requires reboot, is there a workarouind?20:53
stgraberyou can install them now, it won't force you to reboot, though you won't get the fixes (and potential security fixes, I don't know that particular version) until you reboot20:54
frojndstgraber: so the only way is to reboot20:54
mdeslaurRoyK: occasionally security updates do have to pull in a new package, so if you're not using dist-upgrade, you're missing out.20:55
stgraberfrojnd: usually any package update requires the affected software to be restarted, when that's the kernel, it means a full system reboot20:55
frojndstgraber: roger that.20:55
frojndLet's time it then20:55
stgraberksplice allows you to apply some fixes online without reboot but that's an external service provided by Oracle and I'm not sure we actually support it in any way (and I've had quite a few weird kernel bugs caused by it in the past)20:56
RoyKfrojnd: it doesn't require an immediate reboot, but one to replace the running code20:56
Quest what are the different foip fax over ip software20:57
frojndRoyK: yeah I know that but eventually I have to do it. I might as well do it now when noone is wokring on it20:57
RoyKQuest: foip is fax over ip using T.38 which is rather tricky, since T.38 is a rather wide standard20:58
frojndstgraber: ah yeah that.20:58
RoyKfax over ip is just foip20:58
RoyKor perhaps a scan-email-gateway20:58
NoteHello, I am having problems adding a repository21:00
NoteI get add-apt-repository: command not found21:00
NoteI added python-software-properties21:00
Notebut I still get the same erro21:00
RoyKQuest: the timing in t.38 must be really strict for T.30 traffic to get through well21:01
RoyKNote: google that ;)21:01
NoteI did, and every google search says add python software properties21:02
NoteI added it and installe21:02
NoteAnd I still get command not found21:02
frojndI have GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 in /etc/default/grub in what should I change it to reserve seconds?21:02
RoyKNote: python-software-properties installed?21:02
NoteRoyK, yes21:02
frojndBut GRUB_DEFAULT=021:02
NoteSetting up python-software-properties (0.92.9) ...21:03
Noteroot@vps:~# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable21:03
Notesudo: add-apt-repository: command not found21:03
Noteroot@vps:~# sudo apt-get install python-software-properties21:03
sorenroaksoax: Are you able to stop by #ubuntu-meeting to talk about your SRU request?21:03
Notepython-software-properties is already the newest version.21:04
Note0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:04
QuestRoyK,  how do i know i have t38 support? i have asterisk pbx runing21:04
Notei was doing add-apt21:05
Noteits apt-add21:05
Notehm, that didn't work either21:05
sorenroaksoax: Oh, it's not on the agenda anymore. Never mind.21:05
RoyKQuest: well, asterisk is supposed to have some t.38 support, but even with spandsp (some 4 years ago), it didn't work properly. Steve Underwood, who wrote spandsp, didn't want to commit his code to Digium's regime, so digium apparently took some of it and wrote their own stack. Better ask on #asterisk for more info21:06
RoyKQuest: Digium isn't playing nicely with GPL - they apparently take pure GPL code and pour into asterisk, which is dual licensed21:08
frojnd2minute s12 seconds boot time21:08
frojnd2minutes 19seconds from the moment I run sudo reboot :o21:09
frojndThis a lot don't you think?21:09
RoyKfrojnd: depends what sort of disk you've got and how many services running, and how slow the BIOS is21:10
RoyKfrojnd: better time it from the time you hit enter in grub and to the login prompt21:11
frojndRoyK: I don't have pysical access.. it's dedicated server21:12
frojndLet me find out what disks I really have21:12
RoyKfrojnd: no bmc/drac/ipmi/something?21:14
frojndRoyK: where?21:14
frojndRoyK: hdparm -I /dev/sda http://paste.ubuntu.com/1556630/21:14
RoyKfrojnd: some (or most?) servers have possibilities for remote access when the OS is down21:15
frojndRoyK: I can remotely go to rescue mode21:15
frojndif I *mess* something up21:15
hallynstgraber: hm, did i never send the patch to lxc-devel to close the rootfs.hold fd?  i thought i sent it last week...  but not seeing it in my mbox21:15
RoyKerm... why that hdparm output? it doesn't say much21:16
RoyKfrojnd: smartctl -a may say a bit more if you're afraid of hardware errors21:16
frojndRoyK: I'm not but I can perform it21:16
frojndthey keep backups..21:16
frojndI mean it's in raid21:17
RoyKfrojnd: you're not what?21:17
stgraberhallyn: I think you did, I just haven't reviewed it yet. Let me check21:19
stgraberhallyn: "[PATCH] don't leak the rootfs.pin fd into the container"21:19
hallynstgraber: phew.  ok.  no hurry, i just wanted to make sure i didn't forget to send it.21:20
stgraberhallyn: reviewed and acked. Pushing to staging now21:21
stgraberhallyn: I think I also still have something to review on the per-container logfile stuff21:21
hallynstgraber: perhaps not, bc i pushed one or two myself21:22
hallyn(since the pile ws becomign confusing)21:22
hallynjust sent the first patch (of probably 3) for lxc-attach for user namespaces21:22
frojndRoyK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1556652/21:23
frojndRoyK: read speeds are ok21:23
RoyKfrojnd: what raid config was this? is this write?21:23
frojndsudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda21:24
frojndah raid21:24
RoyK100MB/s to a single drive is ok21:26
frojndI only run a few services21:26
RoyKwell, then don't bother about I/O21:27
RoyKwhat you get here is sufficient21:27
frojndpstree: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1556670/21:27
RoyKwhat about it?21:28
* RoyK flags n00b21:28
frojndjust to see how many services server is running21:28
RoyKps faxw is probably better for showing what's on21:29
