
mathiany hotkey to open console ?01:36
holsteinmathi: i usually set 'super+t' ala #! ...control+alt+t usually work, though i forget if that was default or not01:37
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution01:37
mathiholstein, i never understood the difference between ctrl-alt-t console and the ctrl-alt-f1-601:41
holsteinmathi: depends on what you want to do... if you are just trying to run some commands in a terminal, then it doesnt really matter01:43
mathiholstein, then when does it matter ?01:43
holsteinmathi: it depends on what you are doing... what are you wanting to do?01:44
mathinot much right now)01:44
holsteinmathi: then just open terminal, and "experiment"01:44
user02938How do I enable wireless with ralink rt3070 chipset04:04
user02938This wireless works fine in kubuntu 12.04 but not in lubuntu 12.04.04:07
Unit193If I were you, I'd install firmware-ralink04:07
Unit193!info firmware-ralink04:07
ubottuPackage firmware-ralink does not exist in quantal04:07
user02938i also tried to install the windows driver, but the driver is an .exe and fails to extract properly in wine, although it managed to extract an .inf file but no .sys.04:10
Unit193I'd recommend looking in jockey, which was moved to Software Sources > Additional Drivers.04:11
user02938you mean: Preferences > Additional drivers ?  Can't see software sources.04:13
Unit193Yep, the change I said was in quantal/12.10. :P04:13
user02938well firmware-ralink and jocket aren't in precise either.04:14
user02938unless i missed something..checking again..04:14
user02938found jocket-gtk04:15
user02938"no proprietary drivers are in use on this system"..   :- (04:17
user02938strange how it works in kubuntu 12.0404:17
Unit193Indeed, I don't have a ralink card, and that other package I noticed wasn't in main repos, so all I can do now is either point you to #ubuntu or ...04:18
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:18
kewelI have an old machine, should I use lubuntu 12.04 or 12.10?04:22
user02938kewel, how old is old?04:25
Unit193Since Lubuntu doesn't have LTSes, it's generally recommended to be on the newest.  The question here would be if it supports PAE, though.  DO you know the CPU?04:25
kewelPIII 1GHz 512 MB04:30
kewel*old* =)04:31
user02938kewel: Try the non-pae mini.iso ubuntu installer04:38
user02938that's what i use on my old pcs04:39
kewelI just read that anything after 1995 pentium pro has pae04:39
kewelPIII included.04:39
kewelalso read that lubuntu 12.10 uses more ram than 12.0404:39
kewelheh.. the real problem is that I'm out of cdrs04:40
kewelyou can't help with that. heh04:40
user02938ubuntu with pae has failed on my pcs04:40
user02938yes many times that's why i used non-pae installer with generic kernel04:40
kewelmy lubuntu 12.10 install cd locks up during install04:40
Unit193Easy way to check is booting the Live env, or if you already have linux   grep pae /proc/cpuinfo04:41
Unit193kewel: Where did you read that it uses more ram?04:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 1069081 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu 12.10 uses 30% more RAM than 12.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:42
user02938I'm using Lubuntu 12.04 on my Celeron PC and it works fine except wireless.   Even better with an nvidia agp card.04:43
user02938Only one way to find out is to experiment.  Audio can be a problem in old pcs, so you might need to buy a pci sound card.04:44
kewelthanks for the input04:44
user02938I entered:  cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep pae04:46
user02938pae is listed in red here.04:46
kewelsame here04:46
user02938i used the non-pae installer for this pc. works fine.  Probably could have used the normal installer.04:48
user02938i like the ubuntu mini iso because you can build your system exactly how you want it.  But i select "ubuntu lxde desktop" which gives me "lubuntu".04:49
user02938With the mini iso you could build a stripped down ubuntu with a light destktop.  Cut any stuff you don't need like cups04:52
kewelI do need cups tho. heh04:55
kewelwell I found a usb drive .. I'm gonna make a live usb with lubuntu 12.04 alt install04:56
user02938OK.. as long as it boots from usb :- )04:57
kewelit's supposed to.  haven't tried it yet.04:57
user02938some old pcs lack usb booting in the bios so you need plop bootloader on CD or floppy which allows you to boot from usb.04:57
user02938<personal experience from many old pcs.04:58
Unit193Also, some need a BIOS update.04:59
mathihi !10:48
