
=== jrgifford_ is now known as Guest43529
skellatHunh: http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/01/ubuntu-considers-huge-change-that-would-end-traditional-release-cycle/02:49
skellatHmm...it looks like we're going to skip the releases between LTS releases.  This may be a good thing.02:52
Unit193paultag: Poke, got a sec?04:32
dzhomeet the new Debian, same as the old Debian12:48
paultagUnit193: yessir.14:27
paultagWhat can I do to help?14:27
Unit193Well, nothing at the moment, was/am looking into the route of getting a package in Debian, don't think it'd go so well. :P14:28
paultagah :)14:31
paultagwhy not? :)14:31
paultagI'd be happy to help you get started, and if it's within my core bits, i'd be happy to sponsor14:31
Unit193Debian is quite strict, but the larger one is I'm guessing they'd want a name other than "Unit 193" (which happens to be what I'm known as), and history of the package, last person that tried was an issue.14:33
Unit193(So says the dev of it)14:33
paultagI'm a fairly average DD14:33
paultagDebian is about as strict as me14:33
paultagdon't worry about that14:33
paultagas for the name thing, we can find a way around that, no problem.14:34
paultagand what do you mean, the last person was an issue14:34
Unit193<@h2> Unit193: oh, sorry, I left out some stuff, the last guy who tried packaging it ended up constantly bugging me about this or that, and telling  the debian guys wrong things where I had to do all this research just to make sure he didn't totally mess it up, ie, it wasn't labor saving for me.  <@h2> he also kept misreading and misunderstanding simple documentation and creating issues where none existeed  <@h2> thus my fear that the ...14:36
Unit193... debian guys remember inxi, lol14:36
Unit193Registered and uploaded to mentors. :P14:37
paultagemail me the pointer to the .dsc or a vcs link14:37
paultagif you have any other information, that'd help too14:37
paultagmy usual sponsorship guidelines are @ http://people.debian.org/~paultag/sponsorship14:37
Unit193Heh, thanks, I'll take a read!14:38
paultagbut don't worry if you don't understand some of them, I'll clarify as needed14:38
paultagsure, Unit193 :)14:38
paultagsponsoring is one of my favorate Debian things14:38
paultagI try to do a lot of it14:38
Cheri703why would some OTHER guy being annoying stop YOU from doing something? If nothing else, they'd be like OMG SOMEONE ELSE, PLEASE DO THIS!15:24
Cheri703I'd think at least15:24
skellatWell, this sucks: http://ohiolmi.com/laus/ColorRateMap.pdf15:38
Cheri703I don't click on random pdf links....what is it?15:45
skellatThe current unemployment rates breakdown by county15:46
skellatAshtabula isn't the worst BUT we still come in at 9%15:46
skellatWorst in the state is Pike County at over 11%15:48
Cheri703what's richland county?15:53
* dzho always thinks of Montgomery Cty. being further north than it is.15:54
skellatRichland County is 7.6%...just barely below the US average15:58
skellatThe bad part is that even with holiday hiring, our percentage in Ashtabula County went UP from November 201216:00
Cheri703uuuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh I hate my one monitor so much16:05
Cheri703it flickers and I hate it16:05
Cheri703I can't stand flickering lights when they're in the ceiling, let alone staring at one >_<16:05
skellatAre you able to go buy a new one?16:06
Cheri703I'd been holding off in case I have to buy a new computer, but it is driving me nuts. usually it evens out after ~5-10 minutes, but it's been over 30 min and still doing it >_<16:08
Cheri703also because at the point that I buy ONE new monitor, I'm probably going to just bite the bullet and buy TWO new monitors16:10
skellatHave you applied percussive maintenance?16:13
Cheri703it's an old monitor, I am assuming that the fluorescent backlight is going out16:14
Cheri703considering that I got it ~2 years ago for $38 in a thrift store, I'm not complaining at the life I got from it. it's a 20" 16:10 dell monitor16:14
Cheri703I just can't keep staring at a flickery screen. I get headaches just being in rooms with flickery overhead lights. Today is especially bad for the monitor :( Might have to modify my amazon order16:28
