
=== XorA is now known as XorA|gone
=== zz_chihchun is now known as chihchun
dholbachgood morning07:17
=== albert is now known as Guest19957
=== Guest19957 is now known as Phryq
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ogra_janimo, heh, i have what i think is the worst workaround i ever found ... for the sound init09:51
ogra_an upstart job with: rtcwake -u -s 1 -m mem09:52
janimoI am also looking into it09:52
ogra_costs 1sec boot time and makes the screen flash once during boot09:52
janimoand it works if I enable HDA_INTEL09:52
ogra_(its a 1sec suspend)09:52
janimobut volume if off on start09:52
janimoI need to see how to turn that on by default on boot,09:53
ogra_that should be solvable by a ucm setup09:53
janimoI tried amixer calls and to no avail09:53
janimoonly from control center09:53
janimobut it looks like INTEL_HDA should be on (it is in Android) even if the hw does not seem to have HDMI connectors09:53
ogra_you need to unmute the left and right channel of the speaker control separately i think09:53
ogra_why did we switch it off again ?09:54
ogra_i remember diwic asked for it to be off09:54
janimoright, I tried sudo amixer -c 1 cset numid=1,iface=MIXER,name='Speaker Playback Switch' 1,109:54
janimono idea, the whole ALSA stack confuses me09:54
janimowhat are controls and simple controls, are they both neede, is controls a superset?09:54
janimoso many ways to set alsa (alsactl restore, amixer, alsamixer, control-center)09:55
janimothe fact there are 140+ controls is of great help as well :)09:55
ogra_yeah, thats awesome, isnt it ? i bet you could turn the nx7 into a recording studio if you could attach the right peripherials :P09:56
janimono idea what those things do, or why are they all exposed.09:56
janimoand I thought the ac100's sound options were complicated09:57
janimoI'll send a config patch to kernel devel and then see how to debug further but should hopefully only be some alsa config file tweaking09:57
janimoand the card becomes the second, as hda will be card009:57
janimoas in Android09:57
janimonever heard of rtcwake before, good to know09:58
ogra_check the chanelog first, there was a reason why diwic wanted it off09:58
janimoyes, he just said it is useless as we do not have HDMI09:58
ogra_hmm, k09:58
janimobut it is on in Android and seems to be needed for suspend09:58
ogra_as long as it doesnt cause mad wakeups etc09:58
janimoit was just pruned as poart of simplifying config09:58
ogra_yeah, then switch it on again09:59
ogra_oh, btw i uploaded an ambient light script as well yesterday09:59
janimoit is probably just a tegra hw bit that needs to be poked for proper audio suspend even if not connected to anything09:59
ogra_only GPS and camera missing :)09:59
ogra_oh, and BT needs another deep look09:59
janimoyes, camera is looked at by nvidia (not sure of the status but I am talking to the dev - our own Bryan Wu)10:00
janimois cyphermox on BT and GPS? (and NFC) ?10:00
ogra_do we have NFC ?10:00
* ogra_ wasnt aware10:00
janimoyes the device has it, fw in the blob collection10:01
ogra_and no idea about cyphermox, but we will have some -desktop attendance on friday10:01
janimonot too important I'd say, webcam is the real important one10:01
ogra_right and the xinput bug10:01
janimoyes, the webcam sensorwise, xinput overall showstopper10:02
ogra_its not that bad, if you make sure to actually leave time between taps10:02
ogra_i get through for a whole evening if i tap really carefully10:03
ogra_i wonder if we could somehow just turn down the sensitivity to work around it10:03
sveinseHow is the update-initramfs triggers supposed to work? When installing precise on my armel target, I see a few packages that "update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)" like it should. But after the kernel has been setup, all packages installed which triggers update-initramfs all makes update-initramfs run. Many times. Is this how it should be?10:04
ogra_depends, packages can force a trigger execution10:04
