
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
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micahgjtaylor: imagemagick uploaded, please let me know if that worked04:11
dholbachgood morning08:30
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
spyzerhey everyone, I was making a program which uses libwebkitgtk-3.0, but when I compile the program i get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1562127/09:41
spyzeri  have installed all dependencies through apt-get09:41
spyzerand am using pkg-config09:41
spyzerthen why do i get this error09:41
spyzerplease tell09:41
geserspyzer: move all those call to "pkgconfig --libs" to the end of the line (after the bridge.o)09:49
spyzergeser, I am using autotools so what do i do there?09:51
spyzerin Makefile.am09:51
gesercan you pastebin you Makefile.am09:53
geserrename "bridge_LDFLAGS" to "bridge_LDADD" and autoconf should to the right thing09:59
spyzergeser, it says linker flags such as `--libs' belong in `bridge_LDFLAGS10:00
geserLDFLAGS puts those libs before the object file which doesn't work with "ld --as-needed". They have to be listed after the object file which uses them10:04
spyzergeser, but then i loose the ability to use pkg-config auto lib generation10:09
dholbachgeser, do you think you could join bdrung for a developer roundtable at Ubuntu developer Week and answer development questions from the audience? (Thu 31st Jan 19 UTC)10:14
geserdholbach: should work10:16
geserspyzer: why? you still call `pkg-config --libs ...` but put into bridge_LDADD instead of bridge_LDFLAGS10:17
dholbachgeser, you are a hero!10:18
dholbachbdrung, ^ :)10:18
spyzergeser, it throws this error inker flags such as `--libs' belong in `bridge_LDFLAGS when I replace bridge_LDFLAGS with bridge_LDADD10:19
spyzergeser, but another doubt, why does this same code compile on fedora and not on this ubuntu machine?10:20
geserbecause Ubuntu's ld has "--as-needed" as default flag while Fedora's most likely not (and with --as-needed the link order matters)10:23
spyzergeser, so how do i change that? in my configure.ac?10:24
spyzergeser, I tried ./configure LDFLAGS="-Wl,--no-as-needed"10:35
spyzerbut still didn;t work10:35
spyzergeser, GOT the solution it was to add LIBS in the Makefile.am, check this out http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking#Only_link_with_needed_libraries10:43
spyzerthanks for the help man10:43
spyzeru rock10:43
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
geseris Ubuntu considering a switch to rolling releases between LTS?12:25
Laneywhat makes you think that?12:26
tumbleweedyeah, apparently it was in the news today12:27
tumbleweedpeople asking me at work12:27
geserhttp://www.golem.de/news/linux-distribution-ubuntu-erwaegt-umstieg-auf-rolling-releases-1301-97086.html (sorry only in German)12:27
* Laney watches12:27
geseris the discussion about it somewhere public?12:27
tumbleweedhttp://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/01/ubuntu-considers-huge-change-that-would-end-traditional-release-cycle/ is in english12:41
tumbleweed(now that arstechnica has finished being broken and showing moon sharks)12:41
Laneyperhaps we could call it 'unstable' ;-)12:43
tumbleweedwasn't it supposed to be grumpy groundhog?12:44
Laneythat was going to be a parallel branch wasn't it?12:44
tumbleweedyeah, like fedora's thing12:45
Laneydholbach: you're really quiet compared to ogasawara in that youtube video12:45
dholbachLaney, yeah, I know - I tried a couple of times to fix the mic levels, but had to keep going at the same time12:46
dholbachI don't know what happened12:46
Laneyfair enough12:46
Laneygood to see you're causing waves :P12:46
geserI wonder how large-scale changes like updating gcc will work with rolling releases with all the FTBFS such changes cause12:47
ajmitchgeser: that might depend on whether such things can be caught by tests prior to migrating from -proposed12:58
tumbleweedthat sounds hard12:59
ajmitchit does12:59
geserand we expect to see such FTBFS with major gcc updates (or the multi-arched python) and do archive rebuild for testing, but that would block such updates probably till the next LTS given the amount of time need to fix most of them13:01
geserand as we can see in archive rebuilds some packages stopped building (unnoticed) due to some other changes too13:02
ajmitchunless they could migrate when all seeded packages work with them, rather than all packages13:03
* ajmitch hand-waves13:03
tumbleweedrebuild-testing the archive for migrations seems expensive13:03
ajmitchthat's what's been proposed already, afaik13:03
tumbleweedI only know of the plan to DEP-8 test13:04
ajmitchI thought that also included rebuilding prior to testing in the case of library migrations, I'm likely wrong though :)13:04
geserI hope there will be a public discussion about this change too (don't have the time to watch the hang out right now)13:10
bdrunggeser: thanks for joining the table :)13:51
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xnoxgeser: i love how jurnalists picked up on that. if you watch the hangout you will notice that in the context of kernel development they are thinking how to provide stability, quality and QA on ongoing basis. since even considering rolling releases that problem first needs to be solved.16:25
tumbleweedxnox: but that's not a story in itself17:26
xnoxtumbleweed: SQUIRREL!17:29
jtaylormicahg: thx for imagemagick, next time please replace the fftw3-dev dependency with libfftw3-dev17:33
jtayloroO debian depends in fftw-dev?17:35
jtaylorthat will give a big dip in fftw3's popcon when wheezy is release :), imagemagick probably makes out 95% of all its installs17:39
micahgjtaylor: I doubt Debian will switch from fftw2 to fftw3 before jessie in imagemagick20:33
jtaylorbtw its nofftw to fftw320:33
jtaylorimagemagick does not detect fftw220:34
jtaylorwhich is long obsolete20:34

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