Cheri703paultag: here you go: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/AOC-i2757fh-IPS-borderless-HDMI,18078.html16:38
Cheri703That would be NUTS to go from a 20" and a 19" to TWO 27" :D :D16:39
Cheri703I'd be like O_O all the time16:39
Cheri703also: $30016:40
Cheri703Yeah...if it is vesa compliant (haven't checked) this might be my next monitor(s)16:40
Cheri703hmm...does not look like it so far, let me keep checking16:41
Cheri703D: "Its really attractive looking and even though it doesn't have VESA mounts"16:42
Cheri703this one does though: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682423610316:43
Cheri703not borderless16:43
Cheri703either my optic nerve has burned out or the flickering has finally stopped/eased. >1 hour after powering on the monitor. If it goes to sleep for more than a few minutes, the process will start again D:16:48
Cheri703ah, nope flickering just sped up a lot16:55
thafreakI'm so f**ckin' tired of java apps...18:29
thafreakmy brain is melting...18:29
thafreakstupid xml configs...18:29
thafreakoh, and facebook sucks too18:30
thafreakI used to be able to look at lists of "friends" grouped by the groups I made up18:30
thafreaknow it's just one big freaking pile...18:30
thafreakhave to scrol through over 100 people to find ones to remove...then you remove them and the whole list refreshes...IN A DIFFERENT ORDER18:30
thafreakso I have to scan the entire list AGAIN...18:31
thafreaktook way to long to remove like 19 people...18:31
thafreakand what's up with it leaving people in my friends list who deactivated their accounts...what's the point in that?18:31
Cheri703thafreak: sometimes easiest to just search and unfriend from their actual profile18:31
thafreakwell, part of my problem, I don't really know who's on my list...18:32
thafreakpart of the need to purge18:32
thafreakprobably could/should have purged more...18:33
andygraybeal_is rolling releases a good thing?18:40
jandruskIf the process is clean.18:57
jandruskI think if they are using the same QA process it should work.18:58
* skellat lowers periscope on IRC, returns to driving in the bad weather where it is still snowing in Ashtabula...19:01
andygraybeal_can i expect never to 'distro-upgrade' ever again?19:07
andygraybeal_or whatever it is called19:07
andygraybeal_i mean, if that happens?19:07
Unit193It's just a thought at this point.19:07
paultagnot quite19:07
paultagdist-upgrade doesn't upgrade the suite exactly19:08
paultagand Debian's been doing this in sid / unstable / testing for years (like, 20+)19:08
Unit193paultag: And I did actually get the right email, right?19:08
paultagdist-upgrade is sometimes needed for unstable with big things19:08
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paultagUnit193: I did get your mail, but I've not ack'd it yet :)19:08
paultagI need to sit down with my mail after work19:08
paultagI need to finish slides for a talk tom. afternoon19:09
paultagbut I should be able to give it a quick lookover, you're about #3 in the queue19:09
Unit193paultag: Heh, you should have seen -motu, bit funny.  Na, just making sure I got the right one. :)19:09
paultagheh :)19:09
paultagyep! totally! :)19:09
paultagbtw, Unit193, for future uploads, http://mentors.debian.net/ is awesome19:09
paultagalso helpful to get used to dput :)19:09
paultagbut yep, all set, no need to push it there yet19:10
Unit193Been getting used to it with launchpad, put it on mentors once but should update that one.19:10
paultagkk :)19:11
Cheri703if I want to try out kubuntu, xubuntu, and lubuntu, should I go with 12.04 or try 12.10? I reverted to 12.04 with vanilla ubuntu because 12.10 had issues.20:54
Cheri703point me at the best version of debian to try as well then20:55
Cheri703I'm going to make my new 32gb microSD card into a multi-boot liveUSB, so...I'm trying a bunch of stuff20:55
Cheri703what is the best for multiple monitor setups? Anything more/less friendly with them?20:56
Unit193Lubuntu doesn't do an LTS, Xubuntu got Xfce 4.10 in 12.10, and testing or Sid. ;)20:56
