
=== plars-off is now known as plars
replicahey can any1 help me out on how to upgrade my 12.10 to 13.0405:29
rigoim connecting to my remote lxde desktop via ssh tunnel and vncviewer running tightvncserver on my pc. but i have to restart the application on my local pc in every few minute08:46
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BluesKajHi all11:05
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jemaduxi have ubuntu lts and ubuntu 13.04 alpha on my machine .. i want the grub to boot directly lts version and not 13.04 .. how to solve thay?20:56
jemaduxi have ubuntu lts and ubuntu 13.04 alpha on my machine .. i want the grub to boot directly lts version and not 13.04 .. how to solve thay?21:13
trismjemadux: easiest way would be to reinstall 12.04 so it takes over grub (and be sure to install dev releases with ubiquity -b in the future so it doesn't overwrite the bootloader)21:19
trismjemadux: otherwise something like: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#Reinstalling_GRUB_2_from_a_Working_System should work from 12.0421:20
jtayloryou hopefully mean reinstall 12.04 grub21:23
jtayloryou don't to reinstall a whole os to change boot ordering :)21:23
trismyes of course you could just change the order, but I'm not sure you really want the dev release owning grub if you want to run 12.04 most of the time21:28
jtayloryou can simply own it back from 12.0421:30
trismyes, reinstalling grub is the topic of the wiki link21:34
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