[00:53] good morning everyone [00:59] good morning :) [01:00] Well, it almost is. Sometime ago, I had a bug with ndiswrapper not building on dkms - Bug #1023645 - it was fixed in quantal, and it's back in raring :( [01:00] bug 1023645 in ndiswrapper (Ubuntu Quantal) "ndiswrapper-dkms 1.57-1ubuntu1: ndiswrapper kernel module failed to build [error: ‘struct kernel_stat’ has no member named ‘cpustat’]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1023645 [01:00] according to the record there, apparently a fix has been released for raring - and it's not worked. I've had to boot into raring on an old kernel, in order to get ndiswrapper up. [01:09] BarkingFish: did you update the bug report? [01:09] yeah, just left a note on there for Julian, the one who set Fix released [01:10] also mistakenly called him Julius :P [01:10] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ndiswrapper/+bug/1023645/comments/31 [01:10] Ubuntu bug 1023645 in ndiswrapper (Ubuntu Quantal) "ndiswrapper-dkms 1.57-1ubuntu1: ndiswrapper kernel module failed to build [error: ‘struct kernel_stat’ has no member named ‘cpustat’]" [High,Confirmed] [01:10] BarkingFish: whats the kernel version in which bug is present [01:10] i wish ubottu wouldn't keep doing that :) [01:11] [01:11] *3.8.0-1 [01:11] brb [01:11] BarkingFish: it seems someoneelse has posted a commont the same sort [01:11] later [01:14] ok phoenix_firebrd, cheers. [01:15] It might be good if I post some logs of what i'm getting told when I try to build it manually or with dkms. It got fixed in quantal, i don't understand what could have gone wrong in the space of 6 months and no upgrades :/ [01:19] BarkingFish: past the log [01:19] *paste [01:19] ok, one moment [01:25] back in 5 mins [01:27] ok [01:27] i need to reboot too. I think i may be doing something wrong :) [01:41] Riddell: O_O [01:43] shadeslayer: morning [01:43] hi phoenix_firebrd [01:43] morning to you too [01:43] and finally someone I can say morning to at a sane time [01:43] did you succeed with the libkolab tests? [01:43] :) [01:44] somewhat [01:44] as yofel mentioned, the tests open kompare [01:44] and tried to make kompare quit using a couple of methods [01:45] shadeslayer: so the developers thought we should be building the source without the pbuilder? [01:45] dbus, kquitapp ( which is basically just another wrapper over dbus for KDE apps ), using kill `pidof kompare` .... nothing worked [01:46] I even tried extracting the dbus address from /proc/pid_of_komare/environ [01:46] phoenix_firebrd: usually tests don't wait for an app to be closed [01:47] it's not unusal to have tests that require X running [01:47] but it's unusual to open an app and keep waiting for it to be closed [01:47] shadeslayer: why is this written pbuilder unfriendly [01:48] phoenix_firebrd: because pbuilder is just a packaging tool used by packagers [01:48] it holds no significance when writing code :) [01:48] shadeslayer: i know but the devs know that we will be testing with pbuilder right? [01:49] nope [01:49] hi again. [01:49] pbuilder is just a packaging tool [01:49] hey BarkingFish [01:49] shadeslayer: so this is why Riddell is not using pbuilder [01:49] phoenix_firebrd: to each his own :) [01:49] hi shadeslayer :) [01:49] BarkingFish: got the log? [01:49] you can use sbuild or whatever [01:50] pbuilder is just the de facto standard in Ubuntu land for build packages [01:50] shadeslayer: the testing would be easy if i use a vm with a full install right? [01:50] not really [01:50] the error, phoenix_firebrd - i forgot and did it in a tty, so couldn't copy / paste [01:51] BarkingFish: ok [01:51] you could just add your ppa, install the kolab stuff, try it out and remove the PPA [01:51] that's what I usually do [01:51] the upshot is, i can't install manually, because apparently it can't find KBUILD - it needs me to supply the path to KBUILD when i try to manually make ndiswrapper. [01:51] and i forgot entirely how the hell to get dkms to do anything :) [01:51] shadeslayer: but the package is only done for raring and i have 12.10 [01:52] ah [01:52] then setup a VM [01:52] though you could just use a pbuilder for that too [01:52] unless it's a graphical app, in which case it's better to do it in a VM [01:54] see pbuilders --login option [01:54] shadeslayer: is there a way to take a snapshot of the base image of pbuilder? [01:54] huh? [01:54] snapshot? [01:54] shadeslayer: i saw that already [01:55] shadeslayer: ya if i use save after login, it will update the base image , but if i want to have the dfault base, i have to create it again right? [01:56] then don't use --save-after-login? [01:56] just do a --login [01:56] and the changes won't be saved [01:56] shadeslayer: if i want some packages to be installed before the pbuilder starts building [01:57] ? [01:57] can you give me a usecase? [01:57] as to why you would want to do that? I can advise better that way [01:57] shadeslayer: example i want dbus and dbus-x11 to be installed [01:58] why? [01:58] shadeslayer: in case an app needs as a requirement [01:58] then you add it to Build-Depends [01:59] shadeslayer: no not as a dep , but for some other purpose [01:59] define 'other purpose' [01:59] for eg. I added xvfb and other stuff to Build-Depends for libkolab tests [02:00] even though it's not required to compile libkolab, it's required to run the tests [02:00] shadeslayer: tell me how can i install something before pbuilder starts [02:00] I still don't see why you'd want to do that :P [02:01] shadeslayer: tell me [02:01] because let's say you do it, that change will be local, and when you upload it to Launchpad, the build will fail [02:01] because it doesn't have that dep installed [02:01] phoenix_firebrd: well .. you could write a hook, or install it by hand and use --save-after-login [02:02] i min [02:08] shadeslayer: sorry i was on the phone [02:08] np [02:08] I'm about to leave though, in another 10 minutes or so [02:09] shadeslayer: what you say is right and i know that too, but i want to know how to do that [02:09] ok, like I said, 2 ways [02:09] one way keeps the chroot clean [02:09] the other is quicker [02:09] i'm going to be going soon, but if anyone can help me with the dkms thing, your assistance would be appreciated. [02:10] BarkingFish: tried #ubuntu-x ? [02:10] shadeslayer: we can't login to the env when pbuilder running? [02:10] phoenix_firebrd: sure you can [02:10] I want to run raring with what it came with - not pollute it by having to use an old kernel, so i need to either get dkms to build ndiswrapper, or be able to build it manually. [02:10] shadeslayer, no, i didn't even know it existed [02:10] :) [02:11] heh [02:11] phoenix_firebrd: sec [02:11] phoenix_firebrd: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/BuildEnvironment [02:11] shadeslayer: so there is not way of running or installing an app expect to add to deps [02:11] that's for xorg apparently [02:11] read the section on Pbuilder Hooks [02:11] this isn't anything to do with xorg from what I can see :) [02:11] BarkingFish: but isn't DKMS related to X ? [02:11] oh [02:12] dunno then, sorry [02:12] there's also #ubuntu-kernel [02:12] so *maybe* that helps? [02:12] aha [02:12] you bet it does [02:12] awesome [02:13] phoenix_firebrd: I don't follow your question [02:13] when you install an app, it should pull in everything it requires [02:13] there's a Depends field explicitly for that [02:14] shadeslayer: tell me how can i install dbus and dbus-x11 before pbuilder starts testing apart from adding it to deps and and with out using the save after login option [02:15] write a hook [02:15] shadeslayer: thats nice [02:15] see the wiki page I just sent you a couple of lines back [02:15] and note the hook names [02:16] shadeslayer: i am reading that [02:16] the hook names signify at what point in the build they're run [02:17] shadeslayer: so you wrote a hook to kill kompare? [02:17] no [02:17] writing a hook is not feasible for that because that hook is not there in the build [02:17] so I tried killing it via debian/rules [02:17] note that hooks are only local [02:18] the buildd has no hooks / extra packages installed [02:18] shadeslayer: ya, i am asking it purely for local purposes only [02:18] it will only read debian/control and install the packages it reads from the Build-Dep line [02:18] shadeslayer: for testing my things [02:18] okay [02:18] anyway, gtg [02:18] cya [02:19] shadeslayer: bye [07:25] Morning ladies and gents [07:56] hello jussi [07:57] gday highvoltage! [07:59] highvoltage: hows things? been a while