sveinseWhat can I do to debug this thing?10:04
ogra_well, read about triggers i'd say :)10:05
sveinseWell I don't see any difference in the triggers in the packages that run and defers and those which runs it immediately10:05
sveinseIf I do remember correctly, the kernel runs /etc/kernel/(pre|post)(rm|inst).d/ and thus forces update-initramfs to run. Could this be altering the behaviour of the triggers somehow?10:08
sveinseI'm not enlightened by the dpkg-trigger documentation.. But you haven't seen that update-initramfs is run multiple times during installation on your systems?10:20
infinitysveinse: I generally only see it run multiple times when an apt run gets split into several dpkg runs to break loops or satisfy pre-depends, etc.10:24
infinitysveinse: A good indicator of that is often seeing the "Reading dpkg database... " stuff in your terminal backscroll.10:24
infinitysveinse: Triggers can't carry between dpkg invocations (for, I hope, obvious reasons), so you'll sometimes get more than one trigger from the same package in an apt run.10:25
sveinseinfinity: No, I dont think my runs are between dpkg invocations. It's all in the "Setting up ..." section10:26
infinityIf it's a big long string of postinsts, yeah, I'd probably have to see it to debug what's happening.10:27
infinityIt could be a dpkg bug, or it could be initramfs-tools' trigger is goofy.10:27
infinityOr it could be postinsts of certain packages calling it wrong.10:27
sveinseHow does dpkg decide when to run a trigger?10:27
infinity(The kernel forces it to run triggerless, but that's a different story)10:27
infinityNormally, it runs them at the end of a dpkg invocation, based on registered interest or delayed triggers (the latter, in the initramfs-tools case).10:28
infinityAnyhow, not going to get into this at 3:30am.  But if you have some terminal logs that show the offending behaviour in action, feel free to reference them in backscroll, or file a bug and reference that or some such.10:29
infinityJust don't be offended if I decide to close it as invalid after looking into it. ;)10:30
sveinseWhat it seems in my case is that a few packages triggers it, then dpkg runs the trigger. One more or sometimes two triggers it, dpkg runs the trigger once more.10:30
* janimo just managed to get something that sounds like a drunk and angry R2D2 out of the nexus7 by randomly toggling things in alsamixer10:30
janimoneed a way to turn it off, it persists across reboot10:30
sveinseinfinity: Well, I'm more like grateful. I've been struggling with this for a while now10:31
dmartjanimo: you want to be careful with that ... I know someone who literally melted his chromebook by toggling alsamixer switches...10:50
janimodmart, yes, I had read hrw's account10:50
janimofor a moment I had feared I may damage the speakers too10:51
hrwjanimo: ucm profiles for chromebook are present in raring and in sru queue for precise/quantal10:51
janimobut it's back again now10:51
janimohrw, I have no chromebook, it is the nexus7 that I was toggling alsa settings on10:51
dmarthrw: Are the ucm profiles purely a userspace thing?10:52
dmartjanimo: really, it feels like the kernel should police any settings which can actually damage the hardware...  but I don't know enough about alsa to know how to do that.10:54
dmarthrw: ^10:54
hrwI need to update kernel as some fixes went to kernel10:54
janimodmart, I agree, but maybe some hw can be broken in so many ways the kernel cannot catch all cases. No idea really10:55
janimothis may have been a simple bug/oversight, hrw?10:55
dmartIt's possible I am missing some fixes ... I haven't updated for a bit10:55
janimojust like one could fry monitors with VGA poking, there may be root-only things that can damage modern hw10:55
hrwjanimo: they fucked up "ASoC machine" source10:56
dmartjanimo: sure, but that's still a bug in my view.  I thought the ucm profiles were more about presenting the mixer settings in a more intelligible way, since the hardware-specific mixer config can be pretty complex10:56