mathiThe following command gives me an error: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`10:48
mathiUnable to locate package linux-headers-3.5.0-22-generic10:48
mathiI am running Lubuntu 12.10, can anyone help ?10:48
Unit193Why on earth would you want to do that?10:50
mathi"Another dependency is required for installing DAHDI, and that is the kernel source. It is important that the kernel version being used match exactly that of the kernel source being installed. You can use uname -a to verify the currently running kernel version:"10:50
mathiUbuntu: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`10:50
Unit193That's just wrong.  sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic, but should already be installed.10:51
Unit193Also, should install asterisk from the repos.10:52
Unit193!info asterisk10:52
ubottuasterisk (source: asterisk): Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX). In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (quantal), package size 1156 kB, installed size 3884 kB10:52
mathiwhich repos ?10:52
mathiI installed from their svn the version 1110:52
mathiUnit193, you mean I should do something like: apt-get install asterisk ??10:55
mathiUnit193, then I will have only version 1.8.x, though the latest stable release of Asterisk is 11.211:04
Unit193mathi: That's the framework.11:10
mathiUnit193, it was Asterisk 1.8, then version 10, then version 11, they changed their naming system11:14
Unit193That's what it looks like, but I see version as being released 14-Jan-2013.  I'm going to say I have no idea what's going on there.11:15
Unit193Is version 10+ Proprietary?  wikipedia, though not a good source, lists both versions as current, and both license types.11:18
Unit193https://wiki.asterisk.org/wiki/display/AST/Asterisk+Versions alright, starting to get it more, makes sense.11:19
mathi1.8.x it's LTS, that's why11:20
mathibut 11 is also11:20
Unit193mathi: Anywho, sudo apt-get build-dep asterisk  will install what you need for 1.8 versions, and I'd *guess* it doesn't change much for 11.11:20
mathithat's why repo should be updated :P11:20
Unit193http://packages.qa.debian.org/a/asterisk.html I had looked there, which has 1.8 series as current upstream, and sid doesn't even have 11 yet.11:21
mathiUnit193, Asterisk is soemthing evolving very fast. I have code that would not work on 1.811:21
mathiwhy not ?11:21
mathimaybe cause they upgrade too fast)11:21
Unit193http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-voip/asterisk/trunk/debian/watch?view=log Heh, interesting.11:23
dydzEz2does lubuntu have the ubuntu software centre (like is everything the same except youre just using LXDE13:58
holsteindydzEz2: it can... the repos are the same, the same access to all the same software and sources16:11
holsteindydzEz2: everything is not the same by default though16:11
IboShello people16:52
IboSi've ufw firewall16:52
IboShere the log of the firewall16:53
IboSwhat's happening ?!16:53
IboSi'have a livebox16:54
IboSwhat causes on the side of the livebox this logging ?16:55
holsteinIboS: what do you mean by "livebox"? is the router? the gateway?16:58
IboSholstein: this is the router16:59
holsteinIboS: so, the router is trying to connect to your machine and being blocked by the firewall? correct?16:59
IboSit's what i suppose17:00
holsteinIboS: do you control the router? what is trying to connnect and why?17:00
holsteinwhat is the issue?17:00
IboSi control it17:00
IboSbut i don't what is trying to connect17:00
IboSi need support specifically for this type of router i guess17:01
holsteinIboS: sometimes, i dont run a firewall behind the router on my lan17:02
IboSwell i use nat of the router to access the pc in ssh for outside17:02
holsteinthen, that could be what is trying to connect in IboS17:03
holsteinor, anyone trying whatever port you are running ssh on17:03
holsteinIboS: you have the firewall set to block traffic, and its reporting that it is blocking traffic17:03
IboSbut in the log i don't have port17:04
IboSthe port is not reported17:04
holsteinIboS: i would try a different tool... or look at the router17:05
IboSlet's wireshark !17:05
IboSwhat you think holstein ?17:06
holsteinIboS: its not my network.. i would just look at what traffic i am creating from the router17:07
holsteinIboS: do what makes you feel comfortable17:07
IboSgaah i see17:11
IboSyou're so realist17:11
IboSholstein: it was upnp stuff17:26
holsteinIboS: i disable that on my router17:27
=== IboS_ is now known as IboS

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