
rick_h_<3 http://r.bmark.us/u/d9c1c7d41a22fc03:13
rick_h_come on ubuntu, do it!03:14
snap-lThat would be pretty awesome (rolling release)03:36
snap-lMan, I love everything about the Rush Remasters03:36
snap-lFinally picked up the last one that I'm planning on picking up: Grace Under Pressure03:36
snap-lFinally saw it at BN tonight03:36
snap-lAnd it just sounds better.03:36
snap-lI think their early digital albums benefit from the remastering03:37
snap-lSignals has always been a sore spot. The Remaster makes it positively brilliant03:38
snap-l(yeah, I know I'm several years late to the party. ;) )03:38
snap-lARe we having fun yet?13:40
rick_h_oh joy13:41
rick_h_bah! http://www.ispebbleshipping.com/15:30
rick_h_:( email says they only got 500 going out today vs the 15k originally thought15:32
widoxyikes, thats a big difference15:35
rick_h_We weren't able to get as many units to our fulfillment centre as we expected (held up by documentation at the airport). Less than 50015:36
rick_h_units are going out today, with more expected to ship soon.15:36
rick_h_so I guess it's not "they failed to be built" but failed customs...but still ugh15:36
jjesseapparently the factory isn't up to full speed for production15:37
jjesseboo on that15:37
brouschStorm customs!15:37
brouschOccupy customs!15:37
snap-lRemember, kids: customs is a legal entity unto itself.15:38
snap-lIf you need something there yesterday, Customs will screw you.15:38
snap-laccept no substitutes.15:39
snap-lyay, chair arrived.16:20
snap-lOh, I like it. It's smaller than the big ball, and it has wheels on it, and a nice back to remind me to sit up.16:40
snap-lANd it has casters, so I can turn it without having to get up.16:42
snap-lNow for the keyboard to arrive... ;)16:44
brouschSo it's a ball with wheels and a back?16:44
snap-lbrousch: http://ur1.ca/climp16:44
jrwrenanyone have example code for a python fileobject decorator? (pattern, not python decorator)16:45
rick_h_not translating that. fileobject decorator?16:45
jrwrenya know how bz2.BZ2File() can take a fileobject as input? so that is known as decorator pattern and it exposes the fileobject interface so you can use it anywhere you would use a file object16:46
jrwreni need to do same thing.16:46
jrwrenduh, go look at bz2file source :)16:47
snap-lWouldnt' that work like any other decorator?16:47
rick_h_oh, I mean that's just duck typing on the input. Thing stringio16:47
greg-gsnap-l: you *sit* on that thing?16:47
snap-lgreg-g: Yes.16:48
rick_h_I think decorator as new func wrapping call to diff func. And here it's just a func taking a file-like input16:48
jrwrenyes, just duck typing16:48
snap-lI used a larger ball that rick_h_ let me borrow. JoDee said I looked like I was incubating an egg.16:48
jrwrenbut i don't want stringio16:48
jrwrenpython3 yas bufferediobase, that might work16:48
snap-lNow I'll look like I have a nest as well.16:48
* snap-l fully admits it's probably not doing what he thinks it's doing.16:50
rick_h_jrwren: yea, I mean you can look at what method BZ2File uses and just implement that on a class. Otherwise just implement the api of file http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/inputoutput.html#methods-of-file-objects16:51
rick_h_but doubt you need them all16:51
greg-gsnap-l: :) hey, as long as it helps man16:52
jrwrenio.RawIOBase is what I want, I think.16:52
jrwrenerr, io.BufferedIOBase16:52
snap-lgreg-g: I've always had a weak midsection, so the theory is to strengthen it. Whether that works or not and doesn't add to back problems is another matter entirely.16:53
rick_h_ball sitting can make you sore for a while for sure16:53
brouschsnap-l: Keep me informed of your experience16:53
rick_h_have to work to stay on top of it right16:53
snap-lbrousch: Will do.16:54
greg-gsnap-l: blogzor it!16:56
brouschWith photos and video16:57
snap-land hookers, and blackjack.16:57
jrwrenturns out I don't want that. I think I want to write my own codec. http://docs.python.org/2/library/codecs.html17:14
rick_h_you just want to have your own object be BZ2'd right?17:15
snap-ljrwren: what are you attempting?17:18
jrwrenno no, bz2 was just and example.18:21
jrwreni have a bad xml file and I want to strip chars18:21
jrwrenbut i want to do it in a stream read manner18:21
rick_h_isn't for l in open('file') lazy per line?18:22
jrwrenyes, but I'm not doing that.18:23
jrwreni'm passing the file object to lxml parser18:24
jrwrenhttp://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/codecs/ is a pretty good tutorial18:24
rick_h_jrwren: ok, gotcha18:25
jcastrosnap-l: this colonel guy is funny18:48
snap-lBruce Hampton? Yeah, he's a character.18:48
brouschHere's your big chance, East Siders http://www.meetup.com/Michigan-Python-Development-Group/events/95260982/18:53
brouschWow. 50 devs already18:54
jrwrensometimes I think python should be declared and utter failure of its objectives.19:23
snap-lOK, how so?19:23
jrwrenwell, what is irking me right now is that StringIO has no readable property19:24
jrwrenyes http://docs.python.org/2/library/io.html says it should19:24
jrwrenbut http://docs.python.org/2/library/stringio.html says no19:24
_stink_oh man i think i've seen that before19:25
_stink_like it has a StringI and a StringO internal or something?19:25
jrwrenso i get a StringI19:26
jrwrenwhich is fine, input is what I have and want19:26
jrwrenyet has no readable attr19:26
_stink_yeah crap19:26
jrwrenso I can't actually wrap it with TextIOWrapper19:26
_stink_what did i do about that?19:26
_stink_i can't remember19:26
_stink_i know, i know, that's very helpful19:27
jrwrenuse StringIO instead of cStringIO and add the attr yourself?19:29
rick_h_is StingIO updated to StringIO is long before io module though I think. While the names seem close I'm not sure they actually are related at all19:30
jrwrenthe docs in io says they are19:30
jrwrendocs could be wrong19:30
rick_h_probably me, I see io is 2.6. I thuoght it was newer than that19:30
rick_h_but still, pretty sure StringIO was before that, but it should have been updated to match I suppose19:31
rick_h_ok, funny http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkM6RJf15cg&feature=share19:34
snap-lUm, what the hell were they advertising?19:39
snap-lHey, remember us? We used to be cool too19:39
snap-lJesus, Microsoft needs to shoot their marketing department.19:39
snap-l"Hi, we're the browser of nostalgia"19:40
snap-l"Hi, remember us? We're the browser you used to use, like POGs, and pump-up shoes. You got old, and we got old too. Friend me!"19:42
jrwrenapparently you can't wrap codecs :(20:12
jrwrenso it was not the best approach20:13
jrwreneasier to wrap/decorate read()20:13
rick_h_this line just reads so crazy: Apple Shares Drop 5.6% In After-Hours Trading After Q1 2013 Earnings, Shaving $27 Billion Off Its Market Cap22:02
rick_h_27 with a B?22:02

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