janimoI know little about ALSA too, learned some the past two days but am still bewildered by the large number of concepts and config options10:56
hrwso you can connect wrong parts of audio chip to output10:56
dmarthrw: My guess was that the likely problem is that the hardware mixer allows you to connect two SoC outputs to the same analog sink10:57
hrwdmart: and one of them is digital iirc10:57
dmarthrw: oh!10:58
dmarthrw: I wondered if bad things could be made to happen by, say, connecting the left and right DAC1 channels to a single channel of the speaker.  But I didn't really want to try that...10:58
hrwdmart: check my blog for exact steps10:59
hrwdmart: now my left speaker can only generate heat cause it is unable to generate sound anymore10:59
dmarthrw: on the plus side, you can now use /dev/heat to make a novel user interface...11:00
hrwdmart: but /dev/heat is symlink to /dev/stinkysmall11:00
hrwdmart: but /dev/heat is symlink to /dev/stinkysmell11:00
sveinseI have a custom deb package which installs a hook into initramfs. This hook relies on a file from /etc. Now when I install this package the hook is put into the filesystem early (when unpacking), yet the /etc file is put in late (when setting up I guess). However, update-initramfs is run by other packages in between these two steps and that makes update-initramfs bork since its missing the...11:22
sveinse...file from /etc. How should I deal with that?11:22
=== chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun
* xnox has just flashed nexus7 using... usb-creator12:59
pfuiwhat's the state of ubuntu on the samsung chromebook?13:54
pfuiany chance we'll have working video acceleration anytime soon?13:54
xnoxpfui: hrw does samsung chromebook stuff.14:23
pfuixnox: hmm... seems to have a few relevant posts on his blog. thanks!14:28
reiseihi, all! I need connect nexus 7 with ubuntu under Windows via terminal, but the system asks for driver... Which one  I need?16:00
Rjsreisei: i'm quite ignorant about windows so not sure if this is up-to-date, but the linux kernel source has documentation at http://kernel.org/doc/Documentation/usb/gadget_serial.txt (search for "Windows")16:03
* ogra_ has no idea 16:04
ogra_on ubuntu you can just run screen with the right args in a terminal ... or minicom, surprising that win needs actual drivers for a serial USB port16:04
Tassadaryou'll probably need to write your own, since nexus 7 has it's own vid and pid16:05
Tassadar(meaning you'll have to write definiton file, which tells windows to use it's generic driver)16:05
ogra_there is no generic usb serial drive in windows ?16:05
Tassadaryes, but you'll have to tell windows to use it on that vid/pid - that's what windows calls "driver"16:06
Tassadarit is in that doc Rjs linked16:07
Rjs(I'm still ignorant but guessing:) the windows inf file that the documentation talks about is at http://kernel.org/doc/Documentation/usb/linux-cdc-acm.inf and seems to contain vendor and product IDs, so I guess you could change them there16:07
Tassadaryeah, should be as easy as that, had to do that for one ACM USB thingy already16:08
Tassadarfunny how that is "driver" for windows)16:08
Rjsthat file talks about something called usbser.sys, so I guess that inf file is really a configuration file for the generic driver named usbser.sys (I presume that's included in windows, since the doc doesn't speak about having to download it)16:09
Rjshmm, does the ubuntu nexus7 really have its own vendor/product IDs? as far as I can tell from my syslog, the vendor and product IDs in the inf file I linked to appear to be correct: vid 0x0525 and pid 0xa4a7 so I'm guessing that inf file should work as it is16:14
Rjsmy syslog has "New USB device found, idVendor=0525, idProduct=a4a7" from the time I still used the standard ubuntu kernel (I have later switched to the combined ethernet+serial gadget which has a different product id)16:14
