
CarstenGHi at all16:03
cqfd93Hi Carsten!16:28
CarstenGHi Sylvie.16:45
CarstenGI think the French quantal version is nearly ready to publish16:46
CarstenGKevin uploaded today the title page.16:46
cqfd93That's great news!16:57
cqfd93I haven't heard from Kevin about that, maybe he's too busy.16:58
godbykCarstenG, cqfd93: The French quantal version has just been published. I just got the email that it passed review at CreateSpace.18:40
godbykThe PDFs are available on our website and the printed version is now available via CreateSpace.18:40
godbykIt should appear on Amazon soon.18:41
godbykI also just published the Spanish translation of precise-e2.  The quantal edition will be available in the next week.18:43
godbykIt's nice to see such a variety of languages in the first dropdown list: http://ubuntu-manual.org/downloads18:44
CarstenGHi Kevin18:47
CarstenGGreat news!18:47
CarstenGThis motivates a lot to work on the German translation further.18:48
godbykCarstenG: Having the French translation team show you up like that? ;-)18:51
godbykCarstenG: Even the Russians are ahead of you with precise-e2. :)18:52
godbykLooking at the translation statistics, I'm quite excited to see how many translations are nearly complete!18:52
godbykI may have to get a larger bookshelf if this keeps up!18:52
CarstenGyes... you are right... We are not really a lot people working on German.18:53
CarstenGAt the moment I guess me and Daniel are the only two..18:53
CarstenG.And I can only make suggestions...18:54
godbykCarstenG: Yeah, I think a lot of depends on how many translators you have helping.18:59
CarstenGWell, here you see our progress: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGermanTranslators/UbuntuManual19:01
godbykCarstenG: Who does 'ich' refer to in the translator column?19:04
CarstenG Ich = I19:05
godbykI know that much.. but who is 'I'?19:05
CarstenGIts a placeholder, where a contributor can place his name.19:05
godbykAh, okay.19:05
godbykI didn't know if it referred to a third translator who had created the wiki page or what.19:05
CarstenGNo, Daniel Schury created the page.19:06
cqfd93Hi again, both!19:08
cqfd93Just announced the great news to the Frenct team19:08
godbykcqfd93: Ah, excellent, Sylvie.  Be sure to thank them for me for all their hard work. And congratulations!19:09
cqfd93I already thanked them.  Thank you!19:11
godbykI should have another couple translations of 12.10 published within the next week or so.19:11
cqfd93Are we the first team publishing 12.10?19:12
godbykcqfd93: I think so.19:14
godbykThe Slovenian team is up next. And I think Spanish might be ready, too.19:14
godbykcqfd93: Did you order a printed copy of 12.04e2 in French?  If so, how does it look?19:15
cqfd93I already received my copy of 12.04-e2: it looks great (too bad it is just black and white)19:16
cqfd93Several co-workers asked me to order it for them19:17
CarstenGKevin, you see, the color version should become a option in future. :-)19:18
godbykI could publish color editions easily enough.. I just don't want people to get confused when they search for our book and find that it costs $30.19:19
godbykLet me see what the color edition would cost.. one moment.19:19
godbykFor the English edition of quantal, it looks like it would be about US$20.19:21
CarstenGAs you know, I would upload both versions and let the user choose.19:23
godbykCarstenG: That's what I'd do. I just want to make if obvious why the one is more expensive.19:24
godbykI have to go to a meeting now. I'll be back in a couple hours.19:26
godbykIf I don't talk to you guys before then, I hope you see you at the meeting this weekend!19:26
cqfd93see you later Kevin!19:27
CarstenGHow do they calculate the price? Do they count all pages for the color version, or only the pages which have really color and let the black/white pages at a lower price?19:27
CarstenGSee you Kevin!19:27
godbykThey count all the pages the same (as color).19:30
godbyksee ya!19:30
teolemoni just reported this20:50
teolemonnot sure whether it's in plans20:51
manualbotLaunchpad bug 1103679 in ubuntu-manual "Broader distribution of Ubuntu Manual (Kindle Store, Google Play, iBookstore)" [Undecided,New]20:51
godbykHello, teolemon. Thanks for collecting those URLs. I'll check them out.21:36
godbykteolemon: I would like to produce our manual in a few different e-book formats but I haven't had time to write the code to do that yet.21:37
teolemonnow that we've finished the French translations21:37
teolemonwe're preparing a media blitz21:37
godbykteolemon: Thanks for all your help with the French translation. It's a lot of work!21:38
teolemonand we want to get it out on the largest number of ways21:38
godbykI'm going to submit it to the Ubuntu Software Center, too, but it tends to take quite some time before it shows up there.21:38
teolemonnot English21:38
godbyk(I think there are only a few reviewers for the Software Center and a lot of submissions.)21:38
teolemonand also, I was wondering about the ETA for the Ubuntu Software Centre21:39
teolemonah ok21:39
teolemonit will need to use the private ppa/ purchase thingy21:39
teolemonfor speed of publication reasons21:39
teolemonright ?21:39
teolemonwe were wondering whether further pushing back the announcement to include software centre links21:40
teolemonor to move ahead without21:40
godbykteolemon: I would go ahead without it.21:40
godbykteolemon: The last manual I published through the Software Center took 2-3 months.21:40
teolemonthat's a joke :-/21:41
godbykI know that they're trying to improve the process, but right now it's quite slow.21:41
godbykI submit the manual and then just wait.21:41
teolemonI hope they have a speedier process for Apps21:41
godbykAs far as I know, it's the exact same process.21:41
teolemonotherwise, Ubuntu will never get to be a premium platform for devs21:41
godbykI'm going to look into creating a PPA for all of our manuals so that people can more easily install them in Ubuntu.21:42
teolemonnot sure where they are installed afterwards21:42
teolemonis there a way to make a shortcut appear either in the launcher21:42
teolemonor on the desktop21:43
godbykThere is.21:43
godbykWhen we install them through the Software Center currently, the files get installed to a subdirectory of /opt.21:43
godbykAnd icons are installed in the dash.21:43
teolemonI'm also going to talk the French team into including it in the localised iso21:43
teolemonI think the AppStore submissions should be faster21:44
teolemonexcept perhaps for Apple21:44
teolemonthat might go as far as rejecting it on ideological reasons21:44
teolemon(worth trying though)21:44
godbykI'll look into it.21:45
godbykI know that some e-book readers can handle PDFs, but I wouldn't want to send them a PDF that's designed for a full-sized piece of paper.21:46
godbykI think the text would be too small on the e-book reader and the reader would have to zoom in all the time.21:46
godbykSo I'll have to see what size of PDF works best with those readers.21:46
godbykI've started writing some code to convert our manuals to ePUB format, but that'll take a bit longer.21:46
teolemonthe right way to do it21:50

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