[02:22] Pressing the power button doesn't do anything even though it's set to "ask" in the power management options, but holding it down will turn off the laptop. Any ideas how to fix unresponsive power button? [05:17] I keep getting the following error, how can I correct it? "The following packages have unmet dependencies: glx-diversions : PreDepends: nvidia-installer-cleanup but it is not installable Recommends: glx-alternative-mesa E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." [06:20] BWMerlin: you can try fixing it [06:20] if you have added a PPA, you might want to see if the sources are all still goot [06:21] good* [06:21] how do I do that? [06:21] i usually open a terminal and run 'sudo apt-get update' and troubleshoot errors [06:21] everything I try doesn't work [06:21] BWMerlin: ? [06:21] BWMerlin: well ,first, relax.. *always* have backups [06:21] i have done that and everything is fine [06:22] BWMerlin: the, what ist he problem? [06:22] I am trying to install a game under wine [06:22] and when I try it fails [06:22] if you have issues, you should see them in "sudo apt-get update" [06:22] it says missing dependencies [06:22] BWMerlin: if its not a linux game, then it might not work [06:22] its doesnt have to [06:23] its challenging [06:23] so when I try to install said dependencies (glx-alternative-nvidia) I end up here [06:23] the game dev doesnt have to support you, and we cant [06:23] BWMerlin: whos says they are dependencies? [06:24] sometimes you can open synaptic and choose "fix broken packages" from the menu, and all will be well [06:24] i cant help you with that game, but i can help you with apt errors [06:24] i can only point you to the wine appdb [06:25] that is fine, i can worry about the wine side of things later just trying to fix these apt errors [06:25] BWMerlin: what apt-errors? [06:25] BWMerlin: run sudo apt-get update, and pastebin any errors [06:25] no errors when I run sudo apt-get update [06:25] then, what the issue? [06:26] The following information may help to resolve the situation: The following packages have unmet dependencies: glx-alternative-nvidia : Depends: glx-diversions (= 0.2.2) Depends: glx-alternative-mesa [06:26] sure, dont install that package [06:26] just remove it [06:26] where did you get it from? [06:27] default repositories [06:28] BWMerlin: i dont see it in mine in 12.04 [06:28] !info glx-alternative-nvidia [06:28] glx-alternative-nvidia (source: glx-alternatives): allows the selection of NVIDIA as GLX provider. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.2.2 (quantal), package size 2 kB, installed size 60 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) [06:28] I am running 12.10 x64 [06:28] im not.. but i would just not use that package if its causing issues [06:29] are you up to date? [06:29] if i use software updater there are no updates [06:30] BWMerlin: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [06:31] OR, dont.. im just saying, sometimes you can have issues if you are not up to day [06:31] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [06:31] or if you are pulling from the multiverse pacakges [06:33] BWMerlin: im assuming you did "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" [06:33] yes [06:34] and? [06:34] do you still have broken packages? [06:34] what are you trying to do? [06:34] keep in mind, the windows game might not ever work [06:34] it is listed under winehq as working [06:35] BWMerlin: with 12.10? 64bit? same version of that game? [06:35] and yes I know this is not wine support but this (to me at least) seem to be a ubuntu issue [06:35] yes [06:35] BWMerlin: i mean, i can log in there and say its working... and im not saying its not, nor am i saying you cant get it working [06:35] im just saying, it might not ever work.. i have read there "gold" and never gotten things to work [06:35] i dont usually waste much time trying to make windows software work in linux [06:36] BWMerlin: i assure you it is *not* an ubuntu issue [06:36] BWMerlin: keep in mind, there is nothing prevent that game being written for linux [06:37] that being said, sounds like you are having issues with that package from multivers, and that *is* an issue [06:37] BWMerlin: why are you installing that package? is it in a readme? [06:37] If I cannot do sudo apt-get install glx-alternative-nvidia I don't see where else the issue can lie [06:38] BWMerlin: what are you doing that? [06:38] BWMerlin: why* [06:38] BWMerlin: who said to do that? [06:38] winehq [06:38] where are you reading to do