
snap-lrick_h_droid: heh00:06
snap-lhttp://blackcirclerecords.bandcamp.com/track/the-body-of-a-brazilian-transexual-for-suzanne-moore <- FML03:22
greg-grick_h_droid, rick_h_ : dude, I got the best thing in the world today, my grandpa's old wooden woodworking toolchest/box (he was a carpenter).03:33
greg-gyeah, working on importing/touching up the photos now :)03:36
* snap-l is having his face ripped off by some Italian Medieval metal03:38
greg-guploading :)03:47
snap-lHoly Fuck03:55
snap-lShant Hagopian - Guitars03:55
snap-lDerek Sherinian - Keyboards03:55
snap-lVirgil Donati - Drums03:55
snap-lRic Fierabracci - Bass03:55
snap-lI will shit myself silly if this is released completely under a CC license.04:00
greg-grick_h_droid: rick_h_ snap-l : the toolchest: http://goo.gl/47rg604:17
snap-lTHat's awesome.04:18
greg-gphoto of my mom (his daughter) with it (for size): http://www.flickr.com/photos/grggrssmr/8400050155/in/photostream04:19
greg-grick_h_: snap-l http://blog.grossmeier.net/2013/01/20/grandpas-tool-chest/05:29
rick_h_greg-g: awesome11:39
rick_h_greg-g: that looks so cool11:40
rick_h_greg-g: http://blog.lostartpress.com/category/books-in-print/the-anarchists-tool-chest/ yea, definitely a toolbox. Some tool chest designs11:41
rick_h_I'm debating on trying to build either http://blog.lostartpress.com/2013/01/11/a-quick-tour-of-the-dutch-tool-chest/ or http://blog.lostartpress.com/2012/02/18/anarchists-tool-chest-on-the-woodwrights-shop/11:45
snap-lWell, it was too good to be true:12:39
rick_h_ruh roh12:39
snap-lAlso, keyboard is scheduled for Friday12:42
snap-lNot sure JoDee can last that long. ;)12:42
snap-lLemons -> Lemonade12:59
snap-lLooks like the UPS on this computer at work is having issues14:41
snap-lcame in to find it "overloaded"14:41
snap-leven though there wasn't much plugged in or even operational14:41
snap-lapparently it is something to do with the fans connected to it.14:42
brouschWe had 3 UPSes wigging out today too14:43
brouschMust have been a very brief power outage here14:43
jrwrensnap-l: so did you snag all the material from bandcamp while it was marked CC ?15:25
jrwrentheir mistake is your added freedom!15:25
snap-ljrwren: No, I didn't.15:31
snap-lAnd frankly I'd rather save my resources for folks who "get it".15:31
snap-lWould have been awesome though if they had, but there is still time. The project isn't signed to a label.15:32
snap-lI doubt they'll reconsider, but you never know.15:32
snap-lYou get nothing if you don't ask.15:35
jcastrohey snap-l17:42
jcastrodo you own drums at this point in time?17:42
jcastron0p: are you off today?17:43
n0pnope, working17:43
jcastron0p: we need to find time to jam bro17:46
snap-lI have a drum set that needs reskilling17:50
snap-lreskinning, too. ;)17:50
snap-lThe heads are over 10 years old.17:50
snap-lJust give me a few days notice, I'll get some new heads.17:51
jcastrowell, that's 2 people18:05
jcastron0p: *cough*18:05
n0peh, i have so much to do on my house, and so out of practice.. :-/ soonest i see myself having fun is summer time18:06
jcastroman have you ever heard me play?18:07
jcastroI am the worst one18:07
jcastroit could be like stress relief18:07
jcastroplus "crappy" for flav is like awesome for the rest of us18:08
rick_h_http://r.bmark.us/u/bd898d5cbe1711 is interesting in the Ubuntu/Obama combination of things.18:42
rick_h_"When I was at Threadless, it was all physical boxes and it was RHEL, I wanted to kill myself!" :P18:42
jcastroRequest Time: 0.37418:57
jcastronice metric!18:57
snap-lTIL: There was a //e Platinum: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Apple_Platinum_IIe.jpg19:05
rick_h_hah, well that's just how long it took my app to d/l the original article19:05
snap-lMan, Apple made some sexy hardware.19:05
brouschsnap-l: They still do19:27
rick_h_*sigh* 2minutes on the bootstrap mailing list and I'm already afraid. Damn people that don't know how things work :/19:40
snap-lrick_h_: Twitter makes it, so it must be automatic.19:50
brouschI didn't like bootstrap. It requires grbage in your HTML19:50
Wolfgercall me way behind the times, but Precise Pangolin isn't the latest release, is it?20:44
snap-lIt's the latest LTS release20:46
snap-lWork is starting on Raring Ringtail20:46
snap-lQuantal Quetzal was 12.1020:46
* snap-l really hopes he can win $$ for knowing these things someday.20:47
WolfgerJust wondering why I only upgraded to Precise today, and didn't upgrade a second time. It's because Kubuntu is dead, isn't it? :-p20:48
brouschNo. LTS does not automatically upgrade20:49
brouschYou need to explicitly tell it to upgrade to non-LTS20:49
brouschKubuntu is the best Ubuntu20:49
Wolfgeralways was20:49
brouschWell, server might be better20:49
WolfgerI'm annoyed with package management and/or k3b. Every time I run k3b it tells me packages can be installed for additional functionality. It's always the same package (mp3) and I always say yes and it always says it successfully installed. :-/21:20
Wolfgerinstalled lame manually, now can rip to mp3, but still getting same freaking message21:28
brouschYes. Evr time21:29
snap-lAnyone else having problems with Dropbox saying it Can't find Dropbox folder?21:29
snap-lI managed to clear that message out yesterday with a reboot, and now it's back21:30
brouschMine seems OK21:30
snap-lI'd rather not have to reboot21:30
snap-land the only info I found made mention of redoing grub21:30
snap-lWhich makes me wonder what the hell grub would have to do with Dropbox.21:31
brouschAt worst I would think uninstall/reinstall dropbox21:31
snap-lGood ol' ubuntuforums21:31
snap-lI swear I'd block 'em forever if they didn't turn up the occasional nugget.21:32
snap-lI tried reinstall21:32
jcastrosnap-l: try blowing away .dropbox21:42
jcastro(not .dropbox-dist)21:42
jcastroand then restarting it21:42
snap-lwon't that cause problems?21:42
jcastroactually, close it, remove the directory, and then restart it21:42
jcastroit'll need to reindex and so on21:42
jcastrobut it's like, an equivalent of a clean install for db21:42
snap-lI moved it to .dropbox.old21:43
snap-lStill says it can't access dropbox folder.21:58
snap-lWhat the hell21:58
jcastrowhat's the permissions on it?21:59
snap-l700 with me as the owner22:00
snap-l770 = same result22:01
snap-lThe infuriating part is it was working just fine until it wasn't22:02
jrwrenjcastro: fun with fanzoo on wednesday?23:07

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