
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
zequencettoine: hi11:18
ttoinezequence,, what's up ?11:19
zequencettoine: Cleaning, at home. I've been throwing away stuff for the whole year, and it seems I have nothing else to throw now. It's a nice feeling when the idea of sorting everything you own seems like a piece of cake11:21
zequenceI've come to realize it's very important for me to have a minimal amount of objects in my home. Otherwise, like in Chinese Feng Shui, if your home surrounding is in bad shape, your mind will be in bad shape11:23
zequenceAnd my home quickly becomes chaotic, if I don't keep things simple11:24
zequenceplus, someone called me today asking me to come to a job interview11:25
zequenceSo, that felt ok11:25
zequenceIt's better when companies chase you, and not the other way around :P11:25
zequencettoine: How's your baby doing?11:32
jussizequence: job interviews are nice. what do you do? 11:44
zequencejussi: Until now, I've been mostly doing hard labour, but I'm kind of moving towards IT. There seems to be a big interest for qualified Linux admins11:45
zequenceSorry, manual labour11:46
* jussi imagines zequence in the salt mines... :P11:47
zequenceWell, I did work in cold warehouses for a while, -25 C11:47
zequenceBut, salt mines are probably a bit worse :)11:48
astraljavaHard labour is what midwives do, no?13:34
ttoinezequence, hehe, I agree, always better when company chase you13:59
ttoineastraljava, ?14:15
=== scott-work is now known as Guest6298
scott-workgood morning14:58
* scott-work had trouble with logging onto webchat this morning14:58
scott-workit is quite in here today18:29
zequencescott-work: I'd say it quite often is :).19:06
scott-workmicahg: re: bug #1066401, would updating the desktop meta to include photography and publishing metas be a viable options for precise? would this be an SRU?19:19
ubottubug 1066401 in ubuntustudio-meta (Ubuntu) "distribution upgrade to 12.10 omits two metas" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106640119:19
scott-workzequence: that's kinda sad, maybe i can help that19:19
scott-workoh, this reminds me, someone emailed me about helping with studio and i told him, among other things, to come onto irc19:19
* scott-work is looking up his name19:19
zequencescott-work: I don't feel we do too little talking myself19:19
scott-workjames jordin is his name19:20
zequenceWe need more people who have more time to do the work. There aren't that much we need to talk about as it is now, I feel19:20
zequenceWe're on course with things, but we need to get them done too19:21
zequenceTons of stuff I have yet to do for this cycle19:21
zequenceJust looking at the team structure tells you that the same names turn up in way too many teams19:23
zequenceWe have more teams than developers19:24
zequenceThat's kind of funny, when you think about it19:24
zequenceIt's like the plummer you meet at the hotel. He's also the bellboy, and the manager/owner19:24
scott-workabsolutely, it is19:24
zequenceNo absolute disaster, if US stays in it's current shape. It works. It does its job. Of course, it could be enhanced in so many ways19:26
scott-work*sigh* so true19:27
micahgscott-work: well, technically, I think that's new feature stuff...but it might fly19:33
micahgthat won't fix the users who have already upgraded though19:34
scott-workmicahg: understood about people who have upgraded already19:34
scott-workmicahg: i would presume my next step is to update the seeds and file an SRU?19:35
micahgyou might want to ask the SRU team if they mind, it shouldn't be a problem to cherry pick the fixes to get it on the precise ISOs19:35
scott-worki'll see if i can find a few SRU team members on IRC and ask them :)19:36
=== TheMaster is now known as Hypnotoad

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