[00:00] "FROM MISERY WE HAVE TURNED OUR PAST LET THE BRIDGES FROM SORROW WE HAVE TURNED AWAY FROM THE PAST LET THE BRIDGES BURN" KILLSWITCH ENGAGE [00:00] PLEASE AGREE WITH ME [00:01] why did the falcons and patriots have to lose the playoffs =( [00:01] nooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [00:01] let the bridgees burn [00:01] i will burn the bridges of ADHD [00:01] you guys laughing??? haAAAAAA???????????????????? [00:01] what the fuck am i doing? [00:01] typing my thoughts on a fucking irc channel? [00:01] why the fuck am i doing this on a fucking friday? [00:01] I WLLL FUCKING BE ONE [00:02] I WILL STOP DRINKING NOW STOP TROLLING ON THIS FUCKING IRC THING AND I WILL FUCKING GET A JOB AND WILL FUCKING GET MY FUCKING MY DEGREE IN COLLEGE [00:02] U GUYS LAUGHING? [00:02] I WILL BE THE ONE TO LAUGH WHEN I GRADUATE UMASS ONLINE [00:02] HAHAHAHAHAHA [00:03] FUCK EVERYONE WHO THINKS I FAILED AT LIFE BECAUSE OF MY ADHD [00:03] I WILL FUCKING PROVE YOU WRONG I WILL SUCCED IN LIVE [00:03] I WILL BE THE "THE ONE" TO PROVE" EVERYONE WRONG THAT PEOPLE WITH ADHD ARE NORMAL AND FUCK ALL MY BULLIES [00:03] YOUR THOUGHTS? [00:03] PROBABLY A FUCKING BAN RIGHT? [00:04] I DONT GIVE A FUCK THIS IS LOGGED ON MY FUCKING EXT4 PARITION SO I WILL SEE IT THE MOURNING [00:04] THATS RIGHT IFUCKING LOVE LINUX FUCK LINUX [00:05] BUT I SWEAR FOR THE LAST TIME THIS IS MY LAST FUCKING MESSAGE OF THE NIGHT................ YOUR THOUGHTS(PS I AM EXPECTING A BAN) BUT I AM NOT TYPING ANYMORE ON IRC ANYMORE I SWEAR) [00:05] (FOR TONIGHT ONLY) I SWEAR [00:05] STARTING NOW!!!!!!!!!! LET ME LAUGH BECAUSE I AM NOT GOING TO SEND ANYMORE MESSAGES UNTIL 11:59PM TONIGHT HAHAHA STARTING FUCKING NOW BECAUSE I LOVE BEER [00:06] going to ban me now? [00:07] your probably laughing your asses off now right? [00:08] you know what idgaf anymore i am done with IRC, and i am going to change my life around NOW!! [00:09] i am going to prove everyone wrong that people with ADHD are normal, and i am going to finish MIT so FUCK EVERYONE WHO THINKS PEOPLE WITH ADHD ARE"MENTAL" [00:09] GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE JUST REMEBER I FUCKING LOVE LINUX [00:09] <# [00:09] <3 [00:12] I think we dealt with that well. [00:15] phew :) [00:57] What a winner. [01:12] am i a loser? u droped a class and no i am only taking 15 credits i was taking18 credits =( [01:12] dont ban me =( [01:12] i dropped a class and now i am only taking 15 credits [01:15] In #ubuntu, pak said: ubottu, Thank you.. par i tried it and this is not able to detect the sensors.. [01:18] nooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [01:18] am i being ignored because of my adhd? [03:33] no. I don't think that was why you were being ignored. [11:37] Why was I kicked from #ubuntu? [11:37] jacklk: you were ban evading [11:38] Really? It's been a week, my bad should have expired. [11:38] you were told to come here after january the 28th to discuss your ban again. [11:38] Oh, okay. Bye [15:24] hello sote, can we help you? [15:26] was going to complain abut threats but thinking I should just suck it up and bite my tongue [15:26] about* [15:27] Ok, before you do. I want you to know that this channel is publicly logged. You can PM me if you prefer. [15:27] still learning IRC [15:27] !logs [15:27] Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ [15:28] Anything you say in here will end up in the wild. Just wanted you to know that [15:28] thankyou :) [15:35] so how do I close this window ? [15:36] depends on the client you are using [15:36] type "/part" or "/wc" or press the right mouse button and choose close. that depends on your client [15:36] sote: what application are you using to connect to IRC? [15:37] XChat-Gnome [15:37] ok /part #ubuntu-ops-team [15:37] ok /part #ubuntu-ops [15:37] just type that in the box below? [15:37] yup [15:37] thanks [15:37] sure thing, have a good day [20:51] !away > dankest === h00k is now known as hateb0ll === hateb0ll is now known as h00k