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quietone | we changed from Centos to Ubuntu 12.04 for office samba server for XP boxes. profiles were 'lost' and users can't change theme etc on new profiles. | 03:20 |
quietone | i've been searching all week and have yet to find a fix. Any tips or reading suggestions welcome. | 03:20 |
quietone | And apologies for asking about XP here. | 03:22 |
sarnold | quietone: did you copy the samba configuration over wholesale? or just merge over the 'important' changes you might have made? | 03:23 |
quietone | sarnold, my workmate did most of the work, so I am not sure how to answer. I know smb.conf is identical | 03:25 |
sarnold | quietone: is there anything interesting in the log files? | 03:26 |
sarnold | quietone: are file permissions on the drive correct? (users can write into their own directories...?) | 03:26 |
sarnold | quietone: time for me to bail, hope these help you figure it.. :) | 03:26 |
quietone | sarnold, thanks | 03:27 |
brad358 | can someone who knows how to use samba help me please? i cant seem to edit the settings on it | 03:35 |
kevinmthomas | hi | 03:44 |
kevinmthomas | I have a question, I have postfix set up on ubuntu server and I am able to send and receive mail but i cant get a client like Thunderbird to conect | 03:45 |
kevinmthomas | hi | 03:46 |
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daniel_- | anyone can help me? I want to mysql to start after reboot. I put this into cron "@reboot sudo service mysql start" and used " | 10:50 |
daniel_- | sudo update-rc.d mysql defaults" | 10:51 |
daniel_- | works | 11:04 |
AlecTaylor | hi | 11:08 |
AlecTaylor | I don't have a Window Manager installed, but I ran 'startx'. How do I stop the X server so I can restart it with OpenBox? | 11:08 |
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sk1pper | daniel: you can use sysv-rc-conf, to add and remove daemons from run levels | 11:13 |
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AlecTaylor | When I try to connect (via VNC) to my server after I ran starx, I get an error: "No DISPLAY found" | 11:20 |
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docjay | hey all - runner server 12.04. Could someone give me a hand with 'libmysqlclient18' and 'percona-server-common-5.5'? | 14:15 |
docjay | when I install one it removes the other and I need both to be installed | 14:16 |
docjay | I'm stumped | 14:16 |
patdk-lap | you did something odd then | 14:23 |
patdk-lap | cause they co-exist fine on my issue | 14:23 |
patdk-lap | older build of percona didn't play happy though | 14:23 |
patdk-lap | hmm actually, the ubuntu libmysqlclient18 gets replaced with the percona one, no issues | 14:27 |
patdk-lap | used to be it wasn't named right, and caused issues | 14:27 |
docjay | hey, thkx for your help | 14:29 |
docjay | its a fresh install actually | 14:29 |
patdk-lap | there is only one catch I can think of | 14:29 |
patdk-lap | I don't install the percona from their packages | 14:29 |
patdk-lap | but rebuild them into normal packages | 14:30 |
docjay | oh, okay, what is the best way? | 14:30 |
patdk-lap | not sure if that makes a difference | 14:30 |
patdk-lap | do it this way for easy upgrades | 14:30 |
docjay | http://pastebin.com/0aWXbXxC | 14:31 |
patdk-lap | https://launchpad.net/~patrickdk/+archive/general-lucid/+packages | 14:31 |
patdk-lap | oh, that is the issue, libmysqlclient-dev | 14:31 |
patdk-lap | why are you installing -dev? | 14:31 |
docjay | I'm following a guide to install 'newznab | 14:32 |
docjay | http://freek.ws/2012/12/02/basic-tutorial-on-how-to-install-newznab-on-ubuntu-12-04-64-bit/ | 14:32 |
patdk-lap | seems silly | 14:33 |
patdk-lap | do it without the -dev | 14:33 |
patdk-lap | the -dev is only needed if you compile stuff yourself | 14:33 |
patdk-lap | and nothing on that page is getting compiled. so | 14:33 |
docjay | k, lemme try | 14:34 |
docjay | unable to locate 'libmysqlclient' | 14:34 |
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patdk-lap | hmm, I also wonder why they mention lenny | 14:36 |
patdk-lap | oh well, don't use random instructions from people :) | 14:36 |
docjay | yeah, I am using precise now | 14:36 |
docjay | :) | 14:37 |
docjay | what do you suggest | 14:37 |