Tassadarmaybe it doesn't, that vid is "0525  Netchip Technology, Inc." and pid is "a4a7  Linux-USB Serial Gadget (CDC ACM mode)"16:16
* Tassadar goes to look at that driver's source16:17
reiseiThat's so opposite to linux simpicity...16:20
TassadarI don't get why they don't just use USB device class to find driver like Linux does16:23
Tassadaryeah, the vid/pid is hardcoded16:26
Tassadarapparently they donated some pids, "Thanks to NetChip Technologies for donating this product ID."16:27
Tassadarthen you can just use the driver as is :)16:27
wooyHi, I was recently thinking about getting an ARM device as my home server (irc, ftp, bittorrent, small http, etc). Cubieboard and some ODROID boards looks promising, but I even got as wild as thinking about Nexus 7.16:47
=== XorA|gone is now known as XorA
xnoxRjs: those look different to mine.17:07
xnox484+    'ID_VENDOR_ID': ('18d1',),17:08
xnox485+    'ID_MODEL_ID': ('4e40', 'd001',),17:08
xnoxRjs: ^^^^ for nexus7's i saw around.17:08
xnoxand that's just standard google / nexus7 id's.17:09
ogra_dont mix up kernel and bootloader though ....17:09
ogra_the nexus reports different things in the different bootloader modes17:09
XorAhow dumb is that :-(17:09
ogra_and kernel wise it matters what is actually bound to the gadget setup17:09
Tassadarthe pid is also different if you turn on/off the debug mode (adb)17:10
ogra_XorA, not dumb, that whay the other end knows if it is in flash mode, media player mode recovery (with adb) etc etc17:11
ogra_indeed under the assumption that you have a udev rule (or windows driver) that can handle that state17:12
Tassadarand the g_serial driver has the pid/vid hardcoded in drivers/usb/gadget/serial.c, if you wanna take a look17:13
XorAogra_: there has to be a better way, making that sort of mess has no real justification17:15
XorAogra_: other devices work fine with constant ids17:15
ogra_tell that to android17:15
ogra_i dont think thats actually nexus7 specific17:15
ogra_at least for the bootloader side17:15
XorAits probably more a function of which lazy engineer did the integration17:15
ogra_wooy, go with a board, the nexus7 would be a waste in such context17:17
ogra_xnox, hrm, that upstart job is quite uglz17:23
ogra_xnox, and it will be executed for every USB device you ever plug in17:25
xnoxogra_: well, very soon now we will have upstart user session.17:26
xnoxogra_: then the job will move and run in the user session, if usb devices are plugged in.17:26
ogra_yeah, still17:26
xnoxogra_: the alternative I had was: udev-rules with RUN+=17:26
ogra_i think having a udev rule that triggers something in the user session would be better17:26
xnoxapart from that cannot "spawn", if usb-creator is started the udev rules processing is blocked until usb-creator exits.17:27
xnoxanother option is to have: udev rules which does "start usb-creator" to launch the upstart job.17:27
xnoxbut that's like two hacks instead of one.17:27
ogra_yeah, no, well ...17:27
xnoxogra_: the trouble is that, udev runs at system level. And the hops to get DISPLAY & $uid are ugly =/17:28
xnoxogra_: by the way upstart job is quicker to launch usb-creator than udev rule + shell wrapper17:28
* xnox has no idea why.17:28
ogra_less subshell calls probably17:30
ogra_still, i dont like to idea to fire off that job every time you insert a usb device17:30
ogra_there must be a more elegant way17:31
ogra_i wonder if there isnt a more fine grained way to use the event .... i.e. some kind of filtering17:33
xnox=/ yeah that would be nice17:37
xnoxogra_: anyway, I did ask james hunt to review it and see if he can offer something better.17:37
xnoxNote the bottom on upstart-udev-bridge manpage "This is a temporary tool until init(8) itself gains the functionality to read them directly; you should not rely on its behaviour."17:38
ogra_yeah, well, we could have a udev rule that emits an event17:38
ogra_so you filter on the lower level, and the upstart job just reacts to "nexus7-added" events17:39