frojndnot much :P21:32
frojndCan you suggest me some good security tutorials for admins?21:36
RoyKfirst of all, don't install more services than needed21:37
RoyKsecond, use ufw to open only needed ports21:37
frojndRoyK: that is already done21:37
RoyKthird, use something like denyhosts to block ssh worms and such21:37
RoyKthat covers most21:37
RoyKwell, of course, use common sense in choosing passwords21:38
RoyKlong ones are good21:38
patdk-wkheh, anything >12chars is reasonably secure currently21:40
patdk-wkI'm more into the 20-30 length though21:40
RoyKthat xkcd thing is rather good, though21:40
frojndwhere do you store it? keepassx or similar?21:40
frojndRoyK: it's great :)21:40
patdk-wkI had a website today that required 9 letters only, not 8 or 7, or 10, but exactly 921:40
patdk-wkI use keepass :)21:40
RoyKfrojnd: no need to store a password you can remember21:40
frojndRoyK: true that :)21:41
frojndRoyK: but when you have a lot passwords :D21:41
frojndand I mean 20+21:41
patdk-wkroyk, even after using a different password for 50+ websites?21:41
frojndthigs starts to get interesting..21:41
RoyKthen I use keepassx for the less secure ones21:41
frojnddo you extra encrypt it?21:41
RoyKwell, I store the keepassx data on an encrypted partition :P21:41
frojndwhat if you forget to power off that hard drive :P21:42
RoyKit should be consistent enough21:42
RoyKso long as keepassx hasn't done anything recently21:42
RoyKand I have backups...21:43
RoyKencrypted, of course21:43
frojndRoyK: do you upload the to clouds too? like dropbox or now "mega"21:43
frojndor only other secure serveres21:43
RoyKtertiary backups goes to crashplan, which is said to be encrypted21:44
RoyKdunno how true that is, but really, I hope I don't have to find out21:44
frojnddenyhosts is slick21:55
frojndI'm looking how to configure it but I see now that it configures everything by some rules21:56
patdk-wkroyk, they are encrypted fine21:56
patdk-wkbut if someone else uploads the *same* file, they will know what *your file* is21:56
patdk-wkbut unless there is a dup match, it's prefectly secure21:56
mathiRoyK, I finally tried to install 12.04 LTS, but it fails earlier in the installation process : Configure the network. Network authentication failed. Your network is probably not using the DHCP protocol. Alternatively, the DHCP server may be slow or some network hardware is not working properly22:09
mathiI suspect it's the latter possibility mentionned, as it worked nicely in 12.1022:09
mathimaybe 12.04 cannot detect my wireless card :(22:09
mathiwhat should I do in this case ?22:10
patdk-wkjust don't bother, setup wireless after it's installed22:12
mathipatdk-wk but I already installed ubuntu server without internet and I gave up ...22:13
mathibecause too many problems afterwards22:13
sander__Do any brand ship servers preinstalled with ubuntu-server?22:15
mathiwhy can't Ubuntu see my wireless card ? :( why on Windows I never have that problem22:31
Fleckmathi: lspci + google22:34
Fleckor lsusb if USB wireless card22:36
mathiomg... Ubuntu Server 12.04 gives same error as 12.10 at installation for me22:49
mathiit just doesn't go beyond "Configure the package manager"22:49
mathiScanning the mirror...22:49
mathiand goes back to main menu22:50
mathiok I think i'm done with this os22:50
RoyKtry installing without setting an ip address22:50
RoyKmight be something bad with the installer on your hardware22:50
mathiRoyK, i skipped the network part22:50
mathibecause 12.04 couldn't conect on the internet22:51
mathiI will install Lubuntu and i'll see of it gets any better ...22:51
RoyKmathi: I've installed ubuntu without networking a few times22:51
RoyKmathi: is this a vm?22:51
mathiRoyK, no22:52
mathiit's a ZOTAC computer22:52
mathiZOTAC ZBOX SD-ID12 - Intel Atom Dual Core D525 Intel GMA 3150 Wi-Fi N22:52
RoyKnever heard of the brand22:52
RoyKcabled networking somehow?22:53
mathiRoyK, i don't have cable, only wifi22:53
mathii could ... but i should move all my stuff22:53
RoyKtry disabling wifi in the bios22:54
RoyKiirc wifi support in the installer isn't too good on the server platform22:54
RoyKworks well with manual config, though22:55
RoyKgood luck - I'm off to bed22:55
mathiRoyK, the manual config asks domain name etc22:56
mathiquite strange22:56
Shogoot_ofworkHi people. Im setting up my first Ubuntu-server. I was wondering if im going to use RAID, and need to ask. The laptop im using as server has a 166 GB drive and i have a 500GB second hd attached to it. does it make nay sense to use RAID1, would the effect be that i only would have a 166GB Hd to write to? as the necesarily mirror each other?23:12
bradmShogoot_ofwork: correct, raid1 needs to have same sized paritions to work with - I guess you could partition off the > 166G part of the external disk and use it, but I haven't done that before.23:13
Shogoot_ofworkok thanks. i guess its a no go, as i the data on the resting 334GB of the second drive would not have the backup i want it to have if using RAID123:15
=== Shogoot_ofwork is now known as Shogoot
bradmwait, raid is _not_ backup.23:16
Shogootits a mirror its what i meant ;)23:16
bradmbut, yes, the rest of the disk wouldn't be protected.23:16
Shogootbradm, thanks for the help23:17
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina_away
NoteHello, I have a VPS running nginx, mysql and php, I have created a contact form that links to a .php document enabling visitors to send messages using the website and for me to receive the message sent from the website23:59
Notehowever, i am not receiving the email, i think it is down to my server23:59
Notewhat do i need to install for my server to be able to forward the mail on?23:59

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