that? [06:38] there is an install script which does a dependency check [06:38] what happens when you dont do that? who said it? [06:38] http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=19141 [06:39] BWMerlin: that is in multivers though [06:39] its not in the main repos.. it'll be challenging to get anyone to look at it [06:39] I am going to go with yes because if I disable multiverse in software sources there are no glx packages at all [06:40] BWMerlin: try it with the drivers you have [06:40] BWMerlin: is it a performance issue? [06:40] cannot even install it [06:40] BWMerlin: ? [06:40] BWMerlin: what cant? the game? the game checks for a driver? and fails? [06:40] someone wrote a script to help install the game under wine [06:41] BWMerlin: i would just install the game [06:41] BWMerlin: or ask that someone what you are supposed to do [06:41] tried that as well sudo wine gamename.exe and that bombs out as well [06:41] sure.. you can troubleshoot the "bombing out" [06:42] you can look and see who maintains that package in multiverse and ask what is going on [06:42] you can ask the script writer [06:42] you can ask in #ubuntu or one of the other bigger channels [06:42] its not a lubuntu specific issue... [06:44] when I try and run it via wine game.exe I get this p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [06:44] I have tried asking in other channels and it just gets lost [06:44] well, its quite specific [06:44] thought that once i got glx-alt-nvid install i would be right [06:45] BWMerlin: maybe.. maybe not [06:45] those things are not kept up to date [06:45] an upgrade can break the whole thing [06:45] BWMerlin: i run native code [06:45] i waste very little time running windows apps in linux these days [06:45] i wasted hours and days with a slingbox [06:46] i was literally happy with the powersupply died in it [06:46] anyways.. im not saying you wont get it, im just saying, it wont be easy [06:46] i dont care what appdb says... if its not native, it can break anytime [06:46] Well it has been suggested to the game developer to make a linux port (there was a Mac port but they seem to have stopped development of that for a while) [06:47] i find its easier to suggest developing it [06:47] if you went and said "can i help makd a linux port?" [06:47] rather than, "you should make a linux port" [06:48] I cannot do any development I could only test it [06:50] they may not be insterested in creating it [06:50] you might need to let it go.. or get *really* knowleable in wine [06:51] i got this knowlegable in wine... anything can break, anytime... and i gave it up [06:52] anyways.. good luck! and good night [07:00] thanks for the help === cdoublejj_ is now known as cdoublejj [11:42] my taskbar icons moved to the left. I want them in the bottom right. How? [11:43] The clock, network, battery & clock icons shifted to the left of the taskbar. I want them on the right. [11:44] *sound icon. [11:58] my taskbar has totally messed up. Windows won't display as minimized and widgets have moved to the left when i want them to the far right. [12:06] hello everyone new to lubuntu [12:08] i am trying to download from piratebay but it says chromium does not support magnet.... any ideas on how to fix this? As I said i am really new to lubuntu [12:08] ok. fixed lxpanel by deleting ~/.config/lxpanel and reinstalling lxpanel. [12:09] all good. :- ) [12:10] if chrome has problems try firefox, opera, seamonkey, etc [12:10] firefox doesnt work either i will try opera back in a sec [12:12] You have a torrent application? Transmission, maybe? [12:16] http://arrrgv.blogspot.com.au/2012/07/lubuntu-1204-how-to-teach-chromium-to.html [12:16] (Lubuntu 12.04) How to teach Chromium to open BitTorrent magnet links [12:16] Good luck. [12:19] opera does not work either [12:19] "( [12:19] i have transmission [12:19] it came with the lubuntu 12.10 pack [12:22] i got the link user8737 but i dont really get it... are those sudo commands? [12:22] Looks like ubuntu/chrome doesn't not recognize magnet links by default so you have to apply that fix. [12:23] unless there's a better way? [12:23] What happens if you try xdg-mime default transmission-gtk.desktop x-scheme-handler/magnet and logout and back in? [12:23] ok.... i dont understand that "creat a bin directory..." part.... [12:24] unit193 is that a sudo command? [12:24] shall i copy paste it in terminal? [12:24] Paste as is. [12:25] shit i cant copy in here hehehehe [12:26] highlight text to copy. Middle click to paste. [12:26] Or for that matter, after you paste