ogra_a udev rule with ... RUN+="initctl emit --no-wait nexus7-added"17:41
ogra_we have that rule file already anyway17:42
ogra_(or at least we should, for setting the udev-acl stuff to not need root access)17:43
janimomarvin24_, is your 3.8 ac100 kernel working well?19:21
infinityjanimo: Thinking of updating raring to something modern?19:37
janimoinfinity, sure, if it works. marvin24_ said he's working on a 3.8 port19:38
marvin24_janimo: yes, 3.8 works fine19:53
marvin24_but building a kernel package takes weeks ...19:53
marvin24_I hope I can upload something on the weekend or so19:54
janimomarvin24_, great. Same gitorious repo?19:54
janimoweeks really?19:54
janimodo you have errors building it?19:55
marvin24_janimo: it's still the kernel in my old repo19:56
marvin24_some modules failed, yes19:57
marvin24_so I need to disabled them19:57
marvin24_then I got abi errors19:57
marvin24_turned out I need to specify "-eskipmodules"19:57
marvin24_after several tries19:57
marvin24_and each one is two hours and I'm doing it in my free time ...19:58
janimomarvin24_, I used debuild with -nc20:18
janimoso it does not clean the tree20:18
janimobefore rebuilding20:18
marvin24_well, I use ccache (with --prepend-path=/usr/lib/ccache)20:22
janimomarvin24_, do you know if nvidia keep some sort of wiki or updates on what is mainlined and what is pending for tegra2 and tegra3? An overview of sorts20:22
marvin24_janimo: not that I know of20:23
marvin24_I think they have an internal list20:23
marvin24_but what's getting done, is mostly in a random order20:23
marvin24_in fact, the most painful stuff missing is suspend/resume20:24
marvin24_and more powermanagement stuff20:24
marvin24_also some simple stuff just takes very long20:25
marvin24_e.g. backlight support20:25
janimodid graphics support land already?20:25
marvin24_yes, it's included in 3.820:25
marvin24_but without backlight, only hdmi works20:25
marvin24_I think the backlight code is discusses for nearly one year now20:25
marvin24_and still no conclusion20:26
janimodo you know whether tegra2 or tegra3 is more completely supported in mainline?20:26
janimoso you carry the backlight code in your ac100 branch?20:26
marvin24_I think they are pretty inline20:26
marvin24_yes, I just one of the discussed implementations20:26
marvin24_but that's already outdated20:27
marvin24_in fact, now they wait for some generic framework20:27
janimothey have working 3.8 code for all things just not mainlined though?20:28
marvin24_the way it needs to be integrated into kernel is, well, complicated20:29
janimook, thanks. Checking your branch out now20:30
marvin24_in fact, you just need to program some gpios20:30
marvin24_but there is no generic interface for this yet20:30
marvin24_and upstream does not like soc specific backlight ...20:30
marvin24_very long, sad story20:31
janimomarvin24_, does the 3.8 kernel require uboot or is the defautl ac100 bootloader enough?20:43
marvin24_janimo: both should work, but need different configs20:59
marvin24_fastboot needs cmdline from kernel and u-boot needs kernel command line from u-boot21:00
marvin24_but I don't plan to support 3.8 kernels with fastboot21:00
marvin24_3.1 supports both21:01
marvin24_janimo: http://tinyurl.com/b55syst21:05
marvin24_this is what I have for now21:05
marvin24_against raring 3.8 kernel21:05
marvin24_ac100 specific patches are still missing21:06
marvin24_but compiles at least21:06
janimomarvin24_, nice. How many ac100 pacthes are there?21:08
marvin24_well, my linux-ac100-3.8 branch contains 25 patches, mostly nvec specific21:10
marvin24_but in fact, mainline also boots without any patch, but you will get no backlight ...21:10
janimothis patch changes a few other arm flavour's config files, probably a side effect of using the config updater scripts21:10
marvin24_yes, kernelconfig editconfig ...21:11
janimoI think it would be cleaner as a first step to have a dedicated tree, not based on the current kernel source21:11
janimoas it is unlikely they will take patches for this21:11