since we talked... [08:00] jussi: oh well [08:01] jussi: been tough but I have a feeling everything is going to be ok [08:01] jussi: and you? [08:01] highvoltage: yeah, doing ok, kid growing, work going ok. [08:41] phoenix_firebrd: hi, as shadeslayer said, installing packages by hooks is usually not recommended as it's purely local, but look at the B20icecc hook as an example [08:41] as those packages only make sense locally they're installed by hook === yofel_ is now known as yofel [08:41] yofel_: ya i know, but its like the "goto" [08:42] yofel: for local personal testing purposes [08:42] yofel: i have some doubts on using amazon ec2 [08:42] sure, it's just that you should usually keep your setup as clean as possible to use different pbuilder images [08:42] I have a couple of quantal images with different setup for example [08:43] (different sets of PPA's added etc.) [08:43] yofel: ok [08:43] yofel: how much does it cost the community if i use the cloud for an hour? [08:44] you'll have to ask Riddell what kind of ec2 instance he's using and then look up the prices [08:44] it's usually not that much though, and a higher productivity is usually woth it [08:45] *worth [08:45] yofel: i am using it past 3 hrs and i am worried about the cost [08:45] yofel: building fast-md5 now [08:46] yofel: working with the ec2 is bliss except the char echo speed is slow because of my show internet connection [08:47] yofel: probably with a 400 ms delay [08:50] phoenix_firebrd: well, the pricing is here: http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/ but I don't know where the instance is nor what kind [08:51] meh, they still only accept credit cards :( [08:55] yofel: this one is a partial log http://paste.kde.org/656090/ [08:55] yofel: fast-md5 build fails [08:56] yofel: from the log the resulting output is a jar [09:00] the new build.xml has no jar target, so the error is right [09:00] I know 0 about ant so can't really help here [09:01] yofel: ok i will drop this build process and exit the ec2 session [09:02] make sure to power it down if you know that you don't need it anymore [09:02] yofel: dont it affect someone else? [09:02] I don't think those sessions are shared, you'll have to ask Riddell though [09:03] yofel: yesterday he asked me if he can shutdown , i am confused [09:04] uhm, they charge by runtime, so he was wondering whether you were still using it before he shuts it down [09:04] yofel: so can i shutdown now? [09:04] let's wait for him if you're not sure [09:05] yofel: in that case i will just exit the session [09:06] yofel: did you review the packages in my ppa? [09:06] I did for kolab [09:06] yofel: I am planning to remove the ssh and gpg keys, will that affect the packages in the ppa? [09:07] I'm not familiar with the others so it'll have to wait till the evening if you want *me* to review them [09:07] I can't upload them anyway [09:07] phoenix_firebrd: nope, only new uploads/commits [09:08] yofel: so removing the present ssh and gpg keys from launchapd and from my local doesnot affect the packages in the ppa correct? [09:11] whatever is already on launchpad isn't affected. The keys are only used to identify you to launchpad from outside of the WebUI [09:12] the ppa has it's own signature key for the binary packages [09:12] *its [09:12] yofel: ok [09:13] yofel: can you recommend some packages that needs priority from here http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_updated.html [09:18] hm, I don't recognise pretty much all packages on that list, so there isn't really anything from us left [09:18] at least nothing with a working watch file [09:18] (someone remind me to fix the one in kile) [09:19] yofel: i will remind you. [09:20] let's see if mom has something [09:20] https://merges.ubuntu.com/ [09:20] (universe.html) [09:21] Riddell: is koffice-l10n still used by something? [09:22] shadeslayer: go merge quassel ;) [09:23] yofel: is that the merge request dashboard ? [09:23] phoenix_firebrd: it's the auto-generated list of packages that could be merged with newer versions from debian [09:24] yofel: so i should pick from here [09:24] well, I'm not a merge expert, or at least not an expert at teaching it, and quassel seems to be the only thing from our packageset in there [09:24] let's