
phixhey, can I join #ubuntu yet?03:04
IdleOnephix: Please part this channel now.03:16
phixoh, why not? it has been a few months03:17
IdleOneTruthfully, we don't want to.03:17
IdleOneremove the ban and allow you back in #ubuntu that is03:18
phixhmmmm, it wouldn't require that much effort to type the command in03:18
IdleOneDoesn't change the fact that we won't.03:18
phixI am sure you are a fast typer too03:18
phixI'll time you IdleOne :)03:18
IdleOnephix: Please part the channel.03:19
phixyeah ok03:19
phixsee you later03:19
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (selite,)04:46
IdleOneikonia: you understand the tech part of his trolling way better than me. I'll leave you to it :)10:30
ikoniait seems to have shut him up now, so it works10:38
ikoniaMEGASHAREUPLOAD...this won't end well13:06
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from ikonia)14:10
PiciIs avis always random and unintelligable?14:48
ikoniafrom memory yes14:48
IdleOnepretty much14:51
ikoniaanother quality contributor14:52
IdleOnerandom but he does manage to string more than 3 words together that /could/ make sense with context.14:52
IdleOneleast he doesn't flood #ubuntu like some :P14:53
Picithanks h00k19:41
h00k:( I was a bit late19:42
h00kDJones: beat me to the draw19:43
DJonesI could see the way the conversation was going, already had it typed ready to go19:43
Myrtti!away > Noskcaj_afk22:36

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