marvin24_I don't expect ubuntu to take patches for tegra21:11
janimoso a new linux-tegra package without any other flavours21:11
marvin24_because they cannot support it21:11
janimoright, just mentioning the resulting kernel would be cleaner than this patch suggests21:12
janimoif we had this kernel in raring would we need to use uboot on the ac100 then?21:12
marvin24_I need to patch the debian dir anyway21:13
janimoisn;t that complicating the installer besides adding one other package to maintain?21:13
marvin24_and most is because of the abi stuff21:13
janimoI understand preferring to work with uboot but is fastboot support complicated?21:13
marvin24_yes, because I don't have the source ...21:14
janimoI'd like us to use this in raring but will need to speak to ogra to see whether it is a lot of effort to adapt to uboot21:14
janimocannot whatever 3.1 does be emulated in 3.8 without knowing what fastboot does?21:15
marvin24_https://launchpad.net/~ac100/+archive/ppa/+packages has u-boot package already21:15
marvin24_janimo: well, I prefer minimal patches21:16
marvin24_why do you want fastboot?21:17
janimomarvin24_, oh just so 3,8 is a drop-in replacement for 3.121:17
janimoso we do not need any extra testing or image work21:17
janimoand not introduce a new uboot flavour for the ac100 only21:17
marvin24_it also causes extra work to support fastboot21:18
janimonothing against uboot per se, just keeping changes minimal as you say :)21:18
marvin24_I'm not sure how to adapt 3.8 to make it woking with fastboot21:18
janimoand to make installation similar to previous cycles21:19
janimowould this also be nvflash of a bootimg and boot it?21:19
marvin24_(except chaning the krnel config)21:19
marvin24_no need to flash, as we planed to use tegrarcm21:20
marvin24_in fact, once ogra said that he won't put more work on the ac100 port21:20
marvin24_we decided to restart from something clean21:21
marvin24_I know this causes more pain for users, but less for us21:21
marvin24_also u-boot needs a new partition table because otherwise it cannot load the kernel21:26
marvin24_and this disables nvflash21:26
marvin24_because fastboot expects some proprietary partition table21:28
AmEvNow, to get Ubuntu on the Toshiba A*T*100.. haha21:54
AmEvI've got a fully-functional FS. No working kernel...21:54
AmEvDo know how to kill the Android GUI stuff to get X working, via ADB shell, but a pure native way would sure be nice...21:56
AmEvWait, do I need U-boot to boot Ubuntu? Or is a Fastboot-based system OK?21:59
questionguyhey, yo, where do i find like a this thing: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ but exclusive to arm22:06
questionguyis there even an apt repository for arm devices?22:13
achiangquestionguy: http://ports.ubuntu.com/22:18
questionguythanks a ton!22:23
infinityquestionguy: It's a longstanding bug/misfeature that packages.u.c doesn't list ports, but you can see that the same packages exist on all arches by going to, say, launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/<package>22:26
questionguyinfinity: yeah i literally thought that i would just find it by clicking around, and its completely inexcellent that it's so well hidden22:38
questionguybut it's simple enough to remember, having seen it22:38
AmEvHeh, should've known that....22:42
infinityquestionguy: Of course, if you have an Ubuntu armhf system installed, 'apt-cache search' is your friend.22:44
questionguyyeah, i'm of course aware of that functionality, but i don't have one setup, and trying to see if this is a suitable distro, and indeed, it is22:45
mjrosenbhey all, I've been told that 13.04 is supposed to work nicely on the arm-based chromebook.  Is there a better way of installing 13.04 than installing the hacked-shell-script-12.04, and upgrading? (I've tried to upgrade before, that went poorly to say the least)22:47
AmEvSo, where's the best place to get kernel help?23:09

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