that, xdg-open "magnet-link-here" [12:26] yes i know that but its not copying :( [12:28] ok and now i cant find the terminal.... am i thick or what? [12:28] andreas: Have your terminal open before you copy [12:28] i cant find the terminal [12:29] where on earth is it hideden? [12:29] menu, accessories, lxterminal [12:29] hidden [12:29] got it [12:30] pasted it nothing happened [12:30] hit return. logout and login again. [12:31] assuming you pasted it correctly. [12:31] log out from the pc? [12:31] menu, shutdown, logout [12:31] this is what i did [12:31] one sec [12:36] im back [12:36] nope its not working [12:37] Well, all I can tell you is that it works in firefox with deluge, never can stand transmission personally. :P [12:38] same here.... i was used to μTorrent and vuze [12:39] it works fine with ubuntu and zorin and all the other distros for some reason with lubuntu i have this problem [12:39] :( [12:40] have been trying to find a light distro for ages even tried puppy and all lubuntu is the best so far :) i guess i will be dowloading from isohunt from now on [12:42] thanks for your help guys [18:19] Hi [18:21] Can anyone help me? :-) [18:21] Caner: just ask, and one of the volunteers will help if they can [18:21] Oh, alright [18:21] I wanted to give Lubuntu more space, but how is that possible? [18:23] I installed Lubuntu with a Windows installer on Ubuntu's website, don't know if this helps [18:24] And gave it 10 gb of space, so later on I wanted to download some games via Steam, but that isn't possible with just 10 gb of space. [18:25] a windows installer? wubi? [18:25] Yes. [18:26] i would say, back up your data (which you should anyway, since all hard drives *will* fail) and reinstall [18:26] ... [18:26] Eh [18:27] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeandDuplicateWubiDisk [18:27] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeWubiDisk [18:28] i would backup my data on the entire disk.. lubuntu and windows.. i would remove the wubi install, an do a fresh normal install beside windows on the hard drive [18:29] I think the first one is better [18:29] so I'm going to try that out first [18:30] See if that works [18:30] Thanks! :D [18:30] for the record, i wouldnt do either [18:31] i would take the opportunity to create proper backups *before* doing any partition work [18:31] Well, there isn't any important stuff that I can lose if anything goes wrong [18:31] then, i would consider the workload easier to just reinstal and recover than mess with wubi, plus the potential arguable performance increase from running normal [18:32] Caner: you can break the windows partition [18:32] because I've stored everything on the internet. [18:32] And that means? [18:32] Caner: you should have backups [18:33] and if you do, thats fine.. i also think, best case, i would fool about are resize a partition in a few hours [18:33] a fresh install is like 8 minutes [18:33] and, its a fresh install, on a normal filesystem, which is arguably more appropriate for gaming [18:34] but, the wubi will be fine, if you choose to do that.. enjoy! [18:34] Well, I have Ubuntu stored in the same partition as Windows [18:34] (And to be honest, I don't use Windows anymore since I use Lubuntu) [18:35] do what makes you feel safe, just know that partition resizing can cause issues [18:36] Ehm [18:36] then I think it's better to do a fresh install, as you suggested [18:36] ubuntu *is* lubuntu [18:36] so if you have ubuntu installed, just install lxde there [18:37] you dont need lubuntu and ubuntu installed, though again, you certainly can if you want [18:37] I'm sorry, I meant Lubuntu [18:37] I don't have Ubuntu [19:41] I need help with installation of kompozer. anybody available? [19:42] Silverlion: sudo apt-get install kompozer [19:43] holstein: thx [19:43] checking now [19:43] holstein: package "kompozer" is not available [19:46] Silverlion: what operating system are you using? [19:46] Lubuntu 12.10 [19:46] i just installed it in 12.04 [19:46] 1info kompozer [19:46] !info kompozer [19:46] Package kompozer does not exist in quantal [19:46] might have to go get the .deb from the 12.04 repos [19:47] http://www.kompozer.net/download.php [19:47] seems like there was a newer one that was a fork [19:48] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2072812 [19:51] https://launchpad.net/~giuseppe-iuculano/+archive/ppa [19:51] though, i would just go get the .debs [19:52] holstein: i am one step ahead as i am running a 64bit version [19:52] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/amd64/kompozer/1:0.8~b3.dfsg.1-0.1ubuntu2 [19:52] from here http://ppa.launchpad.net/giuseppe-iuculano/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kompozer/ [19:52] or there [19:53] doesnt look like there has been any development for years [19:53] thats probably why its pulled [19:53] holstein: can you get me a link to the deb you used then? [19:54] Silverlion: i use 12.04 [19:54] i ran sudo apt-get install kommpozer [19:54] oh ... sorry [19:54] the link above is where i would suggest getting the .debs [19:54] just the ones you need [19:54] !info bluefish [19:54] bluefish (source: bluefish): advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.3-4 (quantal), package size 263 kB, installed size 681 kB [19:54] ^^ that what one im thinking of [19:55] its supported AFAIK [19:57] holstein: i have bluefish for php scripting but i need a wysiwyg editor for my work at Full Circle Magazine [19:59] http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/bluegriffon-new-wysiwyg-editor-which.html [19:59] http://aloha-editor.org/ [20:00] my point is, dont use kompozer anymore.. i liked it.. we all did, but it seems they have not had an update in years [20:00] since 2007 [20:00] i would try one of the more supported options [20:01] bluefish *is* for html [20:02] holstein: i know that ... my point is that i have lots of html source to edit and it works much easier with the compozer [20:03] Silverlion: sure.. kompozer is going to keep getting more and more out of date and dead though [20:03] so, you can wait til you need/want html5 support, or just go ahead and try one of the others [20:03] holstein: yep [20:03] OR, suffer with installing the old out dated dead one that has been pulled [21:40] simple question : I have deleted the "Application Launcher" Power Button that can be found on the bottom right corner, I can't find it in the list of applications in the normal "Application Launcher", how can I get it back ? [21:44] If it's what I think you're talking about: right click on the desired panel > Add / Remove Panel Items > Panel Applets Tab > Add (Application Launch Bar) [21:44] once it's added, you can click the edit button which will allow you to customize what items you want it to display [21:47] thanks but I can't seem to find the "Power" icon, you know for shutting down and reboot, etc [21:47] I keep mine under Menu, I click Logout and then it presents me a list of different options like hibernate, sleep shutdown, reboot [21:48] redderhs: yeah I know, but I want the button back : P [21:49] hello [21:50] i just dl/aded and installed lubuntu and im running it from USB and when put another USB stick this message appears [21:50] Adding read ACL for uid 999 to `/media/lubuntu' failed: Operation not supported [21:52] it wont recognize my usb memory stick [21:53] same thing happens in ubuntu too [21:57] LXDE is nice but why I can't move the icons in the panel all around ? [22:10] perhaps they're locked entreri [22:11] right click on some and see if there's a checkmark [22:12] oh maybe it was just mate i seen lock.. [22:12] back in the same area where you add there's an Up and Down button you can click on which one you want to move and then use said buttons [22:16] I personally like LXDE with Compiz; Compiz gave me that type of functionality the Desktop environment Windows 7 has, where you can drag a window to one side of the screen and it will take up half the screen it's called Grid in Compiz. [22:32] redderhs: nice I think I'll check about Compiz, thanks. I find Lubuntu (LXDE) charming kind of like Windows ME lol, but still limited [22:34] At first I thought LXDE seemed limited, but, I guess the more I searched on google, the more I found answers to. Some good options don't come preinstalled so it takes some time to figure out how to go about certain functionality you're looking for. But the time spent learning this is totally worth it. [22:34] for example as something that isn't packaged in LXDE: http://lxmed.sourceforge.net/ [22:34] this makes it much easier to Manage the Menu for a newbie. === Vinylourson is now known as spongebob [22:45] * redderhs laughs like Squidward [23:08] redderhs: do you know how to change the mouse behavior like 2-fingers scroll instead of right edge ? [23:08] without using CLI [23:10] this is something i need to learn how to configure too; I think this is the right article. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Mouse [23:11] my two finger touch pad scroll is automatically working but, some functionality like the horizontal scroll isn't.