see if it's worth i [09:24] *it [09:25] yofel: ok , shall i try? [09:30] phoenix_firebrd: doesn't look like it's really worth it on first glance, but feel free to [09:30] I couldn't find the classic merge guide, the udd one is here and usually works too: http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/udd-merging.html [09:31] just use debianlp:sid/quassel as debian branch [09:32] yofel: ok [09:32] yofel: i can do this later? [09:32] there's not a lot to merge here, so it should be not too hard [09:32] sure [09:33] if you won't do it it'll probably be forgotten for a while [09:33] yofel: why? [09:33] phoenix_firebrd: one thing though. If you do start on it, mention that in the (invisible) comment field on https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html [09:34] phoenix_firebrd: the debian package doesn't really add anything except some maintenance changes compared to our package [09:34] so usually nothing I would spend my time on. But good as an example [09:34] (good as an example that actually yields something useful) [09:35] yofel: i will try this with the help of you or someelse [09:35] yofel: i am new to this [09:37] sure. Once you did the merge you've seen most of our packaging activities I think. Except for packaging something from scratch [09:37] not sure if we have something in the queue for that [09:38] yofel: i have done packaging from scratch , like the the nepomuk metadata extractor [09:38] ah good [09:40] yofel: which reminds me about the python optimization, did you do it? [09:40] no, better look for someone else as that looks time consuming from what I've seen and I don't have that much spare time currently [09:41] (or at least am not motivated enough to spend a few days on that) [09:42] yofel: ok, the python thing takes 1h 10 min for compiling the ontologies , thats not good right? [09:43] I tried it, I know, took half an hour even on my i7 [09:44] brb [09:51] going to building simple-http [09:51] yofel: what happended to libkolabxml? [09:58] ah its merged [10:00] afiestas: debian pkgers asked: what's the mininal version of kdelibs, kdeworkspace that required for (lib)kscreen? [10:01] allee: CMakeLists.txt should tell you that [10:02] but doesn't yay [10:02] allee: I don't think we've tried to build it with anything older than 4.9 [10:03] allee: kdeworkspace doesn't seem to be needed though [10:19] afiestas: about kscreen: why does it require qjson 0.8? [10:29] allee: no idea tbh [10:29] but anything 4.9 and greater works [10:30] should work in 4.8 as well I guess [10:30] but only 49 and above is supported [10:30] yofel: because it does? :33 [10:30] qjson 0.7.1 is not able to properly serialize floats [10:30] ah ok [10:30] tbh, getting tired of having to asnwer these questions :s [10:31] I mean, it is like the 5th time I do, maybe I should document it somewhere [10:31] heh [10:31] afiestas: can't be wrong :-) [10:39] Riddell: Hello, new package uploaded ;) [10:44] Riddell: In the build queue, will keep an eye on it [11:22] good stuff vassie [11:23] phoenix_firebrd: a basic ec2 machine costs 8.5UScents an hour [11:26] Riddell: is that hi or low? [11:27] it's cheap for an hour, it's expensive to leave it on for a year [11:28] Riddell: should i shutdown after finishing my work or just exit the session? [11:28] phoenix_firebrd: yes you should terminate it with "poweroff" [11:29] or by telling me [11:29] Riddell: will it affect anyone else [11:36] phoenix_firebrd: shutting down a machine? depends if anyone else is using the machine [11:36] they're not usuall shared, the whole point is it's a quick way to get an isolated environment [11:37] Riddell: ok [11:38] Riddell: in that case whenever i need, i will ask and after finishing my work i will leave a message for you or if no one else is using i will shutdown [11:38] yep [11:39] Riddell: the user ubuntu is public? [11:39] no, when I start a machine it has an ssh key only I have for access and I can add other people's ssh keys [11:40] Riddell: so you added mine from launchpad? [11:41] Riddell: I think i am asking the wrong question [11:42] phoenix_firebrd: yes I did [11:42] vassie: best to bump the ppa version no, 0.9.2-0ubuntu2~ppa1 -> 0.9.2-0ubuntu2~ppa2 [11:42] Riddell: I need my ssh key files in there, what should i do [11:43] phoenix_firebrd: I'll add it when starting up a machine for you [11:43] Riddell: thank you [11:50] Riddell: ah, thought i had to bump the ubuntu number [11:50] vassie: either works but best to bump the ~ppa one in a ppa [11:50] Riddell: shall i cancel the current build and resubmit? [11:50] vassie: no no leave it [11:51] Riddell: k [11:52] Riddell: hope this one works, what comes after? runtime deps and backports? [11:55] Riddell: I am not using the ec2 now [12:03] bbl [12:18] anyone have a UEFI secure boot computer thing? [12:18] or know what to buy for one? [12:21] Riddell: I think anything that's certified for Window 8 should work for that [12:49] hmm this says not easy to identify http://superuser.com/questions/396905/how-to-identify-uefi-capable-laptops [13:07] Riddell: you can download OVMF and set it up in KVM [13:08] Riddell: these instructions are the best https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/SecureBoot [13:08] note that it doesn't save state, so one can provision SB keys and "reboot" with SB mode, but not shutdown kvm & start again. [13:21] hmm, lots to read [13:24] basse? basse who made konqi? [13:24] hi. just wanted so say congratulations for kubuntu developers. just finished upgrading from natty to oneiric to precice to quantal [13:25] that's quite an upgrade! [13:25] and it all just worked :) ok. well, lost wireless for a bit, but that was just wrong drivers and easy fix. and on the process, got 40gigs more space on my harddrive, which is kind of strange. but i like it :) [13:25] Riddell: yes, thats the same basse [13:26] welcome back :) [13:26] heh thanks. i've been here all the time tho.. :) maybe a bit more on the blender side of things. [13:28] you can blend us a kubuntu raring ringtail to say thanks :) [13:30] what is that? [13:31] the codename for 13.04, a ringtail lemur [13:31] which is raring to go [13:32] cute [13:33] Hey all [13:34] Riddell: so it's like the kde logo and something around that.. looking at the previous logos [13:35] well.. not kde.. but the gear thing [13:36] basse: what is? [13:36] logo.. [13:37] basse: the kubuntu logo not "gear thing" :) [13:37] :) [13:37] anyone fancy testing usb-creator-kde for python 3? [13:38] yofel: I thought I deleted koffice-l10n [13:38] hmm apparently not [13:40] you wouldn't know anything about the grahic tablet settings in new kubuntu? [13:41] yofel: package removed [13:41] basse: only that we added the wacom system settings module [13:41] but it hasn't got much testing [13:41] i'm running my carefully crafted dual-monitor-swapping script .. and i a bit afraid of trying this nice new tool that basicly looks like that would do the same thing.. [13:41] except hotkey.. [13:42] wondering if it saves over some settings.. or uses xinput.. [15:44] shadeslayer: poke [15:45] shadeslayer: looks like I'll be officially postponing working on VPN plugin install automatisation [15:45] (which means unofficially I'll get to it eventually, just not in paid work) [15:45] feel free to hack at it and ask questions though, if you want to patch that early === jessie is now known as jessie|work [16:01] JontheEchidna: is there some way to run an a command after an apt-get dist-upgrade (or any apt command) finishes? Or are there only dpkg triggers? [16:01] I was wondering if we could have some popup after a kde upgrade that people should please restart their session. [16:01] Not sure if the current notification helper behaviour is best for that === fenris is now known as Guest10857 [18:05] yofel: it's pretty much limited to dpkg triggers [18:05] as far as I know [18:12] hm, ok, thanks :/ [18:23] killing ksmserver is a bad idea [18:36] heh === ximion is now known as ximion-afk === ximion-afk is now known as ximion === ximion is now known as ximion-afk === ximion-afk is now known as ximion === cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox [20:19] yofel: ack [20:19] cyphermox: re VPN stuff, I'll look at it next month [20:20] ack! === ximion is now known as ximion-afk === ximion-afk is now known as ximion === ximion is now known as ximion-afk === ximion-afk is now known as ximion === ximion is now known as ximion-afk === ximion-afk is now known as ximion === ximion is now known as ximion-afk === ximion-afk is now known as ximion