paultagalso unstable++20:56
Cheri703ok, stable stable stuff20:56
Cheri703I don't want to constantly be fiddling with junk20:56
paultagstable is too stable20:56
Unit193Xubuntu works pretty good, just install arandr to setup.20:56
paultagan Ubuntu LTS is roughly similar to Debian testing20:56
Cheri703for ME, for NEW things to play with, stable is GOOD20:56
paultagDebian Stable will literally never break, but it's old20:57
Unit193But Debian stable is stale.20:57
paultagso not great for new hardware20:57
paultagDebian Stale! :)20:57
Unit193...I randomly read it as that.20:57
paultagit's a common joke20:57
paultagCheri703: http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/amd64/iso-cd/20:57
paultagCheri703: if you want 64 bit linux20:57
paultagthere's also 64bit Debian kFreeBSD20:58
paultagbut linux might be easier on your hardware20:58
Cheri703paultag: is there a torrent of the debian version?20:58
Cheri703if I get debian will I have to get all new variations of software than what I'm used to using?20:58
Cheri703because that is a rabbit hole I do NOT want to go down20:58
Unit193Cheri703: I have a multi-boot flash, very nice.  I didn't go with full desktops as much, though.   Custom respin of Xubuntu is on the other flash (and no cheap way, the chroot method to respin)20:59
paultagCheri703: of the stable releases, I think, but that link is the updated testing one20:59
paultagCheri703: hum? no?20:59
paultagUbuntu is Debian20:59
Cheri703ok, I dunno what stuff works on what20:59
* Cheri703 hasn't been in the "try new stuff" realm for a while20:59
Cheri703do I really need 8 cds worth?20:59
Cheri703or do I download one of them?21:00
Unit193Except, Ubuntu has more closed type stuff, mp3 and such.21:00
Unit193(And real firefox)21:00
Unit193Easy to get netinst and install Xfce.21:00
paultagno, just the first, Cheri70321:02
paultagthe others are an entire dump of the archive21:02
paultagin case you don't have internet21:02
Cheri703I was hoping it was just one!21:04
paultagthere's also a netinst cd21:04
paultagbut that might be harder21:04
paultagoh and none of these have nonfree wifi drivers21:04
paultagyou need some udebs to do that21:04
Cheri703for now this is just desktop so wifi is not an issue21:05
Cheri703ugh, just got to a semi-stopping point on work project, so now I can play with this stuff for a bit21:14
Cheri703I saw that, is it referring to something specific, or just in general?21:15
Cheri703well, I guess the yoga bit..like is there something that says you can't do yoga AND smash the state?21:18
paultagit's tough :)21:19
Cheri703:( I like torrents better than direct downloads21:20
Cheri703I had 3.5MB/s on torrents and am getting 232KB/s on debian download21:20
Cheri703uuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh paultag, I might have to abandon debian just for slow download time21:26
paultagno patience21:26
Cheri703that is the whole point!21:26
paultagwhy not use a netinst, then?21:26
paultagthat's a 41 meg download21:27
Cheri703besides, OS isos are like the ONE time I can legitimately torrent things!21:27
paultagtry this, Cheri703 - http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/wheezy_di_beta4/amd64/iso-cd/debian-wheezy-DI-b4-amd64-netinst.iso21:27
Cheri703I mean..the ONLY time I torrent, because obvs I wouldn't be doing illegitimate torrenting >_>21:27
Cheri703paultag: but I'm going to make a liveUSB, will that work with it?21:27
* paultag shrugs21:28
paultagI assume so21:28
paultagI think youc an dd that into an usb disk21:28
paultaglike actually21:28
paultagbecause of magic21:28
Cheri703that sounds like more work than I'm willing to do21:28
paultagbut I don't know21:28
paultagthat's less work then making a live cd21:28
paultagerm, usb21:28
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Cheri703I dunno21:28
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thafreakWell, just applied to another job on campus that I'm probably under qualified for22:42
thafreakjust hope word doesn't get back to my boss...that'd be awkward22:43

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