patdk-lap | ya, and percona makes a precise build, so dunno why they would mix in a debian build | 14:37 |
patdk-lap | lets see | 14:37 |
patdk-lap | remove all mysql stuff | 14:37 |
patdk-lap | apt-get purge .*mysql.* | 14:37 |
patdk-lap | add percona repo for precise should do it | 14:38 |
patdk-lap | then start with installing percona-server-server-5.5 | 14:38 |
patdk-lap | then try the rest | 14:38 |
docjay | will do, adding the repo now | 14:39 |
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docjay | finally, the percona config started for me ;) | 14:42 |
patdk-lap | I'm upgrading my last ones from 5.1 to 5.5 right now :) | 14:43 |
docjay | what do you think I should do about 'libmysqlcleint'? you said that I really didn't need the -dev but it can't find it otherwise. | 14:44 |
docjay | thanks for your help - how easy was that :) | 14:47 |
patdk-lap | heh? | 14:48 |
patdk-lap | the libmysqlclient is a metapackage, it will install libmysqlclient18 in your case | 14:48 |
docjay | it all worked just fine. thanks! | 14:49 |
samba35 | how to get list of all dpkg--recconfigure(able) package | 15:00 |
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storrgie | how do I enable a server to start after reboot. I put a service file in /etc/init.d is that all thats required? | 16:46 |
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RoyK | storrgie: symlink it to rc2.d | 17:21 |
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storrgie | RoyK, thank you sir | 17:36 |
storrgie | testing now | 17:36 |
mwcampbell | On a new system, should I install vmbuilder via the python-vm-builder or ubuntu-vm-builder package? | 19:33 |
mwcampbell | 12.04 | 19:34 |
Vasa | I accidently chmodded all my system to 711 and now I can't run any commands | 19:59 |
Vasa | is there anything I can do? =/ | 19:59 |
Vasa | ok i got access | 20:04 |
k1ng | lol | 20:05 |
Vasa | what is a safe chmod for all the system | 20:05 |
Vasa | to fix this problem | 20:05 |
k1ng | 665 | 20:05 |
Vasa | ohhh man thank god it got fixed i was worried =.= | 20:07 |
Vasa | xD | 20:07 |
Vasa | and thanks for the help k1ng | 20:08 |
mdeslaur | Vasa: you likely need to reinstall if you chmodded your whole system. Permissions are now most likely in an insecure state. | 20:09 |
k1ng | ^ Vasa do as he said | 20:10 |
uvirtbot | k1ng: Error: "Vasa" is not a valid command. | 20:10 |
k1ng | ^ Vasa do as he said | 20:10 |
Vasa | ok i should backup then | 20:10 |
Vasa | atleast i can backup | 20:11 |
Vasa | can chmod 777 somehow damage the system? excpect for the outside security reasons? | 20:15 |
fx | hi all, i'm having a bit of a problem, after upgrade to 12.04 i can't bring eth0 up, it shows all zeroes for mac address in ifconfig | 20:23 |
fx | The OS runs in a Xen VM, i booted DSL and the interface worked charmingly | 20:23 |
fx | I can give it the previous mac, and an ip manually but when i do ifup it just hangs | 20:30 |
fx | Bloody udev | 20:43 |
fx | removed the rule, restarted, works =9 | 20:43 |
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jeeves_moss | how do I get MySQL to auth to a windows AD? | 22:57 |
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jacobjames | having a problem | 23:24 |
jacobjames | my server not showing up on the network. | 23:24 |
jacobjames | it is hardwired into the router and i can get access to the internet through a browser. | 23:24 |
jacobjames | when i log into my router a netgear 7550 that computer does not show up. | 23:25 |
jacobjames | I have rescanned my network without success. | 23:25 |
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jacobjames | Anyone know anything about SMB? | 23:55 |
jacobjames | does it apply to linux? | 23:55 |
jacobjames | How | 23:55 |
linuxman44 | correct me if i am wrong, but isnt smb only for windows? i think samba might be similar, but thats just a raw guess | 23:56 |
patdk-lap | smb was discontinued in windows with xp | 23:56 |
RoyK | well, cifs is just smb with signed packages | 23:58 |
RoyK | just he same old crap | 23:58 |
jacobjames | cifs? | 23:58 |
patdk-lap | no, its a lot different | 23:58 |
patdk-lap | cifs fixs lot and lots of smb issues | 23:58 |
RoyK | no | 23:58 |
jacobjames | what is cifs? | 23:58 |
RoyK | smb2 fixes a lot more | 23:59 |
RoyK | cifs is just signed smb | 23:59 |
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