[04:11] infinity: bug 1086974 Thanks :D [04:11] Launchpad bug 1086974 in libguestfs (Ubuntu Quantal) "libguestfs: error: cannot find any suitable libguestfs supermin" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1086974 [08:46] who rejected sssd? [08:46] again [08:46] it has a MRE [08:47] Not I. [08:47] slangasek: ? [08:47] tjaalton: there were two uploads in the queue, I only rejected the one without the MRE bug ref [08:47] wait, this was the old version [08:47] yeah [08:48] this was rejected once before, how did it end up there again?-) [08:48] er, beats me [08:48] unless I had uploaded it twice [08:48] I imagine someone didn't reject it hard enough. :P [08:48] or that [08:48] (Or at all) [08:49] It's actually remarkably difficult for mere mortals to move things from rejected back to unapproved, so it probably wasn't rejected in the first place, just discussed. [08:49] I did get a rejection email on dec 28th [08:50] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=4&queue_text=sssd [08:50] Or, you uploaded it twice. :P [08:50] bah [08:50] With different sources, too. Different .dsc anyway. [08:51] Anyhow. Mystery solved. Back to our regularly scheduled weekend workaholism^whacking^wrest. [08:53] yeah, carry on :) [08:54] actually, the latest change got in there without a changelog entry.. [08:54] Tsk, [08:54] Is that true of the version in the queue, too? [08:54] and I could add recent cve fixes there too [08:54] Would you like to quickly replace it? [08:54] yeah [08:54] UPLOAD HARDER. [08:54] well, just drop it, not like you'll accept it during the weekend anyway :) [08:55] I might. [08:55] I won't accept it in the next few hours, though. [08:55] But my weekend plans are pretty thrilling, and mostly involve SRUs, both my own and others. [08:55] Maybe punctuated with some gin. [08:56] hendricks, tanqueray or bombay?-) [08:56] Tanq No. 10. [08:57] At least, that's what's on the desk right now *flails at his gin*. [08:57] mm [08:58] so I'll prepare a new upload and include the security fixes too [08:58] feel free to reject the current one, quantal too [08:58] Shiny. Going to reuse the version number? If so, I'll reject the current one right now before someone accidentally accepts. [08:59] yeah === henrix_ is now known as henrix [09:35] Can someone promote libxkbcommon to get gtk+3.0 out of depwait? bug #1102678 [09:35] Launchpad bug 1102678 in libxkbcommon (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libxkbcommon" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1102678 [09:45] Laney: Looking. [09:48] Laney: Done. [09:48] Danke [09:49] We really need that whole proposed-aware component-mismatches, like, yesterday. [09:49] It's the only way I ever notice these pending MIRs. :/ [09:49] Yeah. Wasn't someone working on that? [09:49] *nod* === yofel_ is now known as yofel === doko_ is now known as doko === henrix is now known as henrix_